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Desired By Dragons by Scarlett Grove (89)

Chapter 5

From the first instant that Shay had seen his princess, he was stunned by her beauty. Not a moment went by that he did not have to force her image out of his mind. She had come to represent all that was good and beautiful in the universe, and not thinking of her, or contacting her, grew more difficult with each passing day.

His inner dragon roared against his mind as he fought his own dragons in the fighting pits below the Coral Palace. The vicious battles with his Dukes and Earls raged on, day in and day out, as he waited for his bride's arrival.

Every time the females grew sparse and died off, the lower level aristocrats rose up against the princes. Every time, the families of the four houses put down the rebellion. But this time, at the back of his mind, when he felt most vulnerable and most in need of his bride, he feared that it would be different. He feared that they would overthrow his rule of the water lands.

Deep in the ocean, his fierce dragon form was locked in battle with one of his own Earls. Shay spiraled above the other dragon and shot back down again, baring his sharp fangs. Prince Shay sank his teeth into the neck of the opposing dragon and tasted his blood. He had no choice but to end his Earl’s life. He bit down harder and snapped the dragon’s neck.

The body of the opposing dragon sank below the waves, deeper and deeper into the vast dark ocean. The last thing Shay wanted was to watch his own men die at his hand, but there was no other way to protect his throne.

This was the tradition and the way of Galaton. The princes were forced to prove that they had the right to rule every five thousand years when the females ran out. He knew that he was the strongest among the water dragons. In fact, he knew he was the strongest dragon on the entire planet. He was the oldest among the princes at two hundred years old.

As he swam through the waves, back to the dome over the Coral City, his mind flitted to his bride.

The human female was only thirty years old. Young in terms of a Draconian life span. But she was a mature female for a human. He had received word that her insemination had been successful, but that knowledge had only made it that much more difficult for him to not think about her and worry about her safety.

All that stood between him and insanity was the growing child inside her womb. Without that bond, the thrall would overtake him, and he would be done for. The water lands would be lost.

He swam to the hatch of the dome and shifted into his humanoid form once inside. He flicked the spot at his neck and made his uniform reappear, and walked out into the corridor of his palace. Just then, he heard his holocom ping with a new message.

“A meeting of the Council of Princes is requested.” The message came from Prince Elait of the air lands.

Shay hurried to his fastest vessel on the landing deck blow the Coral Palace. He got into his speeder and sat behind the pilot's chair. His vessel burst to life as he flicked on the holographic screen. Ascending above the Coral Palace, he came to an exit hatch at the top of the dome. He turned his vessel and sped through the hatch and into the deep blue waters of the ocean. After several leagues, he broke the surface of the water and shot through the sky toward the Temple of the Four Elements.

In his fastest speeder, it didn't take long for him to arrive. He parked his speeder off the platform dock of the temple. The arches rose high above, spiraling into the darkening sky. Clouds had gathered and he could feel the mist of oncoming rain on his skin. Shay strode down the landings platform and under the tall arching entryway of the water element.

The other three princes were already gathered around the stone table. The earth prince Magmus, with his deep brown eyes and green-tinted skin, stood at the sign of earth. Prince Salvatt of the Fire Lands, with his red-tinted skin and glowing yellow eyes, stood at the sign of fire. Prince Elait of the Air Lands, with his blue-tinted skin and silvery eyes, stood at the sign of air.

Shay took his place at the sign of water and slid his hand over the stone table, placing his palm print on the holographic screen in a sign of agreement.

“What is the purpose of this meeting?” Shay asked.

“The Mulgor are still a serious threat in our only route between Galaton and Draconia,” Salvatt said.

“My bride is fast approaching that zone,” Shay said. “Now that Prince Elait has returned, I must go to her. As I sent troops and my best fighters to protect the Air Lands, I expect no less protection from the rest of you,” Shay said.

“Indeed,” said Magmus. “After Shay, I will be next.”

“Then it is agreed,” Salvatt said. “We will help protect Shay’s lands while he goes to meet his bride.”

“The bride ship is still six months out,” Shay said. “But with my ship, the Black Spear, I can reach her within the month.”

“Then it is agreed,” Magmus said.

All four princes put their palms over the hologram, indicating that they were in agreement. It took a sample of their DNA as proof. If any of them betrayed their agreement to the other princes, it would have dire consequences.

As Shay walked away from the stone table and climbed back into his speeder, fear and anticipation mingled inside his heart and brain. He was excited to leave to go meet his bride, but at the same time he feared what could happen to the Water Lands during his absence.

He had a responsibility to continue the legacy of the Vishak family line as the leader of the Water Lands. But his greatest personal responsibility was to his mate and his child.