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Dark Limits: Alpha Brotherhood MC by Evelyn Glass (91)

Jessica Mitchell handed the order across the counter to the older couple with a smile. She was in the doldrums of her shift at McDonald’s, the time when the lunch crush was past but before the dinner rush began, and her day was nearly over. She was on the opening crew, working her shift of five-thirty to two o’clock Tuesday through Saturday. Because she wasn’t in school, she was able to work until the high school students started arriving for the evening shift. It wasn’t glamorous work, but after moving to Greensboro, North Carolina, with Scott, she had to find something to start contributing. In the four weeks since they had arrived, they had finally gotten settled into a routine, and she liked the morning shift because it allowed her to be home with Scott in the evenings.


After living in a motel for a couple of days, they found a small, but nice, one bedroom apartment they could afford in a decent neighborhood. After moving in they started looking for jobs and she had taken the first thing she could find. A week later, Scott had landed his job at an automobile paint dealer. She smiled to herself as she remembered them going to a hair stylist and pouting as the stylist cut off all of Scott’s beautiful long hair. He looked very handsome, in a preppy kind of way, and it may have helped him land a job, but she still missed being able to twist her hands up in his locks and hold his mouth to her womanly parts as he pleased her.


They didn’t know a soul in Greensboro, and money was tight, but they were making it, and she didn’t know how she could be happier. Scott still kept in touch with a few of his friends from the Atlanta chapter of the Grim Angels, as she did with Angela from the Detroit chapter. She knew he missed his friends, as she did, but he never complained and she did everything she could to make him as happy as he made her.


With no new customers arriving, she picked up a damp cloth and moved into the dining room and began to wipe down tables until she was needed at the register again. When the weather appeared on the twenty-four hour news channel playing on all the televisions, she glanced up and watched as she wiped. It was over ninety outside and she was so thankful for air conditioning, certain she would have died if she had to live in this heat without it. Summers in Michigan were bad enough, but it was nothing like the oppressive heat and humidity of North Carolina.


As she quickly went about her task, she couldn’t believe how much her life had changed. When they had bolted from Detroit to be as far from the influence of her uncle as possible, she would have never believed she would be as happy as she was now. She still missed Detroit, and her mother, along with her few friends and all her “uncles” in the Angels, but that ache was fading fast and being replaced with feelings she had never felt before. She felt like she was blooming, finding out things about herself she never suspected. She was becoming more adventuresome and assertive in the bedroom as she and Scott become more comfortable with each other, and she had signed up for fall classes at the local community college in their history program. She felt like, for the first time in a very long time, her life was finally on track.


The only concern was she was late on her period, but she was pretty sure it was because she didn’t wait for her period to start before taking her birth control pills. She didn’t see how she could be pregnant considering that Scott has been her only lover in over a year, and they had been careful until she was back on the pill for two weeks, just to be sure. The only slip they had was when they first hooked up, in her apartment, a month ago. But she wasn’t ovulating at the time and he had pulled out before he came. So there is nothing to worry about, she said to herself.


She paused in her wiping of tables as a commercial for a local gym came on. A good looking shirtless man was spotting an equally attractive woman as she worked out, smiling at the camera while the announcer extolled the benefits of attending a fitness center. As the commercial ended, the couple was wrapping around each other and in her imagination, they were getting ready to go to bed for a workout of another kind. It was all perfectly innocent on the television, but she found she had to tear her thoughts from the memories of Scott as he worked out on the compact fitness machine tucked into a corner of their bedroom. She smiled and went back to wiping tables, a pleasant moistness forming in her nether regions, and all thoughts of her missed period replaced by another preoccupation, one that kept her attention for the remainder of her shift.




Scott Murphy was on the inclined bench taking a breather between sets of presses. He was no longer an enforcer for the Grim Angels, but he wanted to stay in shape, if only for Jess. She was the woman of his dreams and he wanted to look his best for her, the thought of her bringing the usual smile to his lips. Not only did he want to look good for her, but she was also damn near insatiable in bed, and he need to stay in shape to keep his stamina up.


After Jess left Detroit she transformed, becoming alive and vibrant in a way she wasn’t before. He discovered she had a goofy sense of humor, loved old screwball comedies such My Man Godfrey, Topper, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and had a way of smiling at him that made him melt and run over her like butter. She was also a voracious reader and plowed through his bookshelf in short order, and as soon as they could get a little money ahead, he was going to surprise her with a Kindle and a Kindle Unlimited subscription so she could read all the books she wanted.


The thought of her reaction to the gift brought another smile as grabbed the handles of the machine and took two deep puffing breaths before pressing up, gritting his teeth as he strained against the weight.


Perfect, she purred to herself as she paused in the doorway to their bedroom. She had been itching all night, waiting on him to start his workout so she could act upon an idea she had at work. She wasn’t sure why she latched onto the idea, but she had, and she was going to scratch the itch, feeling deliciously naughty as she began to slowly strip out of her clothes.


He was wearing only a loose set of gym shorts and dripping sweat, his soft grunts and heavy breathing as he strained to push his hands up sounding so much like passion. She was flooding with anticipation, her imagination having worked overtime all afternoon and evening. He hadn’t noticed her yet, but she would fix that soon enough. She was about halfway across the room when he noticed her, his hands banging down to the rest position as he stared at her in surprise.


“Looks to me like there is another muscle that needs a good workout,” she purred before he could speak, kneeling down beside the bench and pulling his shorts down to reveal his masculinity, tugging at them until he lifted his ass so she could remove them. “Don’t stop, show me what you can do…”


“What?” He was totally confused by what she wanted, but he was damned eager to find out what it was and do it.


“Keep pumping…I want to see how much you can take,” she breathed as she took his rapidly hardening cock into her mouth.


He strained against the machine, groaning under the weight and distraction of her mouth surrounding his manhood. His arms shook as he tried to force the weight up, but he couldn’t hold it, his arms already tired and Jess’s tight lips and flicking tongue preventing him from focusing.


“I can’t,” he panted. “It’s too heavy.”


“Poor baby…let me help you.” She stood, dragging her nails across his scrotum and up his chest, and took fifty pounds off the machine before dropping to her knees again. “Now…” she breathed, “show me what you’ve got.”


The handles felt light as feathers on the first push, and the second, but his already tired arms and chest began to burn again. Once again he groaned under the demands she was placing on him, but he had never wanted to succeed at anything as much as he did this…whatever this was.


Watching Scott strain under the two hundred pounds of weight, his gasps and soft grunts as he worked were turning her on in a big way. She could feel the strain in his body, his hips rising, pushing himself deeper into her mouth as he levered the weights up, his chest and arms rippling with effort. She had intended to suck him to orgasm then take him in bed, but she decided she couldn’t wait that long.


“Don’t stop,” she begged as she stood and swung a leg over him, taking his cock in her hand and steering it into her. “Don’t you fucking stop!”


“I can’t!” he gasped as she began to move on him, bouncing up and down on his cock, her breasts moving in a way that made his blood rush hot.


There was no bar, only a pair of cables that wrapped around pulleys, so she fell forward, pressing her chest into his, kissing him furiously as he pressed up again. He pulled back from the kiss, the muscles on his shoulders bunching as he cried out, his head tipping back, forcing his chest up as he pushed up once more. His arms fell back, and again he strained upwards as she kissed and bit gently at his neck, pounding him into her as she fucked him for all she was worth.


Again his arms fell back, the machine vibrating with the force of the retraction. As he strained to push his arms upwards again, he erupted into her in a hot wet rush, crying out his effort, his entire body convulsing as he strained to extend his arms while his orgasm sapped his strength. He couldn’t get the weight high enough to lock his elbows and his strength failed him, causing the machine to bang and lurch as the resistance bars crashed into their home position.


She was burning, her orgasm bearing down on her with unimaginable power. “Don’t stop!” she cried, her voice drowning out his cry of agony as he twisted and turned, struggling to do as she asked, to push his arms up one more time, his chest muscles fluttering against her breasts while she pumped her hips furiously. “Fuck!” she cried out, long and loud as her orgasm washed over her. Scott was panting like a bellows as she ground down on him, trying to push him as deep into her as possible. She held to him, shaking with the power of her orgasm, as his arms crashed down beside her once more.


He was on fire, every muscle in his body burning from his workout and the most mind-shredding orgasm of his life. Jess’s cry of orgasmic distress defeated him and he had to allow the weight to fall. He released the stirrup-like handles and wrapped his arms around her, holding her fast until she stopped shaking, his head falling back against the bench as he began to relax out of his orgasm.


“Holy fuck, woman, what are you trying to do, kill me?” he panted after a time.


She was so strung out from her orgasm she couldn’t speak for a moment, rising and falling gently on Scott’s chest as he tried to catch his breath. “Shit…” she finally gasped. “I don’t think I have ever come that hard before.”


“Where the hell…?”


“At work…I saw a commercial about a gym and that got me to thinking. I have been fantasizing about doing this all day.”


She pushed herself up slightly and looked into his eyes before taking his lips and kissing him thoroughly. Her legs were still a little wobbly, but she forced herself to stand, gasping slightly as his hardness pulled from her. She staggered the two steps to the bed, falling across the top of it, dragging him with her by the hand. He lay across her before rolling over, holding her to him as he rolled until she came to rest on his chest. They kissed again, longer and deeper, as they got ready to start their second set.