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Jake (Immortals of New Orleans Book 8) by Kym Grosso (12)

Chapter Twelve

Kai’s courage rose with her Alpha by her side, observing her surroundings. Portraits of young children from the 1800s leaning against the wall gave an eerie ambiance to the historic home. Kai wondered when Dominique had been turned, if she had given birth. Were these paintings of her daughters? Or had she simply purchased them at an antique dealer?

“Why do you think Dominique had the Kris?” Kai asked, running her fingers over the robin’s-egg-blue painted hearth; the pilot light flickered inside the gas fireplace.

“Excellent question.” Quintus rounded the corner into a breakfast nook. He pointed to a Voodoo doll that sat on a bookshelf. “Perhaps she had a personal interest in magick.”

“Maybe,” Jake replied, studying the room. “I’m not saying that I know Dom all that well but I’ve met her a few times over the years, and she always struck me as a straight shooter. I never got a witchy vibe. She was always on the prowl for sex. Aside from that act, she’s one of Luca’s henchmen.”

“She works security with him at Issacson Industries,” Quintus stated.

“Why would she have a Kris that Ilsbeth knew about? Do you think maybe it belonged to the coven?” Kai asked.

“Not sure. We don’t know how she got tied up with the demon either,” Jake said.

“Maybe it came after her,” Quintus guessed.

“Maybe she needed it for protection,” Kai suggested, staring up a steep flight of stairs.

“I don’t think she lived here,” Jake said. “This place looks more like a rental of some kind.”

“Kade said she kept it as a guest house,” Quintus explained.

“Look at all these antiques.” Kai spied a rusted iron bulldog on the hearth.

“All I know is that if Jonathon fucking lied about the location of the Kris, I’m going to feed him to those damn fish myself. Anything in the kitchen?” Jake asked.

“Nope. Just more of the same. Are either of you two feeling drawn to anything?” Quintus asked.

“What’s upstairs?” Kai shivered as she asked the question; a faint echo of voices sounded from above. “I think there’s something up here.”

“I don’t sense any humans,” Jake said, coming up behind her.

“Me neither, but this magick…” Kai breathed slowly, concentrating on the energy around her. “It’s thick. I can feel it. I hear them.”

“Hear what?” Jake asked.

“Voices. They sound like children. I don’t know. They’re whispering.”

Both Quintus and Jake exchanged a look of concern. Jake moved ahead of Kai onto the first wooden step.

“Do you know if Dominique had any kids?” Jake asked Quintus.

“I’m not sure. It’s possible she had them as a human. Sometimes…well, not in my case, but I know for many of us, we’re turned after we’ve had families. It’s not always convenient.”

“So what happens then?” Kai asked. Tilting her head, she strained to listen. Silence filled the air and she continued. “Do their families live on without them? Die?”

“I suppose it depends on the situation, but yes. Becoming vampire…we are not born like wolves. We die and are reborn into our lives. Sometimes by choice. Sometimes by force. When Dominique was turned, I imagine life would have been very difficult.”

“This city’s had its fair share of drama. War. Disease.” Jake’s gaze went to the paintings. “And these creepy kid pics? They almost remind me of a death portrait.”

“They were popular during Victorian times. I myself was never fond of following trends,” Quintus noted, his expression impassive.

“Thank God for small favors,” Kai said. “Those things have always given me the chills. Humans…they hold the body in too high regard. It’s the soul they should be worried about.”

“To be fair, there was a time this city was filled with the bodies of the dead. Yellow fever. Had them piled in the streets.” Jake slowly began to ascend the steps. “It killed the humans faster than they could bury ‘em.”

“I don’t hear the voices anymore.” Kai stilled, listening. The hiss of the wind rattled outside but the house remained quiet. Her eyes went to the landing; a long cord dangled from the ceiling. She imagined someone hanging from it, a chill running up her spine. “Something about this house…”

“It’s not just magick,” Jake told them.

“No, it’s…I don’t know…I don’t have much experience with this. But it feels…” Haunted. Kai hesitated, her words lost as her attention was drawn to the rectangular attic door.

“Spirits wander within.” Quintus placed his palm on the wall, closing his eyes.

“Awesome. Just what we fucking need.” Jake shook his head in frustration as he waited for Kai to reach the top. He looked to Quintus. “What the hell, man? Are you working as a psychic now?”

The vampire’s eyes flashed open, a secretive smile curling on his lips. “There are many things you don’t know about me, wolf.”

“I heard them.” Kai stepped past Jake, peering into the master bedroom. “Look at the furniture. It’s…beautiful.”

“It’s a helluva bed, but I could skip all the religious artifacts. Dominique definitely played up the whole scary-as-hell house,” Jake commented as he ran his fingers over the empty holy water receptacle, its tarnished bronze still managing to sparkle in the flickers of remaining daylight.

Kai glanced to the four poster bed, a large wooden rosary wound tightly around its post, the cross lying on a pillow. Her eyes were drawn to the high ceiling; the wooden planks were painted a teal hue. “I didn’t know Dominique but I must say I find this home interesting and beautiful. I know it’s a little…”

“Creepy,” Jake said as he opened a closet door and peered upward, noting its tall ceiling. “Take this for example. It’s unfinished. The ceiling. There’s a hole up there.”

Kai jolted as footsteps sounded from the hallway. She ran out of the bedroom only to find it empty. Her eyes widened as she heard the creaking of floorboards above. Instinctively she reached for the cord. As her fingertips brushed its frayed edges, Jake blocked her from touching it.

“No, Kai.”

“What?” her eyes flared in anger. While she appreciated his help, she was hardly frail. “They’re up there.”

“Who’s up there?” Jake asked.

“I don’t know…I think…” The children. Kai bit her lip, trying to formulate her thoughts. She’d never been psychic but she’d sensed them, heard them. “Whoever is here. I think they’re spirits.”

“Don’t take this the wrong way, because I’ve seen you go all lethal as hell on me with your beast. But if this is something of an ethereal nature, we need to be careful.” Jake’s eyes darted to the ceiling and back to Kai. “We don’t know what we are dealing with. None of us are witches or mediums.”

“I do dabble a bit in the craft but I’ve never cared much for ghosts,” Quintus added. “I think it’s prudent to have the Alpha check first.”

“But they were speaking to me…wait.” Kai’s voice trailed off as she heard the faint sound of giggling. She looked to her left; the voice was close as if a young girl were standing next to her. “Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?” Jake asked.

“I…I just heard. It was laughter,” she whispered.

“We aren’t hearing anything,” Quintus told her.

“I just heard it. There is more than one. They’re young. Maybe something happened to them,” Kai speculated. Dread curled in her stomach, and she wondered if they’d been hurt while they’d been alive.

“I don’t like what’s going on,” Jake said. “But if these spirits or whatever the hell you want to call them are trying to talk to you, we can give it a try.”

Kai reached for the cord but Jake clasped onto it. “I go first. Stay back a minute.”

“I’ll be fine,” she insisted.

“I’m sure you will but let’s just say I pull on this here and something not so spooky comes flying out of there.”

“Like what?” Kai asked, a hand on her hip.

“I don’t know. Bats? Spiders maybe. This house is pretty old. Who the hell knows what is up there?”

“I don’t care for rodents,” Quintus added.

“You can always flash up,” Jake suggested to the vampire.

“True but we’ve gotta bounce as soon as we get this Kris. Those demons out there. They know where we are.” A black shadow flashed by the window. “I need my strength.”

“Fuck.” Kai jumped away from the glass.

“They can’t see you,” Quintus said. “Not yet. This place has wards. But Kasdeya…”

“She’s clever,” Kai said as Jake reached for the cord.

“Very,” Quintus agreed, pausing as they peered upward. “But remember, all vampires can be killed just like humans.”

“Stand back,” Jake ordered. The creak of the wooden door opening echoed in the house, specks of dust spraying outward as stairs unfolded onto the landing.

Kai blinked in astonishment as she caught sight of three white orbs dancing in the darkness. “What are those?”

“Spirits.” Quintus raised a curious eyebrow.

“I can feel them. They’re humans,” Jake whispered.

“I feel magick but it’s not necessarily from an adult. I don’t live in a place where I have access to many hauntings. I’ve seen a stray ghost over the years, but I’ve never encountered ones like these. They almost feel musical to me.” Kai reached her fingertips into the air and one swooped down to buzz her. She waved her hand away as it rebounded up into the attic. “Playful. Like kids.”

“Kai’s right,” Quintus agreed.

“They’re children. But something bad happened here,” Jake said, his voice heavy with sadness.

“Are you all right?” Kai asked him, placing her hand on his shoulder.

“I’ve never sensed a human’s pain so much.” Jake cocked his head in confusion.

“Your mate. She’s affecting you. As Alpha you feel your wolves. As the mate of a pixiu, you are realizing the good fortune of others she’s absorbed…their psychic gifts. It’s opening pathways to humans. These children…they were all once human.” Quintus’ eyes met Jake’s. “They’ve been here for a long time. Someone did this to them.”

“I can see them.” Jake closed his eyes, his brow furrowed. “They were murdered. By three adults. A human was involved. The human was a male. I see a vampire. I can’t see if it’s male or female but the fangs… And…” Jake hummed as the visions passed before him. His eyes flew open in shock, meeting Kai’s. “Jesus. A wolf.”

“A triad. Interesting,” Quintus mused.

“I don’t know what it means.” Kai kept her eyes trained on the balls of light.

“Triple deities,” the vampire stated.

“Goddesses?” She’d deliberately avoided researching the occult for fear it would draw attention to her, but she regretted her lack of knowledge of other creatures.

“One demon or Goddess but there’re three beings,” Jake said. “I’ve never met a triad, but to be fair, it’s not like this wolf is looking for that kind of shit. No thank you. That kind of stuff is not my thing.”

“It’s rare when it’s natural. But these three may or may not have been organically created. They can use demonic forces to conjure the magick.”

“Demons?” Kai asked. A horrifying thought ran through her mind and she blurted out her suspicion. “Were the kids murdered as part of a sacrifice? I’ve heard that vampires stay away from babies and children because their life forces are so new.”

“Did the vampire take their lives?” Quintus asked.

“The human. The male. He did this,” Jake said, his attention on the stairs. “But something else happened to them…I don’t know exactly. We need to go upstairs.”

“Are you sure?” Kai asked as her Alpha headed upward, holding onto the rails.

“They’re harmless but…the way they look…” Jake sighed.

Before Kai had a chance to respond, her mouth gaped at the sight of the three girls. The smallest wore a white nightgown, blood splattered down the front, her spine visible through the five-inch wound in her neck. A second girl, who appeared no more than ten years old, wore a blue school dress. A bright red bloom gushed from her stomach, while the white ribbons in her hair bore the bloody fingerprints of her attackers. A teenager stood nude, her body mottled with bruises.

“Oh Goddess,” Kai whispered. Tears sprung to her eyes. “What happened to you?”

“We see. You can change now,” Jake told them.

“What is happening?” Kai asked in amazement as their transparent apparitions morphed into a youthful innocence, appearing as they’d once looked when they’d been alive, happy. The youngest, who appeared five years old, held a teddy bear in her arms.

“Humans. It’s amazing how the spirit can remain on Earth for so long.” Quintus came up behind Kai and Jake.

“I…I don’t know that I’d call it amazing. These girls have been living in this attic for over a hundred years. It’s…I don’t know. It’s sad. Tragic. Who would do this to them?” Kai asked.

“The triad,” Jake responded.

Kai ducked to avoid hitting her head on a beam as she navigated through the claustrophobic room. Its oak floor had been painted seafoam green. Pink insulation lined the ceiling and walls of the unfinished attic.

“They aren’t confined to this room but they are to this home. They’ve chosen it.” Jake kept his eyes on the girls, who all wore a solemn expression.

“But they are…were just children when this happened.” Kai wrapped her hands around her waist as a cool breeze crept through the roof space. “Imagine how terrified they were.”

“This was their only safe harbor,” Quintus said.

“The smallest. They slit her throat and drained the blood to drink it. The other girl. She was stabbed in the stomach so they could inflict the most pain while she died. And the teen…fucking hell,” Jake spat, his jaw ticking in anger. “They raped her. They gagged her. Suffocated her. She choked until she died. They were creating their goddess. These three met somewhere…came together. The human…he was related. He was her stepfather.”

“Evil,” Quintus commented, carefully inspecting the room.

“It’s sick is what it is. If I met them, I’d kill them myself,” Kai added.

“Dominique,” Jake said. His eyes went to the vampire. “I’m pretty sure she was their mother. I can’t be one hundred percent sure but I keep seeing her face. She’s dressed…she’s living in another time. I don’t see fangs. She…she’s not a vampire yet.”

“Maybe they killed her too?” Shock rolled through Kai as the middle child hovered towards them. The young girl’s spiral curls hung perfectly around her face. Her immaculate dress, neatly pressed, showed no sign of the stab wound. Still unable to shake the earlier images out of her mind, Kai attempted to communicate. “We’re here because we’re looking for something.”

“The Kris,” the girl said.

Kai gasped as an image flashed into her mind; the child held the knife to her abdomen, blood pooling onto the fabric. “I’m so sorry. We aren’t here to hurt you. But yes, we need the Kris.”

“You must ask my mother,” she replied.

“Do you know where it is?” Kai pressed.

“She hid it. They don’t know she took it. It’s a secret.” The girl held her fingers to her lips, looking from side to side. “Shh.”

“You don’t need to be afraid,” Jake told them. “I know some very bad people did this to you, and if you really want to cross over, I know a few mediums that can help you…”

“Kasdeya. She wants it. Mother doesn’t want her to have it. Not ever.”

“Your mother. She’s human?” Quintus queried.

“Don’t believe them,” she replied. “Mother’s not like the others. She’s beautiful.”

“Is she a vampire?” Kai asked.

“She didn’t want to be a vampire. She visits us. Don’t tell Father. Father…” the girl looked over her shoulder as if he’d appear any second, “he’s angry.”

“What’s your name?” Knowing she could never have children was a burden Kai had accepted long ago. But her protective instinct crushed her heart, at the way these young girls had suffered.

“I’m Serafine. That’s my baby sister, Poupon. She’s too afraid to talk. I’m eleven. I’m a big girl.” She looked to the teen, whose expression remained somber. “That’s Delia. They kept her quiet, so she won’t speak to strangers ever again.”

“Serafine,” Kai began. She deliberately kept her voice soft and even, hoping to earn the girl’s trust. “We are looking for the Kris. You see,” Kai’s eyes darted to Jake, who nodded, “I’m a special creature too.”

“You fly,” said Serafine, a smile curling onto her lips.

“I, uh,” Kai stammered, attempting to conceal her surprise at the statement, “I haven’t seen yet what I can do.”

“You’re like a warrior fairy. You sparkle like gold. You make it change. It’s magick,” she said, wonder in her eyes.

“Yes, I can do that. It’s something I’ve been able to do since I was a child.” Kai knelt down, taking in the sight of the smallest girl and then focused back on Serafine. “I have a sister too. She’s innocent like you. Someone very bad took her. And these people…they want to hurt me too.”

“The knife is special,” Serafine whispered. “It is the only way to stop them.”

“What do you mean?”

“The goddess. Kasdeya.”

“But sweetie, Kasdeya is a vampire,” Kai said, her forehead crinkling in confusion.

“Kasdeya is the trinity.”

Jake blew out a breath, his eyes darting to Quintus. “She’s not just a vampire. She’s a goddamned three-headed Goddess.”

“Things just got a whole lot more complicated.” Quintus nodded.

“Serafine, I need the Kris. Kasdeya might have my sister or know who took her. You know my fairy wings?” Kai asked gently.

“Yes, they’re so strong. You’re scary, but pretty too.”

“Thank you, honey. But my wings…everything about me…Kasdeya, she’s been trying to kill me ever since I was your age. If you show us the Kris…let us borrow it, I’ll be able to find my sister. We can find who did this to you and make sure they never do it to anyone else.”

“My mother…have you seen her?” Serafine twirled a lock of her hair round her finger.

“Your mother was sick but she’s okay now. She’s been staying with friends, resting.”

“Friends like him?” Serafine’s eyes went to Quintus, who gave a small smile. “He kills people.”

Kai’s heart sank at her words. Quintus was lethal, but he’d lived a long life, had learned to protect himself from evil.

“Quintus. He’s a vampire. But he won’t hurt you. And he’d never hurt your mom either. He’s my friend. He’s been helping me.”

“He’s lonely. Mr. Vampire, you need a friend,” Serafine told him, compassion on her face. “You need to be nice. Stop killing people.”

Kai gave a sad smile. “Quintus will be fine, I promise. Yes, your mother is with a man like him. He’s strong. He can protect her. She’ll come back to you soon.”

Kai’s heart tightened at the white lie. From what Jake had told her, although Dominique was alive, she wasn’t the same person she’d been. The demon had nearly destroyed her. Serafine looked to each of her sisters, and Kai suspected they communicated silently.

“Do you promise mother won’t be angry?” the girl asked.

“I promise you. I will go see her myself.” Kai wasn’t sure how she’d make it happen, but she wouldn’t go back on her word to a child. “It’s okay. You can trust it with us.”

“It’s hidden where she sleeps,” she whispered. “But you need to hurry. The wind. It carries demons. They can see you. They could try to steal it.”

“Thank you,” Kai said, exhaling an audible breath. She glanced to Jake, and reached for his hand as he extended it to her. “I promise you Kasdeya will never hurt you again. Or your mother. We need a few days but we can do this.”

“Thank you,” Jake said, backing away from the entities.

“Grazie, patatino.” Quintus gave a small bow in thanks, waiting as Kai stepped onto the ladder.

“Goodbye,” Kai said, but as she turned to the girls, they’d disappeared.

“Let’s go, sweetheart. We’ve gotta get out of here.” Jake glanced around the attic one more time before following Kai downward onto the landing. The whistle of wind whipped through the drafty home as Quintus made his way into the hallway.

“This way…try that bed,” Kai said, her pulse racing. Her eyes went to the window, and she noted the ominous darkened sky.

“Wait up,” Jake told her, following on her heels.

“Here.” Kai pointed to the four poster bed. She ran her palm over the dark mahogany post but sensed nothing. “I don’t get it. Do you think it’s between the mattresses?”

“Maybe, but think about it. If you were hiding something special, where would you put it? My guess is,” Jake ran a hand over the snowy Marseilles bedspread, tracing its intricate pattern, “you’d put it somewhere that it wouldn’t be easily discovered.”

“A hidden compartment,” Quintus suggested, inspecting the lower frame.

“If I had a treasure,” Kai mused, “Something important…”

“Something that could kill someone,” Jake interjected.

“A weapon. Something that would protect me.” Kai ran her fingers over the headboard. “I’d want it close to me.”

“Somewhere well hidden.” Quintus knelt down and peered under the bed.

“Somewhere I could reach it,” she speculated. “But maybe if it’s a secret, I’d want a key?”

“Maybe, but where are you going to keep a key? You’re sleeping,” Jake said.

“And if I were by myself, I’d probably sleep on the side with the night stand. So…” Kai rounded the bed to where Jake stood. “I’d be lying down.”

“What are you…?” Jake gave a small laugh as Kai launched herself up onto the high bed, nearly sliding back onto the floor. “Easy.”

“I forgot how high these beds are.”

“Back in the day, you’d be better off up high. Vermin,” Quintus commented.

“So if I needed a weapon. Maybe I’d what? Look for it down here?” Kai fingered the side of the bed, but couldn’t reach the edge of the frame.

“Maybe if you were on your stomach, it would be easier?” Jake suggested.

Kai flipped over, and sighed. “I’m not sure. Did you see anything on the frame?”

“No,” Quintus said. “I hope those girls were telling the truth.”

“They were. It’s here somewhere. Just let me…”

“If it were me, I’d keep it under my pillow. But then again, it’s a secret. She’s keeping it close, but not too close.” Jake brushed his hand over his forehead.

“I’d probably keep it under here. Like maybe it’s in the headboard somehow.” Kai reached her hands forward, sliding them under the pillow and onto the cold wooden surface. Frustrated, she pushed with her toes until her fingers edged further down near the mattress. Swiping along the smooth wood, she stilled as the pads of her fingers pressed into a roughly edged divot.

“I found something. It’s…I don’t know. It’s an indentation of some kind. A rectangle, maybe. No…it’s a cross. Yeah, definitely a cross.” Kai shoved up onto her knees and lifted the pillow, setting it aside. “Dammit, I wish I had a flashlight.”

“Here.” Quintus lifted his phone, the bright light shining far into the crevasse between the bed and mattress.

“Look, I can see it…this opens. Maybe there’s a lever.”

“Or maybe,” Jake reached for the wooden rosary, and stretched it into the space, “it needs a key.”

“Yes!” Kai exclaimed as she guided Jake’s hand into place. As they set the cross into the indentation, there was an audible click. “Did you hear that? It’s here. Wait…I feel it.”

A curved metal pull ejected from the smooth wood, and Kai hooked her finger around it. The plank slid inside itself, revealing a hidden compartment. Light flickered off its metallic surface as she reached for the knife.

“Careful. Last thing you want to do is get cut by that thing. It’s probably loaded to the hilt with dark magick.”

“I’ve got it,” she whispered, her heart pounding in excitement as she wrapped her fingers around its thick hilt. “Look.”

Kai pressed back, kneeling on the bed. Rotating the foot-long Kris in the air, she smiled, her eyes wide in amazement.

“Dom sure knew how to hide that sucker. We might have found it eventually but the girls definitely helped,” Jake said.

“It’s born of demon magick. It bears the blood of children.” Quintus shone the light onto the blade.

“We need to get going. We’ll figure out the rest when we get home,” Jake said.

The blade appeared to quiver in the light and Kai prayed it was playing tricks on her eyes. Its hilt was banded in striated pewter. The blade had been etched with unfamiliar markings, its curved metal snaked six times before ending in a razor sharp point.

Kai imagined how it had pierced Serafine’s flesh. Cold and dark, its demonic history remained a mystery. What does it do? How is this supposed to help me? Kai wished she still had her book, recalling seeing a similar knife many years ago.

“Careful, sweetheart. I think maybe we should wrap it in something. We don’t know exactly what sort of fucked up demon magick is warped into that thing.”

“Is there a blanket or something we can use?” Kai asked. Fear twisted through her as she studied the intricate designs. This weapon had killed three children, and she suspected it hadn’t been the first time it had been used.

“Here. Lay it on this,” Quintus directed, placing a hand towel onto the bed.

“I can’t believe we found it.” Kai gently set down the Kris, carefully wrapping it. She lifted it, and gave it to Jake. The wind howled, and she jolted upward. “Do you think she’s found us?”

“Her demons are looking for you, but this place…it’s sealed tight with some kind of magick.” Quintus crossed the room and gazed through the glass doors. “Even though they were on our trail, it will confuse them.”

“It makes you wonder though? Like what the hell did Dominique go through?” Jake reached for Kai’s hand, helping her off the bed.

“Kade turned her,” Quintus stated flatly. “He was young when he did it. Can’t remember the exact circumstance.”

“I thought you were like the granddaddy vamp. Don’t you keep track of all your boys and girls?” Jake asked.

“Not my responsibility. I’ve only sired a few vampires in my lifetime. Should they choose to turn someone, that’s on them. Leo knows I’m here if he needs me. As for Dominique, I’m not certain of her nature. She endured the torment of the witch. It’s likely the demon touched her magick.”

“It definitely messed with her head. Leo said she doesn’t speak anymore.” Jake sighed. “And the thing is, it doesn’t surprise me. I saw her in that cave. She was barely alive. I hardly recognized her. I don’t know if that’s something you can recover from.”

“We’re immortals. But we’re not invincible,” Quintus mused.

“But what happened to her children? This was done when she was human. I can’t imagine her heartbreak. She must have been devastated,” Kai said, following Jake out of the room and into the dark hallway.

“I’m sure she was. I’m just wondering how she got the Kris. Whatever went down in this house, it hardened her. Dominique is…was tough as nails,” Jake said.

“Life is full of hard lessons, I’m afraid.” Quintus followed them down the stairs.

“I’m sorry,” Kai said, detecting the hint of sadness in his voice “I know you’re right. It’s just, it sounds as though Dominique, she’s gone to great lengths to hide this. Makes you wonder how she got it? What did she plan on doing with it?”

“Probably planned on using it someday to get revenge. If Kasdeya really is a demon goddess, a triad, it makes you wonder if the demon that may have helped torture Dom might have been looking for it. Or maybe Mick wanted it?” Jake theorized. “We could ask Kade if he knows. But since she’s not responding to anything or anyone, Dominique isn’t going to be much help.”

“We’ve got to figure out the best way to get home. I know we drove, but the weather’s kickin’ up,” Quintus told them.

“Y’all know how it is down here. We’re expecting storms.” Jake eyed the courtyard through the door window.

“Let’s get to the car if we can but if anything goes down, I’m buzzing us back to my house.”

“If something goes down, you’d better think of getting us to my private plane. I can fly all our asses to San Fran. We could be there by the morning.”

“I wish I could get all three of us to California but I’m afraid that’s beyond my capability,” Quintus admitted.

“Just when I thought you were like a superhero?” Jake joked, his hand on the door handle. “You crush my dreams, man.”

“I’m good but not that good. If it were just me or maybe two of us, yeah, I’ve got that. But three adults? Thousands of miles away? Probably not a good idea. Might have to make a pit stop to feed, and I don’t think we can chance landing in the open.”

“Where are we going to stay when we get there?” Kai grew anxious as they spoke of returning to The Golden City.

“Kai, I know this isn’t going to be easy, but Quint and I aren’t going to let anything happen to you,” Jake assured her. “We’re going to find Shilan and kill Kasdeya. There’s going to be an end to this.”

Kai prayed like hell he was right. Kasdeya would be waiting, and she feared no one could protect her.

“We’ll do this together, pet. I have a score to settle,” Quintus said, placing his hand on her shoulder.

“I’ve gone so many years without being around supernaturals. The last time I was there looking for my sister I nearly died. Kasdeya wants me dead…wants my power.” Kai took a deep breath and shook her head. “I won’t let her take me. I’m going to get Shilan back. She didn’t ask for any of this.”

“Neither did you. But this kind of stuff happens for a reason. And honestly, after talking to those kids upstairs, I’m wondering who the hell the wolf was. Chaz was a piece of shit Alpha, but he’s dead. I can’t help thinking to myself that maybe some of the problems the Anzober pack is having in California might be related to Kasdeya. She’s vampire…but also wolf and human.”

“Let’s talk on the plane.” Quintus stared out the window, his eyes squinting as lightning flashed.

“Oh my Goddess.” Kai jumped as thunder roared, shaking the house. Sheets of driving rain slammed against the windows, the patter growing louder as the storm moved closer. “It’s on top of us.”

“We’ll make a run for it. I’ll go first and clear the path, get the door open,” Jake told them. “Quint, you bring up the back. If anything happens, you need to zap us out. Otherwise, we hop in the car and drive straight to the airport. As soon as we get there, we’ll go to the Acadian hangar.”

“I’d say let’s just go now and leave the car, but the Kris…I’m concerned about how that might affect things. I’ve gotten into a few snags over the years trying that shit. Mystical objects…they don’t always materialize well. Depends on the situation. I’m not sensing any of Kasdeya’s demons right now.”

“Everyone ready to do this?” Jake asked. Keeping the Kris tight in one hand, he opened the door with the other.

“Hell yes. Let’s get out of here.” Kai nodded, stepping forward as it slid open, following into the courtyard.

A breeze of petrichor rushed in at her, its fresh scent giving her a false sense of security. But as she stepped out from underneath the awning onto the uneven stones, thunder rumbled, reminding her of the turbulent weather. Kai shielded her face from the pounding rain, chasing after Jake. By the time they’d reached the gate, water had soaked through her shirt. A gust of wind blew, sending a chill through her.

Jake struggled to open the locked gate. He tugged hard, until the metal door flew open, slamming against the home. Kai heard the faint sound of the car beeping open as she ran onto Bourbon Street. She turned back to Quintus, her heart pounding as she caught sight of the demons barreling toward them, casting dark shadows on the macadam underneath the street lights.

“Jake!” she screamed.

“Get in,” he yelled as she darted around the back of their SUV. Jake jerked on the handle, ducking as the demons lobbed an orb at him.

A red hot demon ball flew at Kai, and Quintus flashed in front of her to block it. As it tore through his back, the vampire collapsed.

“No!” Kai cried as Quintus fell onto the ground, blood bubbling from his abdomen. Without thinking, she stepped into the spray of ethereal bullets and fell to her knees. Quintus blinked up at her. Although his lips moved, she was unable to hear his whispers through the din. Anger and grief twisted through Kai, her beast raging to the surface. The creature formed as a speck in her mind’s eye. As it drew closer she marveled at the sight of the great animal galloping toward the surface.

Kai glanced to her hands, her eyes widening as talons sprung from her fingers. A slice of pain ripped into her as the wings tore open on her back. Her focus went to Jake who ripped the towel from the Kris and held it in the air.

As the demons swooped in on her mate, she lost control. Her arms transformed, the slight golden hue deepening until she no longer recognized her own body. The great creature crashed forth, splitting open her clothes and skin, until she’d fully morphed. Her sharp teeth gnashed together, a great roar coming from within her soul. As she opened her mouth, a bright light seared into the street, sending the incarnate apparitions screaming into the darkness.

“They’re gone, Kai. I need you back now. Come on, girl. Shift back for me.” Jake rushed to their side, but stopped short as Kai flapped her great wings.

Cognizant of his demand to shift, she blinked her golden eyes at him. She gave a brief growl as he approached, aware her master had commanded her to stop. Like a tornado sucking her beast into the air, it helplessly retreated. As her human form crumpled into the wet puddles, she gasped for breath.

“Jake,” she managed, shocked at her transformation.

The Alpha knelt in front of her, setting the Kris on the street. His hands gently cupped her cheeks. “Are you all right?”

Unable to process what had just happened, Kai nodded, tears streaming down her face. Quintus moaned, and her heart caught as she recalled how he’d been attacked.

“Quint.” Jake leaned over him, his face inches from his friend’s.

Kai pressed her palm to the vampire’s cool forehead. “Quintus. I’m sorry.”

“This isn’t your fault, bella. Ahh…” he groaned, clutching his gut.

“Fuck. Just wait a second, man. We’re gonna get you outta here. Get you some blood. I’m sorry if this hurts but let’s call it payback for what you did to me in New York,” Jake said. His eyes darted to Kai’s as he slid his arms underneath the tall vampire. Cradling him to his chest, he lifted Quintus and shoved up onto his feet.

Despite her bare skin, Kai didn’t hesitate as she jumped up off the ground, swiftly opening the back passenger door. She reached for the Kris as Jake eased Quintus inside the car.

“I’m just gonna set you inside here, Quint. Easy now.” Jake slammed the door and looked to Kai, who stood shaking with her arms crossed over her bare breasts. Pulling his shirt over his head, he slipped the sopping wet fabric onto her. “Jesus. This isn’t the best, it’ll have to do for now.” He reached for the passenger door, opening it. “Get in. You’re going to freeze to death.”

Kai jumped inside, and jolted at the sound of the car door slamming closed. She set the Kris on the floor and leaned over her seat, placing her hand on Quintus’ arm.

“I’m so sorry.” The vampire’s eyes cracked open, and he winced. “This shouldn’t have happened to you. Oh Goddess…Jake, he looks like he’s lost a lot of blood.”

“Hold on. I already told Logan to have the jet waiting. The airport’s not far.” Jake slipped into the car and shut his door. The engine roared to life as he gunned the pedal.

Kai turned to him, somber. “These things are going to follow us.”

“The hangar’s got wards on it. Same with the plane. We’ll make it there. It sucks that every single thing down here needs protectin’ but it’s life in the Big Easy. You have to be safe.” Jake reached for the controls, switching on the heat. “You must be freezing.”

“I’m okay,” she lied. Gooseflesh rippled across her skin. She punched at the buttons, and gave a small smile as one lit up green. “Heated seats.”

“Yeah, you know it doesn’t usually get that cold down here but I like my ass toasty,” he joked. “Pretty nice.”

“Oh goddess….yes. We always have them out in Wyoming. Cold as hell in the winter.” Kai wrung the excess water out from the hem of her sodden shirt. “I’ve got to get this off.”

“Logan should have some spare clothes on the plane.”

“He keeps clothes on his private plane?” she asked, her teeth chattering.

“Yeah, well, the plane technically belongs to the pack. It’s a BBJ. 737.” Jake shrugged. “It’s not exactly tiny, but it works for longer flights, and we always keep it on standby.”

“Who’s flying it?” Kai asked. She took a deep breath and breathed out slowly, her skin finally warming.

“Salvatore and Gatien.”

“Are you sure we can trust them?” Panic rose in her voice.

“Ah, yeah. For sure. They’re my bros. I wouldn’t trust anyone else at this point. These guys have been flyin’ us for twenty years.”

A loud moan filled the car, and Kai turned her attention back to Quintus. “Hey,” she said, her voice soft. “We’re going to be there soon. I promise you this will be all right.”

“Something was in that,” Quintus grunted, “fucking ball of light. Goddamned demons.”

“Poison,” Jake called back to him.

“It’s what hit my leg a few days ago. I slept it off but mine was just a brush. This shit went right through you.” Kai hadn’t meant to blurt out the extent of his injury but she had no time for niceties. “We’ll take care of you. I promise.”

“I’m going to need blood…I’m not sure how much longer I can…” Quintus sucked a breath, his face tensing in agony.

Kai’s eyes flashed to Jake. She could feel his energy filtering into the car, her name in the whisper of his voice in her mind. Kai suspected he already knew the severity of the vampire’s injuries. She could sense Quintus’ pain, needles of agony reverberating into her psyche. Hurry, she told Jake. She wasn’t sure what they’d do once they got to the hangar, but she owed Quintus her life and was prepared to do whatever she had to to save his.

“He’s not responding,” Kai said. Focused on Quintus, she hadn’t brought up how she’d shifted on the street in the middle of New Orleans. By the time they arrived at the airport, Quintus had fallen unconscious. They hurried into the plane, and Jake laid him on the bed. They peeled off his soaked clothes and covered him with a blanket.

“Can we get a donor?” Kai held the vampire’s hand, and sat on the edge of the mattress.

“Normally yeah. Leo used to get them, but if we call one now, it’s going to be at least thirty minutes. No, I’m gonna do this myself,” Jake said. He turned to the closet and opened it. Making quick work of undressing, he stood bare, rummaging through the drawers. He found a pair of grey sweat shorts, shook them out and stepped into them.

“I…I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Kai told him. A shiver rolled through her as she recalled fighting for her life, the slice of fangs tearing into her skin. “Vampires bite two ways. One is fucking painful and the other…well…”

“I know, Kai.”

“Have you been bitten?” she asked. His mark tingled on her neck, reminding her that she was his mate, yet she hadn’t claimed him. Although she had very little experience, wolves were known to party with vampires, seeking the sexual high that accompanied being bitten.

“Yeah. I’ve been with a few.” Jake handed her a white t-shirt. “I know how it works.”

“You had sex with them?” Kai asked, the words leaving her mouth before she had a chance to think.

Jake sighed, his eyes locked on hers. “I’m not going to lie to you, Kai. It’s not like I’ve been with a lot of vampires, but the ones I was with, yeah, we had sex.”

As if she’d been slapped, a rush of jealousy seized her. Logic told her it wasn’t fair to judge him. It’d been her choice to remain hidden, to only make love with humans. He’d been free to be with whomever he’d wanted over the centuries. Aware he’d sense her emotions, she quickly shoved the ugly thoughts to the back of her mind.

She gripped the edge of her shirt, and tugged off the wet fabric. As Jake’s eyes roamed over her nude body, heat flashed in his expression. He quickly recovered, handing her a dry t-shirt. She slipped it over her head, thankful to be warm and dry.

Kai turned to the bed, watching intently as Jake sat next to Quintus. As he took the vampire’s hand in his, her heart squeezed, in awe of the Alpha’s gentle nature. Kai padded quietly to the other side, and lay on the king size bed next to Quintus.

“He’s so cold,” Kai commented, settling her hand on his forehead.

“Yeah, some of that’s normal for a vamp, but he’s lost a lot of blood. His pulse is weak but it’s there. It would take a lot to kill this bastard, but if we left him like this, who knows how long he’d make it.”

“How do you know he won’t hurt you?”

“I don’t. I’m just goin’ by instinct.” Jake shrugged and gazed down onto the vampire. “Quintus could’ve killed me ten times over already. I may be Alpha but he’s way older than I am. Even in New York when he was really pissed at me, he still didn’t kill me.”

“So you know what’s going to happen then if he bites you?” Kai asked.

“Well, yeah. I’ve never been bit by a guy but I imagine something could happen here.” Jake shook his head, his eyes finally meeting hers.

“So this…um…it could get heated.” Kai hadn’t stated it as a question because she knew full well the effects vampires had on their donors. Her cheeks flushed as the corner of Jake’s mouth tugged upward. He knows.

“Just so you’re not getting any ideas, sweetheart. I know from your reaction to him watching you that you want to take it further. Not that I’m opposed to a little play but we’re going to take it easy here. There’s no way I’m letting Quintus make love to you…yet. That little mark on you. You’re mine now.”

“I didn’t say I wanted to…I just…I don’t…” she stammered, embarrassed by her own thoughts. “We just need to help him. I wasn’t thinking…”

“Sweet little Kai. Do you know what I like about this mate thing?” Jake gave a broad smile and laughed. “I can read some of your thoughts as if they were my own. And it’s not that I don’t like where this is going, because you’ve got a filthy dirty mind.”

“Just do it already,” Kai said, attempting to change the subject. The engines roared and the plane accelerated.

“As you wish.” Jake hovered his wrist over Quintus’ lips.

“Careful.” Kai’s heart sped as Jake spoke to him.

“Hey man. As much as I like seeing you with your mouth shut, this zombie thing you’re doing here isn’t so cool. Let’s go. Show us your fangs. It’s dinner time, big boy.”

Kai shook her head in disappointment as Quintus showed no reaction. “Something’s wrong. He should smell you. I’m going to lie closer to him.”

“I don’t know, Kai. What if he bites you instead?”

“Just keep your wrist near his mouth. I’ll just warm him up a little. Maybe if I…” Kai’s eyes locked on Jake’s as she lifted the blanket, sliding next to him. Her breasts brushed his arm, and she placed her palm onto his chest. Kai rested her head onto her pillowed arm, her lips mere inches from his shoulder. “Jesus, he’s freezing.”

“Hey, Quint. You’re scaring us now. I don’t know if you can hear me in there.” Jake lowered his voice and spoke softly. He nodded at Kai and gave a small sigh. “We’re both here. I’m giving you my permission to feed from me. I know you wouldn’t want to do this, but your wound…it’s not healing right. We had to leave. We can’t wait to get you to a donor.” Jake blew out a breath. “I don’t know what’s going on. It’s not working. Maybe you need to talk to him.”

“Quintus. Can you hear me?” Kai slid her hand up his chest until his cheek rested in her palm. “Can you feel me? The three of us have been sticking together, right? This is no different. Jake gives his blood freely to you. And so do I. Help us.”

Quintus’ mouth slowly parted, his fangs snapping into place. “It’s working,” Jake said.

“That’s it. Please.” Kai’s lips brushed his cheek. Knowingly, she appealed to his desires, letting her own energy flow into him. Pressing her body to his, she rubbed his leg with her own.

Jake grunted as Quintus sliced into his wrist. “Aw…fuck.”

“Don’t hurt him, now,” she whispered in his ear. “Make it feel good. We’ll make it feel good too.”

“Ah…yeah…holy shit…” Jake rambled as Quintus wrapped his fingers around the Alpha’s wrist.

“Are you all right?” Kai asked, reaching across to touch Jake.

“Yeah, I just…this is so fucking wrong. I’m so…” Jake closed his eyes, biting his lip.

“It’s okay, baby.” She slid her hand down his flank, fingering the elastic of his shorts.

“I think…I…I need you…It feels so…” Jake’s words trailed away as Quintus continued to feed.

As the seconds ticked away, Kai grew concerned. “I’m worried he’s taking too much.”

“I’m so fucking horny. I want you right now, sweetheart.”

“Quintus…let him go,” she gently ordered, pleased as the vampire released him.

“Jesus…is he awake? He’s not moving.” Jake rolled onto his back, his gaze on his mate.

“He’s warming up…his eyes…they’re opening, but…”

“What’s wrong?” Jake asked.

“It’s the poison.” Kai threw back the blanket, exposing his chest. “The wound is closing but it’s not healed. It’s going to take more blood. Look Jake…I’m going to do this. It’s okay…just please…come to me.”

“Kai, are you sure?”

“Yes. It’s okay.” Kai licked her lips, nervously moving her arm to his mouth. Unable to speak, the vampire’s pleading eyes snapped to hers. “It’s okay, Quint. My blood is special. Let it heal you. We’ll heal each other.”

Quintus shook his head no, but Kai insisted. “I’m not taking no for an answer. The poison is making it hard for you. We can do this…together. Hurry so my mate can make love to me.”

Kai gave a soft sigh as Quintus reached for her arm and his warm breath teased her wrist.

“Ah…yes,” she moaned as his sharp teeth pierced her skin. Arousal slammed into her and she closed her eyes, calling to her Alpha. Jake.

Within seconds, his chest warmed her back, his erection slipping between her thighs. As Quintus sucked her essence, she reached back for Jake, brushing her palm onto his hip.

“It feels so good…the sensation…” Kai struggled to articulate her thoughts, her pussy aching for attention.

“Jesus, you’re beautiful,” Jake told her as he slipped his hands around her waist, sliding his fingers through her slick folds.

“Oh my God…ah…” Kai’s hips rocked into his touch.

As Quintus released her arm, she shivered as his tongue licked over her puncture wounds.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

“Yes…please,” Kai cried, as Jake speared a thick digit inside her core. She reached for Quintus and his hand found hers. Desire for the vampire bloomed, the dark fantasy of having two men finding its way back to the forefront of her mind.

“I can feel you. Hear you,” Jake said. “I’m going to fuck you right here with him, Kai.”

“Yes,” she managed.

“Take Quintus…play only…”

“But I…” She resisted, yet as her eyes met Quintus’, her body lit with fire.

“Take his cock now,” her Alpha commanded.

Kai came alive as he fucked her pussy. Jake guided her hand to Quintus’ ripped abs, and smiled when she took his dick into her palm. Fisting it tightly, she gave it a firm stroke, pleased as she heard the vampire moan.

“That’s a girl,” she heard Jake whisper in her ear. “Look what you’re doing to him.”

“Ah yes, Goddess,” she cried, as Jake’s fingers flicked over her clit. His knee nudged her legs open and she gasped, his thick crown probing her entrance.

Quintus rolled onto his side, giving her better access. He pumped his hips as she stroked his cock. “Si, bella.”

Sliding her thumb over his wet slit, she lubricated his dick with his seed and tightened her grip. Kai blinked, her eyes locked on Quintus, wide in arousal, as her Alpha plunged his cock deep inside her pussy. The vampire cupped her face, his thumb dipping into her mouth.

“That’s it Kai. Fucking take all of me,” Jake said, filling her to the hilt. “Can you feel that? Someday, we’re both going to fuck you. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”

“I…I…” She struggled to admit the truth of her dark fantasy.

“I’m going to fuck you in this perfect little ass while Quint takes your pussy.”

“My Alpha,” she cried. Quintus cupped one breast and his lips fell to her other, taking her taut nipple into his mouth.

“I think our girl likes that, don’t you?” Jake asked, his voice rough.

“Oh Goddess yes…fuck me…harder,” she demanded. The sharp points of Quintus’ teeth scraped her delicate skin, and she quivered as he licked and sucked at her ripe tip. Jake thrust up inside her, reaching his hand around her waist, replacing one hand with his other as he stroked her clit. His wet fingers rounded to her ass and she moaned as his slippery finger dipped into her back hole.

“Ah…fuck yeah,” he grunted, increasing his pace. “This ass, my sweet pixiu.”

“I…I’m…” Kai heard Quintus pant, his hips rocking wildly into her grip.

“I’m so close…please,” she begged Jake, her pussy quivering with each deep thrust.

Jake’s fingers tightened onto her swollen bead, hurling her over the edge. Simultaneously, Quintus sunk his fangs into her breast, and she released a scream of ecstasy. She barely noticed the warm essence that seeped onto her stomach as her Alpha slammed into her. Clutching her hips, he gave a loud grunt, erupting deep inside her.

Kai’s head spun, comforted as Jake removed himself, and rolled her onto his chest. She breathed in his masculine scent, cradled into his embrace. This incredible man had stormed into her heart, capturing her body and soul. His mark tingled on her neck as a reminder of their bond. As sleep captured her, Kai vowed to make him hers forever.




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