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Lucian's Soul by Hazel Gower, Hazel Gower (4)

Chapter Four

No more taking it slow. Lucian needed Tessa to know what was going on, that things that went bump in the night existed. He needed to feed and deal with the angels. Most of all, Lucian needed her to be safe.

Sullivan had come around last night once Tessa had fallen asleep and they’d discussed the blind kid and what he’d told Lucian. Lucian became more worried when Sullivan told him the troubles with angels seemed to be popping up everywhere.

Lucian now sat at his desk as one of his closest and oldest friends, Xore, sat before him. He was a dragon shifter, one of the last on Earth.

“I can protect her, Lucifer, it would be my honor.” Xore grinned at him. “I hear you have Blake as your chef?”

“He came up with that. The idiot centaur was caught by Tessa in the kitchen and that’s what he thought up when she asked who he was.” Lucian rolled his eyes. “I don’t think she buys it since his cooking sucks.”

Xore chuckled before his face turned back to his smirk. “I hear you’re calling some of your brothers in?”

“Yeah, Michael and Jacob. Seth is bringing them back. Seth wanted me to call Balthazar in, but he is the next strongest. I can’t risk him. If anything happens to me he will need to lead.”

Xore nodded. “You know if Balthazar finds out he’ll be pissed.”

Running his fingers through his hair, Lucian sighed in frustration. “He can get in line. I’m still not bringing him here until my mate at least knows what I am and what we are to each other. She needs to accept us and be willing to be my other half.”

Xore laughed. “Ha, you haven’t told her. Women don’t like secrets, especially human women. Good luck with that.”

Glaring at his friend, Lucian closed his eyes and hoped Tessa would accept him and the new world she was now a part of.

* * * *

Tessa was furious. She’d gone to pay some extra money off her debts, because with Lucian driving her to and from work and him paying for food she’d saved a nice stash of money. She’d tried to give it to Lucian, but he wouldn’t take it. Tessa had even left money in places Lucian would see it, but she’d find it back in her bag. Giving up, she decided to put the money on her debts.

He’d paid everything. She had no more debt, not even on her credit card. How dare he? Tessa had told Lucian she didn’t want his money, that she had to pay her debts herself. Had he not listened to a word she’d told him?

That was it, tonight she was going home. She would get the message through to Lucian that she wanted to pay him back and that she was slowing down their relationship. Lucian needed to learn to listen.

Storming into the building, she bashed the elevator button and tapped her foot, waiting for it to open. When the elevator doors opened, she pushed her way in, not caring about the people trying to get out. Once in, Tessa hit the top floor button and crossed her arms, seething.

As the door closed and the elevator stopped on different floors, letting the people out, she told herself to be strong. Don’t let him change the subject or touch you. When he touched her it lead to him fucking her, and sex meant no answers. Lucian didn’t know how angry she was at him for what he did. Tessa repeated this over and over, hoping it worked, because when it came to Lucian she let him get away with anything.

Tessa had so many questions she wanted answers to. Things with Lucian kept getting stranger and stranger, but he had some kind of hold over her. A hold that not even Ben had had on her.

The elevator dinged and she looked around. She was the only one left on the elevator. The doors opened and, taking a deep breath, she marched down to Lucian’s office, determined to tell him off and get some answers. She wasn’t going to be his sex toy anymore, because now that she thought about it, that’s what she felt like.

She slowed her pace when she saw Lucian’s secretary wasn’t at her desk and Tessa could hear voices.

“Lucifer, you have to feed. When was the last time you drank?” It wasn’t a female voice Tessa heard, but a male’s.

“Over a week or so ago, when I mated with Tessa. I can’t take any now. She’ll know.”

“For fuck’s sake, Lucifer, you can’t go that long without feeding. What if the enemy found you? I only arrived today and even I can see how hungry you are. Your demon’s going to come out and attack some unsuspecting person if you don’t do something. Look, feed from me. I‘ve been sinning a bunch lately.”

“I’ll eat your sin, but I can’t fucking drink from you. Not only does were blood taste like shit, I’m mated now and drinking from anyone beside Tessa makes me feel sick.”

Tessa was dying to see what was going and who Lucian was talking to. Carefully, she opened the door and peeked inside. She blinked, thinking her eyes were deceiving her when she saw Lucian bright red—taller, thicker, with wide bat-like wings flapping behind him. His mouth was open and long white fangs sprouted from it. Tessa shook, terrified as she saw Lucian floating above a massive redheaded man. She gasped as she noticed Lucian sucking black gunk from the guy. Lucian’s skin glowed, and before her eyes he looked younger and healthier.

What the fuck was going on? She had to get away. Stumbling as she gathered what little strength she had, Tessa ran for her life, never looking back.

* * * *

Lucian played the scene over and over in his mind. The gasp, the realization that they’d been caught when he was at his most vulnerable. He had tried to stop his feeding when the sugary scent finally reached him, but he’d been too long without feeding and he couldn’t stop until he’d drained every last sin from Xore.

When he fed he couldn’t use his heightened senses, so he didn’t smell or sense Tessa. Sin eating was worse than drinking. He could go longer without drinking blood. Sin eating was the best food and he needed to do it once every couple of days at least. He was lucky he was so old; younger demons had to feed every day, sometimes twice.

By the time he’d pushed Xore away he knew Tessa was gone. He went straight home, hoping she’d gone back there. When she wasn’t at her flat he knew she’d run. Lucian went across the yard and knocked on Tessa’s parents’ door. After a good ten minutes, a lady in her late sixties answered.


“Hi, ma’am. I’m Lucian Samson. I’ve been seeing your daughter the last couple of weeks, and we just had our first misunderstanding and she ran. I’ve tried her flat and she isn’t there and I’ve had my security search and they haven’t found her, either. I was wondering if you’ve seen or heard from her?”

The woman studied him for a while before she answered. “Lucian, I’m Mary. I spoke to Tessa not long ago and she told me she was going away for a while. She didn’t tell me where she was going or when she’d be back. Tessa can look after herself. She’s run off before, but has always come back.” Mary narrowed her eyes. “She’ll come back when she’s ready.” With that, she closed the door.

He could tell they knew nothing else. He’d tap their phone just in case, though.

He called Xore and updated him on what had happened, and that he couldn’t find Tessa. Xore met him at her flat and together they searched far and wide.

Lucian’s heart broke, and his whole world seemed to crash around him. He felt like he had been given the sun and the moon, then had them snatched from his grasp.

A week passed with no word from Tessa, and he and Xore couldn’t find her. Lucian did something dangerous, he organized a secret meeting with Finn, the world’s leading shifter tracker, and his team. Most shifters were on his side, but unless Lucian knew the shifters he didn’t trust them. He was desperate for his sunlight and happiness back. Xore wouldn’t leave him and he knew the dragon was worried for Lucian’s life. Lucian knew without him, humanity lost one of their biggest and oldest saviors.

Finn strolled towards him. He was meeting them at the beach where Lucian and Tessa had first gone. “Thanks for meeting me somewhere other than your work. The team and I are sure that we’re being watched. I wanted somewhere—”

Finn was cut off as ten sets of gold and white wings blocked his view, and Gabriel gave a chilling laugh. “Have you lost something or someone, Lucifer?”

After centuries of learning to control his reactions, he knew Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael still saw his anger. They were onto something.

Giving a careless shrug, Lucian had to make sure the angels didn’t find out about Tessa. Gabriel never usually showed up anywhere near Lucian, because Gabriel knew Lucian was stronger than him in every way, and Gabriel was eager to keep his head. It was why he’d bought so many angels with him. Uriel and Raphael were his strongest warriors but no match for him, but together with Gabriel, Lucian would be in big trouble. Lucian would bet his last dollar that Gabriel thought he would show up tonight alone to see Finn.

“I see you brought the reptile to help protect you.” Gabriel’s words confirmed it, as he shot a disgusted look at Xore.

Xore chuckled and winked. “Gabriel, it’s been a while. I see that left wing is still healing. Uriel, I see the arm has regenerated back. Raphael, that black mark along your neck really becomes you.”

Lucian grinned as Raphael snarled and went for Xore, only to be stopped by Gabriel. “Your friends are a bit upset with Xore, Gabriel. I suggest you leave now before you all find yourself without your heads.”

As much as Lucian wanted to kill the angels, he knew right now the fight wouldn’t be a fair one. Not with ten angels against the three of them. Lucian was strong, but not enough to take three or more angels on at once and they wouldn’t fight fair.

Gabriel studied him for a moment and Lucian made sure no emotions showed. “You know, Lucian, you are fighting a losing battle. The humans are killing themselves off. The shifters aren’t much better. They are plundering this paradise given to them and you help them. They are cattle, food.”

Lucian had heard this a million times before. Gabriel never changed his tune. He slaughtered many humans, corrupted, and ruined trillions of others.

“Go, Gabriel, and take your lackeys before I change my mind and Xore and I remove your heads from your bodies.”

The ten angels lifted themselves up and flew away. Gabriel stopped just within hearing distance. “Next time you will not be so lucky, Lucian. I would keep a hold of everything you have tightly because you never know when the end will come.”

Clenching his fist, Lucian narrowed his eyes on Gabriel and realized that he had to give up his search for Tessa. He couldn’t risk any of the angels getting their hands on her.

Finn stood still, taking in everything. When Gabriel and his lackeys were safely out of range, Lucian sighed and nodded to Xore, who eased away to contact Seth and Lucian’s other brothers.

“Do you want to know?” Lucian asked Finn.

“I have never been followed before.” He groaned and ran his fingers threw his hair. “You do not know how badly I want to tell you…no, I don’t want to know a thing and walk away right now. The problem is I’m not that type of person. I heard what he said. I thought angels stayed out of everything?”

“Ha, I thought you were the world’s leading tracker of shifters. Don’t they tell you who the enemy is?”

Finn’s eyes widened. “I’m on a need-to-know basis. Aren’t they supposed to be the good guys? Well, better than you?”

“I have no idea why people made them into the good guys when they want to wipe you all out.”

Finn nodded. “I would like to ask your permission if I could get the rest of my team here to hear this. I have a feeling I won’t be able to repeat this and give it justice.”

Lucian knew Finn’s team was one of the best. It was why he’d hired them. Allies were good. “Fine. But first, I want you to stop the case I have asked you to do.” Lucian couldn’t risk Gabriel getting Tessa.

Finn looked unsure for a moment, but must have seen something in Lucian before he narrowed his eyes and grunted. “Okay. Whatever you say, boss.”