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Dark Operative: A Shadow of Death (The Children Of The Gods Paranormal Romance Series Book 17) by I. T. Lucas (14)

Chapter 14: Bhathian

"I'm starting to lose hope for that boy," Bhathian said.

Eva put down the book she'd been reading on the nightstand. "I know he needs some coaching, but that's not the problem. When it clicks, it clicks despite the imperfections. He just didn't meet the right woman yet."

Bhathian rubbed the back of his neck. "You might be right. I can't believe that Sharon and Robert clicked. The guy has gone through most of the keep's female population, and none wanted him for more than a shag or two. Not that I blame them. Compared to him, I'm Prince Charming. But Sharon seems to really like him. She wants more than to just get in his pants."

"Sharon never had a boyfriend, even though she goes out with a lot of guys. I guess they are both a little odd. Maybe that's what makes them perfect for each other."

"Either that, or they are truelove mates."

"Get in bed, my love." Eva patted the spot next to her.

Bhathian dropped the towel he had wrapped around his hips and ducked under the covers. "Don't get any ideas, woman. You wrung the last drop of juice out of me."

She leaned and kissed his cheek. "Poor baby. You have such a hard life."

He cupped her chin and kissed her lips. "I love every moment of it."

Eva had been a lustful female before the pregnancy, but now she was insatiable. Even an immortal male who was in the best shape possible had his limits.

She smiled and picked up the book, then put it face down on top of the comforter. "Amanda has good instincts. I would have never thought of Robert as a good match for Sharon. The thing is, though, how are they going to date? Kian is not going to allow Sharon to visit Robert in his apartment, and he is not allowed to leave the keep without an escort."

Bhathian grimaced. "I can bring him over and act as his keeper. Not that I'm looking forward to a babysitting job, but I'll do it for Sharon. If he is the one for her, then it's worth the hassle."

"Is he going to stay the night?" Eva didn't look too happy at the prospect.

"Are you worried?"

"He is an ex-Doomer, and Kian doesn't trust him yet. I'm too cynical to overlook this just because there is romance in the air."

"I can take him back to the keep after he and Sharon are done with their date."

Eva shook her head. "They are not schoolchildren on a playdate. Talk about awkward."

"So what do you suggest?"

She sighed. "One of us will need to stay awake and make sure Robert is not up to something other than shagging Sharon. We will have to take turns sleeping."

"As if I'm going to let my pregnant mate watch over a trained, lethal soldier."

Eva pinned him with a hard stare. "You forget I'm a trained agent and quite lethal myself."

"Not against an ex-Doomer. Kian doesn't allow Kri on any missions that might put her in front of Doomers, and the girl is an incredible fighter."

Eva waved a hand. "Kri is big and strong and well-trained, but she is young and has a soft heart. I don't."

And how sexy was that?

Bhathian loved that his mate was a dangerous woman. An assassin. But he loved even more that she had retired from that side-line of hers.

"I'll allow it only if you keep a gun ready."

Eva pulled the nightstand drawer open and motioned for him to take a look. "I always do, my love."

Impossibly, Bhathian got hard again. "Fates, woman, you're so damn sexy."

She chuckled. "If I knew guns turned you on, I would have shown you mine a long time ago."

"It's not the guns. It's the woman who knows how to use them."

With a contented sigh, Eva put her head on his shoulder. "When do we tell Sharon? Before or after?"

That was a good question. There were pros and cons for both. "I think after. After having more experience with what induces an adult female's transition, Bridget says that venom alone doesn't do the trick. It needs to come with insemination. Which means that as long as condoms are used nothing is going to happen."

"That's interesting. Are you going to have a talk with Robert?"

Bhathian's lips twisted into a grimace. "Great. It's just getting better and better."

Eva shrugged. "If you are uncomfortable doing so, I can have a talk with him."

"Over my dead body. I'll do it."

She smiled. "I knew you were going to say that."

"But before I do, I'm getting the remote to Robert's cuff from William. One inappropriate remark and I press the button."

Eva gasped. "You're even meaner than I am. You would blow the guy's arm off for that?"

"Not really, but it will make me feel better about having to have the talk with him. Besides, I'm going to keep it here in case he stays the night. The cuff is more effective than a gun, and the remote has a longer range. Even if he manages to get away, I can blow his arm off from several miles away."

"Ouch. That's harsh."

Bhathian patted her thigh. "He can grow it back but it hurts like hell, and knowing I have the remote is a great deterrent. He will think twice before trying anything."

Eva lifted her book but then put it down again. "I don't feel right about this whole situation, and I don't know why. Robert seems like a decent fellow, and he is doing a good job for the clan. Not to mention his sacrifice for Carol. But I don't think he and Sharon should be hanging around here. Perhaps she is right, and it's time for her to get her own place."

"And then what? I'll go on babysitting duty over there? That's even weirder."

"You're right. I'll talk with Amanda and see what we can come up with. She cooked this up, so she needs to find an appropriate solution."

"I agree. Hopefully, one that doesn't require me to chaperone."