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Her Panther for Hire: Howls Romance by C.E. Black (8)

Chapter 9

Gideon’s eyes locked with hers. She wanted him, badly. Never looking away, she started working on the rest of the buttons, undoing each one slowly, her fingers rubbing and teasing his cock, trembling as she felt him move beneath her touch.

She slipped her hand into the opening of his pants, cupping his solid warmth. His hands reached behind her, finding the clasp of her bra. As he released it, the bra fell forward and he leaned down, lips tracing a line down her neck as he cupped her breasts.

“How about that shower?” His words were murmured against her neck. “You’re still covered in mud.”

Moving away from her, he dropped her bra with her other muddy clothes. His fingers returned, plucking at the elastic of her panties, quickly tugging them down her hips, sliding them over her legs.

His pants landed on the ground next and he stood in front of her, naked and very aroused. Just as aroused as she was.

“Come on. Let’s get you clean.” He took her hand, leading her into the water. The rain had stopped, the sky clearing above them, the gloom of the jungle lifting. The water was warm and she walked carefully over the rocks, letting Gideon lead her beneath the waterfall.

She stood for a moment, letting the water cascade over her head and down her shoulders. Gideon stood behind her, gently untangling her hair, working his fingers through the strands. The noise of the waterfall filled her ears, the gentle tug of Gideon’s hands in her hair mesmerizing.

Gideon’s hands left her hair, sliding down the front of her wet body, resting on her hips. He walked her backward a step or two, pulling her from beneath the waterfall. She leaned back, resting against his chest.

His erection pressed against her ass, the heat in sharp contrast to the cooler water. Lainey arched her back, hips moving slowly side to side as Gideon’s fingers flexed against her body. One hand slipped between her legs, slowly stroking her as she moaned.

His head dropped to her neck, his lips brushing against her skin. She expected a kiss, but the sharp nip of his teeth made her gasp. Reaching up, she stroked his face, tipping her head to the side. He nibbled his way to her ear, his tongue sliding across her skin as his fingers moved deeper inside her, probing, teasing, making her hot.

“I want you, Lainey. Now. Like I’ve never wanted anything else.”

His words created a throbbing deep inside her, awakening a need to be taken by this man, to have him ignite the passion and lust and arousal she’d held in check for so long. Her body cried out for him, urgent and all-consuming.

“I want you too, Gideon.” The conviction in her voice surprised her. It had been so hard with Scott, asking for what she wanted. But here, with Gideon, the words came readily to her lips.

She turned, her arms around his neck, pulling him down to her mouth. She kissed him hard, her body pressed against his. His cock rested against her stomach, hard and hot, and she pressed herself against him, forcing her hips forward. Gideon grunted against her mouth, his hips answering her movement, his cock sliding against her wet skin. With a rough gasp, he broke away.

“Come here.” His voice was a barely contained growl. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her quickly beneath the waterfall. The light was green and wavy, and she realized there was a small cave behind the falls, the large rocks ringing a shallow pool.

Hands on her waist, Gideon spun her around, guiding her a few steps toward a large boulder. Pushing her forward, he grabbed her hips and she bent forward, hands on the rock. Immediately he pressed himself against her. Slowly, he slid his cock against her ass and she gasped, spreading her legs in a clear invitation. But he continued to tease her, sliding himself between her legs, against the insides of her thighs, over and over, teasing her with the promise of all he had to offer.

“You said you knew what I was?”

Lainey nodded, too wound up to reply with words.

Leaning over her, he whispered in her ear. “Then you must know I can smell your arousal. It calls to me, Lainey. I can also smell when your fertile. You’re not. And I can’t carry diseases.”

Lainey knew what he meant. He wanted to fuck her without protection. Oddly, she trusted Gideon. Knew instinctively that he wouldn’t lie to her. Not about this.

Anticipation built inside Lainey, the longing, the want becoming stronger, almost unbearable. Shifting in Gideon’s grip, she arched her back in a clear invitation, aching to feel him inside her, filling her. As if sensing what she wanted, he pulled back, his touches feather light, barely brushing against her. It was a whole new sensation, a burning building with each touch until she couldn’t stand it.

Twisting her head, she looked at him over her shoulder.

“Gideon, stop teasing me. Please…”

“Please?” Gideon slid his hands back, his fingers caressing her ass, moving down to the backs of her thighs. “I don’t think I’ve heard you say please, or ask for anything, since I met you.”

She was breathing hard, her frustration taking over.

“Oh, for God’s sake, fuck me, Gideon. I want you bare. Please…”

His eyes blazed and he pulled her back so hard she lost her grip on the rock, staggering against him. But he grabbed her by the waist and steadied her, fingers sunk into her flesh.

Lainey cried out as he pushed into her wet heat, his cock sliding home, one long stroke that left her gasping. Closing her eyes, she tipped her head back as Gideon ground his hips against her ass.

“Is that what you wanted?” He leaned over her back, his breath scorching her neck.

“Yes. Oh, God. Yes.”

“Do you want more?” His hand slid up her waist, fingers kneading one breast, rolling the hard nipple between his fingers. She moaned as he pinched the nipple, an electric jolt traveling straight through her, straight to her core.

“Yes, more. All of it…all of you.” She breathed the words, her voice low.

“Say please again.” His voice growled out the words, his lips caressing her neck, chest warm against her back.

“You want me to beg?” As she turned her head back, he caught her lips with his, his tongue lashing against hers.

“Maybe later…on your knees.”

Before she could snap a retort, he grabbed a handful of her hair, dragging her head back as he straightened, pulling his cock back. His hips flexed forward sharply, driving himself further into her, further than she could have imagined. His other hand slid down her body between her legs, found her swollen clit, and rolled it between his fingers.

From then on, she was totally at his mercy, pinned between his hands, impaled on his cock as he drove it into her over and over. Every nerve in her body came alive at his touch, her body taking on a life of its own as he thrust into her.

Lainey’s emotions and the sensations Gideon created in her body spiraled higher and higher until the moment everything came together at that perfect place. She hung there for a long moment and then she broke, her body jerking and shuddering in Gideon’s grasp.

“Come for me, Lainey. Come on, baby.” He was right there with her, his breath rasping in her ear, thrusting hard as he came, his heat matching hers.

Lainey went limp in Gideon’s arms, breathing hard. From a distance, she could hear Gideon’s final sounds, his grunts and deep growls as his body wound down from his climax. He finally released her hair and she let her head fall forward.

Gideon hugged her to him briefly as he slipped out of her then turned her to face him, pulling her against his chest, his hands gently caressing her back.

“Lainey…oh, man. You felt so good.” His lips found hers, his kiss deep and lingering as they stood in the fading light behind the waterfall.

“We need to find some kind of shelter.”

He’d taken her back beneath the waterfall, washing her with the cool falling water, surprising her with his gentleness. For a moment, she felt closer to him than she had all day.

She’d climbed up on the rocks while Gideon took her wet muddy clothes back beneath the waterfall, rinsing the mud out of them the best he could. He came back, handing her the dripping garments.

“They’re still wet, but they’re clean. I can offer you my t-shirt till your stuff dries, but that’s about it.”

Lainey nodded. “The shirt would be great. I think I can manage with that.”

Gideon handed her his shirt and she pulled it over her head. It smelled like Gideon and she closed her eyes, drawing a deep breath. A tingle ran through her, the fire she’d felt behind the waterfall flaring quickly again.

“Do you mind if I shift?” Gideon’s eyes held a challenge, but he needn’t worry. She wasn’t going to faint at the sight.

Lainey found a flat rock and sat down at the edge of the stream, trying in vain to slow her racing heart. She was wearing only Gideon’s t-shirt, but at least she felt moderately clean. And the mud was out of her hair, even if it was a tangled rat’s nest.

“Be my guest.” Lainey raised a hand, challenging him right back.

With a smirk, Gideon swam backward to the waterfall, his body shimmering and blurring beneath the falling water. Lainey hadn’t been as prepared as she’d thought. Gideon’s animal form wasn’t a wolf, but a solid black panther. Just as she’d imagined. Only twice as big. His golden eyes inspected her as he swam, and when she gave no outward indication she would freak out, he turned away from her. Lainey blew out the breath she’d been holding. He was beautiful…magnificent really. And for the time being, all hers.