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Black Platinum (In the Shadows Book 6) by P.T. Michelle (1)

Chapter 1


Whoever said marriage is boring has never been married to Talia. I roll my head from one shoulder to the other to relieve my frustration before I push open BLACK Security’s main door. At least work should keep me sane over the next couple of days.

“Good morning, Bash,” Calder calls out with a wide grin as he pours himself a cup of coffee.

“Maybe yours was,” I grate, while mentally reminding myself to pay Cass back for convincing Talia that we should “officially” marry in a church so friends and family can celebrate. Since when did celibacy become part of this re-marry package deal? Fuck that. Just because it was only Talia, me, and a judge the first time around doesn’t negate the promises we made, “’til death do us part” included. When Calder’s eyes alight with knowing amusement over the top of his mug, I snap, “And tell your fiancé she’s officially on my shit list,” before I slam my office door.

Talia can claim being traditional and call it “bad luck to see each other until the wedding” all she wants, but that just means my bed is fucking empty. One night without her and I’m ready to bust someone’s balls or punch a wall this morning, whichever comes first.

To add insult to injury, my loving wife refused to tell me where she’s staying for the next couple of nights until the wedding. She agreed to let BLACK Security’s best guy shadow her, but then made me promise that I wouldn’t try to find out from Theo where she went. Needless to say the tight-lipped bastard definitely won’t be getting a bonus this year.

Unbuttoning my suit jacket, I settle in my chair and turn on my laptop. I thrum my fingers impatiently on the mahogany desk, pissed at how long it’s taking to boot up. Apparently even going for a five-mile run before dawn did nothing to ease the tension building inside me.

I swivel toward the window and pull out my phone, punching out a text to Talia.

That bed must’ve seemed massive last night.

I totally starfished it!

She sounds entirely too content.

Tell me where you’re staying and I’ll come keep you warm tonight.

Nice try. I stayed toasty all night long.

Grumbling my annoyance, I shoot back a reply.

You know you missed falling asleep completely worn out.

Who says I wasn’t completely worn out?

I clench my jaw until it feels like my teeth are going to crack.

Don’t push me, Little Red.

But isn’t that what I do best, Mister Black?

I picture her tilting her head and tucking a strand of her red hair behind her ear, a sexy, challenging smile on her kissable lips and shake my head.

Every damn day, sweetheart.

I love you, too. Just two more nights and I’m all yours.

You’re already all mine. No religious ritual can seal that deal better than you calling my name over and over until you beg me to stop.

Such arrogance!

Do you need a reminder why I’m your Rainbow Master? I’m going to enjoy painting that sweet ass a gorgeous shade of crimson.

Gah…go to work!

All it took was some early morning banter to stave off the edginess riding me, but at least now I can concentrate. Smirking, I tuck my phone away and pull up BLACK Security’s updated list of case files on my laptop before buzzing Calder’s phone. “Get your ass in here so we can discuss the week.”

A few seconds later, my cousin and business partner opens the door, eyebrow hiked. “Are you done biting my head off?”

“Are you still alive?”

With a deep chuckle he slides into the leather chair in front of my desk and takes a sip of his coffee. “It’s just two more days, Bash. Chill.”

My fingers pause over the keyboard. “I wouldn’t be so glib. You’re going to be in my shoes soon enough.”

“Cass isn’t traditional at all,” Calder says, snorting.

I meet his stare with a bold one. “I’ll bet you a thousand bucks Cass is more traditional than you think.”

Calder’s gaze narrows. “I think I know my fiancé far better than you.”

“Are you taking the bet or not?”

“Hell yeah. I like easy money, but let’s make this interesting,” he says, setting his cup down on the edge of my desk. “If I win, I get your office.”

“What’s wrong with your office?”

He gestures to the window behind me. “Yours has a better view.”

I grunt and shake my head. “It’s a moot point. You’re going to lose. When I win, the next time Cass has an idea that involves taking my wife away from me for even one night, you’ll nip that shit in the bud. Got it?”

Calder grins and leans back, folding his arms. “You’re on.”

“If Cass so much as utters the word ‘traditional’ in relation to any aspect of your wedding, you’ve lost the bet,” I say just as he picks his mug back up.

“Hey, that’s too fucking broad.”

“And that’s why I’m CEO.” I flash a ruthless smile and hit the enter button. “Grab your copy from the printer and let’s discuss upcoming team assignments.”

Calder and I spend the next two hours reading over new contracts, determining if we have enough staff to cover the clients’ needs or if a personnel expansion is necessary.

While debating the finer points of personality meshing verses skill level, a phone call from my father stops me mid-sentence. Adam Blake rarely calls. Definitely not during work hours. What does my father want? I pick up my phone. “Is everything okay with Mina and Josi?”

“Your sister and her daughter are fine, Sebastian. I’m calling about another matter. Why did you give my bodyguard an assignment without my authorization? Just because I asked you to come work for Blake Industries doesn’t give you rights to my employees.”

“BLACK Security keeps me busy enough. What are you talking about? I didn’t assign Den to any detail—”

I flick a gaze Calder’s way just to confirm and he quickly shakes his head, his brow furrowed.

“Den said it was a BLACK Security assignment, son.”

“Hold on…” Still annoyed by my father’s accusation, I stand and open my door, ready to call out to the cubicle bullpen and clear up the misunderstanding when my gaze lands on Theo sitting at his desk, one-punching his meaty fingers on his keyboard. “I’ll call you back.”

“Don’t you dare hang up on me—”

Clicking off, I stalk toward Theo and yank the headphones off his head. “What the ever-loving-fuck are you doing here, Connelly?”

His thick light brown eyebrows pull together as he slowly folds muscular arms against his barrel chest. “Whoever you’re pissed at, don’t drag me into it.”

“I’m looking at him!” I bellow. “You’re supposed to be watching Talia.”

“Your memory is apparently going.” Theo’s new buzz cut shifts forward with his frown. “You’re the one who told that British fellow to send me home.”

“What exactly did Den say to you?”

“He said, ‘Mr. Blake asked me to take over Talia’s guard duty. Head back to the office.’”

That sneaky sonofabitch. I take a steadying breath and grit out, “Den works for my father, Theo.”

“But he said, ‘Mr. Blake…’” Theo trails off, his face going pale. “Well, shit!”

When he starts to stand, I put my hand on his shoulder and hand him his headphones back. “No, I’ll deal with this personally. In the future, unless the order comes directly from me, ignore the hell out of it. Are we clear?”

“Understood.” Theo rubs his hand against the back of his neck and sighs. “I’m sorry, Bash. But with Den’s military intelligence skills and massive size, at least you know Talia’s more than covered.”

“The point is, she should never need someone like Den backing her up,” I growl before pivoting for the door.

“You want me with you?” Calder calls after me just as I pull the main door open, my phone to my ear.

Of course my wife’s phone goes straight to voicemail. I glance his way. “I need you to coordinate here. Have Elijah ping Talia’s phone and Den’s too, then send me the info.”

When Talia’s voicemail beeps as I’m getting into my car, I slam the door and speak calmly into my phone, “All bets are off, Little Red. You don’t get to smoke-and-mirror your husband with traditional wedding ritual BS, then expect him not to come after you. Whatever assignment you felt you needed Den for, can’t be safe.”

Calder calls as I pull into Tribune’s parking lot. Even though I called Talia’s assistant, I don’t feel any better when I see my wife’s car sitting in the lot. I hit the speaker button and my cousin’s voice fills my car. “Both Talia’s and Den’s cell phones must be turned off. We can’t get a signal for either one.”

“Talia’s assistant says she’s out on an assignment. I’m here at the Tribune. I’ll find out what the deal is.”

Before I hang up, Calder says, “I called Cass to see if she knew where Talia might be. She didn’t have a clue—”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Shut up and just listen. After I explained what was going on, Cass asked me to remind you that storming into Talia’s boss’s office is probably the worst thing you could do two days before your wedding—”

“We’re already married,” I grit out, annoyed.

“Do you still want to be?”

Exhaling harshly, I lean my head back against the leather seat and close my eyes. Talia worked hard to regain the Tribune’s respect after some bad information put her investigative story and reputation at risk in the past. This was her second time working for the newspaper and the last thing I’d ever want to do is jeopardize a career she worked so hard to get back on track. When I asked her to marry me, I promised I would protect her, but that I wouldn’t smother her. I want her to be happy, for her career to flourish. Fuck, this is harder than I thought it would be. “Fine. I won’t go into the building.”

“Also, I thought you should know that Elijah’s daily news scan just caught the Blake name in a special on-line edition this morning. It’s your engagement announcement. I know you wouldn’t send an announcement out there—”

“Hell no!” I cut him off and quickly pull the article up on my phone. I scan the picture of Talia and me, irritation rising. “This has Isabel’s fingerprints all over it. She’ll do anything for more Blake family limelight, despite the fact she can’t stand me.”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t put this past your stepmother. Get ready for a write up in tomorrow’s paper and to be hounded by the paparazzi at the rehearsal. I’m sure Talia will touch base later. She knows sending Theo here would alert you. Are you coming back to the office?”

Of course she knows. I narrow my gaze on my wife’s car. There’s only so much patience she can expect from someone with my protective nature. “I’ll be in later.”