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Blood Type by K.A. Linde (10)

Chapter 9

Reyna wasn’t used to the new clothes.

She wondered if she would ever get used to the new clothes.

There was nothing in her closet that was less extravagant than her ensemble from yesterday, and her wedges had disappeared. Beckham had probably had someone trash them since they had set foot on warehouse soil.

She almost wanted to wear something over the top, but she still didn’t know where she was going. And fear of what had happened last night and Beckham’s uncontrolled anger kept her from acting out. She slipped into a plain black dress that was surprisingly comfortable. The material felt light as air. She wished for her Converse in that moment, but ended up in a pair of four-inch black heels. They squished her toes a little bit, but otherwise had a good bit of cushion in them.

She teetered over to the mirror to take a look. Though she felt ridiculous, she had to admit that she looked…good. Not great. But passable.

Beckham was waiting for her when she exited her room. He looked dangerously good-looking in a stark black suit with a black shirt and tie. The way he seemed to drink her in was enough to say that she had done well. He stared at her a full ten seconds longer than normal before staring back down at his phone.

“Acceptable?” she asked, turning in place. Now she really did feel like a baby doll.

“You look fine.”

Fine. Right.

“Let’s go.” He started toward the elevator. She hurried to keep up, but in her ridiculous heels it was a struggle. The doors nearly closed on her, and she tripped forward and threw her arm out to catch it. It opened right back up.

She grappled for proper footing, but couldn’t catch herself. She stumbled right into Beckham, her arms grabbed onto his suit, and her body collided with his chest.

“Oh God,” she groaned, trying to right herself, and only slipping further.

Beckham’s hand reached out, touched her waist, and held her securely in an upright position. But she was still pushed against him, staring into those bottomless pools of darkness.

“Um…sorry,” she whispered.

She swallowed and tried not to look up at his lips…the lips that had been kissing her neck last night. No, she wouldn’t think about last night at all. Not about the kiss or the bite or how much she had wanted it to happen when he had touched her. Like right now with his hand on her waist.

Reyna stumbled back a step. She cleared her throat. “Sorry.”

“Be more careful,” he said gruffly.

“Noted.” Reyna shivered under his gaze, feeling the full weight of his power. How could she be thinking about his lips? The only thing he wanted to do was rip her throat out. And he could do it with ease.

Except he hadn’t.

At least, not yet. She swallowed hard and tried to keep her unease at bay as the elevator whooshed down to the bottom floor. As they exited, Beckham received a phone call.

“I have to take this,” he said. “Go get in the car. I’ll be there in a minute.”


She wondered who was calling him so early. Then again, she had never even had a phone call, so what did she know? It must be important.

She hurried across the marble floor as best she could without slipping. It was probably the least sexy thing she had ever done in her life. Her walk was more of a waddle. Her feet were pinched and her dress kept riding up. When her feet touched down on the carpet before the sliding glass doors, she hastened her steps.

“Everett!” she cried. Then she covered her mouth. She hadn’t meant to be so loud or enthusiastic, but he was the only person who had been nice to her.

His smile brightened when he saw her. “Hello, Reyna. Did you have a good day yesterday?”

Her own smile faltered. “It was…eventful.”

“I’m sure it was. Do you need a cab?”

“Actually, I’m supposed to get in Beck…erm, Mr. Anderson’s vehicle.”

Everett nodded and quickly looked away from her. He snapped his fingers at a man across the parking lot, and soon a sleek black Town Car drove up to the front of the valet.

“Here you are,” he said, his voice switching to a formality. She didn’t understand what she had done wrong.

She reached for his arm to stop him. “Is everything all right?”

“Of course.”

The car parked in the front.

“Allow me.” He escorted her over to the vehicle and popped open the back door.


“Reyna, you are here with our most distinguished guest. I thought…well, it doesn’t matter.” He smiled.

“You thought what? That I could use a friend? Because that would be accurate.”

He laughed. “A friend. You’re not from the city, are you?”

“No,” she answered truthfully.

“I can tell.” Everett sighed and then pulled a card from his suit pocket. As he helped her into the car, he slipped the piece of paper into her purse. “A few of us are going out this weekend to a club nearby. Give me a call if you want to join.”

“Okay!” she answered a little too earnestly. She coughed and then backpedaled. “I mean, yes. Uh…if I can get away.”

“If not, then there’s always another time.”

She nodded. “Thank you.”

“No, thank you.”

She sank into the backseat and Everett shut the door. She reached into her purse and withdrew the plain white card. She ran her fingers over the letters. Everett Taylor. She almost jumped with joy that she had plans this weekend. Real plans. With humans.

The car door opened again, and Reyna quickly stuffed the card back into her bag. She scooted over to the far seat as Beckham sat down.

“Let’s go.”

Beckham immediately pulled his phone out again and directed all of his attention to it. She was certain he was addicted to the thing. How could one person spend an endless amount of time glued to a screen? He missed everything with his face buried in his phone. She didn’t care if he had lived in the city for the last two hundred years. Well, she didn’t know how old he was. There was still so much to see!

With her eyes still directed out the window, she asked, “Where are we going anyway?”


Reyna cringed at the thought of going to Visage headquarters with so many vampires all in one place. “Oh. Just work? That’s all? I got all dressed up for us to go to your work?”

“You consider that dressed up?”

She ran her fingers down the silky material. “Yes. Very.”

He laughed humorlessly. “Work. That’s all. We’re having a special presentation this morning. You’ll be involved.”

“Me?” she squeaked. “Involved how?”

“You’ll be part of the presentation. Maybe say a few words. Just do whatever I tell you,” he said distractedly.

“Sorry,” she said, shaking her head. “There are two things I don’t do: needles and public speaking.”

His head popped up from his phone. “You’re afraid of needles?”

She shuddered. At least she had gotten his attention. “They give me the creeps.”

He gave her the funniest look as if he couldn’t believe that anyone could be afraid of needles.

“Look, it’s a common fear.” She fidgeted in her seat uncomfortably.

“Do you miss the irony in being afraid of needles when you’re working as a subject for a vampire?”

She cut her eyes over to him and forced herself not to touch the spot on her neck where he had nicked her last night. “I think a vampire would have to bite me for it to be ironic.”

“Don’t tempt me, Little One,” he growled.

Reyna straightened quickly. That wasn’t what she had meant.

“So…is that my new nickname or something? Is Reyna too long?” she asked, trying to lighten the mood and stop thinking about the powerful man sitting only inches from her. If she kept pushing him to feed on her, he might actually do it. Then she’d really test her fears.

Reyna is perfectly adequate.”

He returned to his phone, and she thought that was the end of the conversation. Her gaze went back out the window to the bleak city all cast in the early morning glow. It was eerily beautiful in its own way.

Then his hand brushed her dark hair off her shoulder and all thoughts of the city evaporated. Goosebumps erupted on her skin. With her hair out of the way, he touched the tender spot where his fangs had pierced.


Reyna didn’t move. She didn’t even breathe. She just felt the power of his touch vibrate through her body. His fingers moved from her neck up to her chin, and he forced her to look at him.

“Look at how you tremble.”

A smug expression crossed his face. He seemed pleased that his touch frightened her. But she couldn’t keep from feeling that way. He tilted his head in assessment, and then seemed to find what he was looking for.

“Yes, Reyna, you are my Little One.”

All that was before her was Beckham.

A predator luring his prey.

And she was trapped.

As thoroughly as a rabbit in a snare.

Beckham abruptly dropped his hand. For a moment, she had completely forgotten where she was or what she was doing. She shifted in her seat and tried to get herself back under control.

The car stopped in front of Visage, and the driver, Gerard, hurried around the car and opened the door for Beckham. Gerard then offered her his hand, assisting her from the vehicle. She tottered for a moment then regained her balance. Her head tilted up at the enormous Visage building in utter awe of the sheer magnitude of the all glass façade.

When she saw that Beckham hadn’t waited for her, hadn’t even looked back to see if she was coming, she jumped and made a dash to catch up. Luckily her high heels held traction on the concrete steps, and then she was breezing into Visage Incorporated right behind Beckham. As she walked into the tallest building in the city, her feet stilled again.

The entryway was a sight to behold. Glass upon glass upon more glass. And everything else was beautifully clean white marble and porcelain and polished granite.

“Reyna,” Beckham said sharply.

“Sorry.” She hurried to his side. “It’s just…incredible.”

“Follow me through the security screening.”

“The what?”

He sighed. “Pass through the body scanner.”

She looked at the glass box that she hadn’t noticed in her distraction. “What are they looking for?”

“Anyone and anything that doesn’t belong. I’ve already had you signed in.”


She walked forward uncertainly. As she passed into the scanner, a red light blinked and then passed over her body. A duplicate image materialized before her. The light blinked blue and then posted a message: Human subject Reyna Carpenter. Identity confirmed. Approved.

She continued forward and shuddered as her body image disappeared. Beckham was waiting for her on the other side.

“What the hell was that?”

“A security measure.”

“What happens if you aren’t approved?”

“Don’t ever find out.”

Reyna rolled her eyes at his non-answer and then looked around at the Visage building. Everyone in attendance was dressed in a black suit. Even the women were in black skirt suits, with stark white blouses. Everything was crisp and orderly. Not a thing out of place.

Reyna followed Beckham to the elevator. “Is everyone a vampire who works here?”

“Of course not. You work here.”

“You know what I mean, Becks.”

His hand stopped before pressing the button, and he looked down at her. “Becks? Is this my new nickname? Is Beckham too long?”

Reyna shrugged. But she had a small measure of victory at throwing him off for a moment.

When the empty elevator opened before them, they stepped inside and Beckham selected his floor.

“Do any humans work on your level?”

“Why do you always ask so many questions?” he growled in irritation.

She shrank a little in on herself, but still said, “Because you don’t give me any answers.”

He reached instinctively for his phone in his pocket. “You have all the answers you need.”


Beckham ignored her by focusing on whatever was going on on his phone. The elevator stopped on his floor, but before she could exit, Beckham reached out and stopped the doors from opening.

“What?” she asked, exasperated.

“Try not to bother anyone.” Reyna narrowed her eyes. “Not everyone is as…kind as I am.”

“Kind?” She couldn’t keep the sarcasm from her voice.

His eyes hardened darkly. “Yes. And do be sure to remember that.”

Unceremoniously, he opened the doors once more and left the elevator. She grumbled under her breath but followed him. There was clearly a reason for him to give her that warning. Perhaps she needed to be more careful at his work, surrounded by a sea of vampires. She stuck close to his side as they made their way to his office.

“Becks?” she whispered when she felt eyes on her from all directions. “Does everyone know?”

“Know what?”

“You know…”

“That you are human?” he asked. “Yes, I think that’s quite obvious.”

Of course, that wasn’t what she had meant. She wondered if they all knew that Beckham was her Sponsor. Did they all look down on her for becoming a human employee? They needed people like her to make any money and keep the company afloat. But that didn’t mean they didn’t judge the humans who worked for them. She had seen worse behavior from her own kind. She couldn’t imagine how much she would be shunned by the vampires.

But she didn’t voice any of her concerns as they walked through the corridor.

Unsurprisingly, Beckham had a corner office on the top floor. The heights were dizzying and she quickly looked away from the window. She wasn’t afraid of heights, but it was still intimidating.

Beckham walked to a big black desk facing a giant wall of screens. He tapped a few things on his computer and seemed to zone out to his work.

“Anderson!” someone called from the doorway.

Reyna whipped around and saw a man walk in. He was tall, fair, and not exactly handsome, but he carried himself with authority. She couldn’t imagine anyone else barging into Beckham’s office otherwise.

“Batiste,” Beckham said casually. She could hear an edge to his voice though. This must be one of the vampires to be wary of.

“Is this her?” His eyes crawled her skin, and she suddenly felt completely exposed in her small black dress.

“Yes. Reyna, this is Rowland Batiste.”

Rowland stalked across the room and held his hand out. She slowly placed hers in his.

“Hi,” she said uncertainly.

“Pleasure is all mine, mademoiselle. You are simply magnifique.” He kissed her hand dramatically. “William was right. The absolute best.”

“Do you mind, Rowland?” Beckham said, suddenly standing right next to her and touching her elbow.

She knew that she shouldn’t gain warmth from his nearness, but she did. Rowland made her skin crawl. There was something about him that sent off bad vibes. She suddenly understood what Beckham had meant in the elevator. Rowland was dangerous. She could feel it in her very being. It scared her that Beckham was somehow the good guy in this situation. Everything about it terrified her.

“Mais bien sûr.”

Reyna looked up at Beckham quizzically. She didn’t understand what he was saying. “Is that French?” she asked.

Rowland laughed. “Indeed it is. I said but of course. Where are my manners?”

“Lacking as usual,” Beckham said dryly.

Rowland continued to chuckle as if Beckham had honestly said something funny. Reyna could see Beckham was quite serious. He didn’t want anyone, especially not this Rowland, to touch her.

“William wants us in the meeting room in five. I’m going to bring my pet as well. Wait until you see her. She’s what you Americans call a knockout.”

Beckham waved him off irritably, and Rowland left the room. Reyna released a breath at his departure.

“Is that the kind of person you meant when you said you were nice?”

He was still looking at the door, but he hadn’t released his hold on her. His voice was stern when he spoke next. “Yes. That is exactly what I meant.”




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