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Caressed by the Edge of Darkness (Rulers of Darkness Book 5) by Amanda J. Greene (25)

Chapter Twenty-Three







Gabriel had never felt such contentment. The satisfaction of stroking her hair, her soft breaths caressing his torso as he leaned back against the cracked headboard…he was at peace. For the first time since he could remember he was sated and…happy.

He could get use to this after play. He’d never stuck around when he was finished. He made sure every woman found her pleasure, but his hook ups were always quick, rough.

Why had he ever fought this? Why had he not want this? Not wanted to want her? Ridiculous.

He’d been convinced emotion would make him weak, but he’d never felt stronger.

Before Jordan had drifted off she’d whispered, “Don’t hide your broken parts. Gabriel, I need to see them. You can see mine.”

He hadn’t wanted to be healed. Had never imagined such a thing was even possible. Even now, he feared this wasn’t real. That what they’d shared had been a dream.

For so long, sex had been about control. Power. Power that always flowed to him, through him.

She’d wantonly rode his cock, taking him with abandon. She’d been so lovely. Painfully so. Tonight had been nothing like before and when he’d begun to slip back there, she’d drawn him back to her. She had gasped his name, sighed and whispered it, screamed it until her voice cracked. He’d never wanted his lovers to use his name, just as he’d never allowed the Madame to know it.

He viciously shoved the memories way. The past was not welcome here. Not in times like this. Not with Jordan.

With her he’d broken his pattern. Would it last? Yes, he’d make sure of it. If he didn’t, he could lose her. She was a gentle, delicate creature that made him want to be a better man.

He smiled. Gentle and delicate with a sharp tongue and fiery temper. She was a scrapper. She wasn’t afraid of him, wasn’t intimidated. She challenged him, defied him, but when he touched her she surrendered that ferocity to him. Melted for him.

He’d worried he’d hurt her, but Jordan had taken him, screamed in bliss with his every fierce thrust. Still, he had held back. He’d battled his instinct, his demon, every second. He craved to plunge his fangs in deep, to draw on her vein and take her into him. Her blood would sweeten with her orgasm. The temptation to feel her pulse fade beneath his lips, to hear her gasp her last breath then slice his own artery for her to feed her—to change her, make her his for eternity—had driven him to the brink of madness. He’d been too close too many times.

His heart ached. He knew he should let her go. He knew he shouldn’t have allowed this to happen, he should’ve kept his lust in check…but he regretted nothing. She was his. She belonged with him, just like this. In his arms, in his bed, in his heart. He wouldn’t let her go.

When had he become such a romantic sap? If past him could see him now…The vampire would be torn with envy.

To go from cold as death to blazing inferno in less than two weeks? Couldn’t be possible. It shouldn’t be possible. But Jordan had changed him. Everything felt new with her. He felt new.

Had his instinct known it would be like this? When he’d found her photo, he’d been struck by her penetrating violet eyes. They’d called to him, mesmerized him. He’d been driven by the voracious need to find her, to have her, even before he’d met her. Had his vampire known this connection awaited?

His heart stilled. Could she be his mate? Did he dare hope?

Jordan, his forever?

Unsettled by his thoughts, Gabriel drew away from her. The sun would soon set and he had business to see to.

He showered and dressed, then came back to the bed. She was hugging his pillow to her chest, tangled curls fell over her brow. He brushed the silken strands away from her face. The simple touch ignited his desire. Tempted to drag her to the edge of the mattress, hook her legs over his arms, and work his penis from his pants and drive inside her tightness, he took a staggering step back.

His little mortal needed her sleep. He’d pushed her hard and she would need some time to recover. He’d let Row know she’d be down a bar tender tonight and when he was finished with work, he and Jordan would settle their future.

If she even wanted a future with him. She seemed intent on leaving, striking out on her own. And he had coaxed her to accept him, to accept them while her mind had been a haze of need. Now, in the sober light of the moon, she might have regrets. Doubts.

He knew nothing of dating or wooing women, but he’d be honest. He’d cut open his heart, lay bare his soul and offer himself to her.

Gabriel took in a deep breath, branding his lungs with the scent of jasmine and sex. His fingers tingled with the head to touch her, but he slipped on his leather gloves. “Little mortal, you’ve changed everything.”


Jordan woke to the sound of scraping steel.

Panic seized her throat in a vice grip. Where was she?

She struggled to open her eyes and her body was stiff. Her arms and legs ached as if she’d been fighting for her life. Her temples pounded, the pain reminiscent of the drug’s side effects. No!

She kicked at whatever was weighing her legs down and struck out with her fists. Her knuckles connected with...pillows?

Jordan stilled and took in a deep breath. Gabriel’s scent overwhelmed her and in a rush the memories from the early morning tackled her, sending her tumbling from her nightmare and into the real world.

She pressed her face against the pillow and took in another long breath.

She wasn’t in a cell, she wasn’t being restrained or sedated. She was in his room. In his bed. The aches and twinges she felt weren’t from a fight, but from sex. Mind blowing, life changing sex. Gabriel had pleasured her with his words and his body until she couldn’t move. When he finally pulled from her and pressed her head against his chest, his lungs expanded with a contented sigh, “You’ve pleased me, beyond measure.”

Well, he’d more than rocked her world. He’d destroyed it and rebuilt it.

Had he felt the same? It had been a trial for him. She’d seen it in his eyes, felt it in the taut cords of his muscles. His voice had cracked when he’d tried to speak of his past. The vampire in him rising with unconcealed rage. His pain cut her. She’d wanted nothing more than to ease him, to replace his memories.

On the outside, Gabriel was masculine perfection. All hard muscle and fallen angel handsome. But inside…he’d been tortured and still bore the mental scars. When he’d asked her to take him, to be on top, he’d unconsciously covered his heart, his palm hiding the slave brand.

Before she’d drifted off to sleep, she kissed his chest and murmured words that made him clasp her so tight.

He hadn’t said the exact words, probably couldn’t, but she understood. He’d been sexually abused by the Madame. Had she been the one to turn him? Jordan knew the strongest vampires were those changed against their will, those that fought for their mortal lives. Gabriel was the most powerful vampires she’d ever seen. His speed, his strength…he’d paid a terrible price for that power.

Jordan seethed, her body vibrating with the need for violence, to commit murder. She wanted to take the bitch’s head.

No wonder he had issues with women. His encounters were impersonal, the females forgettable. Nothing to mark him. Nothing to control him. To him, commitment meant trapped.

But he’d said she’d been married once. When he was mortal. It was crazy to think that he’d have an entire life before now. What had he left behind?

His eyes been desolate when she’d first moved over his hips, but his erection had pulsed beneath her. A storm had ragged within him, wanting, rebelling, accepting, refusing. Caught between hating and loving having her atop him. His eyes on her throat, his fangs had gnashed. He’d wanted to bite her, to drink her, but had denied his vampire instincts. For her, he’d kept his demon under control. How he must have suffered. “Be…right…for you.” Had he thought she wanted him to take her like a mortal man would? No. Never. Next time, she’d offer her blood to him. Hell, she’d demand he take it from her.

Her sex quivered. To have that connection, so primal. Wild. A vampire’s bite could bring unimaginable agony or unbelievable pleasure. Bleeders often grew addicted, craving the ecstasy more than life, they’d offer themselves to their masters so they could wallow in the decadence for eternity.

She’d never entertained the idea before. As a hunter, allowing a vampire to sink their fangs into you was to be outcast. But…she wasn’t a hunter. Not officially. She’d never finished her training and never took her vows. So, none of that applied to her. She’d found a vampire worth sharing not only her body, heart, and soul with, but her blood too.

The more she liked him, the more out of touch she felt with her old self. She’d known after her capture that certain things would never be the same, but she’d hoped she’d be able to return to some semblance of her previous life. Now? She didn’t know if she ever wanted to go back to that existence. Alone. Moving from city to city, picking off rogue vampires, never settling down, never having a home or a man to call her own.

With Gabriel she could hit the rest button. With Gabriel she…fit. She’d sensed a connection between them the night they met and now…something had passed between them during the throws. Something strong, unbreakable.

He claimed her, body, heart and soul. She felt like his and as they lay together in the aftermath of their passion realization struck. She loved him. Hopelessly.

Gabriel had snarled and growled, “Mine” over and over as he took her and she felt as if she were his. But what was next? He hadn’t made her any promises, hadn’t said they would be exclusive.

He wants to be…doesn’t he? She groaned. God, she didn’t know. The vampire was a mass of contradictions.

Jordan ran her fingers through her tangled hair as she sat up. Her muscles protested the movement, but she had to get her ass in gear. She had a vampire king to hunt down before work. They had some serious things to discuss, such as, where was this going between them? Were they in a relationship? What would happen in forty years, when she was old and he was the same devastating hunk he was now?

Would he change her? Had he ever created a fledgling? Was he Gannon’s maker? She shook her head. No, not likely. Gannon was strong, she could sense his power. She doubted if Gabriel had changed Gannon against his will they’d be besties afterward.

Why was she even thinking about this? She didn’t want to be a vampire….right? She rubbed her chest, her heart ached with love and longing? Could she embrace the vampire curse?

Something tugged at her mind, a memory of Gabriel cutting his wrist for her and pressing the open wound to her lips. His taste…so rich and dark…

Her tongue swept over her lips. He had draped her over his lap and she’d fed from his throat.

Jordan’s heart knocked hard against her ribs. Excitement and trepidation twisted together and twirled around her spine. That had been a dream, not a memory.

Frowning, she dismissed the odd sensation and gingerly scooted off the bed. Her legs felt like jelly, but they supported her.

Now, where is the bathroom? She seriously needed to shower.

Jordan crossed the wide expanse and began playing Russian roulette with the doors. Number one, a large walk-in closet. Door number two, an even bigger weapons closet. Good to know. On to door number three. Yay!

Steam thickened the air and tendrils rose form the claw foot tub. Bubbles floated atop the water, a silver covered tray rested on a side table and towels were stacked on the floor.

Her heart sputtered. He’d done this for her?

Jordan quickly climbed into large tub and sank under the hot water.

“Oh, yeah,” she sighed. The tightness of her muscles instantly eased. After a few blissful moments, she turned to the tray. Oatmeal, orange juice, and fruit. “Scoring some major points, vampire.”

She ate then relaxed and soaked until her fingers resembled prunes. She dried off, slipped on one of Gabriel’s robes and couldn’t help but wonder if this would have happened that first night she was with him if he hadn’t been fighting his need for her.

Returning to the room, she grabbed her clothes and boots. She had a second uniform in her dressing room, but she couldn’t go down to Ruin in Gabriel’s robe. She knew the vampires would scent him on her—her cheeks burned—in her, but she didn’t need to draw more attention to herself. She’d go to her room and change before she headed down. She would have a little time to dress for her shift and take her medication.

Jordan mentally shook herself when the image of black eyes staring back at her from the mirror surfaced in her mind. Had it been a hallucination? She didn’t but last night’s attack had been the worst of all. The pain could have made her delusional.

Still…should she keep taking it? Did she really have a choice? Even now, she could feel that strange surge of energy. The ache of her muscles completely gone and then…that overwhelming emotional agony and the pain would follow. She’d take it tonight and call Scott. There had to be something else he could give her.

But if she asked then she’d have to answer questions. She’d have to describe how she felt during the attacks and…she really couldn’t. There were no words that could describe the hollow, sorrow, and torment that gripped her or the agony that tore at her heart like poisonous talons or the sharp pain that splintered her skull.

She entered her suite through the adjoining door and quickly dressed in jeans and a tank top. She slipped on some flat sandals and combed out her hair. She’d finish getting ready in the dressing room.

Jordan rushed down to Ruin and she brushed past Ron, who gave her a bewildered look.

“Hey, Red,” Rowena called to her from behind the bar. “I wasn’t expecting to see you.”

She paused, “What? Why not?”

“I got word you were taking the night off.”

Gabriel must have called. He probably thought the mortal needed to rest. Well, she’d show him she could hang with the big, bad, vamps. The bath had done wonders and that odd energy had her ready to run a marathon. After she had a dose of her mystery medication she’d be set. Besides, she wasn’t about to miss out on a pay day, not when her future was still in flux.

“Nope. I’ll be on the clock tonight. Just have to change.” She shoved through the “Employees Only” door. Her body was beginning to tingle. She could feel the shadows gathering in her mind. As much as she didn’t really want to take the medicine, she needed it. Now, before she fell victim to another episode.

Tana was loitering in the hall. Freak’in fantastic. Jordan had done her best to avoid the blonde-duo most nights and had planned to take extra care tonight. Gabriel’s scent saturated her. She wanted to shout with triumph, Yeah, bitch, I won! Zara had said he didn’t sleep with the staff. Well, she’d fixed that. Multiple times. And was jonesing for a repeat as soon as they hammered out the details of…whatever this was between them.

“Couldn’t help yourself?” Tana sneered.

Jordan didn’t engage and walked on by.

“I’m talking to you, human.”

She ducked into her dressing room and slammed the door. Tana’s angry screech made her smile.

Jordan immediately began to search for the bottle. She’d dropped it the night before. She was went to hands and knees when the door crashed open. Her medication forgotten, she jumped to her feet.

“You offered yourself to him, didn’t you, whore? Did you cut yourself for him too?”

“Tana, I don’t have time or the patients to deal with your jealously right now. Go find your bitchy other half and leave me alone.”

“Uppity bitch.”

“Get out.”

“Just because he fucked you doesn’t mean you’re any better than me. You’re still a lowly, disgusting human.” Her eyes darted from Jordan’s throat to her wrists. “He only used your body, huh? Didn’t want your weak blood.”

Jordan’s lips curled with a taunting smile and she brushed the inside of one thigh suggestively. “Are you sure about that?”

Tana’s face screwed into a jealous smirk. “Don’t anticipate a repeat. Now that he’s had you, he won’t touch you let alone look at you again. I’m surprised Ron even let you into the club. Bed mates aren’t allowed to come back.”

Was that why Rowena was surprised to see her, why Ron had given her a weird look? No, it was because Gabriel had been concerned about her. Tana was just trying to piss her off and it was working. “I cleared the door. Take that as you will and get out of my face.”

Tana snarled and leapt at her. Jordan was ready for the attack. They went rolling across the floor. Knocking over the vanity, sending the mirror atop shattering to the floor. They hit the wall. Tana’s fangs flashed and Jordan swung, her knuckles connecting with the vampire’s jaw. A cry of outrage pierced the air as Tana went for Jordan’s hair. The vampire was playing dirty, well she’d seen nothing yet.

Jordan’s knee struck home and the sound of cracking ribs hissed out. Tana growled, grabbed her by the shoulders and slammed her against the wall. Unfazed, Jordan fought. Her hunter training taking over. She used Tana’s strength against her, rolling with the punches and catching her unguarded. The vampire left herself open, vulnerable. Jordan capitalized on her opponent’s weakness, taking her to the ground. They tumbled, her fingers skipped over the floor and locked around a shard of glass. Ignoring the pain and blood, Jordan gripped the glass and pinned Tana’s shoulders with her knees. She raised the weapon above her head, aiming for her enemy’s heart.

Arms wrapped around Jordan’s waist, hauling up and away from Tana.

“That’s enough, Red!” Rowena snarled.

Tana came to her feet and charged. Ron blocked her attack. He wrapped her up in a bear hug.

“What are you doing?” Tana snarled, her fangs glinting. “She’s a damn hunter. She shouldn’t be here.”

“You have a problem with her, take it up with the king,” Ron snapped.

“Let me—”

“Do this again and I’ll let the human cut out your heart,” Rowena snarled.

Ron carried the enraged Tana from the room. Jordan shook free of Rowena’s hold.

“What the hell was that, Red?”

“She was asking for it.”

“No doubt, but that wasn’t what I was asking.” She ran her hands over her short, blue hair. “Are you a hunter?”

“What?” Jordan fought to catch her breath. Her eyes darted looking for her medication. She needed it. Now. She could feel the overwhelming emotion and the pain lurking on her periphery.

“Don’t play dumb. I saw the tail end of the fight. The way you moved…Are you?”

Jordan shook her head, trying to focus on Rowena’s words and…the room began to spin. “No. Not officially.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” To herself Rowena whispered in confusion, “Why wasn’t I told?”

“Why would she show her cards?” Ron calmly countered as he returned to the dressing room.

Rowena shot him a sharp look.

“I’m sorry, Row. I didn’t mean to cause you any trouble.” Jordan pressed a palm to her temple. The pain was rising. No. Not now.

“You shouldn’t let her get to you,” Rowena said.

“I-I know but—” Her words died on a gasp.