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The Viking's Captive by Lily Harlem (21)

Chapter Twenty-One



Two years later


Duna added sage to the broth simmering in a pot over the fire. There was boar meat in it and she knew the flavors would please her husband—and pleasing Halvor was one of the main focuses of her life now, that and caring for their son, Toby.

She smiled as she hummed a gentle tune and set Toby’s small spoon and bowl to one side. He wouldn’t be joining them for dinner tonight because this eve was special.

It had been two full sets of seasons since their wedding day, and Toby had been invited to Nadir and Asmund’s croft for his first visit alone… overnight. Nadir adored Toby. She treated him as a grandson, and loved to make him clothes from the materials she sourced. Having him there for one night and two days, she’d said, would make it easier to measure him for his new outfits.

Duna could have made him clothes, and she did. But she got the feeling it was all a bit of an excuse for Nadir and Asmund to spend time with Toby. He was a delightful child, inquisitive and cheerful, and had his father’s Nordic looks, which would make life in this land easier for him growing up.

Misty scrabbled by the grain sacks in the corner and Duna turned. “Good boy, you get that mouse for me.” He was a hard-working cat, they had few problems with mice now; in fact she had to be sure to feed Misty regularly, otherwise he couldn’t sustain himself on the dwindling rodent population.

She glanced out of the window near the fire. It was a new one; she’d persuaded Halvor they needed two openings in the longhouse, the way she’d had in her cottage on Shet Isle. It allowed for a breeze in the summer, and made it easier for her to look out and keep an eye on Toby if she was busy cooking and he was toddling around outside.

There was no sign of Ivan and Halvor on the horizon, but she didn’t think they’d be long. It had been several hours since Halvor had set off with Toby sat before him, his tiny hands gripping the steed’s mane. And she knew Halvor would be keen to get back to her. Their coupling as man and wife was somewhat limited now that their son had a keen eye and slept so light a whisper of wind could wake him.

She remembered Halvor’s words the week before.

“I need to get my seed inside you more often, my beautiful Celt. I wish for us to have lots of children. More sons, a daughter too.”

So Nadir’s offer had come at the perfect time, and now Duna could hardly wait to get her hands on her husband’s naked body. She wanted to feel his touch, his kisses, and his cock. She wanted pleasure over and over. It had been too long since she’d heard his primitive roar of release.

Just thinking about what was to come had her cunny trembling, and anticipating an imminent release of pleasure moistened her undergarments.

“Hurry, my love,” she said, sipping from her cask of ale. “I need you.”

She stirred the broth and smoothed her hand over her ass cheeks. It had been a few months since she’d had a spanking, and that had been for dropping an entire basket of eggs. She’d been in too much of a hurry to put her boots on to go outside and stood on a sharp stone and stumbled. Halvor had been most unhappy, and while Toby had been playing with Misty on his bed, Duna had been taken to the barn and tipped over Halvor’s knee. She’d been punished with twenty sound slaps to each buttock, each one so hot and sharp, tears had poured down her cheeks.

Since then she’d had no need to be punished.

Glancing out of the window again, a thrill went through her. Ivan was galloping her way with Halvor atop him. They were only a speck on the horizon but would rapidly become bigger.

She pushed her freshly washed hair behind her ears and rushed to fill Halvor’s cask with ale. He’d be thirsty after his ride.

After adding two more logs to the fire, she adjusted the position of a cup of red roses on the table next to the butter bowl, then swept some crumbs from the floor.

Her entire body was tingling. She wondered about stripping off her clothes, so she would be ready for him. But as that thought came to her, the sound of Ivan’s hooves clattered around the yard.

He’s here.

She straightened, smoothed her dress, and licked her lips.

Halvor must have seen to Ivan in record time because he quickly appeared at the door.

Silhouetted by the bright sunlight outside, his shoulders nearly touched the frame and he had to stoop a little to get under it.

Duna couldn’t help a tremble of nerves. Her husband was a passionate man with many needs and strength that continued to amaze her. And right now, she knew all of his attention, all of that power and desire, was focused on her.

“On your knees, woman,” he commanded, stepping in and discarding a fur cape that had sat around his shoulders. It landed on the floor with a soft whump.

“Yes, Master.” She did as he’d instructed, her knees settling on a woven rug she kept before the hearth. He appeared even bigger from this angle.

He strode over to her, his long paces covering the space between them fast. As he walked he reached for the button on his breeches and released it. “I have thought of you the entire way back to our home.”

“And I you, while you’ve been gone.”

He shoved at his breeches and undergarments and released his cock. “We have a long night ahead of us.”

“Yes. That pleases me.” His erect cock was level with her face. She swallowed as saliva pooled on her tongue.

“And me… but first.” He cupped her chin. “Open your mouth, I intend to fuck it.”

She didn’t reply, instead she stretched her jaw wide.

“Good.” He fed his cock tip onto her tongue.

She stared up at his face as his flavor spread. He was looking down at her with an almost desperate expression.

Although she was on her knees, taking his cock as his submissive, a sense of power came over her. The knowledge that she could get her mighty warrior husband so impatient, frantic almost, with his need to claim her was as seductive as any aphrodisiac.

“Aye, that’s it, more.” He pushed in further, cupping the back of her head to keep her where he wanted her.

Duna hugged his shaft with her tongue, widening her jaw until it ached.

He gritted his teeth and hissed out a breath.

Reaching forward, she rested her hands on his wide thighs; his flesh was warm, beneath it his muscles tense.

He began to sway his hips, driving his cock in and out of her mouth. Whenever she thought he might go too deep and make her gag, he stopped and withdrew.

She sucked a little, gripped him a lot with her lips, and was careful not to let her teeth catch his shaft; he didn’t like that.

His pace increased, as did his breaths.

Duna was aware of her damp cunny quivering, and her tight nipples pressing against her woolen dress. He was going to take his pleasure soon and spill his seed down her throat.

“It’s here,” he gasped, his fingers tightening in her hair and beneath her chin. “Swallow my seed. Take it into your body.”

Excitement spun through Duna. She’d missed hearing his pleasure, and witnessing his moment of totally relinquishing his usual iron-fisted control over himself.

“Praise to Odin and all his Ravens.”

Halvor’s cock pulsed against her tongue and the roof of her mouth. Salty seed flooded her throat and she swallowed it down.

“Ah, fuck!” He sank deep.

She held her breath. Her eyes were watering. Again she swallowed, though a trickle leaked from the side of her mouth to her chin.

He groaned, long and low, and pulled back.

She snatched in a breath, and as her lungs inflated, he filled her mouth again.

“You’re so fucking good at that,” he said, his voice a low grunt. “It’s what I’ve been thinking of all the way back.”

He withdrew and released her hair, smoothing it with the palm of his hand.

Tilting her chin so he could examine her face, he smiled down at her. “I know my seed in your mouth won’t make us a son or daughter.” He paused, still breathing fast. “But damn, it feels like Valhalla.”

“I enjoy it too.” She smiled.

“As I enjoy your pleasure on my tongue.” He wiped his thumb over her chin, capturing the moisture there. “You should stand now.”

Before she’d made any move to get on her feet, he’d cupped her beneath her arms and drew her upward. “Halvor!”

“My love.” He pressed his lips down on hers. “That pleasure release will be the first of many, not just tonight but going forward.”

“I don’t understand, well, about tonight I do, but…?”

“I have paid Nadir a gold coin to purchase material to make us a screen around our bed. Toby will not be able to see us coupling from his cot in the future. I know that is something that concerns you.”

“It does, and that’s a good idea.”

“He will thank us for our coupling when he has warrior brothers at his side when he goes into battle.”

Duna didn’t like the thought of her son fighting, but she agreed Toby would be glad of siblings.

“So you should get used to us having more pleasure time.” His gaze drifted to her chest. “Every night in fact when the chill allows.”

“We might find in the dead of winter it’s a good way to warm up.”

“Ah, that is why I took you as my wife, full of good ideas.” He grinned, gripped her dress at the neck line, and tugged.

“No, no, please don’t tear this one.” She placed her hands over his. It wouldn’t do to lose this dress, she only had three.

He stilled. “If you wish for it to remain intact you should have removed it before I arrived home, wench.”

“I’ll do it now.” Quickly she stepped away, stooped, and pulled it off.

He watched her with a slight smile on his face.

Before he had time to ask, she removed her undergarments and boots.

His eyes flashed as he let his gaze roam her body. “You are very pleasing.”

“I’m glad you think I am.” She ran her hands over her hips, then up to her waist and finally her breasts. She cupped them, tweaking her nipples, which were darker now since she’d borne Toby.

“It will not be long before my cock is hard again.” He pushed at his breeches, removing them completely along with his boots. He then pulled at the cotton tunic he wore so that he too was naked.

For a moment Duna enjoyed watching his body move with grace, and his cock bobbing as he placed his clothing to one side, but then her attention was caught by a length of rope he’d retrieved from the shelf.

“What’s that for?” she asked.

“To keep you in one place while I punish you.”

“What? I have done nothing wrong.” She hesitated, surprised by his words. “I took my spanking for the broken eggs.”

“Aye, you did, but think back to two days ago.”

“Two days ago?” A tremble caught in her belly. What had she done?

“Are you thinking?”

“Yes, I’m trying.”

He tossed the rope upward so one end of it landed over a rafter. “Come here, my beautiful Celt wife.”

Duna knew better than not to obey, so she moved to him, wondering what he had planned and what misdemeanor she’d committed.

“Arms up,” he said. “Hands together.”

She swallowed as nerves caught her breath. Raising her arms, he bound the rope around her wrists to capture them. He then pulled the opposite end of the rope until she was standing tall, her spine elongated, breasts jutting forward, and her heels off the floor.

“Master, I cannot think of anything I have done wrong.”

He didn’t answer; instead he walked to the hearth and retrieved the switch that hung on a hook next to it.

The switch!

She gulped. Only once had he used it on her, when she’d allowed the sheep’s trough to run out of water in the summer for a whole day and several beasts were sick with dehydration.

“Halvor, please,” she said, tugging on her wrists. But freedom would not be hers; she was well and truly harnessed to the rafters.

He flicked the switch, his biceps bulging and the veins in his forearm on show. The slim branches made a whooshing sound through the air.

“Halvor,” she said again.

A slow smile spread on his face, then he tossed the switch upward, the way she’d seen him to with his dagger, so that it spun over itself. He caught the smooth leather wrapped handle in his palm.

“Do you remember?” he asked, coming close and resting the ends of the switch on her right shoulder. “What you did?”

“No, Master, I really don’t. I’m sorry for not remembering and I’m sorry for what I did.”

Slowly he slid the ends of the switch downward, over first her right, then left breast until it rested on her opposite shoulder.

“I told you,” he said, leaning close so his lips were almost touching hers. “That I wanted potato with our dagmál, yet you served oatmeal.”

“What? I did?” Was that really a crime? Halvor always ate whatever she put in his bowl—except for mushrooms.

“Aye.” Again he slid the switch ends downward, this time past her breasts and over her stomach. He then walked around her, so that the ends rested on her ass cheeks.

She tensed; she knew full well the bite the switch could deliver was sharp. “I’m sorry.”

“It is not of major consequence,” he said, his voice low and firm. “But it was an order not carried out.”

The switch left her ass, but only for a second then it connected with a swift slap covering both cheeks.

“Ouch!” She jerked forward. “I’m sorry.” Damn it, was she really going to get such a severe punishment for such a small mistake?

He struck again, hard.

“Oh!” She clenched her ass cheeks.

“That is it,” he said, moving close and speaking into her ear. “You have taken the switch’s bite, now it will give you pleasure.”

“It will?” She wasn’t sure she believed him.

“Aye, for it pleases me to see your bottom so red at my hand, and I think it will please you to feel the switch’s kinder side.”

“Does it have one?”

“All you have to do is let yourself feel. Close your eyes.”

Duna closed her eyes. As darkness took the place of the flames in the hearth, Halvor began to slide the switch over her body.

After a moment of it caressing her back, she blew out a breath and allowed herself to enjoy the sensation of all the ends tickling her. But when he reached her ass he gave her a few teasing strikes, not enough to hurt like before, only enough to spread fingers of heat over her flesh.

“Your skin is always such a wonderful color,” he said, “and with the kiss of my switch even more so.” The teasing whips continued now, up her back and over her shoulders. Duna quickly discovered she liked them more than the gentle caresses. Her body had a tiny reaction to each one, and in her dark world small flashes accompanied the stings.

Halvor moved around her, using the switch as if it were an implement of pleasure, not torture. Covering all her body, her torso, legs, and arms with heat.

She was breathing fast, her chest rising and falling. Her nipples were tight peaks, and when he applied the switch there, with the same flick of his wrist, she cried out.

“Does that pain you?” he asked.

“In… in a good way…”

“That is my intention. You’re as bright as the blazing sun, Duna, your body is mine, and so are your thoughts.” He set the switch on the floor at her feet.

“Yes, Master.”

He stood and kissed her, deep and passionate, then trailed his mouth over her cheek and down her neck.

When he reached her breasts he massaged each one and suckled each teat.

She moaned and let her head fall back. Her husband’s attention on her body was heavenly.

He moved lower, until she sensed he was on his knees before her.

“Like this.” He cupped the back of her thigh and lifted her leg.

The sole of her foot settled on the broad plane of his shoulder and cool air washed over her spread cunny.

“So pretty,” he said, his breath heating her folds.

Suddenly something cool and smooth pushed at her entrance.

“Halvor, what’s that?” She looked downward.

“Close your eyes.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” She snapped her eyelids shut. “But what is…”

“It’s the end of the switch, it’s perfectly smooth and clean, Duna, and it’s going to fuck you.”

“Oh, but I—”

He’d set his mouth over her pleasure nub as he’d eased the switch inside her. It wasn’t as thick as his cock, and she was wet enough to take it. But it was his devilishly clever tongue that had fogged her mind and stolen the words on her tongue.

She yanked on the rope and teetered on her one foot. Halvor had her cunny pressed against his mouth and his tongue was thrashing at her nub.

“Oh, oh, please… it’s so…”

On occasion he’d tease her, build her up slowly, but not this time. Her Viking was pushing her to the finish line with speed and skill.

She was panting, her heart racing. The switch was pushing in and out of her, and the pressure was mounting.

“I’m going to, oh, Halvor…” She arched her back, bucked wildly. Her thighs were trembling and her toes curled into his shoulder.

Suddenly he stood, tugging the switch from her. He hooked his arm behind her thigh, dragging her leg upward until her knee almost touched her breast.

“Oh, Halvor, I was just about to…” Her eyes misted beneath her lids.

“And you still will, watch.”

As he’d spoken, a sharp spread of fingers flicked against her cunny.

She jerked and groaned.

“Look down,” he said. “Watch your pleasure unfold.”

She opened her eyes and stared downward. He was flicking the end of the switch at her cunny. With her legs so stretched wide, each hit was a lick of fire and caught her nub.

“It feels so…”

He smiled; his lips were damp as was his chin. “Release your pleasure, wife, now.”

She held her breath. It was a strange sensation, hard but not, and with her entire body on fire from the switch already, this felt like the last part of her flesh to take it.

“Now, my beauty,” Halvor said, upping the pace and the pressure as he flicked his wrist and set the switch over and over again on her delicate nub and folds.

It was there, she wasn’t sure how, but he’d taken her to the point she couldn’t contain it any longer. A sunburst of delight spread through her, holding her hostage for a sweeter than sweet moment. Then at the perfect time, a final whip of the switch spiraled her into ecstasy.

She cried out and bucked against Halvor. She yanked at the rope and fisted her hands. She was dancing on the tips of her toes and her leg, hooked over Halvor’s arm, was kicking and jerking of its own accord.

She was aware of pleasure leaking from her as he continued to gently swat her cunny. How could it be possible for it to feel so good like this? And how had he known it would?

“Aye, that’s it, my little Celt. Give yourself over to me and the switch.”

“Oh, God, no more.” She was jerking now, as if some kind of force had taken over her muscles.

He stopped slapping between her legs, and instead trailed the switch over her chest, the ends scraping against her nipples. She stared at his face, needing something to focus on as she caught her breath and willed her heart not to give out.

“And now you can see,” he said, kissing the tip of her nose, “where the power of trust can take you.”