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Caressed by the Edge of Darkness (Rulers of Darkness Book 5) by Amanda J. Greene (29)

Chapter Twenty-Seven







Scott had looked at her as if she were a bomb about to blow. Maybe she was. Gabriel had marked her as his mate without even asking her. She enjoyed his high handedness in the bedroom and was willing and beyond excited to explore that further, but to just slap a private-property- trespassers-will-be-brutally-murdered on her without her permission was not going to fly.

When she’d asked Scott to explain, he just shook his head and sputtered, “It’s…destiny.”

He quickly packed up his bag, stood, and excused himself. Worried he might burst into flames? But before he left he said, “Good news, you won’t have need of the medication any longer.”

Now, Jordan paced a wide circled through Gabriel’s room. What had Scott meant? As Gabriel’s mate she could take his blood from the source? Not likely.

One thing was clear, Gabriel 100 percent considered her his. He’d said so, but the mating brand left no questions. It’s destiny. The words played again and again as she took another lap.

When had this happened? She cast a glance to the bathroom. Images of them in the shower flickered in the back of her mind. He’d stripped their shirts, leaving her in her bra and jeans, his chest had been bare and he’d kept his slacks on. She’d been draped over his lap.

Her fingers went to her neck. Had he bitten her? Yes. Then he’d cut is own wrists for her. “You will not leave me.” His words had been so full of anguish because…she’d been dying. In his arms, she’d been fading…

Jordan’s steps stuttered. She’d been living on borrowed time, ever since he’d rescued her from the auction. She only breathed now because of him. How? Was it the mark?

She heard the bedroom door open and close. She didn’t have to look over her shoulder, she could sense his presence. He was coming to her, she closed her eyes just as he reached for her. He pulled her against his chest, his face nuzzling the hollow of her throat.

Yes, this felt like destiny. So, here we go. Diving right in. “Gabriel, am I your mate?”

He stiffened around her. “How?” Then she heard him grate, “Scott. What did he say?”

She turned around in his arms. “It’s destiny.”

His released her and took a step back. She hated the space between them.

“Something like that.”

“Well, you marked me.” Her eyes flashed with anger. “I like tattoos.” She displayed her wrists and the black ink displayed there. “But I—”

“It wasn’t by choice. I assure you.”

Wait. What? He hadn’t meant to mark her? Well, that possibility was like a kick to the gut. “Get to talking, big guy.”

He rubbed his nape, his gaze fell to the floor. He shifted on his feet. Was he nervous? She was and every silent second felt like an eternity as she waited for him to speak.

“Long ago, the Shaw witch tribe, placed a curse on all those that take the vows of Clan Chieftain. The Death Curse slowly eats away a vampire’s immortality as it infects their minds and hearts. Some claim to relive the horrors they delivered to their victims, but from their perspective. Others are driven mad by riotous emotions. But they all end up the same way, racked with pain, regretting every evil deed they committed, praying for forgiveness, for mercy, for Death to take them.”

She cringed. “Sounds awful. Is there any way to stop it?”

He met her gaze. “To find your mate.”

Her sudden, sharp intake of breath made her light headed.

“Every Clan has a rightful ruler, selected by Fate to help bring about peace among the vampires, witches, shape-shifters, and humans. This leader is granted a mate. Someone to bond their life force to, to spend an eternity with, to save them from the curse.” He was back, standing just an inch from her. “You are my mate, Jordan.”



Please, say something, he wanted to beg but Gabriel clenched his jaw and remained silent. Patients what not a word he’d ever use to describe himself but he’d wait. His heart pounded so loud, he was sure she could hear it.

Jordan had said she wanted a relationship with, a connection, but what if this was too much? What if she rejected him? There was nothing in the lore that said she had to accept him.

“What does this mean?”

He released the breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding. “We are eternally bound.”

“Whoa.” She swayed and he steadied her by placing a hand on her shoulder. “Sorry. Maybe I should sit.” She shrugged away from his touch and staggered to the bed. Pressing a hand to her temple, she bumped into the mattress and sat down.

“I never allowed myself to believe in the possibility of finding my mate. I was convinced the Graces would never bless me with such a treasure. I didn’t believe I was the rightful king and, honestly, I welcomed the Death Curse. I’ve lived for so long.” His shoulders quaked with a deep sigh, “Too long. I was tired. When I spoke the vows and became king I was ready to be stripped of my immortality.”

“You were prepared for…the end.”

He came to kneel in front of her. He wanted to touch her, to hold her, to caress her so badly, but he kept his distance. “Until you.”

“But this was an accident, wasn’t it? I mean, you didn’t choose me. I don’t want you to feel we have to be together because of some magic mark. I don’t want you to say you love me because you’re compelled to do so.”

Compelled. She thought he only wanted her because he had to, because destiny had yoked them together. He had to make her understand. She had to know how much she meant to him, how much he wanted her.

“Yes, I did.” He reached into his jacket and removed the photo he carried. “I didn’t know it, but I did. You’ve been mine from the start. I fought the hold you had on me, afraid of the change it would bring if I embraced it.”

“And now?”

“Now, I wonder why I ever tried to deny you.” He handed her the image. “Over six months ago, I found this photo taped to an empty cell of the first warehouse I raided.” He removed one glove with his teeth and stroked his thumb over the faded image. “Your eyes…they called to me. Even through the picture they pierced my soul.” Swallowing hard he said, “I knew that cell was intended for you.”

Jordan reached out to him, the tips of her fingers brushed the back of his hand. “You went looking for me.”

He nodded and she added, “That’s why you came to the bar, why you offered me that record contract. So you could protect me.”

She frowned when he scoffed. “I had you in my grasp and they took you from me.” Rage rolled off him a cold waves. His muscles began to quake, suddenly consumed with the need to kill, to annihilate any and every threat. “That night, I snapped. I became obsessed with find you.” He scrubbed his face with his gloved hand. “Jordan, I was willing to do anything to rescue you and I did…everything.”

“What? Gabriel, what did you do?”

“I told myself you had nothing to with my decisions. That it wasn’t you that…” His words ended on a rough laugh. “I lied. So many times, I lied to myself, to Gannon, to my Clan.”

She slipped to the floor beside him. Her heat enveloped him, comforted him though only their hands touched.

“Tell me,” she softly encouraged.

Gabriel laughed again, the sound deeper, darker. “For fuck sake, Jordan. The raids, the war, the Clan, the Death Curse, living like damn monk for months on end—it was all for you. I did it all for you.”

She trembled, her violet eyes glistened with unshed tears. “You searched for me.”

“Every night.”

“You came to the auction for me. You risked capture. Death,” she gasped the last word.

“I would’ve struck a deal with the devil and bartered away the tattered remains of my soul if it would’ve ensured your freedom and happiness.” He gently brushed the knuckles of his gloved hand over her cheek, wiping away the tears that slipped down her face. “I did all of this before I knew you were my mate.” The photo floated to the floor as he tore open his shirt. Buttons bounced between them and rolled across the floor. Gabriel grabbed her wrist and pressed her palm flat against his brand. “I don’t need a ‘magic mark’ to tell me you’re mine or that we belong together.”

He eased his bruising hold. Her hand moved up and down with his pounding breaths. Another crystal drop fell from the corner of her eye and cascaded down her cheek. This he caught with his lips. She shuddered a sigh and melted against him. Her hands circled his waist, her face burrowed against his chest.

His arms closed around her. He pressed kisses to the crown of her head as he rocked her with him. “I love you, Jordan.” Her hot tears fell to his chest. “I know I’m…broken. Hell, I’m as far from perfect as possible and I know I’m going fuck up a hundred times or more but…I want to be better.”

“Say it again.”

“I’m going to—”

“No,” she sniffled. “The first part. Say it again.”

“I love you.”

The sound of her heart thundered, drowning out everything else. “Again.”

“I love you.”

Her breath caressed his chest as she left out a light laugh. “I didn’t realize how much I needed to hear those word.”

“I’ll say them again and again, until you beg me to stop.”

She shook her head and leaned back. “Don’t think that’ll happen.” She smiled. “And I’m no peach, either. I’ve got trust and abandonment issues, but we’ll work on everything together.”

He used the edges of his ruined shirt to dab at her eyes.

“But what does this mean for us? I’m not a vampire and I…don’t know if I’m willing to become one. Drinking blood doesn’t sound very appetizing, unless it’s yours.” She winked when his jaw dropped. “Yes, I remember you giving me your blood. I thought it had all been a dream.”

“I’m sorry. If there had been something else—”

“I understand and I already went through this with Scott. He told me about the combination of the poison and my injuries…Basically, I was all dressed up waiting for Death to come pick me up for our first and last date.”

He frowned not liking her joke. “My blood was only a temporary solution.”

“Scott said I wouldn’t need that medication anymore now that we’re mated. What did he mean?”

Gabriel ran his fingers through her hair, baffled by how the feel of those silky strands could calm him so profoundly. So entranced the feel of her in his arms, he had to shake his head to focus. She’d asked a question.

“We are bound. Your life force is connected to mine.”

“So, I’m going to be a vampire?”

“No, but you will have to endure the rigors of the transformation. Your body will change, you won’t age and you won’t ever get sick, but you’ll be able to walk in the sun.”

“You’re saying I’ll have all the benefits but none of the side effects.”

He nodded. “Yes. I’m sorry, I truly wish there was another way. The pain—”

“Is a small price to pay for lifetimes with you,” she stated.

Gabriel’s chest constricted. “You are happy with this?”

“Happy? Hell, yeah. It’s you I’m worried about. Mr. Commitment Phobe has just been shackled for eternity with a mate.”

“I’ve waited my entire life for you and I won’t be letting you go.”

“What makes you think I’d let you?” she haughtily asked. “We may not have spoken vows or exchanged rings.” She traced the circles of his newest scar. “We’ve got something better.”

“Would you want vows and rings? Would you like to marry me?”

Her tickling stopped and she blinked up at him. “I never really thought…I had hoped one day…” She shook her head and her delicious lips curled into a smile. “I need a bit more info first. How old are you?”

“My memories of my childhood and early life are spotty at best.”

“You’re too old to remember your own birthday?” she teased.

He playfully swatted her ass and she gasped in surprised pleasure. “I’m just over thirteen-hundred and I won’t tolerate old man jokes.”

She whistled, “Touchy.”

He chuckled. “Just laying some ground rules.”

Jordan rolled her eyes. “I’ve other questions, so I’ll let that side. For now.”

Gabriel braced himself. He didn’t know what she’d ask, but he would try to answer. He wanted no secrets between them. He wanted to be open with her. “Don’t hide our broken parts,” she’d said, but some memories were buried too deep and some scars could never be healed.



She would say yes. She would marry Gabriel. White dress, veil and all. He was mad about her and she was head over stilettos in love with him. But she had to know, “You’ve said you don’t like drinking from others or sharing your blood.” He sucked in a breath and waited. “Have you created any fledglings?”

His expression was one of relief. Had he thought she’d ask about his transformation? Jordan had concluded the Madame hadn’t just torture him and assaulted him, she’d made him. No doubt she’d planned to keep him forever, abusing him until nothing remained of the man he once was. Until every ounce of his humanity was consumed by the vampire within. He’d reveal those dark parts of his past when he was ready. She wouldn’t push for him to confide in her, but she would finagle some information from him.

His answer was a hard nod. “Tomorrow, at the compound, you’ll meet her.”

Jordan arched a brow. “Her and at the compound? Is that where she lives?”

He paused then shook his head. “My enemies are going to attack the city. I don’t know exactly when, but soon. I want you some place safe. The compound’s location is secret, it’s fortified—”

“Isn’t exposing yourself to humans some kind of huge no-no?”

“Boras decides which laws and what codes he’ll abide. He’s dangerous, unpredictable. I won’t have you here in harms way.”

Jordan’s body shook with apprehensive chills. Boras. She’d heard the name many times while imprisoned. The hostess praised him non-stop and Klein had said…Oh, dear lord this was the strike the two had discussed the night Gabriel had rescued her. “The bastard won’t see if coming.” She smirked. No, Klein you hadn’t seen him coming.

“This war will end tonight,” Gabriel growled. “I will have Boras’s head.” His eyes flicker and darted over to stack of old chests.

When he remained silent she asked, “What is it?”

As if her voice had cleared away the webs in his head, he returned his attention to her. “Something I should get rid of.” He pinched her chin, his yes hard with intent. “I will keep you safe, but I can’t have you here. I’d be worried about you, distracted and I need my mind focused, sharp.”

Her shoulders slumped with a sigh. “Fine. I’ll go. But you have a woman who doesn’t shrink from battle.”

His lips curled with a proud, content smile. “You’re a vicious little thing.”

“Better to know now than to find out about it later.”

He laughed. The sound was gruff, as if he weren’t used to the action, and it warmed her heart. Oh, yes, see was going to enjoy this mate-hood thing. She may not be able to give him complete peace, his mind may never fully clear, but she could give him pleasure, and she could make him happy. She’d make sure he laughed often.

“When do I leave?”

“Tomorrow at sundown with Gannon. My men are working on pinning down Boras and his guard’s location. Once we know where they are set up, we’ll strike. I full intend to be at your side when the moon meets the center of the sky, when the transformation begins. But, if I’m unable to do so, Scott and Kate will be there to help you.”

She balked, hating the idea of going through the unknown without him. She’d always been alone and now, she had a man of her own. She knew children were impossible, vampires didn’t procreate like mortals, but she had a partner, and a chance at true family. A blended vampire family. Frowning she wondered if being with Gabriel somehow, in a wacky way, made her a stepmother. He’d said he’d had a fledgling.

She kissed him and said, “I’m not worried and I don’t want you to rush to get to me. Take your time, be thorough and end this war so we can move on with our happily ever after. Now, tell answer my question about her.”

Gabriel tensed. “This information is…classified. I cannot stress that enough.”

Curiosity train rolling! “Top secret. Got it.”

He frowned and she drew her fingers across her lips as if she were zipping them shut then acted as if she’d tossed the key over her shoulder.

“Kerstyn Arsov, the queen of the Volkov Clan.”

“How did it happen?”

“I was sworn protect her and was willing to give my life for hers.” His eyes grew distant as if he were remembering the moment. His voice dropped low, “I nearly did.” He ran a shaking hand his face to his chest, his palm pressed against the mating brand. The feel of it punched him back into the present. Had he thought to feel the slave brand? Jordan was never more relived their passion had erased the ugly scar.

“I’m a blood bastard. I was made without the permission or knowledge of the Clan’s Chieftain. When Madame Sideth…” He roughly shook his head. “Lady Ingrid was exposed I should’ve been bound by the stake and left to burn in the sun.”

“Lady Ingrid. Madame Sideth. They’re the same person?”

That muscle in his jaw ticked as he silently answered with a nod. The names must have slipped out, but Jordan was happy. They were making progress. She knew it would all come in baby steps. She was patient. She could wait.

“One day, I’ll tell you all, but…for now I…can’t. Please know, I’ve already shared more with you than I have with anyone.” He kissed her brow. “Vampire law dictates that when a fledging is unlawfully created, their maker is either Outcast or killed, depending on the King’s ruling.”

“And the vampires they created burn,” she finished in understanding. “But you had escaped.”

“Dimitri Arsov, the Volkov Clan ruler, helped me break free. He offered me asylum for a time. He showed me how to control my power, my strength. Taught me the ways of vampire society and trained me how to be a Black Knight, though I could never be one. Then, I struck out on my own. I floated through existence with no purpose or goal until I came across a weak, but peaceful group of Outcasts. Blood bastards, like me, but they’d offered themselves to their master who was a cruel bastard. I killed him and my following began.”

“And here we are.”

“Yes,” he sighed, gliding his fingers through her hair again. “Here we are.”


“Yes.” His fingers tickled the side of her neck. “Now, tell me, will you marry me?”

She shook her and bit her lip. Should she ask? Was it too much? He’d just told her he wasn’t ready to shine a flash light on the horrors of his past.

“What is it, love? What’s troubling you?”

“Gabriel, will you…um…will you tell me about your first wife?”

She felt the oxygen explode from his chest and immediately began back tracking. “I’m sorry. Too much.”

“No.” He stroked her neck again. “Vailraina was her name. Our marriage was…easy. Pleasant.” He swallowed. “We were friends.”

“What happened?”

“The Vikings came while the men and I were on a hunt. They slaughtered our village, raped and murdered my wife before my eyes. I couldn’t save her. I couldn’t…get to her…” Gabriel touched her neck again as if the action kept him anchored to the present. “I killed them all. Took their heads.” His eyes flickered to the side then came back to her. A dark laugh shook rattled his chest. “He found a fine punishment for me.”

He didn’t say it but she knew. The Viking had sold him to the Madame. She wanted to throw her arms around him, to conform him, self-preservation told her to just remain still, to let him stroke her. To touch her.

“One last question,” she leaned into his seeking caressed.  “Just one and then you’ll have my answer.”

“Answer,” he repeated, the shook himself. “Yes, your answer.”

“After one more question.”

“Fuck, Jordan make it a simple one.”

She smiled. I’m about to make you focus on me again. “What were your plans after you rescued me?”

His hand pulled away and their gazes locked. Bright violet clashed with clear green. Her breath caught in throat as he explained. He hadn’t know what medical condition she would be in and was enraged when he found she’d been doped up out of her mind. The poison had destroyed her internal organs beyond human repair and the injuries she’d sustained as Klein had ran with her over the frozen lake and through the trees, made it impossible for nothing short of magic to save her. He’d asked for Dimitri’s blood, since he was the oldest and strongest of their kind, his bloodline would be strong enough to cure her.

She held up her hand as he added the last part of his plan. “Erase my memories?” She snapped her fingers. “Just like that. Wow, how extremely cavalier of you, Your Majesty.”

His brow’s furrowed. “You’re upset.”

“You would’ve taken my memories without asking me?” She punched him in the arm. He didn’t flinch or cringe. “What if I want to keep them?”

He shook his head, disbelieving her words. She wouldn’t lie to herself or to him, there were moments she wished she could forget. The torture, the screams, the death, but if she forgot then all those who had suffered would be lost. No one would remember them or how they’d died.

“I’d spare you any pain I can. The nightmares—”

“Will fade with time.”

“As a stipulation, I would’ve given you the option.”

“Truly gracious.”

Her snarky tone earned her another smack on her bottom. “I’ll always protect you, anyway I can.”

“I know and appreciate it.” She reached around him and slapped his ass. “But don’t treat me like I’m a doll.”

His gaze heated and her body began to tingle. “Challenging me?” he growled.

“I’m not so fragile. I can hold the weight of worlds if that’s what you need.”

He gripped her hips and pulled her flush against him. The impact so hard, her breath was knocked from her lung. “You’ll make a fierce queen until-never-do-us-part.”

Gabriel’s mouth crashed down on hers.




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