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Taking What's His (Bad Boy Alpha's #1) by J.L. Beck (16)




I told a half-truth to get out of there.

Yes, I needed my things. I needed to gather them and prepare to move in. I was meant to be a live-in nanny, and this meant I had to live. It was right there in the job title.

The other?

If I stayed in there for too much longer, I may have just jumped Jack's bone.

Shortly after fucking his brother.

When had I become Turbo Slut?

The next morning came pretty easily. I got there in the wee hours to help Tiff off to school. She was a nice girl, just a bit confused to see me is all. I figured eventually we would get along well. Kids were always somewhat averse to sudden changes.

When I got back to the apartment, I figured it was time to settle in. The guys were about, but luckily they hadn't yet made any moves on me.

Hanging up my clothes, filling my cabinets, I managed to snag a backup supply of something from my mother's house before I came here.

I knew I would be needing it, especially with how Julian acted.

Setting them aside, I ran through some hygiene things—a shower, brushing my teeth, and the like.

Honestly, it was nice having my own bathroom. They were also incredibly quick about ordering me a bed and other furniture. I guess when you have money you can really grease the wheels to get stuff done.

I wasn't going to want for comfort with this job.

There was just the matter of everything else.

Looking at myself as I brushed my teeth, I thought, fuck. Turbo Slut indeed. There was no reason for me to fuck Julian so quickly. Now I was under the same roof as him, and I knew that wasn't going to lead to a happy, platonic friendship where we played Apples to Apples and innocently laughed with one another.

I finished brushing my teeth, gargling some water and spiting it out into the sink.

The way Jack was looking at me too...fuck.

How could my so-called morality and principles be tested even more?

Just when I thought that, the world decided that I needed a bigger challenge.


"Hi there."

I jumped, clearing what may have been a vertical leap of a good, solid meter.

Clad in only a towel and fresh out of the shower, I turned around to face him. "What are you doing in here? Do you think you just have a right to barge into my room like this? Even if you technically own it? You know, expectation of privacy is a thing!" I ranted at him.

"Yes, yes, I know, I'm just here to check on one thing, and then I'll leave you be. We did take you quick without vetting you, you know."

"That's your problem, isn't it?"

"Look, Julian and I just want to make sure it's a child-friendly environment for Tiff. You seem fine, but you know how it is sometimes. People are really good at hiding it."

"Hiding what."

"Regular use of illicit substances?"

"You think I'm a druggie?" I raised an eyebrow at him, almost insulted.

"Oh no, just making sure, though. It's my dear little sister, okay?"

Shaking my head, I sighed. "Sure, fine, whatever."

"Unfortunately, I see one of those illicit substances right there."

He was just confusing me more and more. I looked down at my bathroom sink and the stuff I was going to cram into the medicine cabinet.

Aspirin. Some allergy stuff. Birth control, and a few other prescriptions. Some pink stuff, and some antacids. You know, just equipping myself for life's little annoyances.

"I'm not following? None of this looks like cocaine or meth or whatever else you might think I'm on. And I got legit prescriptions for that, and it's not even the stuff people really abuse."

"No, no, not anything like that." He urged me to the side, and I obeyed. Stepping forward, he reached into my medicine pile and pulled out the disc-shaped package—the birth control.

"What? You think that's drugs? Did you not get sex ed and learn what birth control looks like?"

"This is the illicit substance, Cassie."

More staring and even more confusion. "Did I miss something? Are you guys super religious?" I didn't exactly see crosses everywhere or medieval paintings of Jesus. I saw a Bible, but that was just on a bookshelf, not seemingly held in any particular high reverence.

"Nope, nope, not that. We just can't have you taking these. Sorry. House rules."

"I can't be on birth control? What kind of psycho boss are you to be trying to regulate my body?" I'd worked with Christian parents before, and even they didn't have the audacity to suggest what I did in my personal life, as long as it didn't affect them.

He laughed, setting them down and turning his attention to me. "The kind of psycho boss who wants to see your nubile little body swell with my child."

I glared up at him. There was determination. Ferocity.

That same assertiveness Julian had. Confident.

For some reason, sexy.

Insane, but sexy.

Why was I attracted to all of the bad ideas?

Then, to make it even more insane and sexy, he kissed me.

Like the insane person I was, I accepted it. I kissed him back.

God, I really was Turbo Slut.

I staggered back, and he unhooked my towel; it fell to the floor. He paused only briefly to see what his brother had seen but he had not—my totally naked body.

"Fuck, Julian was right. You are ludicrously hotter like this."

Julian had told him about what we had done? What the hell was I dealing with here? What was I coping with? Did they both want me? Was I being shared? Or was I cheating on Julian?

Were we a couple?

After one fuck session? Where he was my boss? Or was he? I didn’t know!

My head was starting to hurt, but with how Jack was kissing me, pushing me toward the wall, I wouldn't need any of that aspirin to feel better.

Jack wasted no time taking full advantage of my nudity. He ran his hand down my chest and quickly reached to my sex, shoving a pair of fingers in, forcing me to gasp for him. He found my nub so easily, tickling it, making me yearn for him. God, were they some sort of duo of super skilled sex gods?

His kisses left my lips and rained down my body, bit by bit. He suckled on each of my breasts, the surge through them taking on a whole new meaning, making my nubile little body swell with his child. Did he mean it?

Did Julian mean it?

What the hell was I doing here?

I couldn't stop it. I didn't want to. Not with how he was touching me. How he was taking his shirt off to reveal that he was a twin, absolutely ripped just like his brother.

Jack wasted little time dropping to his knees and spreading my legs apart, making me put my back against the wall and kissing my nub. He was voracious right after in devouring me.

I struggled against it. I was soon shaking, holding on for dear life as he kept tongue-fucking me. Unlike his brother, he was fully consumed with making me come. No playing around, just pure, unadulterated lust for me. Licking. Sucking. Massaging my ass and holding me up. I was already nibbling on my lip, the ecstasy that was spreading through my body building up and ready to unleash through me without any semblance of restraint. He was so damn good at this. Fuck, if giving them children was the price to pay to being eaten out like this all the time, it would be totally worth it.

My eyes went wide in shock at the idea that such a thought could cross my head.

No, don't think, just enjoy. None of my previous boyfriends had taken such driven pleasure in pleasing me like this.

These two? If I wasn't screaming for them, they were taking it as a damned insult.

I wouldn't want to insult them, now would I?

Fuck, at this rate, I wasn't going to have a choice in the matter. I was writhing against Jack's tongue, my legs tightening as it was coming my way. A slight worry of slipping and falling passed through my head as I desperately clawed for the towel bar to hold myself up. I twisted my body around in the process, but that didn't deter Jack.

Even with my ass in his face, he kept licking my pussy, massaging me, feasting on me. Fuck, this man wouldn't be stopped.

I think I’m in love.

I desperately tried to dissuade my own crazy thoughts, but he never stopped. He was relentless. Licking. Sucking. Fingering. It was all hopeless.

My voice echoed through the bathroom as he finally got the first thing he came for out of me: forcing me to come for him.

It hit me hard, pounding through my body without restraint. As I screamed, my grip on that towel bar only grew tighter. My heart was throbbing against my chest, and he didn't even stop. He wanted to own me, dominate me through pleasure alone, and I honestly thought he was succeeding.

Even as his mouth left me, his fingers remained, stoking the flames of passion inside of me.

He was standing up, stripping himself with the other hand, kicking off his shoes, his socks, those pants, and leaving only his throbbing cock as the thing catching my attention.

Jack was Julian's twin again, and that was most definitely a good thing.

His cock rubbed against my ass, but with the way he was talking, I knew that he wasn't going to go back there. The strength, the warmth moved down my crack and came at my sex from behind.

I was already soaking wet for him, his tongue so strong and adept at pleasing me. He slid right in, almost impaling me on his cock.

"God, how the fuck are you so damn tight?"

I whimpered in delight for him. "Maybe you're just too big."

"Am I now?"

He was fully inside of me, and now was railing me hard against the wall, each thrust a powerful vibration rushing through me.

Jack leaned in, arching me against him, kissing me right on the lips. His hands wandered down my body, letting all of me feel so absolutely loved. His hands cupped my breasts, squeezing them, tweaking my nipples. Then, slowly coming down across my abdomen, the strange sensation of him massaging it with his intent of taking me that way clear.

He wasn't going to pull out. He wasn't even going to entertain the idea.

I hated that my mind immediately told me it was worth it. All of my discipline, my beliefs, all for mind-blowing sex.

Yet all I could do was moan for him. Moan as he jackhammered his cock into my sex harder, every penetration rocking my body, shaking me from my core, up my stomach, my breasts, my shoulders, my wet hair whipping with the motion.

I was trembling against him, bucking back into him because everything I said was happening. That somehow wasn't enough for me. Jack's arms wrapped around my torso, him thrusting deeper, harder, stronger. It was almost painful.


Instead, I was simply screaming for him. Yearning for him. Hearing the echoes of my moans bounce through the bathroom.

I reached back, ran my hand through those bouncing locks of his, holding him close, ready for the ecstasy to finally unleash through me by his hand.

Oh. Fucking. God.

When it hit me, it hit me damn good.

As if it was building on the day before, that previous ache exploded into a grand pounding pleasure, wholly consuming me like wildfire. My voice was hurting from all the sounds he was forcing from me.

Jack held me close, pinning my body against his, thrusting fast, but growing slower, his own breath more ragged.

As my vision went blurry from the sensory overload he had inflicted on me, the only thing I could feel was absolute bliss—and his cock’s final thrust inside of me, his seed rushing out of the head, injecting me with his essence, blast after blast and showing absolutely no restraint.

I was flooded with him. Filled with him.

Honestly, it felt as if I was completed, the part of me that was missing finally found. It was just right having my cunt dripping with his cum...with Julian's cum.

God, I was such a damn whore.

Jack wasn't just going to let go after having gotten his rocks off. He held me close, held me steady. There was an affection in this seemingly primal fucking.

Even if all we were doing was leaning against a wall, he held me close for a time.

Then he used his great strength to sweep me off my feet and carry me to my bed. God, I usually wasn't one for naps, but Jack had managed to fuck the energy out of me. I was spent.

Setting me down, he laid another kiss on me. "Fuck, I really can't believe how great you are. How hot you are. How sexy you are. Where the hell did you even come from, girl?"

I wanted to say something. Something clever. Snide. Witty. I couldn't muster the strength.

He threw a blanket on me, a strangely caring action after everything that had happened.

Then? He left.

The door to my bathroom was still wide open.

I could still see on top of my bathroom counter where he put the birth control down.

It wasn't there. I had no illusions that I would be getting it back.

What on earth had I gotten myself into, and why couldn't I tear myself away?