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His Prisoner by Jesse Jordan (27)



“Good morning Missus Camponini,” the doorman greets me as I leave our building, automatically hailing me a cab. Living in the penthouse has its perks. “Pretty day, ain't it?”

“That it is, Logan,” I reply, glancing up at the sky above. It's nice to see blue after a week of gray, and I'm glad, I've got a busy day. “Good fall weather.”

“You ain't lyin'. Even better, I got tickets to the Giants game this Sunday, I hope this holds out another few days,” Logan says as a taxi pulls up. “Here you go, Missus Camponini. Have a good day.”

I give him a wave and climb in. I've got a busy day, with a workout scheduled at the gym before I meet up with Gina, our new FBI contact, for tea and biscuits while she and I supposedly work together on the charity front for The Network, and then a doctor's appointment. Since moving to New York Master has been very careful on my health, and when I started feeling a bit nauseous the other day, he made sure I scheduled an appointment. I want to be healthy too, we've got dinner tonight at Le Bernardin, and I want to enjoy the evening.

My workout goes great, Larissa's tips still helping even as I get glances from some of the guys in the gym. Master laughs when I tell him about men hitting on me at the gym, mainly because we both know they couldn't handle me even if I gave them a chance. There's a few who recognize what the metal collar and satin ribbon around my neck along with the small brand of RC on the inside of my left wrist means, and they're respectful.

Gina, who despite her Italian sounding name is half Chinese half WASP, is dressed as she always is, looking more like a lawyer than a FBI contact when I arrive at Persephone's Smile, the name of the charity that Master let me pick out. She looks a little peeved when I show up, and I raise an eyebrow while I prepare my mug of tea. “What's wrong, Gina? We said eleven. It's ten forty still, traffic from Chelsea Piers was good today.”

“Someone finally clued me in to something that's been on my mind for two months,” she says, her Midwest accent still clear even though she's lived in New York for five years. “I thought those collars you wear are just for decoration. Then I saw the brand, and I noticed you never use his name, and well, just... why?”

“Decoration... and marking,” I admit, smiling. “Jealous?”

“No...,” she grumbles, but I don't believe her. “Just... why?”

“Because he's powerful, he's amazing, and he's all mine,” I tell her, sitting down at the conference table. “And because it's my choice. It always has been.”

Gina shakes her head, and as we work I see her keep glancing at my collars. Finally, she sets down her pen, blushing. “Your choice?”

“My choice,” I confirm. “I asked him to brand me, and if you ever see him out of his work suits, you'll find a matching JC brand on the inside of his right wrist, they touch when we hold hands. You gotta realize, just because I submit to Master doesn't make me weak, Gina. If anything, it makes me stronger. Now, let's talk about next week's shipment, and who's scheduled to buy.”

* * *

The nights are getting a little crisp, but I feel great as Master escorts me into Le Bernardin, where our table is waiting for us in a private, quiet corner. It's not where the celebs and image seekers sit, but that's why we requested this spot... it's not supposed to be with the fame seekers.

“Have I told you yet that you look amazing tonight?” Master asks me as he holds my chair like a total gentleman. Then again, he is. “The most beautiful woman in the room.”

“Considering there's two actresses and a Vogue cover model in the room, I'm flattered Master,” I reply, taking his hand as he sits down. “How was work?”

“Things at the docks are going just fine,” he says, shrugging. “And my meetings were fine. We'll be prepared for next week.”

The waiter comes over, his book out and ready for our order. “May I interest you in a wine tonight?”

“No, not tonight,” I say before Master can order for us. “Just mineral water, if you please. And a few minutes on the appetizers.”

The waiter nods and leaves, Master giving me a surprised look. “Is everything okay, Jessica?”

I smile, reaching across and taking his hand. “Everything's fine, Master.”

“Then why the water? Have we been... well, have we been training too roughly recently?” Master asks, and I shake my head.

“No Master, I love the suspension rig. Uh... but we might need to not use it for a while. The doctor said that might not be good for the next few months,” I say. Master gives me a worried look, and I decide to let the cat out of the bag. “At least until after I have our baby.”

Master's hand falters, and he sets down his glass of water. “Wait, did I just hear you right?”

“You did. We're in...,” I say, then laugh at my own wit. “We're in the family way.”

Master chuckles at my phrasing, taking my hand. “My love.”

There's only one word that I need to respond, the one word that means everything to me. “Master.”

Keep reading for the 2nd part of this story, Larissa’s book.