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Enemy of Magic (Dragon's Gift: The Protector Book 4) by Linsey Hall (14)

Chapter Fourteen

I gasped, bolting upright in bed. Ares was nowhere to be found. With a shaking hand, I turned on the bedside light. It shined golden. I blinked.

Ares popped his head into the bedroom. “Good, you’re awake. The FireSouls will be at P & P in thirty minutes.”

“What time is it?” I climbed out of bed, the wound in my leg no longer bothering me. A quick glance showed that it was gone. Ares must have pulled my dirty jeans off of me. He’d left the panties, of course.

“Nine. You’ve slept for a few hours.”

“Perfect. That will give us a chance to attack before dawn. It’s nine hours ahead there.”

“I like how you think.”

I smiled. “I’m going to shower. I’ll meet you in the living room soon.”

He nodded and left the bedroom. As I climbed into the shower, the dream raced through my mind. That woman had been familiar. She was the ghost I’d seen in the forest when I’d first arrived in Elesius last week.

At that time, I’d thought I’d never seen her before. But the truth was more complicated. If my dream was to be trusted, I’d known her before she’d faded away.

But who was she?

None of it made much sense, other than the fact that she’d definitely shown me a weak spot in the barrier trapping Elesius, and that my sword was supposed to be able to cut through it.

* * *

Thirty minutes later, Ares and I walked into P & P. It was warm and bright inside. Everyone was already gathered, chairs pulled up to form a big circle. All twelve FireSouls, my deirfiúr and their men, Connor and Claire, and even Aerdeca and Mordaca.

Connor had put carafes of coffee out on a table, along with trays of leftovers from the day. No time for custom orders now that we had a rescue operation to enact.

I’d just gotten a glimpse at everyone when the door opened behind me. I turned to see Bree and Ana enter.

I smiled. “What are you doing here?”

“We wanted to help you save your friend.” Ana scowled. “It’s not right, how he’s trapped like that.”

“Thank you. It could be deadly, though.”

Bree shrugged. “Not a problem.”

“Thank you.” I turned back to the room. The twelve members of the League of FireSouls were all dressed in burnished red leather armor. Their gazes were hard. Ready.

Mordaca and Aerdeca were both dressed in black tactical wear, Aerdeca having forgone her usual white, no doubt knowing that we’d be attacking at night.

I took one of the closest seats, Ares at my side. Bree and Ana went to the food table and dug in.

“Thank you all for coming.” I looked at Mordaca and Aerdeca. “Did Aethelred tell you we needed help?”

Aerdeca nodded. “He may have mentioned something.” She caressed the sword sheathed at her hip. “And my blade is thirsty.”

Mordaca just grinned, her lips the color of blood.

“You’ve found Alton,” Corin said.

“We have. We’re going to try to save him tonight. It’s nine hours ahead in France, but we still have at least an hour of darkness to shield us.”

“What’s our plan?” Corin said. “Where is he? France?”

I explained to them what we’d seen. “So you can see that our odds are poor. Drakon has an army. It’s dozens, probably more. Maybe hundreds.”

“We didn’t get a great look,” Cass said.

“Too busy running for our lives,” Bree added.

“Then we need stealth and cleverness,” Fiona said. “Do you have a plan?”

“I do. But it could be a death sentence, depending upon how many warriors Drakon has. And how well I perform my part.”

“We don’t leave a FireSoul behind,” Corin said. “We’re in.”

“All right, then.” I nodded, then looked at Connor. “How much invisibility potion do we have?”

He studied the assembled crowd. “Enough for everyone, but only for about thirty minutes.”

I nodded. “It’ll have to be enough.” I turned to the group. “Here’s the plan…”

* * *

Since cars wouldn’t be able to penetrate the thick tree line protecting Drakon’s creepy blue lightning cage, we all transported one by one without vehicles. Several of the FireSouls were transporters, which helped.

I arrived in the valley below Drakon’s mountaintop, along with Ares and Del. Within a minute, everyone else arrived. We’d already taken the invisibility potions, so speed was vital. We had to get into position before we became visible again.

All eyes turned to me. I nodded, giving everyone the thumbs-up. I caught Cass’s eye, and she nodded back.

Then we turned and ran, racing toward the river. Del used her power over sound to muffle our footsteps. My breath heaved as we sprinted across the river, jumping from flat stone to flat stone.

On the other side, the group split. Ares accompanied me, my escort toward the smoky black barrier. Everyone else ran up the mountainside, determined to get as close to Alton as they could. They’d hide in the treetops and wait for my signal.

The dragons weren’t here, but Jeff had done us a favor by killing so much of Drakon’s army. There were more though—probably a lot moreand I prayed we’d make it out alive.

The moon was bright in the sky above, illuminating the form of the smoky black dragon that swooped above Elesius.


I swallowed hard, my skin chilling. I shook away the fear and ignored him, sprinting for the part of the barrier where the forest spirit had indicated I would find a weak spot. My dragon sense pulled me toward it.

When I reached it, I stopped, panting. I turned to Ares, then leaned up and kissed him hard. We didn’t know if he’d be able to accompany me in because I was the only one wielding the sword that could cut through the mist, but I doubted it. He squeezed me once, then let go.

“Be safe,” he whispered.

You too.”

I stepped up to the barrier. On the other side, I could see the faint flow of the forest spirit. She waited for me.

I drew the Valkyrie’s sword from the sheath at my back and struck out for the barrier. My blade sliced through cleanly, leaving a gash. With a deep breath, I stepped through, turning back to face Ares.

As I’d expected, the black mist closed up again before he could enter. He reached for it, trying to force his hands through. He pushed and strained, but wasn’t able to break through.

“Go.” I could barely see his features, but I could feel his scowl. “I’ll meet you at the battle.”

He nodded, the motion hard to see, then turned and raced for the battle. With his superior speed, he should be able to make it into the trees before the invisibility potion wore off.

My blade seemed to cut through the spell, protecting me from the freezing charm, but I could see it all around me, a black haze on the air.

I turned to the forest, meeting the eyes of the forest spirit. She was very transparent, her white glimmering form the only point of light in the whole dark place.

“You don’t have long,” she said. “Come.”

I followed her through the forest, toward the town. I couldn’t see it yet, but my dragon sense told me that we were going in the right direction.

“Who are you?” I asked as we ran. Well, I ran. She kind of floated.

“The forest. You.”

“That’s not very clear,” I whispered. I didn’t think Drakon could hear me all the way down here underneath the smoky black dome, but maybe.

“You will understand.” She raced ahead and I followed.

Running alongside her felt familiar. There was a connection between us.

“Are you the spirit of the forest?” I asked.

“In a sense.” She slowed as we neared the base of the town, then pointed to the street that sloped upward along the valley ridge. The buildings crowded it on either side, turning it into a narrow alley. Lights gleamed on lampposts, illuminating the dark. “You will find the blue lightning at the top, in the courtyard. Your blade will do what it must.”

“Have you seen my mother?” I had to know that she was all right.

“I have not.” She made a shooing motion. “Now go. Your invisibility charm is fading, and you are running out of time.”

“Thank you.” I turned and ran, sprinting up the street.

As I passed by houses with their lights on, I saw the inhabitants, frozen inside. Everyone was stopped in mid-motion—eating, sitting, cleaning, walking. I shivered at the eeriness. There were even frozen people on the road.

I dodged them, hurrying toward the blue glow at the top of the street. The town was nearly silent save for the water that flowed through the fountains set into the building walls. The trickling of water obscured the rush of wings until it was too late.

I turned, following the noise. The dark shadow swooped down between the buildings, aiming straight for me.


I tried to lunge out of the way, but I was too slow. He dived low, his shadowy form knocking me to the ground. Though he was transparent smoke, he hit me with the power of a freight train, a combination of electric shock and sonic boom. I slammed down onto my front, ribs aching and breath forced from my lungs.

I nearly lost my grip on my sword and felt the freezing bindings of the black mist. I gripped the hilt tighter, scrambling to my feet. My ribs and knees ached. My insides felt like a prizefighter had beaten up each organ.

I did my best to shake it off, and continued up the street, keeping my gaze alert for Drakon. He was here, somewhere, regrouping and planning a second attack.

He must be able to fly within the freezing mist because he, too, was incorporeal. Or maybe his power was like that of my blade—so strong that it was impervious.

It didn’t matter why—only that he was here, and I had to avoid him.

My lungs burned as I ran. I kept my eyes and ears alert. The rush of wings was my only warning. This time, I threw myself to the ground voluntarily. He barely missed me, swooping overhead and hissing his rage.

“Bastard.” I surged up, and raced for the top of the street, my breath heaving.

His second attack came without warning, as if he were learning to be quieter. He slammed me to the ground again. I skidded on the stone, pain flaring throughout my whole body. He didn’t have the same level of power he’d had in his human form, but his blows were enough to make me feel like I’d been run over by a dump truck.

Aching, I dragged myself to my feet. I was only halfway to the top. The blue glow of the lightning beckoned, but it was so far. All around me, the city was silent and frozen. I waged my own battle in this frozen world, fighting a shadowy dragon that I couldn’t hear coming.

Muscles screaming, I ran, half limping. Touching Drakon was like sticking my fingers in a light socket.

The next time, I heard him coming. Just barely, the rush of wings. I was used to listening for Jeff’s wings, and I used the skill on Drakon. It would be an attack from the side—from the alley right up ahead on my left.

Maybe he was too excited to land his killing blow, or he was lazy because he knew I couldn’t see him coming from the side. Whatever it was, I used it to my advantage.

I raised my sword as I raced toward the alley, meeting him head-on. He flew right at me, level with my head. I dived, plunging up with my blade. The steel sliced at his side, a shallow wound. In his chest, a heart glowed black and bright.

I’d missed. Badly.

But Drakon hissed as steam poured from him. It burned. I shrieked and rolled away. He swept up into the sky.

I scrambled up, clutching my sword tight, and raced for the top of the street, pain engulfing me. Almost there. Just thirty meters to go. I was close enough that I could see the streak of blue lightning.

The sky was brightening as the sun approached the horizon. High above, Drakon swooped overhead. I needed a more direct shot. To his heart.

I sprinted faster. Maybe I could beat him to the lightning.

I was wrong.

He dived right in front of me, then swooped low over the street, hurtling toward me. He flew so low to the ground that he filled the narrow street, giving me nowhere to hide. There were no side streets and no way for me to dodge him. The direct blow could knock me unconscious, and at this angle, reaching his heart was impossible. Beheading was even less likely.

Fear chilled my skin.

Then my eyes caught on a set of stone steps set into the wall on my right. They climbed upward along the building’s front face, going toward Drakon. From his angle, he probably couldn’t even see that steps were there.

My only shot.

I sprinted faster, lungs burning. Drakon was nearly upon me when I leapt onto the steps to my right and raced up them. Drakon slowed, just slightly. He was right under me.

I leapt off the steps, blade plunging downward. I landed on Drakon, the contact shooting pain through every atom. My steel sank into Drakon’s back. Not over his heart, but close. He shrieked. The wound was deep, pouring steam. I fell off him, keeping my grip tight on my blade. Agony surged through me from touching him, the prizefighter going for my organs again.

As I crashed to the ground, Drakon swooped upward, going for the sky. His wings faltered.


I hadn’t killed, but I’d done some serious damage.

Gasping and shaking, I dragged myself up, stumbling the last few meters up the street. It opened up into the main courtyard—the center of town.

The blue lightning blazed, brilliant and fierce. It pierced down from the sky, striking the cobblestone ground and holding firm, like a harpoon that kept the cloudy black dome in place.

I ran for it, adrenaline pumping through my veins. The lightning was at least a foot thick, sparking and bright. I wasn’t even sure if it was lightning, but it crackled with magical energy, making my hair stand on end and burning my eyes.

I squinted, trying to keep my gaze on the magic. There was no time for hesitation. As soon as I neared it, I raised my sword and struck, slicing through the lightning like I was trying to fell a tree.

Electricity blew me off my feet, shooting me backward. I slammed into the ground, losing my grip on my sword. It clattered onto the cobblestones.

I lay on my back, gasping, frozen with electric pain. Above me, the lightning retreated into the sky, disappearing back the way it’d come. If my plan worked, Alton’s cage would disappear as well.

Morning light illuminated the dome above me. The gray mist receded, starting at the very top of the dome and disappearing all the way to the ground.

Hell, yes.

Now if only I could move, because I had a date with battle.

I groaned as I sat upright, every muscle aching. All around me, people shouted. They were waking up.

Shakily, I stood, then stooped and gathered my sword.

“Phoenix!” My mother’s voice sounded from behind me.

I whirled. She raced toward me, her skin pale and hair limp. Her eyes were wild as she sprinted up to me and threw her arms around me.

“You saved us!” She pulled back and looked at me, pride gleaming in her eyes.

My father ran up to join her. He pulled me in tight for a hug.

“It’s not over yet.” I pointed toward the mountaintop where Alton had been held captive. It was to be our main battleground. Tension thrummed in my veins, a deep need to be at the battle with my friends. “I have to get over there, quickly. My friends are about to fight the army of the man who did this to you. They need our help.”

My mother’s gaze sharpened and she nodded, quick to understand the direness of the situation. The panic in my voice probably helped.

She turned and yelled, “Elesius, to arms! The horses!” She looked back at me. “Come, this way!”

She grabbed my hand, and we raced across the courtyard. I forced the pain away, trying to focus on my friends. They needed me.

We ran up to the stables, which were located at the side of the courtyard. Stablehands were readying the mounts, fast and precise.

“That one.” My mother pointed to a sleek black horse.

I hurried toward it, lodging my foot in the stirrup and then heaving myself up. My mother launched herself onto her white horse. My father followed suit, climbing atop his gray mount. Around us, citizens of Elesius spilled out of buildings, armed to the teeth. Cavalry leapt upon horses, others ran on foot, gathering in the square.

“We go to Darktop Mountain!” my mother called. She looked at me and murmured, “Who the hell are we fighting?”

“Demons. Kill only the demons.” I didn’t want my friends getting caught in the crossfire.

My mother nodded, gaze firm, then turned back to the crowd. “We wage war against the demons who imprisoned us! Slay all those with horns.”

Yeah, that worked.

My mother turned to me. “We ride.”

Then she turned her mount and galloped off up the street. I directed my horse after her, following as she rode expertly towards the edge of the dome, where I presumed there was a shortcut.

Jeez, she was a badass.

My father followed behind me, the rest of the army racing along behind him. The road gave way to a section of mountain ridge. Two hundred meters in the distance, the white barrier shimmered. I followed my mother, guiding my mount around boulders.

We plowed through the shimmering white veil, spilling out onto the other side. In the distance, at the top of the ridge, the blue lightning cage was gone. We were just in time.

My friends dropped from their hiding places in the trees, racing for Alton, who stood bound next to the glittering black orb. Del threw her icicle bolts while Ares raced ahead with his shadow sword. Roarke took to the sky, no doubt planning to do some beheading.

The demons that’d been guarding the cage surged to their feet, roaring the alarm. There would be more. Overhead, Drakon swooped through the sky. Was he recovered from the wound I’d delivered?

I pressed my fingertips to my comms charm. “Cass! Come get me!”

My mother turned back to look at me. I pointed toward the demons. “The fight is there. Mine is in the sky.”

“Be safe.” Her voice was fierce. She looked past me, at the army that had followed. “This way!”

She galloped off, leading the charge. The army surged by me.

Cass plunged down from the sky, already in her griffon form. I leapt off my mount, then scrambled onto her back. Her magic glowed bright and strong as she soared into the sky, golden wings carrying us high.

As planned, she raced for Drakon, who wheeled high overhead, recovering from my attack and no doubt waiting to strike. The sun had now crested the horizon, making it easy to see him. Our goal was to distract him while the army on the ground rescued Alton and the mysterious black orb.

“Hey, Drakon!” I screamed.

He whirled toward us. I could feel his rage, vibrating on the air. He charged. Cass spun and raced away, leading him from the fight. Though my blade could hurt him, I was going to have to be careful about how I wielded it. One touch from him could shock us out of the sky.

In that moment, Jeff arrived. He was huge again, no doubt having recouped his magic. The Pūķi appeared at his side.


Please be careful, guys.

They swooped and dived, trying to distract Drakon. They were good at keeping out of his reach, but he was more intent on reaching us. If he turned on them

“Try to come up on him from underneath!” I called to Cass.

She dived low, flying under Drakon. She was smaller and faster than him, and we shot upward toward his belly. I leaned up as far as I could, stretching my sword arm.

We were nearly to him when I shouted, “Now!”

I sliced with my blade as she dodged away. The tip of the steel gouged his belly, but Cass’s wing clipped his. She shuddered and tumbled in the air as the electric shock tore through her. I clung to her back, trying not to fall as my skin turned to ice and my heart leapt into my thorax.

The ground was so far below. We tumbled toward it through the air, the shock too much for Cass. We were only one hundred meters above when she managed to right herself, hurtling up through the sky on shaky wings.

Above, Drakon hovered. Jeff and the Pūķis darted around him. I’d wounded him, but not badly. And it was impossible to strike from Cass’s back.

Below, the battle raged. My mother’s army fought alongside my friends, wielding weapons and magic. They seemed evenly matched in numbers, but I didn’t have time to study them.

I searched for Drakon. He was still hovering on the air, perhaps recovering from my blow or debating whether to go after the army or me.

I needed a new plan. My mind raced. In the distance, Aidan attacked demons in his griffon form. A thought blazed.

“Jeff!” I cried. “Get Aidan! The griffon!”

Cass stiffened beneath me. Fortunately, Jeff was fast, darting toward Aidan like the wind. Aidan was even faster, at my side in a moment.

“Go below Drakon,” I shouted to him. “Cass, you go above! Jeff, you distract him.”

Cass shrieked, a sound of pure griffon rage. She clearly knew what I planned and didn’t like it. Frankly, I didn’t like it either. But I could see no other way.

“Do it!” I screamed. “Unless you’ve got a better plan! Which you don’t.”

She hissed, another noise I’d never heard her make, then flew toward Drakon, coming up from behind him to hover on top. He’d clearly shaken off the effects of my first blow, because he was going after Jeff, who’d just blown fire in his eyes. Aidan hovered below.

This was it.

“Get lower!” I said.

Cass flew lower, diving for Drakon. When she was only five feet above, I didn’t hesitate. I leapt off her back.

I plummeted toward Drakon, my sword pointed downward and aiming for his glowing black heart. Cass flew away, avoiding his electrical charge. It slammed into me, shooting pain to the marrow of my bones.

One thought flashed through my mind: Don’t let go of the sword.

My blade plunged into his back, close to his heart. The pain made it nearly impossible to see, so I had no idea if I had struck true, but he roared and shook me off. At least I hit something, I thought as I fell off his back. Probably not his heart, but the would was grievous. Through bleary vision, I saw him tumbling through the sky, thrashing from my blow.

Please catch me, Aidan.

The wind whipped past me as I fell, in too much shock to feel the pain anymore. I struggled, trying to see where I was going. I caught sight of a golden blur, then slammed into it.

I grabbed tight, holding to whatever I could. I nearly dropped my blade, but managed to hold on to it as I clung with my legs and gripped the base of a wing with my free hand.

We were near the ground, right over the battle. I tried to grip Aidan tight, almost too weak to hold on. My gaze zeroed in on Ares, who fought like a man possessed, beheading demon after demon.

We were only fifteen feet above the battle and heading down fast. My grip was so weak now that I was going to slide off at any moment. As if he felt my gaze, Ares looked up. His eyes landed on mine.

I fell, losing my grip on Aidan. My stomach fell and my skin chilled.

Ares caught me, going to his knees with anOof.”

Up above, Drakon shrieked. Around us, the battle stilled. The demons turned tail and ran. I’d wounded Drakon enough to drive him off. I grinned. Most of my body felt numb, but I could feel the smile.

“We need to stop meeting like this,” Ares said.

“I don’t mind.” Shaking, I tried to stand. Limp noodles were firm compared to me.

Ares had to help me to my feet, keeping an arm wrapped around my waist. “What happened to you?” he asked.

“Electric shocks? Sonic booms? I’m not sure. Whatever it is, Drakon is basically poisonous to the touch.”

He kissed me on the head. I surveyed the battle, trying to take my mind off the pain that suffused every inch of me.

Around us, our allies tended to the wounded. My frantic gaze found all of my friends. Not all looked great—Roarke had a bad limp and Connor’s face was covered in blood, among other injuries—but all were standing. My mother was still mounted on her white horse. She and the horse were spattered in blood. The same for my father.

Bree and Ana were looting the corpses of the dead demons. Looking for transportation charms, I’d bet. At least, that was what I’d be doing.

Cass landed, galloping toward me. Even in her griffon form, she looked pissed. In a blur of golden light, she shifted.

“What the hell were you thinking?” she shouted.

“I don’t know.” I grinned shakily, relieved just to be alive. “In hindsight, it was pretty dumb.”

Ares looked down at me. “What did you do?”

“You didn’t see?” Cass’s face turned bright red. “She jumped off my back, tried to stab a dragon, and planned to land on Aidan’s back.”

Ares grimaced. “That was…risky. Brave, but risky.”

“Yeah. I won’t do it again.” My limbs started to shake, as if my body had just caught up to the stupidity of what my brain had made me do. My knees felt like Jello. “Can we go home? I think I need to puke.”