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Lovely Lillian (Sisters Before Misters Book 1) by S Cinders (14)




Ryan saw Lillian the moment he entered the Duke of Carthage’s grand ballroom, and while he wanted to go straight to her, he was caught being introduced to the Duke and his family.


His son, the Earl of Saxton, and his wife were in residence for the ball and had brought all of the children with their nanny to visit their grandfather.


As soon as Ryan could politely slip away, he went in search of Lillian. Much to his dismay, she had vanished. Juliana was dancing in the arms of a man that Ryan did not know. Lady Genevieve was speaking with Lillian’s mother.


Ryan picked up his pace. He checked the area where the wallflowers usually lingered. He went over to the card room and the refreshment tables.


Surely, she wouldn’t have gone into the gardens?


His next thought was that perhaps Lillian needed a moment of solace, so he checked the Library. Again, it was empty, and Ryan could not find Lillian.


He was becoming more than a little alarmed.


The Duke of Carthage’s townhome was one of the oldest and grandest townhomes in Mayfair.


It would not be beyond comprehension that some rogue could have made off with her, but Ryan wasn't certain if he should raise the alarm. He looked to find Phillip, the Marquess of Moberly, her elder brother.


The last thing he wanted to do was damage her reputation, but damn it, time was of the essence, and he needed to move quickly.


“Lord Moberly, if I might have a word!”


Phillip looked up from his hand to see a younger man quite intent on speaking with him. “Mr. Stanford, do you wish to play?”


Phillip had never been one to stand on ceremony, and besides, Ryan’s brother was a Duke after all.


The younger gentleman looked confused for a moment.


Phillip had been playing with his very best friend, Baron Mangrove, or more intimately known as Elias. They were also playing with the Earl of Saxton, but they called him Christian.


“I don’t think he wants to play, Randall,” Christian said with a slight smile. “Do you need a private audience with Randall?”


It was awfully kind of the Earl to offer this to Ryan, seeing as how the three of them collectively made up a Marquess, an Earl, and a Baron.


Mr. Stanford gulped.


Phillip frowned, “Whatever this man has to say to me, he can say in front of my closest friends.”


“I cannot find Lillian,” Ryan blurted out.


Elias grinned.


Saxton had the wherewithal to try and cover his smile with a cough.


Phillip scowled, “My sister is missing?”


“I am not certain. I don’t wish to cause a large commotion. That is why I came to you. But I saw her when I came in, and now I cannot find her, and I am concerned.” Ryan’s eyes were pleading.


“We must look for her at once. But I will hear more about this interest in my sister!” Phillip demanded.


“I would do anything to protect Lillian,” Ryan said before turning to go and search again.


Phillip turned to Elias and Christian, who were equally dumbfounded.


Christian shrugged a shoulder as if to say; she’s your sister.


They began searching in earnest. Enlisting Maddie, Christian’s wife, and Eden, Phillip’s wife to help in the search. But it was to no avail. Soon the news could not be kept a secret any longer.


Lillian had vanished at the ball. Juliana’s cries were heart wrenching. She couldn’t say where her sister had gone or with whom she had seen her last. The Dowager Marchioness collapsed, and the ball ended before one in the morning.


Brave men went out and searched through the night for any clue of a noblewoman taken by force. But there was nothing, not one single lead to go on.


And so, it was with a heavy heart that Phillip Randall had to tell his mother that he wasn’t sure if his little sister would ever be seen again.



The Duke flew into the stables, “Ryan! What are you doing?”


Ryan didn’t even slow his pace for a moment, “I’m going after her.”


“They have hundreds of men searching, Ry!” The Duke tried reasoning with him, “What makes you think you will know where she is? Ryan, the criminal mind works in ways that we will never understand.”


“I won’t sit by while she is in harm's way!”


Ryan shoved past his brother to grab a few more items. “Besides, there was a time that you would do the same thing. This place is changing you, Ollie.”


Oliver was stunned. Had he changed that much? It was true that being a Peer took a great deal of responsibility, but that his own twin felt him different?


“You are different as well,” Oliver said.


Ryan gave a mirthless laugh, “I am a fool in love, who may have lost the best thing that has ever happened to me.”


“You love her?” Oliver could not believe it.


Ryan smiled for real this time, “Wish me luck, Ollie.”


“Of course, do you want me to come?” Oliver offered.


Ryan laughed, knowing that Oliver hated horses. “Yes, please do.”


“You are an ass.” Oliver hugged his brother tightly, “Godspeed then, and bring her home.”


Ryan nodded before mounting Earl, who having a rather lofty name, was sleek and fast and rode out into the night.


“Luck to you, my brother,” Oliver whispered as his twin rode out of sight.