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Jake (Immortals of New Orleans Book 8) by Kym Grosso (3)

Chapter Three

Jake stretched his neck and glanced at Logan, who rattled off the final instructions to the security guards manning the mansion’s entrance. His thoughts drifted to events the night before at his cabin. What a fucking mess. After the run-in with the creature, Logan and Dimitri had cursed him out for running off from the pack. They all knew the situation was much more serious than him wandering off on his own, but no one dared to broach the subject of him challenging his friend or permanently leaving.

Jake had deliberately chosen to keep quiet about the naked woman he’d seen at his cabin. He’d made no mention of the vampire either. It went against everything he’d ever known not to disclose the situation to Logan but he’d already met Quintus once, and while the vampire was lethal, Jake hadn’t sensed danger to the pack. On the contrary, the vampire had only been interested in the female.

The woman had not been wolf, yet she’d possessed powers he’d never experienced. Frozen within his own skin, Jake had been impressed with her abilities. Witch? The word rolled through his mind conjuring thoughts of Ilsbeth. But Jake had never seen a witch glow the way she had and he couldn’t account for how she’d appeared at his cabin. It was as if she’d materialized out of thin air, and the only creatures he’d known to do that were vampires. Her nudity further puzzled him. Although sometimes witches practiced their craft au natural, it was done within the sanctuary of their covens.

Jake had texted Jax earlier in the day, regarding Quintus’ appearance at his home, and he’d been informed the vampire was expected at the masquerade ball. Logan mentioned it in his briefing, assuring him Léopold had given his word he would cause no problems. Jake suspected his mysterious attendance was related to the woman, and planned on finding out where the hell he’d taken her.

“Hey man.” Jake heard Logan call his name and turned to him, aware guests would be arriving soon.

“Hey,” he replied, his closed smile not reaching his eyes.

“I want to have a talk before we get things goin’. My office.” Logan pointed down the hallway and set off toward it, not waiting on an answer.

Jake followed, respecting his Alpha. As he rounded into the room, Jake closed the door behind them, taking care to note that Dimitri, the beta, remained behind in the ballroom. This wasn’t going to be a quick discussion.

“Anything you want to tell me ‘bout last night?” Logan moved to stand in front of a square beveled metal wall mirror. He avoided eye contact, adjusting his tie.

“Why ya asking?” A corner of his mouth tugged upward. As serious as the situation had been last night, he found it both annoying and amusing at the same time that the Alpha could smell deception a mile away.

“Dimitri’s not here.” Logan’s eyes briefly caught Jake’s in the reflection and then focused back onto straightening the bow.

“I noticed. Just you and me, big guy.” Jake inwardly cringed at his flippant remark, but the words had left his lips before he could stop them.

“Sometimes…” Logan paused and reached for a red leather mask. He continued speaking while fastening it onto his face. “We change. I wasn’t always Alpha. You know this.”

“Yeah, yeah I do.” Logan had been Tristan Livingston’s beta for decades. When Marcel died in his arms, Logan had accepted his position of Alpha. Nearly a year had passed but it seemed much longer.

“You grow as Alpha. Accepting your place is not always easy. It’s not always wanted by all the pack members. You may not want it. But it’s not about necessarily wanting something. It’s about destiny. You see, she gets what she wants. Marcel…he’d been like a brother to me.”

“He was a great man.”

“I loved Tristan. I loved Lyceum Wolves. They were my pack. Philadelphia was my home. But the night he died, the night I snapped Calvin’s neck, everything changed for me.”

“This had once been your home. Acadian Wolves. You’d grown up in New Orleans.”

“True. But this wasn’t my pack. It hadn’t been for a long time. I’d been away for many, many years. I didn’t want to leave Philadelphia or Tristan.”

“Logan, I was going to say something…” Jake stumbled on his words, struggling to find the right way to tell his Alpha. He was only just coming to terms himself with the change inside him. To admit it out loud to another wolf made it far too real. There’d be no taking it back. “I just…what’s happening with me. It’s not like with you. You were made out of circumstance. What’s going on with me, it’s like this nagging urge. I didn’t want to say anything. I love it here. I love you, the pack. But then when I was with Jax…he knows things. He confronted me about it. Ever since then…I’ve been trying to figure out what the hell to do. Last night when we were running, my wolf drove me…I can’t control it.”

“You can say it. Tell me what’s going on. This is why I’m here. I’ll help you. Support you.”

Shame washed over Jake. Logan had always been so fucking on point when it came to his pack, knowing what was going on with his wolves. He’d taken over Acadian Wolves with little resistance from others, effortlessly leading the pack.

“Look, man. I’m sorry. I wanted to say something. It’s just I’m not used to this. On our run last night. Fuck, Logan. I don’t know how else to put this. The urge to challenge you…I’m losing my fucking shit here. And you know how it is.” Jake plowed his fingers through his hair, and shook his head. “My wolf. He’s a beast. We’re out there running. And then next thing I know, I’m pushing forward into places I shouldn’t be. And so what do I do? You know I’m not going to fucking fight you. I break away. I had to get outta there.”

“I get it. But you need to talk to me.”

“Did Jax say something to you?” His eyes met his Alpha’s.

“He didn’t have to. But the Alpha thing? Of course Jax is going to know. He’s been at this for a long time. He knows wolves, breathes life into his pack. I’m not as experienced as he is, but I can tell you this. When wolves are thinking about challenging me, I know it. It’s just like the hum of our pack. I know how they’re feeling. With you? You’ve always been strong, easy-going. But after you returned from New York, things changed.”

“I’m sorry for not saying anything.” Jake blew out a breath and fell back into a soft leather chair. He laid his head back and stared at the tin ceiling. “I just…I haven’t been sure what to do. I’m sure as shit not going to fight you. So I’m sitting here thinking, ‘what the hell am I supposed to do now?’ I guess I could try to suppress it.”

“It’ll never work.”

“Maybe I could see a witch. Get it removed?” He laughed.

“Yeah, because you love witches. That’s worked out real well for ya in the past.”

“With Ilsbeth out of commission, I’d never find anyone powerful enough to run that spell. Can you imagine me asking to have her revoke my Alpha card?”

“Are you serious? You can’t trust her as far as you can throw her. Don’t even think about it.”

“As if. I’m telling you there are days, I wonder if I made the right call there. Could’ve just left her in the woods to die.”

“But you didn’t.”

“I don’t know. When I think of all the shit she’s done…fuck. What she did to Dimitri, she deserved to die.”

“Perhaps. But you executed mercy. That’s a call sometimes an Alpha needs to make.”

“I don’t know. That day. It wasn’t like she was even herself. She was like another person. She was dying. Vulnerable. Didn’t scent a lick of magick on her.”

“She’s in witch rehab. Maybe for centuries for all I know. They say her magick may be gone forever.”

“For a million fucking reasons, witchcraft is out. So yeah…other options?” Jake closed his eyes and opened them with a long sigh. “Guess I could run alone. Live in the bayou. Just do things with the pack when I’m human.”

“Yeah, you could try it. Doubt it’ll work, but you never know.”

“I could go lone wolf. Maybe find a plot of land in the middle of nowhere. Maybe Hunter will give me some acres in Wyoming. I could live like a hermit.”

“Or…” Logan began, “you could go back to San Diego.”

“I just came from there. No. No way. I already assigned an Alpha. If it doesn’t work, they’ll fight it out.”

“What if you didn’t have a choice?”

“What the hell’s that supposed to mean?” Jake’s eyes went to his Alpha’s.

“I haven’t heard from Alex in over a week.”

“But he’s required to check in with you.” Concern coursed through Jake. He’d personally selected him to take over Anzober Wolves. Although Jake had initially fought, he’d overseen the internal challenges. Alexander had been strong, appeared to make good choices and to lead the pack with ease. More importantly, he held no ties to the former Alpha who’d tried to kill Dimitri’s mate.

“Yeah, I know. I’ve texted. Called. Nothing.”

“What about Silas?”

“He’s texted but refuses to say what’s going on with Alex. Said he’d gone hunting. He hadn’t been officially made beta anyway. I’m not buying it.”


“You know what this means?” Logan took a deep breath, and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Why can’t Hunter send someone? Wyoming is a helluva lot closer than we are.”

“But they’re your wolves,” Logan countered.

“Oh no, no, no. Hey man. Just back up the train. Those wolves belong to Alex, not me.” Jake pushed to his feet, rolled his eyes at his Alpha and brushed past him. He stared into the mirror, checking his mask.

“You fought to be Alpha, and you know it. You were running that pack.”

“Yeah, but I handed things over to Alex. And that’s because I’m an Acadian wolf. Don’t get me wrong. They were nice people. And hey, you know I love San Diego. I could hit the beach every day, no problem.”

“Tristan was also an Acadian wolf. Now he’s a Lyceum wolf. You cannot deny your destiny.”

Jake sighed, aware that arguing with Logan wasn’t going to get him very far. It had been his responsibility to ensure stability within the pack. And although he’d taken care to choose the best Alpha, he’d always known there was a possibility he’d have to return. What Logan was suggesting wasn’t merely a visit. He was giving Jake an opportunity to test the waters, to begin a future leading his own pack.

“I’ll go back out and fix shit, but I’m not saying yes to a permanent relocation,” Jake hedged. “I’ll go and see what feels right. But this is my home.”

“We don’t want this to turn into a mess like it did before. Just go out there and find out what the hell is happening. And for the record, I’m not saying that this is your pack to lead. If it is, though, you’ll know.”

“And if it isn’t?” Jake turned to his Alpha, who locked his eyes on his.

“We’ll cross that bridge when the time comes.” Logan went to the door and wrapped his fingers around the brass knob. “I want you to hear me on this, Jake.”


“Acadian Wolves has been and always will be your home.”

“I have no intention of challenging you,” Jake interrupted.

“Good, because one of us would end up dead.” Silence filled the room as both men let the statement settle. They both knew what would happen if they fought.

“I can’t promise I can always run with the pack. My beast. The urge grows within me. Here and now, as me, with my humanity, I make the choices. But when I’m wolf? The best I can do is run on my own when I need to. I don’t want you to be pissed when it happens.”

“I get it, man. Look, this situation. It is what it is, but sometimes we have to go with what destiny wants. Y’all know she’s a bitch, but in the end, we often end up better than we were before.”

“Change is hard.”

“And Jake?”


“Quintus is coming.”

“I take it you’ve been talking to Jax?” Jake asked, curious as to what his Alpha had been told.

“Yeah.” Logan nodded. “I heard you two aren’t exactly best buddies.”

“That’s one way of putting it. You know he had something with Kat, don’t ya?” Jake asked, still irritated that Quintus had bitten her.

“No I didn’t, but it doesn’t matter. What matters is that this charity ball doesn’t turn into a shit show. There’s some humans coming too, and we can’t let things get ugly.”

“Hey.” Jake held his hands up in the air, surrendering to the situation, and gave a broad smile. “Best behavior. I won’t start anything.”


“Now that being said, if that vamp starts shit with me, I’m tellin’ you right now we’re taking it outside. I won’t fuck with your party, but he gets under my skin. And I’m starting to think he enjoys it.”

“You’ve seen him lately?” Logan raised a questioning eyebrow at him.

“I’ll tell you about it later.” Jake wasn’t up for disclosing what had happened by the cabin. He and Quintus were going to have a conversation tonight about what in the hell had happened to the creature who’d come to see him.

“Good enough. Let’s get this started. If I don’t get out there soon, Wynter is goin’ to kick my ass. As it is now, she wasn’t crazy ‘bout having the witches here. After all the shit that went down with Ilsbeth, she’s not a fan.”

“Can’t say I blame her, but it’s all for a good cause. And hey…no worries, I won’t start any fights, Dad,” Jake joked, not sure he could keep his promise.

“Not having it,” Logan warned as he opened the door.

Jake shrugged, and straightened his shoulders. He shook off thoughts of Anzober Wolves as he stepped into the party. Tonight was a night for answers, and Quintus Tullius was in for a world of hurt if he didn’t tell him the location of the mysterious female.

Zydeco music blared as Jake scanned the ballroom. Nearly a hundred people, dressed in tuxedos and gowns, gracefully buzzed the event. A gorgeous redhead wearing a feathered peacock mask winked at him as she walked by, flashing a flirtatious smile. Vampire. Move along, honey. No love bites for me tonight. Jake nodded and turned his attention away.

Logan had brought the supernatural community together for the exclusive charity gala. The five-thousand-dollar-a-head event raised money for the restoration of homes, providing low income housing for the elderly and disabled. There was always someone looking to bring evil to the streets. Witches. Rogue vamps. Demons. But for a few peaceful hours, they’d all play nice, tame their wild souls and give back to the city within the confines of the historic ballroom.

Jake glanced to the two-story-high ceiling. Twinkling chandeliers reflected onto the hundreds of dangling strings of blood-red irises that streamed down above the partygoers. Guests congregated around tables draped in emerald velvet. Black forest calla lilies sat center, their twisting metallic vases reaching into the air. The music switched to a Cajun waltz and Jake’s attention was drawn to the dance floor. A wide smile broke across his face as he caught sight of a man in a leather mask with perky furry ears approaching.

“What the hell, man? Did Logan see you? I pegged you for a tiger, maybe, but a bear? Are you serious?” Jake laughed out loud.

“Oh yeah, I’m rockin’ it. Mama likey.” Dimitri nodded and waved to his mate, Gillian, who smiled at him from across the room.

“You’re the beta, man. Have some respect.” Jake shook his head.

“I’ve got it all going on with this look. And this mask? It’s one of a kind.”

“You could say that again.”

“You need to learn to embrace the animal world.” Dimitri held out his hands in a broad gesture, giving a laugh. “Ya know I had to talk Logan out of wearing that shitty cat mask he likes. For an Alpha, he’s way too attached to that feline of his. That tiny thing rules the house.”

“Pussy can do that to you.” Jake smiled

“That it does.” Dimitri smiled. “And it can be pretty, pretty nice. Doesn’t seem to affect you, though. Y’all playin’ the field more than ever. How’s the little blond you were seein’? Tabitha?”

“We’re not mates, if that’s what you’re asking. You know how it is.”

“Yeah I do. Just because you’re not mates, that doesn’t mean you don’t form bonds with females. I’ve seen you guys together. You get on well.”

“I’m not exclusive.” Jake shrugged. “I was with Kat once too. Now she’s gone.”

“Don’t tell me you were hung up on her?”

“No way, man. She’s with Jax. They’re mates. And you know, Jax…he and I, we’re more than cool.”

“It’s like that then?” Dimitri raised a questioning eyebrow at Jake.

“You know how it is. Even you and Gillian…you know what you did to save me.”

“Yeah I do, and it’s our way. I’m just surprised y’all were with Jax. I know he’s Gillian’s brother and I respect him, but you and him? You guys didn’t exactly get along.”

“True, but things have changed since New York. Don’t get me wrong. He can still be kind of a dick but there’s a reason why he’s the Alpha. He takes good care of Kat.”

“So what’s got you all serious tonight? This is a party if you haven’t noticed. You pissed about Logan sending you back to San Diego?”

“You know then?” Jake said, surprised. He should have known Logan would have told his beta.

“We talked about it yesterday.” Dimitri reached for a martini as a passing waiter offered the drinks.

“I’m not exactly crazy about going back. Don’t get me wrong. It’s cool there. Sun. Surf. Tiny bikinis.” Jake blew out a breath and scanned the room, his eyes focusing onto the entrance. “Not Acadian Wolves though.”

“What’s going on with you tonight?” Dimitri asked.

“Just a little preoccupied is all. I’m looking for a certain vampire.”

“Leo? I think he and Laryssa went to France.”

“Not Leo. Quintus.”

“Quintus Tullius?”

“The one and only.”

“Yeah, I heard he was coming.” Dimitri caught Jake’s look of irritation and gave a grin. “What? You know I’m his beta. Logan told me this morning. Guess we’ve got another vamp in town for this shindig. Jax was the one who called though. I’m sure it’s fine if Logan okayed it. Kade must know. He’s responsible for him.”

“I’m sure he does. But I’m also sure that Kade doesn’t control him. This dude. He’s not Leo.”

“So I’ve heard. But for the record, it’s not like Leo’s easy-going. Far from it.”

“Quintus is a friend of Jax. A very dangerous friend.”

“I heard he’s got a place down here but he doesn’t use it. I’ve only seen him once. It was a long time ago. Marcel was Alpha at the time. Leo’s mentioned him a few times since things went down with y’all in New York. I take it he’s got some business here?”

“Be careful, D. He’s old. Powerful. Does stuff Kade can’t do. Think more like a radioactive Leo. He does the disappearing act. Got all the vamp tricks down.” Jake recalled how the vampire had nearly strangled him to death in his underground Central Park club. “Quintus is one bad motherfucker.”

“Hey, I have no quarrel with him. Logan said be cordial, so cordial I’ll be. There’s a few out-of-town vamps attending tonight. The pack knows they’re here but not by name.”

“Just avoid him if you can, okay?”

“Jake, I know you got a mask on but I can see that fire in your eyes. What do you have planned?”

“Some things went down last night. That’s all I can say. I haven’t told Logan yet, so keep it quiet. It’s just a matter of time before this shit explodes, but I need to do this on my own. This is my business. I don’t want the pack hurt.”

“You’re sounding more and more like Logan every day.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Just sayin’. You’ve always been a leader. Sometimes this is the natural path.” Dimitri nodded.

“Goddammit. What did Logan tell you?” Jake’s jaw ticked, his stress rising. Does the whole damn pack know? He hadn’t told anyone about his conversation with Jax.

“No one told me anything. It’s okay.” Dimitri lowered his voice. He went to place his hand on Jake’s shoulder but hesitated. “I saw what happened last night. You broke away from the path. Ever since New York, you’ve been distracted. Going to San Diego…it did something to you.”

“Nothing good, that’s for sure.”

“Not true, man. I’ve been around a long time. I’ve met lots of Alphas. They’ve all got this vibe. I don’t know what you want to call it but it’s power. They’re in touch with their wolves. Sometimes they can feel wolves that aren’t even theirs. I think it’s why you and Jax butt heads. But it’s also why you’re close. There’s this common bond. Now I don’t know how this is all goin’ to work out, but trust me on this. You gotta follow your gut. Don’t fight it. Fightin’ it is gonna get you nowhere real fast. And I’ll tell you another thing,” he paused and glanced across the room, “I don’t know what business you got with Quintus, but the fact you have any interest in this guy is trouble. If you were just pack, you wouldn’t even be thinking about talkin’ to him by yourself.”

“This thing with me.” Jake set his focus on Dimitri, his expression serious. “You gotta keep it under wraps, okay? I’m not challenging Logan. But I don’t know what I’m gonna do yet. As for Quintus, something happened last night, and he’s involved. I need answers.”

The air went cold, a twitch of magick swirled through the room, and their attention was drawn to a congregation that had formed in the entryway. Jake registered Quintus’ presence, recalling how his powerful aura had buzzed through the vampire’s underground club in Central Park.

“He’s here,” Jake stated calmly.

“You do remember tonight’s for charity?” Dimitri asked. “One of the rare times we play nice with the bloodsuckers.”

“You play nice with Leo all the time,” Jake responded, never taking his eyes off the crowd as it dispersed. “In fact, y’all are gettin’ along like a house on fire. You’re like the damn fang whisperer.”

“Hey now. I’m just in touch with nature. Hence the bear.” Dimitri pointed to his mask and grinned. “You know I have a magick touch with all beings.”

“Not witches.” A small smile formed, yet Jake’s attention never faltered.

“Oh, brother. You pain me.” Dimitri held his hand to his chest and shook his head. “Tru dat. Those witches…nearly the death of me.”

“There he is.”


“Quintus. Don’t follow me, ya hear?”

“Last I recall, I don’t have two Alphas,” Dimitri shot back.

“I’m not fucking around, D. Stay here. This is my fight.”

“Twice a year bro. Peace. Charity ball. All getting along as one!” Dimitri called as Jake took a deliberate step toward Quintus.

“I’ve got this. No worries, man.”

“Fucking famous last words,” Dimitri muttered under his breath. With a final attempt to stop Jake, he yelled to him, “Five thousand a head. Fancy ass party. Don’t fuck this up, bro.”

“It’s cool. Just having a conversation.” Jake held up a dismissive hand at the beta as he walked toward the door.

“Yeah,” Dimitri blew out a breath, “sure ya are. Logan’s not gonna be happy.”

Jake had no intention of causing a scene. All he was after was answers. Aware of Quintus’ lethal nature, the event seemed the perfect setting for a civilized discussion.

Like disturbed flies, the partygoers dispersed, and Jake honed in on Quintus. Within a split second, his attention flashed to the stunning female he’d seen in the woods. A stab of jealousy pierced through him at the sight of their joined hands. But as his eyes locked on hers, he sensed her unrest. The unusual sensation was something he’d only experienced with wolves, yet this creature was no wolf.

Quintus released Kai’s hand as he approached, and Jake watched in fascination as the female backed away from the vampire, quickly disappearing into the crowd. His eyes darted to Quintus who gave him a nod as if giving him permission to chase her. The unsettling approval drilled a hole in his stomach, and he questioned why the vampire would offer her up as a sacrifice. Jake’s instinct warned him that it could be a trap, but he increased his pace as she weaved through the sea of dancers. Darting left, Jake rounded towards the band, and as she blended into a corner he came up behind her, wrapping a firm hand around her waist.

“Ah, ma caille. Where’re you flyin’?” Jake purred into her ear.

“Let me go,” she squeaked.

A delightful mixture of honeysuckle and lemon registered, and he resisted pressing his nose to her skin. Ignoring the distracting scent, he spun her around, pressing his hand into hers. “You look even more beautiful in clothes.”

“I…I…” she stuttered as her eyes met his.

“Name’s Jake. Jake Louvière.” His gaze wandered over the gorgeous creature he barely recognized. At first glance, her beauty had shone through her dirt-covered skin, but this evening, dressed in a ball gown, she was stunning. Her emerald eyes blinked up at his, and he gave a cool smile as she attempted to tug back her hand. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I’m not letting you go just yet. I think we have a talk comin’. Shall we dance?”

“But I…” The beautiful stranger never took her eyes off his as he swept her into his arms.

Jake kept her close but his chest remained inches from her tiny form. “You came to see me last night, yes?”

“I needed to talk to you. But all these people…” She glanced to the dancers around them.

“Ah yes, I would prefer to be alone as well. But it’s a party, and I must say I wasn’t expecting to see you. Quintus? Yes. You? Well now, you’re a pleasant surprise. Perhaps a dangerous one, though?”

“About last night…” Her gaze fell to his chest then slowly rose to meet his. “I’m truly sorry.”

“Nasty little trick you got goin’ there.” Jake tilted his head to the side and shrugged. “But I suppose a girl’s gotta protect herself.”

“I was hurt,” she replied. “Your pack was close.”

“As was Quintus. Speaking of which, you do know you just walked in here with one of the deadliest vampires on the east coast?” Jake asked, annoyed at the jealousy that seemed to bloom out of nowhere.

“Alpha, you must understand,” she began.

Jake stopped dancing, his eyes trained on hers. A serious expression washed across his face. “Watch your words, sweetheart. There’s only one Alpha in the room, and I’m not him.”

“But you are. I know what I feel,” she insisted.

“Name’s Jake. Let’s stick with that.”

“I can’t stay here.” Her voice softened to a whisper. “They’ll know what I am. I’m in danger. Please, Alpha.”

Jake cringed. Why in the hell is she calling me Alpha? What is she? He sniffed nonchalantly. Other shifters emanated a similar magick to wolves, but hers didn’t register. Her scent, while delicious, gave him no hint as to her species. Her small hand fit perfectly into his, and he concentrated on her energy, a tingle dancing up his arm.

“What are you?” Jake asked, his voice low.

“I can’t talk about this, not here. Oh Goddess.”

“What?” Jake asked, noting the panic in her voice.

“I can’t. There’s too much energy. They’ll find me.”

Confused at her statement, he loosened his grip. In an instant, she tore away, fleeing toward the back entrance. His eyes flashed to Quintus, who hurriedly disappeared into the foyer. His mind raced, as instinct told him the vampire hadn’t left the building without reason. What the fuck is he doing? Jake’s focus switched to the gorgeous female who weaved in and out of the crowd. With a palm to her mouth, she bent at the waist, stumbling as she reached an exit. The band switched songs, and Jake nudged his way through an influx of dancers. Cognizant of Logan’s wishes, he restrained the urge to bulldoze through the guests.

As she flattened her hand on the doorjamb she glanced at him, her eyes lit in terror. Jake swiveled his head, searching the room for the danger that seized her but saw nothing. She shoved through the French doors, and by the time she reached the courtyard, Jake was on her heels. As she collapsed, Jake caught her in his arms.

“I’m sorry,” she breathed.

“It’s okay. You wanna tell me what’s going on?” An eerie silence blanketed the night. Jake casually glanced to the empty terrace, ensuring no one had followed them. Cradling her, he sat down on a brick ledge.

“Alpha, forgive me.” Her eyes fluttered open, and she jolted to stand, but he held tight. “I’m so embarrassed.”

“Look sweetheart, you’re confused here. I’m not the Alpha. I told you. My name’s Jake. Who are you?” He took a deep breath as she tested his patience.

“Kai.” Panic flashed in her eyes but the corners of her lips tugged upward.

“Kai,” he repeated, pleased she’d trusted him enough to answer. “Are you okay? You almost took a spill.”

“Yes, it’s just…”

As she licked her lower lip and stared deep into his eyes, Jake inwardly cursed as his dick twitched in arousal. Jesus fucking hell. No, boy.

“Just sit up a little here and rest, before you start to run about again,” he instructed, supporting her back with a firm hand.

“I’m okay. It’s just all the people.”

“Tends to happen at a party.”

“Supernaturals,” she whispered, her eyes wide.

“Ah, yeah.” Jake cocked his head and gave a small grin. He couldn’t imagine what was going on with her. She clearly had abilities and he found it hard to believe this was her first time at the rodeo. “You do know where you are, sweetheart? This is New Orleans.”

“You don’t understand…”

“Then help me understand. What’s going on with you?”

“I’m okay, really,” she insisted, ignoring his question and straightening on his lap.

“Hold on now. You aren’t going anywhere.” Jake wrapped his arms around her waist, and gave a smile. “I can see the color’s coming back into your cheeks, but your eyes? That’s fear. I don’t see anyone comin’ after you just yet. Your arm though…” Jake slid his palm over her forearm and revealed her healed wrist.

Kai’s cheeks flushed. “It wasn’t my doing. None of it.”

“I can sense your magick. Are you a shifter?” Jake asked, narrowing his eyes on her. “No, I don’t think so. You aren’t wolf. I don’t sense any other animals. Maybe you’re a witch?”

“I’m not a witch.” Kai shook her head and looked away toward the far corner of the patio. A three-tiered fountain bubbled in the distance, an arrangement of black roses draped over its precipice.

“If you’re not a witch or a shifter, it doesn’t leave too many other options. Shall I keep guessing?” He ran the pad of his thumb over her wrist.

“Why does it matter?” Kai yanked her arm from his hands and held it to her chest.

“Are you a vampire?” She gave a defiant stare in response to his question. “No? Is there something going on with you and Quintus? Are you an item?”

“No, we’re absolutely not an item,” she replied, her tone cold.

“Hey, I get it. He’s a good-lookin’ guy. You scrub his back, he scrubs yours.”

“I wasn’t with Quintus,” she insisted, moisture brimming her lashes.

“Did he hurt you?” At the sight of her tears, anger shot through him, displacing the irrational jealousy that threatened.

“No. I…he took me. But he didn’t hurt me.”

“Then what’s going on between the two of you?”

“Please, Alpha, just let me go. I’m fine. I won’t run,” she promised, avoiding his question.

Jake raised an eyebrow, silently questioning her intent.

“I swear it.”

Logic told him not to let her go, but she appeared traumatized. Freeing her from his hold, Jake held her hand as she placed her feet onto the cracked herringbone patio. As she stood, she wavered, and Jake slipped his arm around her, ensuring she didn’t fall.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just don’t have much interaction with so many supernaturals. Their power. It’s overwhelming,” she confided.

“Hold onto me,” Jake instructed, supporting her. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

Kai did as he told her, laying her face against his chest.

Jake fought desire as her delicious scent drifted into the air. His wolf whined, and he shook his head, warning him away. What the hell does my beast want with this creature?

“What are you?” Jake asked, his voice soft.

“I…I need your help. My sister,” she began.

“That night in the woods. You glowed. Not just glowed. You were golden. Like the sun. I know what I saw. And you stopped me. What are you?”

“Shilan. They took her,” she continued, avoiding his question.

“I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what you are. What is your connection to Quintus? You smell…Goddess.” Jake struggled to respond coherently as she tightened her grip around his neck. His lips brushed her hair and he resisted the urge to bury his nose in her silken locks. Again his beast rose, circling, and Jake forced him to the back of his mind.

“They’re coming. They want me. If I can find her, I’ll disappear again. She’s in California. But Alpha,” Kai lifted her chin, raising her gaze to meet his, “you. You’re my last hope. You led Anzober Wolves. Please.”

Jake’s pulse raced at the mention of the pack that had once been his responsibility. There was no way anyone from the pack could have kidnapped her sister. All had been in order when he’d left them. And while it was true there hadn’t been word from Alexander, none of Chaz’s wolves remained in the pack. His mind swirled with concern but as his eyes drifted to her lips, he began to lose focus.

“There’s something about you,” he told her, all too aware of her fingers brushing the back of his neck.

“You’ve had much good fortune. But so much death,” she said, her voice calm.

“What are you?” he asked. “What did you do to me last night?”

“I’m sorry. I can’t control it. I’d been poisoned…it wasn’t me.”

She averted her gaze, but he slid his hand gently over her chin, keeping her focus on him. He tunneled his fingers into her thick dark mane, and she closed her eyes, breathing slowly.

“I can’t help you if you don’t tell me the truth.”

“I can’t trust anyone,” she responded.

“You’re not wolf.”

“No,” she whispered.

“Whatever this is with you. Your sister. I cannot help you if you don’t tell me our connection. What you are.”

“I have to get out of here. She’ll find me. Please,” she pleaded.

Jake’s head told him to call for Logan and Dimitri. The creature in his arms could likely be a danger to every wolf in his pack. If she’d immobilized him while she was injured, he couldn’t fathom what she’d be capable of doing when well.

“You can trust me. I won’t hurt you,” Jake assured her. She parted her lips, her chest rising and falling as he leaned toward her. Don’t fucking do it, Jake. Something about her, the attraction was too strong to resist. One kiss. One fucking kiss and then call Logan.

“Alpha,” she whispered.

As his lips met hers, his wolf howled in response. She sighed into his kiss, and he quickly tore his mouth from hers, realizing what he’d done. His forehead pressed to hers as he attempted to thwart his misguided craving.

“I can’t do this. I don’t even know who or what the hell you are. You’re dangerous. And Quintus…” Jake couldn’t believe he’d kissed the woman who walked into the party with that fucking vampire. What the hell am I thinking?

“She’s here,” Kai said, her eyes going wide.

Sensing a presence, Jake spun around. Through the rungs of a five foot wrought iron gate, he caught sight of Quintus in the darkened neighboring courtyard. The reddened eyes of two rogue wolves flashed as they attacked the vampire. In the distance, a dark shadow of smoke swirled into the air, its head forming into a hideous cavern. The mouth opened wider, and as blood-red darts lasered into the yard, Jake pulled his Glock.

The shadow turned on Quintus, lobbing an ethereal spear into his body. As he went down, the wolves attacked. Aiming, Jake fired off several rounds of silver bullets into the beasts and the creatures screamed in agony as they fell to the ground. He glanced back at Kai, who sat flat against the stone wall. In a stoic trance, her skin blazed with a fine gold sheen. She remained unresponsive as the black mass turned its attention on her, and passed through the gate. It opened its mouth, spewing another laser, and Jake shoved her out of its trajectory, pushing her behind an enormous potted palm. The beam of light sliced through her calf and she seized. As Kai shook, the light retracted into the mass.

“Kai.” Jake pressed up onto his palms as the night went silent. Although her eyes remained open, she didn’t respond. He glanced down, shocked at the sight of golden blood flowing from a two-inch wound in her leg. “What the…?”

Logan and Dimitri tore into the courtyard, growling as the entity dissipated. In an attempt to shield her, Jake tore off his jacket and wrapped it around her leg. He scooped her into his arms, and pressed to his feet. As his eyes met his Alpha’s, his stomach clenched. The shit was about to hit the fan.

“What the hell is going on?” Logan asked, his voice stern. “Is she all right?”

“She’s fine, but I’ve gotta get her out of here. Something…” Jake wasn’t even sure of what he’d just seen to begin to describe it. “I don’t know what the hell it was, but it attacked Quintus and her. There’re a couple of dead wolves over in the next yard.”

“Jesus Christ.” Logan strode over to the gate, and shook his head. “They’re not ours.”

“Rogues.” Dimitri said as he transformed.

“Where’s Quintus?” Jake asked. “He got attacked but he was still alive. Do you see him?”

“Nope. Must have puffed out of here.” Dimitri opened the gate to search the property.

Jake blew out a breath and shook his head. He glanced to Kai, who’d passed out in his arms.

“Who is she, Jake?” Logan demanded. “Or should I ask, what is she?”

“This is…” Jake sighed, clutching Kai tightly. “She’s something. I don’t know what. She’s not a wolf.”

“Witch?” Logan asked.

“No.” Jake’s lips tensed at his statement, frustrated he didn’t know the answer. Whatever she was, she was vulnerable. “I’ll tell you what I know, but I also don’t want that room full of supes in there, who you know are listening to our conversation, to hear what I’ve gotta tell ya. Let me take her somewhere safe first. I’ll text you, and tomorrow we’ll sort things.”

“Two dead wolves,” Dimitri stated. “No Quintus.”

“Goddammit. This is one night. One fucking night of people getting along for charity. A few damn hours. Is that too much to ask?” Logan threw his hands up in the air. “Apparently so.”

“Hey bro, no worries. I’ll round up someone to help me clean up this mess. You go back to the event,” Dimitri suggested.

“Get on it. See if you can find any identification on these two. Jake, tomorrow you’ve got some explaining to do. And I want to talk to the vampire.” Logan plowed his fingers through his tousled hair and glanced down to his chest. “I left my clothes in the hallway.”

“Naked is the new black.” Dimitri smiled. “At least you’ll be wearin’ a smile.”

“You know I love you, D, but now’s not the time.” Jake stepped toward him, still holding Kai. “Help me here with her. I’ve gotta text the limo.”

He released a hand to retrieve his cell while his friend supported Kai. Jake quickly sent a message to the driver, calling his car.

Tonight had been a total clusterfuck, and although Kai had been wounded, the injury appeared superficial. He gave a nod to Dimitri before he pressed through the exit doors. His wolf growled, a knot forming in his stomach, as he mulled over the possibility that something had gone awry with his pack. His pack. Although he’d left San Diego, the responsibility for his wolves had not left his mind. Alpha, his wolf whispered, reminding him of his destiny.

Jake glanced down to Kai, who lay sleeping in his bed. Although his lips still burned from her kiss, his mind wandered to the incidents over the past two nights. A beautiful stranger arrived on his doorstep, attacked him with some freaky power, then she showed up with badass Quintus at a party, and he ended up bringing her to his home? At the party, she refused to disclose her identity, but had no issue asking for his help. What the hell am I doing? It wasn’t a good idea to bring her home, he knew. If she’d been any other woman, he’d have turned her ass over to Logan in two seconds and walked away. Something about her…he couldn’t put his finger on it. If he hadn’t known any better, he’d have suspected his connection to her was wolf. No other creature could draw his attention this way.

The situation with Anzober Wolves nagged at him. If what Logan was telling him was true, that he had lost contact with the Alpha, there was a good chance Alexander was dead. When he’d been in San Diego, Jake had interrogated every last wolf, assuring that no one had ties to the former Alpha who’d attempted to kill Dimitri’s mate, Gillian. Alexander was strong, a good man. Jake had done what he’d thought was best for the pack, his pack. My pack? Anzober Wolves. Jesus. Acadian Wolves had always been his pack, but now his thoughts were clouded with ownership of the others he’d left in San Diego.

A moan from Kai’s lips drew his attention, and once again he focused on the female who’d brought trouble to his doorstep. She lay sleeping, hadn’t woken since the incident in the courtyard, but her heartbeat remained strong and steady. Although still uncertain what species she was, Jake suspected whatever had attacked them may have poisoned her. If she didn’t rouse by morning, he planned to call a doctor.

Jake gently sat on the mattress next to her, and slid the pumps off her feet, taking note of her crimson-painted toes. He considered removing her tattered dress but decided against it as quickly as the thought entered his mind. There was no way he was going to take her clothes off, and risk being accused of something inappropriate.

Frustrated, he shoved to his feet and went to the bathroom, running warm water over a washcloth. When he returned, he sat with a sigh and glanced to her injured leg, which peeked through the slit of her gown. The two-inch slice that ran up her calf appeared to have stopped bleeding, and had already crusted over, healing. As he washed her wound, specks of gold flaked away, revealing her creamy pale skin. In all his years, Jake had never seen a creature bleed gold.

A myriad of questions raced through his mind, but it’d have to wait until morning. When she woke, he’d interrogate her, and if his golden girl refused to tell him the truth, he’d call on Luca Macquarie’s wife, Samantha to help. As much as he loathed the idea of going to a witch for help, she was one of the only people who might have an idea as to Kai’s species.

Jake brushed his fingertips over her leg, amazed at the power that hummed beneath his touch. In the short time they’d been together, their connection had grown exponentially. He’d never felt the sensation in any other being he’d encountered in his lifetime. Recalling how she’d frozen him when injured, he reasoned she’d be able to stun more than one wolf at once. But at the party, she’d claimed she hadn’t known many supernaturals, that it frightened her. Given her abilities, it made no sense.

Jake sighed, irritated he didn’t have answers. He stood and hurled the washcloth into the sink, his thoughts drifting to Quintus. Jake hadn’t heard anything from the vampire since he’d disappeared. His instinct told him that Quintus would land on his feet. Kai on the other hand, had been injured two days in a row. Jake reasoned for at least one night, he’d keep her safe. Jake had the driver bring them to his penthouse that sat atop Logan’s offices, where he ran security. His home had been warded after the incident with Ilsbeth and Dimitri, and it was iron-clad proof from witches and demons. Nothing would hurt her under his guard.

As Jake unbuttoned his shirt, he considered all hell would break loose tomorrow. Logan would demand answers, and while he sought the same, a protective instinct surged. Kai had come to him for help and if it were true that Anzober Wolves had taken her sister, it was his responsibility to address the pack.

Jake eased himself onto the mattress, lying on his side. He studied Kai’s face as she quietly slept, her hands resting under her head. She’d been stunning at the party, but her beauty was even more pronounced now that fear had faded from her face. Her jet black hair feathered over her alabaster skin, her soft pink lips adding a dash of color.

She moaned and curled toward him. Recalling their kiss, he resisted the urge to reach for her. His dick stirred, and he inwardly cursed. Fuck. No. Not this way. He didn’t know what the hell she was, and it was insane that she was even in his bed. Yet the desire twisting through him ran deep. He shoved the disturbing emotions to the back of his mind, and closed his eyes. Tomorrow he’d have the answers he needed, and soon he’d return to Anzober Wolves.