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The Viking's Captive by Lily Harlem (16)

Chapter Sixteen



They stood locked together, with the sun beating down on them, for several minutes.

Duna was thankful when her heart rate and breathing returned to normal and her limbs began to feel like hers again.

Her fingers ached, though, from gripping Halvor’s tunic. She’d never been so glad to see anyone as when she’d turned and seen him defending her. And now she didn’t want to let go… ever.

For she’d known, in that moment, that when he’d said he’d protect her, he’d meant it to the core of his being. He’d taken on two warriors who had better weapons than him… and won.

“We should go indoors,” Halvor said eventually. “And eat.”

“I have food cooking.”

“You are a good thrall.” He smiled and stroked his hands down over her hair, until he cupped her face.

She stared up into his eyes. They were the same color as the sky behind him.

He dipped his head, his nose almost touching hers.

She held her breath. What is he doing?

“Duna,” he whispered.

“Did you get the leather?” she asked.

Something in his eyes changed. He pulled back and released her. “Aye.” He turned away. “You will be pleased with the quality.”

She stared at him as he strode toward Ivan who was happily eating the grass Misty had been chasing the butterfly in.

Had he been about to kiss her… on the lips?

It had seemed as if that was about to happen.

So why didn’t he?

She hugged her torso, missing his arms around her, as she went into the longhouse.

Halvor didn’t appear for some time. He was sorting out Ivan and the leather he’d bought. When he did come indoors, rather than making for the meat, he cut himself bread, layered it with the elderberry jelly she’d made, then went back outside without a word.

She continued preparing vegetables, stoked the fire, then began to heat water.

She needed to bathe. The sense of the men’s hands on her lingered, and she was sure their putrid smell had gone onto her clothes, hair… skin.

Raven was barking in the meadow and she smiled. He must be feeling better if he’d been able to gather the sheep into the barn for the night.

After tipping water into the tub, she reached for a pot of lavender she’d brought indoors. She broke off several sprigs, something her mother had always done, and rubbed it between her palms, filling the water with its sweet powdery scent.

The meat on the spit was ready, so she calmed the fire and set the vegetables on to roast then took off her clothing.

Don’t forget the hens.

She was tired, as if the emotions of the day had drained her energy. And the hot water used for bathing always made her sleepy.

Lowering into the water, she sighed. It crept around her buttocks, between her legs and up her back. She kept on going, until she lay fully in it, the water over her face, and her hair soaked through.

She heard the intruders’ voices again. But it was only in her head. She knew that. It would take effort to bury the memory.

Her father had always said that even the biggest storm cloud had a lining of silver somewhere upon it.

In this case it had been Halvor arriving, saving her, and him being unharmed in his battle. That was her silver lining.

She sat, pulling in a lungful of air.

When she opened her eyes, shock filled her. “Oh!”

Halvor was standing by the tub staring down at her.

“I thought you were still… outside.” She crossed her arms over her breasts and pulled up her legs.

“No, thrall, I am inside.”

“I can see that.”

She held her breath as his gaze roamed over her body. But unlike the lecherous stare of the intruders, Halvor’s eyes held admiration and respect.

“Would you reach me the soap?” she asked.

Wordlessly, he picked it up from the shelf and handed it to her. He then turned and walked to the door. “I will put the hens in their coop.”

“Thank you.”

Quickly she lathered her hair, rinsed it, then washed her body. Stepping out, she dried before the fire and put on clean clothes.

Halvor returned as she finished pulling the kinks and knots from her hair.

“The meal is ready,” she said. “Are you hungry, Master?”

“Yes, very.” He sat at the table, his hands in fists and his chin tilted upward. His jaw was set like iron.

She studied him. “Is everything in order?”


“Raven is well?”

“He is himself again.”


So why didn’t Halvor sound as if everything was in order?

“Master,” she said, winding her hands together. “Have I disobeyed you? I don’t think that I have, but—”

He stood suddenly, tipping the chair backward to land with a clatter. “No, you have not.”

In three paces he was before her, close, really close.

His expression was indiscernible. She retreated until her shoulders hit the wall behind her.

“Duna.” He frowned as he followed her. “Do not fear me.”

“I don’t.”

He placed his hands on the wall, palms flat. Her mind flashed back to the time he’d done that before, the night he’d taken her.

But now she didn’t look up at him with hate in her heart, or with terror ruling her thoughts. Now she looked at her warrior and knew he cared for her, admired her… respected her.

She reached up and touched his face, tracing her fingertips over his ink. “How could I fear you? You have saved me… from so much.”

“I only want your happiness, Duna. I only want you with me, safe and well.”

“And that’s how it is.”

“You are happy?”

She hesitated. “I think so.”

“You believed you never would be, as my thrall.”

“But you are a good master. You have a good home.”

He lowered his head again, the way he’d done outside.

She stared up at him, he filled her vision. Her heart was thudding. Only he existed in her world. “Halvor.”


He pressed his lips to hers.

She gasped, the sensation of his warm, soft flesh on hers unexpected, then she returned his kiss.

He tasted of the outdoors, of ale, and of something she’d never experienced before… man.

The kiss deepened. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and stroked it over hers.

Her entire body tensed. A strange heat pooled in her belly and slid between her legs. Her nipples tightened, and she longed to squeeze them the way she sometimes did.

Or even better, have Halvor squeeze them.

He ran his hands over her cheeks, the column of her neck, and onto her chest. Still their tongues touched and danced.

She whimpered into his mouth as he cupped her breasts.

He was kissing her as if he’d never stop.

Reaching out, she gripped his tunic again, pulled herself closer to him.

Will I ever get close enough?

He groaned and massaged her breasts. “I want you, Duna, as a woman, not a thrall.”

She didn’t answer, she couldn’t because in that moment, he’d slipped his fingers into the neckline of her dress and tugged, hard.

She jolted forward as the material ripped, exposing her chest.


“I will buy you new clothes.” He stared down at her. His lips were damp from the kiss, he was breathing fast.

Suddenly he stooped and caught her right nipple in his mouth. He sucked it then gently nipped it between his teeth.

Duna let out a gasp, which turned into a groan. What he was doing was shocking yet delightful. Running her hands into his hair, marveling at the thick strands, she arched her back, wanting to give him more. Wanting him to give her more.

He switched to her opposite breast, treating it to the same attention.

She trembled and pressed her legs together. Dampness was growing again.

He pulled back, clasped her dress once again and pulled. It tore further, right down to her undergarments.

She staggered a little but he caught her.

“I will make you mine. I will fill you with my seed.”

Of course. He wants what all men want.

But she didn’t mind, she wanted that too.

He lifted her into his arms and made for the bed. “You will no longer sleep over there, now you will sleep with me.”


We are not married.

Her mind was at war with her body. She knew God would not approve. And her mother had told herself to wait until marriage before she went to a man’s bed.

“Halvor,” she said, shoving at him and kicking her legs.

“This is going to happen, Duna, do not fight it.”

“It cannot.”

“It can.”

“But… but we are unwed.”

He stopped and stared down at her. “That does not matter.”

“It does.” She banged his chest and struggled within his grip. “My God says a man and a woman should be married before they share a bed.” She paused and stared into his eyes. “And I promised my mother I would not share a bed with anyone other than a husband.”

“But I want you, Duna. My cock aches to be buried in your cunny.”

She stroked his face. “Then you will have to marry me first, Halvor Stein of Gorstein.”

He frowned. Opened his mouth and closed it again.

“See, you will not. Put me down.” Hurt slashed through her. She would always be his slave, never his wife. “Get off me.” She pushed at him and wriggled.

He kept a tight hold of her. “Will you marry me?”

“I beg your pardon?” She stilled.

“You heard.”

“I need you to repeat it.”

The right side of his mouth twitched, almost into a smile. “I said, will you marry me?”

“I… I think I will. Yes.” Her heart leaped. Halvor did want to be her husband, not just her master. They would be man and wife.

“Good, that is settled then.”

“Thank you, yes. It’s important to me, to my beliefs.”

He continued to walk to the bed, then set her on it. “Remove your undergarments, wife.” He popped open the button on his breeches.


“We are married now. We will fuck.”

“No.” She scooted to the other side of the bed. “That isn’t how it works, Halvor.”

“It isn’t?” He pushed his breeches off but still wore his undergarments.

“No, we have to say vows, promise to love and care for each other.”

“So say them.” He crawled onto the bed and came toward her.

Quickly she stood and backed away.

“Duna.” A frown slashed over his brow.

“They have to be said in front of a man of God. A reverend.”

“A reverend.” He rubbed his chin. “Like the man who lives near Asmund?”

“Yes, yes, exactly.”

“And you will not let me take pleasure until then?”

“No.” She pressed her hands over her breasts. “Your seed cannot go inside me until marriage. That is a sin.”

“My seed inside you is the sin?” He nodded slowly and his attention strayed to her nipples, then he glanced outside. “It is too dark to go now, to this reverend.”


“But we will go first thing morrow, to say those vows.”

She nodded. “If that’s what you wish.”

“It is. But until then.” He stood and grabbed his breeches. He pulled them on and redid the top button. “Let me bring you pleasure, without any sinning.”

“What do you mean?”

He reached out and took her hand. “It’s easier to show you, Duna. Come here onto the bed, you have my word I will not do anything to displease your God.”

She allowed him to tug her to the edge of the bed, but still she hesitated.

“My cock,” he said, cupping his erection over his clothing, “will stay within my breeches. I promise.”

“You promise?”

“Aye. You however, are almost naked and I wish you to stay that way.”


“It’s a start.” He tugged again and this time she moved onto the bed with him. But she was tense and unsure.

“Shh, relax, lie down.” He urged her onto her back and loomed over her. “You won’t regret it.”

She swallowed as a portion of his weight pressed on her. He was so big, so broad. He could do what he wanted with her and she’d be helpless to stop him. “But… I…”

“What?” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Tell me, what’s concerning you now?”

“Even when we’re married, will it ever work between us? You filling me with your seed?”

“Why would it not?” He appeared confused by the question, yet she thought it a valid one.

“Because you’re so… big, Master, and I’m small.”

He chuckled.

“I don’t see what’s funny about your big cock not fitting inside me.” She huffed.

“But of course it will. Men and women are all different sizes.” His hands roamed to her breasts. “Just because the men of your race, from your island, have small cocks, it doesn’t mean you won’t be able to take a big cock.”

“I don’t know if I could take a small cock.”

He paused, tugging her nipple. “You have never been with a man, have you?”

“No.” She frowned as frustration gnawed at her. “I just told you, I will only join a man in bed when I’m wed. You know full well I’ve never wed or borne a child.”

“Even though you tried to tell me different to start with, when I took you.”

“I hoped that would change the situation. That you would leave me be if you thought I had a husband.”

“Nothing could have changed my mind. I made a decision for you to be mine. I had never felt that strongly before, it was barely even my decision, it was as if the runestones had delivered our meeting as fate.” He was quiet as he watched her nipple rolling beneath his fingertips. “So no one has touched you.”

“Only you.”

“Not even here, your breasts?”

“No, Halvor.” She hesitated, unsure about making herself out to be completely innocent, but what the hell, she was. “And until two minutes ago, I’d never even been kissed.”

“You hadn’t.” He shook his head. “Those men on your island do not know beauty when they see it. Imbeciles.”

“I wasn’t without offers.”

He smiled and swept his lips over hers as he tugged her nipple a little harder. “So what stopped you from taking them up on those offers?”

“I guess I’m picky.” She ran her fingers into his hair again, enjoying the fact she could touch it, touch him and the way he was touching her. “Maybe I was waiting for someone special to come along.”