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Ranger Trent (Shifter Nation: Werebears Of Acadia Book 2) by Meg Ripley (52)



“She’s coming around,” someone said. Keira kept her eyes closed, and tried to keep her breathing slow and even, but as she swam up out of unconsciousness, she knew from the mental impressions around her that she was among the members of her clan; they would feel the shift in her mental signature, they would know immediately that she was no longer completely out. Not like it matters anyway. Let them know that I’m awake. I don’t have to talk to them.

Keira felt a hot lump of fury in the pit of her stomach at the memory of watching the attackers carry Raul off into the darkness, just as her own people surrounded her and looped silver chains around her. Had the wolves and panthers coordinated to catch up to the two of them? Had Harold revealed their secret—for them to both receive what was apparently going to be some form of punishment? Look at that: we brought them together for the purposes of punishing both of us. That’s an accomplishment, she thought wryly, in the most private part of her mind. She remembered Harold mentioning that he would have to put “the matter” of her “taking up with a damned wolf” to the clan; and apparently somehow the word had gotten out that Raul was with her.

“You can stop pretending, Keira,” she heard Harold’s growling voice a few feet away. Keira kept her eyes closed a moment longer. She ached all over; between the battle and the silver, she wasn’t sure if she could even fully stand, much less manage a transformation. She could smell five panthers in the room with her—wherever she was—including Harold. There was no sign of wolves present, but she could smell wolf blood, lingering on the people around her. They were fighting each other, too. So obviously if they were working together, it wasn’t all that willingly. Keira reached out mentally, trying to push past the chatter of clan minds, trying to find the elusive thread of Raul’s mental presence. They had mated; she should be able to feel him, and he her. But it was as if she had stubbed her toe, somewhere deep down in her mind. He’s just unconscious. He’s not dead. Please let him not be dead.

Keira opened her eyes. Harold—scored with scratch marks, gouges from bites on his arms and shoulders—stood over her. Other members of the clan watched from a yard away, glaring and scowling, looking as though the slightest provocation might trigger them to shift into their animal forms. “I thought we had an agreement, Harold,” Keira said, keeping her voice level and unwavering with an effort.

“We had an agreement that you could leave my house, and that you would avoid the clan’s running lands,” Harold said firmly. “I also put it to the clan—the fact that you were taking up with a wolf—and let them decide what to do with you.” Keira glanced quickly at the few members of the clan in the room with her; based on the thick reek of anger and acrid undertone in their pheromones, she thought she knew pretty well what the clan had decided.

“Were you working with the wolves then? Sure seems like you coordinated with them, since they grabbed Raul and you got me.” Keira bared her teeth, narrowing her eyes, unquestionably a challenge to the leader of the clan—but one that wasn’t enough to require him to directly correct her. The other panthers in the room snarled, beginning to lunge forward until Harold let out a low growl.

“When you’re recovered from your punishment, I’ll have you in the challenge for that bit of insolence,” Harold told her, scowling.

“So, tell me my damned punishment and get it over with then,” Keira said. In the back of her mind, she could sense the evanescent tendril of Raul’s mind—he was awakening, too. Something in Keira’s body relaxed at that realization.

“For taking up with an enemy of the clan, you’re going to be flogged,” Harold told her. “And you’re going to bring your godforsaken mate to us.”

“Flog me if it makes you feel better,” Keira said, shrugging; the pain had begun to slowly ebb, and she realized that she was only bound at the wrists and ankles with silver—they’d done away with the rest of the netting. There was some hope to be found in that, Keira thought. “But I’m not going to let you murder my mate just to salve your pride that you weren’t able to protect Lachlan and Gary.” Keira considered bringing up the outside female that Harold had allegedly brought in—but stopped short, uncertain of if he had told anyone in the clan about her.

“You’ve turned your back on our ways,” Harold told her, his voice taking on a low, warning-growl note. “After you’ve been flogged, you’ll have a chance to think about who your allies are. You either renounce your mating with that wolf and consent to a mate of my choice in the clan, or you’ll be put to death.” Keira glanced at the others in the room; Tammy and Garrett looked uncertain, but Nathan and Brad were nodding along with Harold’s edict.

“I’m bored,” Keira said, stretching in spite of the shiver of pain the movement sent through her spine. She had to appear as confident, as unconcerned as possible; she couldn’t let any of the people in the room with her know her fear. “Either go ahead and flog me now or leave me alone—I have a right to that as a member of this clan, under punishment or not.” Harold growled again, but stepped back, and Keira held his gaze for a long moment before looking away.

A few moments later, his point proven, Harold left the room, taking the others with him, and Keira waited until even her preternaturally acute hearing couldn’t detect their footfalls before slumping against the wall they’d propped her against.

Keira knew what to expect from her clan; they viewed her as a betrayer. She would receive the bare minimum until her punishment was carried out, and they’d probably isolate her on top of that, even after she was flogged. She closed her eyes, tugging at the silver binding her wrists and ankles. Whoever had been responsible for it had bound her tightly enough that escape would be difficult, and Keira smirked to herself; whoever it was would have had to have handled the silver without gloves to get it that tight. Hope it burned the hell out of them, the asshole. She bit her bottom lip as she tested the chains again and again, trying to find the least give in them. She had to get away; she had to get to Raul, and they both had to go to the Elementals. There was no way around it; they needed outside intervention, and if they went to the elementals they’d at least have protection. Please let him be in better shape than me, she thought. Let him be able to get free and get to the Elementals. There was no longer even a question of finding anyone in their respective groups to ally with—they were both on the outs. Keira paused in her struggles for the moment, taking slow, deep breaths. She would need to conserve her strength. She might get an opening when they unbound her to take her out onto the clan’s running lands for the flogging. There isn’t a panther in the entire clan who can take me if I do it right, she thought. Bide your time, Keira. Wait for your opportunity. Don’t be like one of those stupid wolves caught in a hunter’s trap and chew off your own leg to get free. Be smart. Keira tried to fall into a light doze, but the fear persisted: what if they waited until the silver completely sapped her strength? She couldn’t count on the clan—in its current fury—to stick with the legal ten lashes, or to not put her to death. Focus on getting out of here at the first opportunity. That’s the best thing you can do. Keira settled in to wait.