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His Prisoner by Jesse Jordan (8)


My self control lasts until I get upstairs, then I can't help it, I lay down on the couch in my living room, squeezing my eyes shut.

What the fuck did I just do? I told her she wouldn't be raped, that she wouldn't be touched sexually in any way without her permission, and I intended to keep that word. And both times today that I went to punish her physically, I end up touching her body.

But heavens above, what a body! The way her ass felt under my hand, the silky soft skin that resisted my blows just the right amount. Even when I increased the force I was using, Jessica didn't shy away. If anything, the harder I smacked that heart shaped curvaceous ass, the more she loved it.

And she intentionally didn't apologize, not until after she'd come. I could tell she knew what she was doing, the way she started to try and lift her hips to meet my hand, the way she ground her pussy unconsciously on my thigh, even the way she wiggled so that my cock was being rubbed by the curve of her hip, she knew what was happening, and she never stopped. She even said yes when I started to finger fuck her.

And then... that last yes. I was teasing, trying to rile her up when I asked her if she wanted to call me Master.... and then she said yes. It was her body talking, I knew that as soon as she said it, but still..... she said it. She's like the perfect creation for me. A body built for sin, a brain that's smart and perceptive, and if she's the perfect yin to my yang, I want to know the depths of her soul as well. There's more to this woman than I ever imagined when I said that I'd buy her, which both scares and arouses me.

I lift my right hand to my face again, inhaling the heady, intoxicating scent of her pussy. Even the way her pussy gripped my fingers has left my cock hard as a rock in my pants. She's not virgin tight, but at the same time she's not loose either. When I do get to be inside her, when she submits to me as her Master, then both of us are going to be in heaven.

Master.... just thinking the word has me undoing my belt and taking my cock out. It's hard and throbbing, the front of my underpants already damp and sticky with precum when I wrap my hand around it, jacking slowly. As I do, I close my eyes, imagining what I really want with Jessica....

“Master Rodrigo, how can I serve you?” she asks, smiling at me with those beautiful gray eyes of hers glowing in joy. “How can I make you happy?”

I'm dressed in one of my more formal outfits, a charcoal gray suit with black shirt, while Jessica is gloriously, beautifully naked except for the brand new velvet wine-red ribbon I just tied around her neck this morning, part of a set that numbers nearly a dozen now, simple little things that she appreciates so much. She lifts her head and shows it to me with pride, smiling as I gesture for her to get up. “How do you like your gift?”

“It's perfect Master,” Jessica says, touching the ribbon and smiling. “Thank you.”

“You deserve it, and everything that goes with it,” I reply, cupping her cheek and kissing her. Her lips are soft and succulent, her tongue meeting mine in the middle and swirling around me, but her hands are totally still by her side, she's so well disciplined. When we part, her nipples are hard and her breath is coming faster, but still she just smiles, waiting for my command. “Undress me.”

She does just as I command, taking off my coat and going over to the hangar on the wall, hanging the coat carefully before coming back and undoing my tie, chuckling as she does. “Master?”

“Yes, my pet?”

Jessica takes my tie and puts it over her head, tightening it until it's just underneath her ribbon, the patterned silk hanging between her large, pillowy breasts, and she gives me a slightly saucy grin. “How do I look?”

“I think,” I reply as I take the tie in my hand and pull her closer like it's a leash, “that you know exactly how you look, and that this tie looks better on you than it has ever looked on me. In fact.... I think it'll stay right here for the rest of the night.”

We kiss again, Jessica's hands working feverishly to undo my shirt and pants while we keep kissing until I'm naked, my cock hard and stiff in front of me. Reluctantly I let Jessica break our kiss to hang up my shirt and pants, it's part of her duties after all. When she comes back, she looks at my cock, her eyes gleaming in joy. “For me?”

“All for you,” I confirm, pushing her back to the middle of the room. “Lift your arms.”

She obeys without question, her face secure in her confidence in me as I take the first set of padded cuffs and attach them to her arms before testing the rope. “Comfortable?”

“Perfectly Master,” she says. “Now my feet?”

“Lift your right foot,” I command and again she obeys while I attach the ankle cuffs and go over to the winch on the wall. We could use a motorized one, but both of us like the feeling of watching her be lifted in small increments, the sound of the winch clinking as I lift her arms and legs into the air, spreading her open. We've done this before, she's at just the right height when I stop and come over, her body perfectly positioned for my entrance. “Now... where do you want it?”

“My choice, Master?” Jessica asks happily, and I nod, making her blush. I don't give her the choice all the time, but today's a special night, for many reasons.“First time in my pussy, please?”

“First time?” I ask, chuckling. “And what if I say a second time demands nipple clamps?”

My pet shivers, and I actually watch as a clear droplet of her excitement oozes out of the open petals of her pussy to hang off her inner thigh for a moment before falling to the floor. “Master..... you tease me. You know I love the clamps. But first, please fuck me.”

“First time in your pussy,” I confirm, lifting her slightly in my arms. The suspension rig is sized just for Jessica, the stretch of the ropes giving us the right tension to let me fuck her hard or soft, fast or slow. The ropes even add to the motion of our bodies, swinging a little bit back and forth as I lift her from underneath, my cock driving into her again and again. “Mmmm.... whose is this?”

“Yours, Master,” Jessica groans as my cock stretches her pussy walls again and again. She uses her inner muscles to squeeze and massage me, both of us knowing just how to please the other. I look deep into her gray eyes, eyes that I've come to read like a book. When she's angry or disappointed they're stormy, when she's sad they're dull, but when she's happy, or now when we're together, they glow with an inner light that makes them nearly a pewter-silver, making her normally beautiful face transcend the bounds of human and into the realm of angelic.

“All of you is mine?” I ask as my hips speed up, my balls churning. “All of you?”

“All of me, Master,” Jessica cries out softly as her first climax sweeps over her. I didn't tell her she couldn't come so she's free, her breasts shaking as the spasms sweep over her body. “Oh Master.... Rodrigo... oh I'm always going to be yours.”

“And I will always take care of you,” I promise, my hips speeding up. I can feel my cock rubbing over the part of her deep inside that drives her wild, her eyes widening as I start fucking her harder, growling possessively as I let go with my right hand to grab my tie and tuck it between my teeth before I lift her again, pulling her tight and demanding she watch me. We look into each other's souls as I hammer her pussy mercilessly, the powerful, sexual beast inside me safe to unleash my passions on her. She takes it all, my perfect, sensual pet, absorbing all my passion and giving it back to me as pure ecstasy, both of us crying out again as I find my climax, my cock exploding deep inside her. I hold Jessica still as my come soaks deep into her body, and both of us smile as I withdraw. “That was two climaxes for you.”

“Sorry, Master. You didn't give me a chance to say stop,” she mock apologizes, both of us smiling. “So does that mean no clamps?”

“No clamps?” I laugh as I go over and start letting her legs down. “Surely you're joking. But it does mean that next time, you need my permission to come.”

Jessica shivers again, smiling as her feet touch down. “You know that I can never control coming when you fuck my ass.”

“Well then, that's something we'll have to train, won't we?” I ask as I go to the toy chest and take out the clamps. “Now, just how tight should I make them tonight? Let me think.....”

I blink, and realize that not only did I fantasize, but I've come, my shirt and more splattered with the results of my passionate fantasy. I laugh softly, I don't think I've put a spurt all the way up on my cheek in a long time.

Okay, so I can deal with this. She wants it, I want it too. The only thing will be making sure she is trained properly, and for that, I might need a little bit of help. Thankfully, I've got a good person in mind to help me with it.

But first, I need a shower, some dinner, and then I'll check on Jessica. If she's still behaving, I'll let her wash before going out for the evening. She's still not getting her pants back until the morning though.

* * *

“So did you hear?” Larissa asks as we sit down at the cafe, enjoying a little bit of late night dessert. For a woman who can perform some of the physical feats that I've seen her do and as stacked as she is, the woman's a chocoholic to the extreme. I guess that's the least of the addictions I've seen within The Network.

“Hear what?” I ask, sampling a cannoli. Okay, so maybe I have a bit of a sweet tooth too, but I do work it off. “That you can't resist a good chocolate cake?”

“Very funny,” she says even as her fork cuts through her slice and she lifts it to her lips. “No... The Sultan ran into a problem today.”

“Did he?” I ask, trying not to smile. “Engine problems?”

“Hardly,” Larissa says with a chuckle. “Apparently, and this might need a little confirmation, he had a meeting with the Lebanese Coast Guard.”

“Oh dear,” I reply, smirking. Larissa was one of the first members of the upper echelon of The Network outside of Scoglitti to reach out to me, perhaps because of her unique position within The Network. A total solo operative, she doesn't have underlings like the other capos. The fact is, Larissa earned her position through her ability to seduce her targets. She's a one woman CIA, able to get information for The Network, access to things that we shouldn't.... and she's taken out enough targets that it even give me chills. Yet the funny thing is, she might be the closest thing I have to a confidant in The Network. “So did he get turned away? I know for damn sure they wouldn't take him into custody. Not when he can outgun most of their boats.”

“Oh of course not!” Larissa says. “But at the same time, the ah... clearance fees for The Sultan were supposedly five times what they normally are. To say he's not happy is an understatement.”

“I can understand. Especially since his transport costs are absorbed by him, not us,” I reply, glad that none of the staff speak English. It gives us a sense of security knowing that we're not going to be overheard, even if it's small. We're here late, there's almost no other patrons other than a lovey-dovey couple over on the other side, enjoying some tiramisu at the end of a good date. “He might not make any profit at all on this trip.”

“I'm sure that just breaks your heart,” Larissa teases lightly, finishing her cake. “When Nikolai found out, he and I were discussing some... well, business. He remarked he wondered if you were psychic in some way or another. Apparently you said something about it with him this afternoon?”

“This morning actually, but yes, I mentioned I thought security on certain areas is getting... lax,” I reply. I finish my cannoli and my coffee, glad I have tomorrow totally off. “Shall we walk? Helps with digestion, I've heard.”

“Sounds good,” Larissa says, taking care of the check. I did it last time, we're squared up again. We walk casually along the narrow street, and to be honest, I enjoy it. Maybe Jessica and I.... now's not the time for such thoughts. “So Rodrigo, what set you off about The Sultan?”

“I don't know,” I lie as we turn the corner. “You know I've never really liked him, and I told Nikolai why earlier. But more importantly... well, we are all cocky, it's the only way to survive in our business. But he's gotten maybe... sloppy? Between what I saw his men doing when we were at The Farm and some other things, they're pushing the lines on discipline. And you know my point of view. A man is only as good as his capo. If his men are being undisciplined fuckups... but I've said enough.”

“Enough that you should be glad he's still fucking around in Damascus and I happen to not particularly like him too,” Larissa says with a chuckle. “On a happier note, how's your new purchase working out? Nikolai said that he found her... spirited.”

I sigh, nodding. “She's temptation and damnation wrapped up in a single beautiful package,” I admit. “I can train her, I'm confident in that. However, you did say you wanted to move into teaching some. Maybe you could give me some assistance?”

“I'll think about it,” Larissa says with a pleased smirk. “But unfortunately, I have some business that will keep me out of town for the next week or two. You mind if I pay you a visit when I return?”

“Why Larissa, what's with the newfound respect for the boundaries of my villa?” I ask teasingly, and she laughs. “You've never had them before.”

“Maybe I'm just giving you space to train your new pet the way she's supposed to be. Especially in the ways you want her to specifically serve you. I might not have the... imagination you do?” Larissa teases, and I laugh.

“Larissa, there is nothing that I could do to that girl that you haven't done at least a dozen times,” I joke, and Larissa nods wisely. “You're an encyclopedia of seduction.”

“I like that. A lot better than being called The Dryad,” she says with a smirk. “Well, in any case, I'll come by when I get back.”

We walk silently for a while, up and out of the historical area of Caccamo and along one of the minor roads that radiate out from the area towards the various villas. When we get to the top of a small hillock, I look back and see the castle, which is still lit despite the late hour. “I guess the town wants still more tourists.”

“They've got to spend the money from the national government somehow,” Larissa says with a chuckle. “It's a good town though. Not quite as good as my hometown, but still a good town.”

“You ever imagine retiring to a place like this?” I ask, squatting down and picking up a pebble that I toss into the night. “I mean, really retiring, like getting out of the business?”

Larissa shrugs, her voice slightly sad. “People like you and I Rodrigo, we never fully retire. It's in our blood. Oh, we might semi-retire, there's a man from the town next to my home in Greece that was once one of the most powerful men in the Greek underworld back in the nineties. Nice man, coaches basketball at his grandson's elementary school last I heard. But I could see it in his eyes the last time I talked to him. No amount of basketball is going to replace what this life gives to us. Why, do you think you're going to just make your fortune and then lead the quiet life? According to what I hear, your life might become more hectic than ever soon.”

“Just a rumor still,” I reply, watching the moon. “Just a rumor, Larissa. If the opportunity does arise... would I have your support?”

“Of course, Rodrigo. If anything, it'd give me more excuses to visit America. I could use the practice getting past American security systems.”

Of course she could.