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Following Chance (Shifters of Greymercy Book 1) by Kiska Gray (8)



I couldn’t breathe. My insides were on fire, the heat roiling outwards, and a cold sweat broke out on my skin. I knew it was coming and I knew it was going to hit me hard. It got worse, each and every time. I knew it was because I was unclaimed, unmated. Unwanted. The need in my soul was a physical ache and I was too weak.

Looking up into the eyes of the Alpha, I was terrified. I knew he could smell it. I knew it was affecting him, because I could smell the musk on his skin. I could see the growing bulge in his sleep pants and another shiver racked through me. I wanted to back away, to plead with him not to hurt me, but I was rooted to the floor.

Every heat I’d had, it’d been forceful. I was free game, nothing more than a body to be claimed. Bones would tease me, torture me until I was crying for release, and then he’d pin me down and fuck me raw. When he’d knotted my ass and spread his stink throughout all of me, he’d tie my wrists and let his pack defile my body, and my body wanted it—needed it—even if my soul was screaming for the pain to end.

I’d wake up from the lust-haze covered in bruises, scratches and bites, sticky with cum and feeling filthy before rushing out to get the morning after pill, because Bones refused to buy me birth control. It was a miracle I hadn’t gotten knocked up yet.

“Chance.” Huxley’s voice was husky with desire, but he made no move to grab me. I stared at him, trembling all over as another whimper slipped free. God, he smelled good… Why did he have to smell good? My inner fox was writhing, screeching for relief. At this point, he didn’t care whose dick it was, so long as someone bred him…and this was only the beginning.

My pulse stuttered. My cock was so hard it hurt, pressed crudely against the zipper of my jeans, and I could feel the wetness spreading down the crack of my ass. My briefs were soaked. I pinched my eyes tightly shut.

I needed.

“Look at me.” The words were as gentle as the touch to my hand, Huxley’s fingers curling around to grasp my wrist. I peeked up at him to find a sad smile toying at his lips. “We’ll get you through this, Chance. Trust me. No one’s gonna touch you here, okay? You’re safe.”

My voice cracked when I finally spoke the truth. “I’m scared.”

“I know. I’m sorry.” He stepped closer, the warm cedar and spice scent of him overwhelming me. He brushed stray bangs from my face, then framed my cheeks with both hands and planted a kiss on my sweaty forehead. My heart pitched. “It’ll be okay, honey. C’mon.”

Twining his fingers through mine, he gave my arm a tug and led me back to my bedroom. It already smelled of sex and spunk from my earlier jerk-off session, but Huxley didn’t seem to notice, or if he did, he didn’t care. I stiffened, half-expecting to be backed towards the bed, but the wolf breezed past me. He got into the closet and dragged a small plastic tote from the top shelf.

He plunked it down on the bedside table and peeled off the lid. I peered inside to see a large collection of sizable sex toys—butt plugs with flared ends, vibrators and dildos in all different shapes and colors. There was even several fantasy cocks with knots. I swallowed back a moan and glanced up at him.

“Everything is clean and sterilized, and there’s lube in there if you need it,” he said, but the way his nostrils widened, scenting me, I knew he knew I was plenty wet. My asshole clenched in response and another shudder shook me. At this point, I’d go dry. I didn’t give a fuck. Huxley offered a warm smile. “If you need anything, remember, I’m only a room away.”

Slowly, I nodded. “Thank you.” He wasn’t going to fuck me. That was both a relief and a disappointment at the same time. Damn.

“Goodnight, Chance.” With a bow of his head, he left the room and shut the door behind him. Even after his footsteps disappeared down the hall, my heart was still beating a thousand miles an hour, so hard that I could feel it pulse in my cock. Groaning, I grabbed a large knotty dildo out of the box and locked the bedroom door, then climbed up on the bed.

I couldn’t help but fantasize that it was Huxley’s cock breeding me, and I knew then and there, I would never survive this week.