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Quin: A Shadow, Inc. Novella by Cass Alexander (10)





Completely spent, Quin withdrew and rolled to his side, using his elbow to remain slightly above Vanessa. He kept his opposite arm draped across her midsection, needing to touch her in some way.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

Vanessa smiled at his concern. Of course, the Big Guy would ask if she was okay. He’d been nothing but a gentleman.

Well, if one could consider purchasing a virgin at an auction and watching others fuck in front of said virgin while you rubbed her tits gentlemanly behavior. She giggled. It was all very sordid, but she’d gotten off on it. She wasn’t defective after all.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing. I just … I’m okay. I feel phenomenal, in fact.”

Vanessa rolled to her side and mimicked his pose.

“Thank you. It was more than I could have hoped for. I am grateful to you, Quin. You have no idea how grateful.”

Quin cleared his throat, feeling it constrict with her declaration. He was thankful to her, as well. She’d freed him from his self-imposed prison.

He didn’t tell her, though. He wasn’t interested in bringing up Josette. Not when he had Vanessa naked in his bed.

“So, uh, should I get dressed and go? I don’t really know the protocol for how to make a graceful exit after shaking the sheets.”

She was guileless. So honest it was staggering.

Quin was ancient and he’d yet to find an immortal, much less a succubus, who was so candid. His entire life had been filled with females who pranced and preened, who charmed and tempted, or, like here at the club, followed his every command.

He was tired of it. Quin had found something special tonight, and he was going to hang on to it for more than a couple of hours.

“Do you have to leave so soon?”

Vanessa shook her head. “I have no place to be. I rented a house over on the Isle of Palms, thinking I’d stay through Sunday before heading home.”

“Then stay with me. We’ll spend the weekend together.”

She frowned at the unexpected invitation.

“Unless, of course, you don’t want to,” he back peddled, feeling the sting of rejection from her less than enthusiastic facial expression.

“I’m not saying no. I’m surprised, is all,” she interrupted. “I hadn’t planned for anything more than this one … incident.”

She grimaced at her wording.

Quin hadn’t planned for anything more, either. But he sure as fuck wouldn’t call what happened between them and incident.


“Yeah, I’m not very articulate. My bad.”

He chuckled. Vanessa was the only female he’d ever been with who brought laughter into his bed. Is this what is was like for Tarq and Lily? More than just screwing?

Quin was insanely attracted to Vanessa’s candor and self-deprecation. It added to what she was on the outside.

“Well, if that’s the only word you can come up with,” he said, running his thumb over the peak of her nipple, “maybe I need to get back to work and try harder to impress you. Maybe get from incident to absolute best moment of your entire life?”

Vanessa’s eyebrows shot up. She didn’t think it could possibly be any better. But who was she to not give him a shot?

Smirking, she rolled to her back and made an X with her body.

“Okay, Big Guy. Try your best.”

Oh, the brash little vixen. This one he wouldn’t let go.

Quin rolled on top of her, tickling her ribs as she cackled and thrashed at his attack. He didn’t seem the type who was playful. She pretended it was because she was special.

She’d live this fantasy for as long as she could before she walked away. It was more than she would ever get outside of these walls.

His tickling turned into caressing as he moved lower and nestled between her breasts, scraping his stubble on her along the way.

“Oh, Little Fawn. I’ve been keeping track of your insolent and sarcastic remarks.”

“Why?” she asked.

He pulled her entire areola into his mouth and sucked. Vanessa gasped. Her nipple came free from his lips, making a popping sound.

“Because nobody speaks to me like you do. I don’t allow it. At first, I wanted to punish you.”

He slid lower, suctioning arduously here and there, making little bruises, marking her.

“And now?” she asked, trying to concentrate on his words.

“I still want to punish you. Just not in the way you think.”

Her head lifted to look at him.

“You’re serious?”

He nodded, holding her gaze.

“I thought you were trying to impress me.”

Quin’s nose pressed into her folds, inhaling deeply. His tongue traced the creases of her outer lips. He shouldn’t have waited so long to put his mouth on her.

“I’ll impress you now. Your punishment will come later.”

His head descended again, this time pulling on her clit, stealing any words she was about to say right out of her mouth.

Quin, using his thumb and index finger, grasped her labia and gently twisted back and forth, like he was turning a key. It was just shy of painful. He continued his suction on her nub, relentless with his command of her pleasure.

With his other thumb, he applied pressure to the sensitive hole below between her ass cheeks. When she stiffened, he gently massaged, coaxing her body to give him what he wanted.

The added activity at Vanessa’s back door set her off, bombarding her with sensations so intense her body tried to skyrocket off the bed.

Incoherent sounds flew out of her throat. She clenched and spasmed, wanting him to stop, praying he wouldn’t.

Eventually her wits returned, and she realized Quin was extracting an entire finger from her dark hole. He truly was a sex god.

“Alright,” she puffed, “I’m impressed.”

Quin moved further up the bed, nestling his hips between her thighs, adjusting himself to align where he most wanted to be.

“Taste yourself, Vanessa,” he murmured against her lips, delving into a deep kiss as he sank his cock into her wet heat.

“Stay with me,” he repeated his earlier request, this time with his power behind it.

Vanessa lightly grazed the sides of his face with her fingernails, then palmed his cheeks, gauging his emotions. He was serious. He wanted her to stay.

Unable to speak, she nodded.

At her agreement, the most incredible feeling of elation filled Quin’s damaged heart. As did something far more dangerous.
