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The Devil's Plaything (Ceasefire Book 2) by Claire Marta (11)

Chapter Eleven

“Did you manage to get any sleep?” Leo asks, voice thick with drowsiness.

Jerking awake, rubbing bleary eyes, a disgruntled sound escapes my throat.

“A solid two hours, I think.”

“Better than me, then.”

Rolling onto my back, I try to find a more comfortable position my big pregnant belly will allow.

The source of his sleepless night stirs, yawning widely. “What did I miss?”

“I almost rolled you out to die in the snow because you snored non-stop, but somehow you survived.” Leo states mildly.

Listening to them bicker, my mind swims with disjointed lingering images. Nightmares plagued with tiny tentacles and human limbs. Even Lucifer himself made an appearance. My uneasy thoughts conjured his presence in brief moments of REM. Leo’s talk last night has really screwed with my head. Neurotic as I am, it’s surprising I never gave it a thought. What if he’s right?

Feeling a kick, I circle the spot with my fingers, still troubled by the being depleting my energy like a vampire. Beyond the confines of the tent horses whinny. The sound of soft voices disturb my thoughts.

“We better get up,” Snatch suggests. “From the amount of light outside it’s morning already.”

Groaning, I burrow further below the warmth of covers not yet ready to face the cold of the day.

“I’m with Mavi. I’d rather stay warm.” Leo replies, burying his head beside mine beneath the fluffy furs.

Shouts break the moment of peace. Frantic cries. We’re all quick to recognize trouble.

Leo and Snatch scramble out first. As we all slept fully dressed no time is wasted. My extra weight makes my reflexes slower than normal. Crawling from the canvas doorway, I immediately see the rider.

“What’s going on?”

Tiberius turns at the sound of my voice. The male standing behind him is bloodied and beaten. Face pale, whatever he’s encountered has left the fear of God in him.

“Nedl was in one of the parties sent out to hunt before dawn. He says they were attacked by a creature that massacred the other warriors with him and he barely escaped with his life.”

Why are they acting surprised by this? This is a Hell dimension after all. The number of things here that could disembowel us and rip us limb from limb are more than likely astronomical.

“What was it? Does he know?”

Directing the shaken male towards the comfort of the campfire, Tiberius shakes his head, sending the string of beads hanging from one of his horns bouncing.

“No. Something he hasn’t encountered before, but he will never forget the foul stench of death on its breath.”

Throwing a look over my shoulder, I see Leo and Snatch’s nervous expressions.

“Sound like Leo in the morning when he’s been out on the town binge drinking all night.”

“That’s just cruel,” he chuffs back.

“But true.” Snatch points out, elbowing the telekinetic in the ribs.

Gaze tracking the warriors readying themselves to move out, I walk with purpose towards the waiting horses. “When do we go after it?”

“There is no we. You will remain here and I will take some men to hunt it down and slaughter it.”

Halting at his haughty tone, I circle around to pin him with a hard glare. “Tiberius, we could help.”

“Your friends can come, but you stay here in the safety of the camp.”

Un-fucking believable. Annoyance pulses up in a blinding wave.

Hands on my hips, I give him my best withering death stare. “You are not leaving me here. I know how to fight. Fuck, I could hold my own against any of you.”

I hear the chuckles. The bastards don’t think I can. I’ve cut down a bigger group of demons than this in the past without breaking a sweat.

“It is not negotiable. You are pregnant, and females must be protected, even the stubborn ones, for their own good.”

With a dismissive air, Tiberius strides towards the gathered riders and his mount. His high and mighty attitude is grating on my nerves.

“I’m not one of your females,” I seethe back.

What do I have to do to get some recognition around here? Saw off some horns? The thought has an appeal that calls to my darker urges.

Swinging up onto his horse he regards me from the saddle. “Because of Caesar we have already accepted you into the tribe. You will obey my orders, or I will have you restrained.”

Oh, no, he didn’t. Expression becoming blank, I let the dead coldness behind my eyes slip free. Curling my fingers into my palms the soft straining notes of music play in my head. They don’t think I’m capable? I will leave this place in a bloodbath. When I’m done they will be cowering at my fucking feet.

Leo’s chest blocks my line of sight. Casting my gaze up, I let it bore into his.

“Puddin’, calm down. Don’t do anything crazy. I know you’re fearless, but maybe you should sit this one out.”

“Leo.” I say his name low and in warning. He knows better than to get in the way of what I consider a target.

Releasing a shaky breath which lets me know he’s not as brave as he’s acting he places a gentle hand on my shoulder. “I’ll take care of it. You relax. Eat some more rat with Snatch and I’ll hang out with Tiberius.”

The concern on his face is the only thing holding me off from letting things get bloody. I recognize he’s trying to protect me. I’m losing my Goddamn touch because without another word I stalk back towards the tent. If the fuckers want to get themselves killed, then so be it.