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Desired By Dragons by Scarlett Grove (69)

Chapter 6

Just as Celeste was leaving her chamber, she received a ping on her wrist holocom. She tapped her bracelet and listened to the message.

“Princess Celeste, I regret to inform you that I cannot attend our morning meal. I have been called away on urgent business that requires my immediate attention. I anticipate meeting with you later today.”

Celeste flicked on her wrist holocom and crossed her arms. She was tired of waiting around for him. Celeste just wanted to get this whole mating ritual thing over and done with so she could get on with the rest of her life. Salvatt was her mate and there was no going back to Earth now.

If she could just find a way to connect with him, she knew that they could grow to love each other. Celeste had to hold on to that hope for her own sanity. But if he didn't spend time with her, then how could they even begin the mating ritual? Traditionally, it took days of constant contact between mates for the ritual to be complete and for the smaller female’s body to be ready to accept her male. Celeste had already been waiting for a year to do this thing, and didn't know how much longer she could wait.

She walked into the nursery and saw the nanny playing a kind of peekaboo with Shiloh who was sitting up in a semi-reclining chair.

“Salvatt was called away. I would like to explore the gardens below,” she said to the nanny. “Could you bring the baby and show me how to get out there?”

“Absolutely, Princess,” the nanny said.

“Let's go now. I’m tired of waiting.”

The nanny put Shiloh in his hover carriage and pushed it out through the front door of her apartment and down the hall to the elevator. They rode together all the way to the bottom level of the fortress and continued down another hallway until they came to a clear glass sliding door.

The door quickly slid open and they stepped through, walking out into a tropical paradise.

Her lungs filled with the smell of the dense green landscape. She could feel the humidity on her skin and hear the call of the birds in the distance.

They stood on a raised patio above a lush green lawn that expanded out towards the edge of the gardens. A path led through the grass and into the cultivated jungle. The trees reminded her of the palms that grew back home. But they were larger and more prehistoric looking than the modern varieties on modern day Earth. The fronds were also streaked with rich neon colors not found in nature on her planet.

She strolled along the path, her long formal gown stretching out behind her. The nanny pushed Shiloh in his carriage, and they all entered the garden together. Palms grew up around them, some bearing rich red fruits that hung in massive clusters.

They came to the bank of the shimmering silver pond that stretched out between the path and the native jungle on the other side. A bench sat beside the pool, looking out at the still water. She and the nanny sat and she gazed out at the view.

“How do you find Galaton?” he asked.

“I find it fascinating,” Celeste said. “Although, I wish I was here with the prince instead of my nanny.”

“Perfectly understandable, Princess,” he said. “I'm sure the prince will join you soon.”

“I will join you now,” a deep, rough voice spoke from behind her.

Celeste gasped and stood, turning around to find Prince Salvatt striding down the path toward her. His eyes were ablaze behind the coal black irises. He gazed intently at her as he approached. Celeste felt an electric shock spike through her blood when he came to stand in front of her.

“Take the baby and return to the fortress,” Salvatt said to the nanny.

The nanny shot from his seat and jumped to attention. He gripped the handle of the hover carriage and quickly hurried down the trail and back to the castle.

“What is it?” Celeste asked.

“We have no time for niceties,” Prince Salvatt said. “We must begin the ritual now.”

“But we’re in the middle of the jungle,” she said, beginning to shake.

“Take off your clothes,” he said gruffly. “We have no more time to waste.”

Celeste's eyes grew wide, and she bit her lip. She looked down at the corset at her waist and began to pull the bindings loose. Salvatt grew impatient and crossed the distance between them abruptly, grabbing for the ties.

He yanked the ties open, and Celeste couldn't meet his eyes. He pulled her dress roughly down her shoulders, revealing her breasts. He then pushed the dress down over her hips and it pooled at her feet, leaving her completely naked.

“Lie down,” he said, pointing at the damp grass.

Celeste finally looked up at him, fear and desire mingling in her core. She gingerly knelt onto the soft green grass. Slowly, she descended onto her back and lay on the ground before her prince.

He looked down at her, still wearing his armor. He flicked a spot at his neck, making all that hard metallic armor contract in on itself. He was in a tight jumpsuit that hugged his body, showing her exactly why they needed to start the mating ritual.

A sharp thrill went through her as he lowered himself over her naked form. He leaned in to her, barely touching her side with his hand. Their lips met, igniting a passion that blazed like an exploding star between them.

Celeste moaned and reached up to thread her fingers through his hair. She'd longed to bond with her mate for so long. She’d built her whole world around what it would be like for them to be together. When she’d arrived, she’d felt her hopes dashed. But as soon as they kissed, the passion ignited deep in her soul.

She moaned into his mouth as their tongues briefly met. He pulled away and looked into her eyes. His black globes stared into her soul and she gasped at the new awareness of him. He kissed down her body, starting at her earlobes and nibbling at her neck.

“Salvatt, yes,” she whimpered.

When his mouth met her breasts, he flicked his tongue over her stiff nipple, eliciting a purring moan from her throat. He caressed her body, holding himself over her with his powerful arm. His fingers found her wetness, sinking through her folds to tease out her hot desire.

The sounds of the jungle mixed with the sound of Celeste's moaning breaths. Salvatt expertly caressed her need, bringing her to the brink of orgasm with each movement of his fingers.

She reached out to him, wanting to touch him, wanting to bring him to climax. It was what they both needed. The mating ritual required his seed spill on her bare flesh. Even the lotion she'd been using was not as strong as one drop of his fresh semen.

Salvatt pushed her hands away and sank between her thighs. She saw his black eyes look up at her before they disappeared behind his lids. He groaned as he licked her. At first he did it languidly, but then with increasing intensity.

The pleasure barreled through her, crashing toward climax. Her body erupted, contracting against his mouth and fingers. She cried out, gripping his black hair. He rose above her as she panted on the ground.

As she whimpered below him, he flicked away the remaining jumpsuit and was then naked, kneeling above her. His thick erection stood like a proud stallion. Holding his shaft above her, he began to stroke. Celeste's body still hummed with orgasm. Seeing him pleasure himself as he stared into her eyes made her nearly come again.

She reached up to touch him, but he moved her arm and pinned it down on the grass. He continued stroking himself, faster and faster with each beat. Celeste bit her lip, waiting for the climax. She felt as if she was right there with him.

The fire prince gritted his teeth and groaned. His orgasm shot in hot jets of molten white liquid over her round breasts. Spurts of semen landed on her skin and she moaned as each drop fell on her flesh.

It was as if his seed filled her with pleasure as it touched her skin. He growled above her, moving his hand from her wrist to rub his hot cum into her ripe breasts. All she could do was watch him, feeling wicked and more turned on than she'd ever been.

“Salvatt...” she whispered, wanting to connect with this man who was her mate.

She reached up to him, but he pulled away and put on his armor. She lay on the blanket, naked and covered in his seed. Salvatt stood and turned away, hardness returning to his posture.

“You will be ready soon, lady,” he muttered, starting toward the path.

“Salvatt, wait,” she said, reaching up to him.

He turned slowly, gazing into her eyes. He didn't speak. He simply stood there, waiting.

“I want to be with you,” she said, her words sounding desperate in her ears. “I’d like us to get to know each other.”

“Princess, spending time with you only accelerates my mating impulse. Holding on to my sanity since your arrival has taken constant vigilance. We will commence, 'getting to know each other' after we have mated.”

“I understand,” she said, looking away, tears beginning to collect in her eyes. She'd been strong so long. Holding on to her own resolve had become more difficult since her arrival as well.

Salvatt swept in beside her, kneeling before her on the ground. He gripped her shoulder and slid a finger under her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes. His expression was intent and sincere.

“I understand your need for a heart bond before mating,” he said, placing his hand on her heart. “I desire one as well. I wish it could have been different…for us.”

“I didn't realize,” she whispered.

“You will be prepared for me soon, Princess Celeste, my little human mate.” He kissed her forehead before letting her go and standing to walk away.

She watched him stride down the forest path, her heart aching for him in a whole new way. All along, she'd thought she was alone in her need for love. But her prince felt just as she did. He wanted her love too. He wanted to bond with her before they mated. But he couldn't be with her without losing his mind.

It felt so tragic and miserable, but she knew that soon her body would be ready to accommodate him. Then, he could finally claim her. Everything would be okay after that. Then they could finally be together.