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Scion's Surrender (Seven Seals Series Book 2) by Traci Douglass (4)


Irena still couldn’t believe it.

Chago was either crazy or he really was an immortal warrior. Given the way that strange mark on his stomach glowed each time she came near him, she was swaying more toward the second.

Still, it seemed impossible, even when she’d seen it with her own eyes. She’d felt it’s heat and power tingling through her fingertips and setting off an answering swell of energy inside her. But she wasn’t quite ready to go all in, especially on the part about her carrying this ancient Seal inside her DNA. Her gaze drifted toward him once more. She should be enjoying her impromptu trip. She’d never been to Chicago and had always wanted to go, but now she couldn’t think of anything but Chago.

He was gorgeous, as always, dressed in a red plaid shirt, black jeans and boots, his dark curls ruffled by the breeze. Her mind flashed back to how he’d looked sleeping beside her last night, sated from their lovemaking and lost in dreams. Every time she looked at him, she remembered how incredible it had been making love with him at last. Even his bizarre confessions about him being an immortal Scion warrior hadn’t changed her feelings. She still loved him, even if the differences between them seemed insurmountable. She’d grow old and die, while he’d remain young and healthy and gorgeous.

Chago’s gaze met hers and her heart nearly broke. So much hurt and suffering lurked in his eyes. The last thing she wanted was to add to it.

“Do you know where we’re going?” She smiled, doing her best to make this work. Relief blossomed in his expression, the way it did each time she showed him a hint of affection. Warmth spread inside her too, knowing she’d made him happy.

They hadn’t really talked much on the crowded plane ride here, so she still had so many questions. Like how old he was, what it was like living in Heaven, how many battles he’d fought over the eons. Her own family had emigrated to the United States in the wake of the Bosnian Wars. Her parents still wouldn’t talk about those dark times.

Irena couldn’t imagine what living with an eternity of pain must do to a person, but what he’d experienced had made him who he was today. To wish any of it away would wish him away too and she couldn’t do that.

“Not exactly,” he said, looking around. They’d taken a cab from the airport and now stood on a busy sidewalk near Michigan Avenue. The granite buildings sheltered them from the wind and kept them in the shade, though the summer air still felt hot and sticky. She should’ve worn something other than black jeans and a T-shirt, but it was too late now. In their hurry to leave, she hadn’t thought about the weather.

She’d put Andy in charge of the diner for a few days, then rushed to the small airport in Billings with Chago to hop on the next plane to Chicago. With a wave of his hand, his name had appeared on the flight manifest, along with a ticket in his pocket. She still wasn’t sure how all this worked. Maybe it was magic. Whatever it was, it was a nice skill to have.

They’d arrived at O’Hare earlier in the afternoon and walked around the city ever since. Irena caught glimpses of the Chicago River, the old Water Tower, and the Hancock Building. Mostly though she’d spent her time watching Chago. He’d suffered because of those bastards and she’d never let anyone hurt him again.

The strange power pulsed inside her again and her birthmark seared into her lower back.

“What’s your friend’s address? We could ask for directions.” She studied his handsome face. She’d rarely seen him without his cowboy hat, but he’d packed it away in the duffle bag slung over his shoulder along with her tote, stating he didn’t want to stick out any more than was necessary. Good luck with that, since towered at least a head above everyone else in the crowd and was built like a Greek god.

“No directions.” He swept his hand through his hair, looking around at the people bustling along the busy shopping corridor “I can find it.”

She snorted. Seemed even immortal men hated asking for directions.

Chago took a deep breath, standing still and quiet for a long moment. He looked so human it was easy to forget that heavenly immortal warriors existed.


She did her best to see him as the man she’d known these past three years but found herself faltering. He was something other, something supernatural, and she was mortal. They didn’t belong together. No matter how much she wanted to believe they did.

Finally, he looked at her and nodded.

“This way.” Chago took her hand and led her around a corner and deeper into downtown, weaving through the crowds. His grip was strong and sure, and she remembered how wonderful his hands had felt on her body.

Irena didn’t regret what they’d done last night. In fact, she wished she was strong enough to throw aside her fears and embrace her feelings for him, uncaring of his immortality. She’d tried to take that leap several times on their plane ride here but had always found a reason to stop.

Clear blue sky shown above them and wondered if she could ask this friend of his about what was happening with her and Chago. Maybe then she’d be able to get her head on straight and gain some much-needed perspective.

He gave her a hungry side glance, his gaze raking over her from head to toe, sparking her own lustful thoughts. Irena went hot and shivery, but she couldn’t think about that now. Not while they were around all these people. No matter how much she craved him again, she had to resist.

Instead, she stared up at the Willis Tower as they passed. It was so much taller than she’d expected. They walked endless blocks, until her feet hurt and she’d lost all sense of direction.

“There.” He stopped and pointed to a nondescript brick building with a liquor store on the first floor and an apartment on the top. They hurried across the busy street and climbed the metal stairs to the second floor. Seemed an unlikely place for any friend of his to live. Considering Scions were heavenly creatures, she’d expected maybe a chapel or cathedral or something.

They stood on a small landing and Chago knocked while Irena stared down at the street. The sidewalks shimmered in the heat, hazy and beautiful, like something out of a dream.

No one answered.

He tried again then shifted his weight, his body brushing hers. She squeezed his hand, her little finger touching his thumb, liking the feel of him against her. It made her feel safe and warm, loved and protected.

Wind gusted as the door opened and there stood a man every bit as imposing as Chago. In fact, if the two men went head-to-head in battle, she wasn’t sure who’d win. His friend had short brown hair, tanned olive skin, and the bluest aqua eyes she’d ever seen. He didn’t smile, his stare flat. Okay then. Maybe she wouldn’t ask this guy about Scions and romance after all. He didn’t exactly look like Mr. Friendly.

Chago placed his arm around Irena’s shoulders and drew her into his side. Good thing, since she felt like she needed all the protection she could get right now.

The man crossed his arms, his white dress shirt billowing in the breeze and his feet bare beneath his faded jeans. Then a wide smile broke out on his chiseled face and his blue eyes sparkled with mirth.

“Guarding your Seal, brother?” The man’s deep voice dripped with amusement.

“Always.” Chago released Irena’s shoulders to shake his hand. “It’s been a long time, Kagan.”

“It has. And does she have a name?”

“Irena.” she answered.

“We need to talk, brother,” Chago said.

“Come in.” Kagan stepped aside. “We’ll have privacy here.”

She followed them inside the apartment. Funny, but the sight of another immortal warrior didn’t shock her as much as she’d expected. Honestly, seeing the two of them now seemed perfectly natural, as if she’d known all her life Scions existed. Hard to believe it was so easy to accept the presence of immortal guardians in the world, but it was true. She’d been raised a believer, and this only confirmed her faith. Maybe it was time she gave up the fight where her and Chago’s were concerned too and see where things led.

He met her gaze, a question in his warm brown eyes.

She smiled to show him she was okay. And she was. Her birthmark had quieted the moment they’d walked inside. All her confusion had faded, leaving only a calm peace that allowed her to concentrate on the questions she still needed answered.

Kagan led them into a small living room lined on three sides with bookshelves crammed to bursting. He offered her a drink, but Irena declined. She took a seat on the sofa while the guys went into the kitchen to talk, doing her best not to eavesdrop. As their conversation dragged on, however, she felt like a bit of a third wheel.

Finally, the men returned and Chago took a seat beside her on the sofa. Kagan sat in an arm chair across the coffee table from them.

“Okay.” Chago laced his fingers with hers. “What questions do you have for us?”

“What powers do you guys have?” she asked, starting with something safe.

“Other than summoning the vortexes for traveling, we are also fine warriors and strategists. Some of us are scholars and trackers too,” Chago said. “We can also manifest clothing and other things we need for our missions, as you saw at the airport.”

“Cool.” She narrowed her gaze on Kagan. If they could manifest anything, why was the guy living here instead of a mountaintop mansion? “Where do you go when your missions are over?”

“We choose where we live. As long as we monitor our Seal hosts and fulfill our duties, we can go wherever we like.” Kagan sprawled in his chair, his long legs stretched out before him. He was just as rugged and handsome as Chago, but she preferred her Scion’s kindness and warmth, his sensuality and passion, his luscious mouth made for kissing. She found herself staring at Chago’s lips now, her own tingling in response. Kagan cleared his throat, a hint of amusement in his tone. “He lives out west, because that is where you are. Guarding our Seal’s host is a Scion’s top priority. Where you go, he goes.”

Meaning Chago was hers to command, hers to vanquish.

Wait. What?

No. She didn’t want to fight with him, to win against him in some imaginary war. She wanted to be with him. The only prize she hoped to gain was his heart.

“I’m sorry. You guys keep talking about this Seal thing inside of me, but you’re mistaken.”

“No mistake.” Chago kissed her hand, his gaze sincere. “I’ve watched over you since your birth, first from my heavenly quarters then from my ranch in Montana. As I said, the Seal is woven into your DNA. A part of you.”

She thought back to all those Sunday School classes about the Book of Revelation. “But I can’t be the host of War. Seriously. I’m the least aggressive person you’ll ever meet. I don’t even kill bugs. I catch them and put them outside.”

Kagan chuckled. “You and my Mira will get along fine.”

“Mira?” Irena glanced over at him. “Who’s that?”

“My Seal’s host and my eternal love.” Kagan smiled. “She’s a pacifist, except in certain… situations. I’m not complaining.”

Her eyes widened. There was someone else like her? With a weird birthmark and power that seemed to flood her system out of nowhere?

“Will Mira be home soon?” Chago asked.

Kagan’s eyes brightened with affection. “Yes, she’s been eager to meet you since I mentioned your visit. Of course, she’ll be even happier since you’ve brought Irena. She’s wanted to meet another Seal host.”

Irena slumped back in her seat, thoughts swirling as the guys discuss everything from living in Chicago to all the things they’d accomplished since last seeing each other.

Kagan was in love with this Mira, a mortal like Irena. If they lived together in this apartment, then she and Chago should be free to fall in love and settle down together in Montana.

Meeting and talking with Mira would hopefully give her more insight. She could ask about her relationship with Kagan and how they dealt with the immortal-versus-mortal aspect.

The front door opened a short time later and in walked a petite female with brown curly hair and bright hazel eyes. She wore faded jeans, a white tank top, and a dazzling smile. Kagan stood and wrapped her in his arms, kissing her.

Mira pulled away to look at their guests with wide eyes. “You must be Chago.”

They shook hands. “And this is Irena.”

She was about to say hello when Mira pulled her into a tight hug. Her birthmark flared, not with power this time, but with recognition.

“Kagan said one of his Scion brothers was going to visit, but…” Mira gave Irena a watery smile. “I never expected to meet another Seal host.”

“Happy?” Kagan twined his arms around Mira’s waist and pulled her back against him.

“Yes!” She smacked his forearm. “I’m so glad to meet you both.”

“Same here.” Irena snuggled into her Scion’s side. “I’ve got lots of questions.”

Chago laughed. “I knew you would.”

“C’mon. Let’s have some coffee and talk.” Mira led her into the kitchen, leaving the guys alone to talk once more. She poured them each a cup placed a chocolate cupcake next to each of their mugs. “I don’t indulge much anymore since Kagan can’t have chocolate.”

“Why?” Irena asked, curious. She’d die without her chocolate infusions. “Is he allergic.”

“No. I mean, he does indulge occasionally, but chocolate’s like Viagra to their kind.” Mira winked.

“Oh.” Her eyes widened. Interesting. She filed that tidbit of information away for later, taking a seat at the table across from Mira.

“How long have you and Chago been together?” Mira asked.

“Well, we’re not exactly a couple.” She glanced into the living room, but the guys appeared to be absorbed in their talks. “I only found out he’s a Scion early this morning. Did you know right away?”

“I did. But my case is special.” Mira smiled. “I’ve dreamed about Kagan since I was a child.”

Huh. She’d attempted to do a bit of Internet research on her phone while they’d waited to board their flight, but had found no mention of the Scion anywhere.

“Your apartment’s nice.” Not as nice as the huge open beauty of Montana, but clean and safe, and space came at a premium here in the city. One more reason Irena preferred to live where you could have all the room you needed.

Mira shrugged. “It was fine when it was just me, but with Kagan here it’s too small , especially given his height. But he’s attached to the place for sentimental reasons, so we stay.”

Irena nodded. She supposed for men who lived for eternity, having safe havens where they were comfortable was important.

“I felt the same way you did, believe me.” Mira watched her over the rim of her coffee mug.

“I’m sorry?”

“Walking around in a daze, wondering how you fell in love with an immortal warrior.” Mira sighed. “Chago will change your mind.”

“Like Kagan changed yours?”

“Exactly. They can be very persuasive. I was unsure, just like you, but Scion do sometimes fall in love with their mortal hosts and have relationships. It’s their choice.”

“Really?” Irena wanted to believe, so darned much. “After Chago told me about himself this morning, I tried to do some research , but couldn’t find anything about the Scion.

“You won’t. Like I said, I’ve known since childhood because of my dreams, but I can lend you some books, if you want.”

“So, you dreamed about Kagan before you met him?”

Mira nodded. “Nightmares, really. About the Apocalypse. But that was my Seal’s doing.” She tapped a finger against the side of her cup. “Chago’s nice. He’s got a good heart.”

“He’s the best.” Irena smiled. “Tell me more about the Seals. I doubt I’ve really got one inside my DNA. Especially War.”

“From what Kagan’s told me, a new Seal host is born when the old one dies. Sounds like they’re chosen based on how opposite they are from their Seal’s characteristics. Helps keep the power in check. Mine is brutality and enslavement and I’m a total pacifist. Except when it came to my ex.”

“Bad break up?”

“You have no idea.” Mira shuddered. “Anyway, the Seal stays dormant unless we’re killed or the end days arrive, then all hell breaks loose. The Scion exist to prevent either of those things from happening.”

“How many warriors are there?”

“Seven, just like the Seals.”

“Hmm.” Irena tried to take it all in. “I’m just scared, I guess.”

“I understand.” Mira watched her, gaze narrowed. “I was worried too, after Kagan and I got together. I thought he’d wake up one day and realize what a mistake he’d made and go back to Heaven. But we’ve been together for six months and are more in love now than when we first met.”

Hearing that opened the floodgates on Irena’s curiosity and one question after another poured out. “Okay. You said this Seal’s power is dormant, but sometimes, I get this weird power surge inside me, mostly when Chago and I are…intimate.” Heat prickled her cheeks. “And I have a birthmark, on my lower back. It hurts sometimes too and…”

“All normal. Happens to me too.” Mira winked. “Especially the sexy times power surges.”

“Thank goodness.” Irena lowered her voice. “I thought there was something wrong with me. When I’m with Chago it’s like I’m a nymphomaniac.”

“Girl, that’s the icing on the cake. When a Scion and his Seal host are together, their connection’s out of this world.” Mira leaned closer. “Sometimes, I can even feel what he’s feeling. It’s weird and wonderful all at the same time.”

“Wow.” Irena hadn’t gotten to that point yet with Chago, but then they’d only spent one night together. She hoped it wouldn’t be the last.

“Do you love him?” Mira asked, her tone conspiratorial.

Doubts about the future still lingered, but her feelings for Chago had never wavered. “I do.”

“Then do yourself a favor and look past his immortality and powers to the man beneath. Our Scion aren’t as strong as they appear... especially when they fall in love.”

“Do you think—”

Mira took her hand and smiled. “He loves you. He never would’ve brought you here if he didn’t.”

Irena felt the truth in those words. Chago had to be as terrified about all this as she was, after all he’d experienced and lost. Mira had been scared too, but she’d found her courage and now she looked beyond happy. She wanted that same joy. She wanted to be with Chago. She wanted what Mira and Kagan had.

“What are you two whispering about?” A deep voice made Irena jump, sloshing coffee everywhere.

Mira grabbed some paper towels.

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.” Chago crouched to blot at Irena’s front. Irena placed her hand over his and waited until he met her eyes.

“It’s fine. No harm done.” She grinned and finished cleaning herself up. “It’s all good.”

Chago’s answering smile was so beautiful she swore a choir of angels sung.

“Ugh. Please tell me we don’t look so sappy.” Kagan swept Mira into his arms.

“She could, brother.” Chago straightened. “But it would be a lie.”

Kagan scowled, and Mira laughed.

“Did you discuss what you needed to?” Irena asked Chago.

“Yes. But we still need additional information.”

“Oh.” A niggle of dread burrowed inside her. “What does that mean?”

“It means we go to Hell tomorrow.” Chago squared his shoulders. “Kagan thinks we can find more on the Nephilim plans there.”

A chill slithered down Irena’s spine. She couldn’t imagine what he’d face in the underworld and she didn’t want to lose him or see him get hurt again. In the end, though, she’d come here to support the man she loved and if he needed a reason to return to Earth she’d give him one, along with the strength to face the fires of Hell.

“We’ll make up the guest room,” Kagan said. “I’ve cleaned it out and redone the interior. You can both freshen up then we’ll go out tonight and forget this mess. Sound good?”

If Chago was brave enough to risk himself to achieve justice for those men, then she’d be brave enough to take the leap and tell him how she felt. Later. When they were alone.

Irena smiled. “Sounds perfect.”




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