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The Devil's Plaything (Ceasefire Book 2) by Claire Marta (13)

Chapter Thirteen

Flexing my fingers, I can already feel blisters forming from the rubbing of the leather reins. The sway of the animal beneath me only adds to my other aches. My legs are stiff from being held in the same position for so long. Pregnancy and riding don’t mix. Fuck, for all I know it’s probably a huge no no.

Shivering in the fur lined cloak, it’s doing little to keep out the icy chill of the air which has grown over the last hour.

“What is this place?” I ask, hiding my discomfort.

More than a dozen armed men are at my heels, Snatch included. It appears they can follow orders from a female.

“A temple that is said to house one of the seals of Hell.” The nearest warrior informs, gaze shifting nervously from mine.

They’re scared of me. Good.

I’m not interested in earning their respect. The only reason I’m out here is because Leo had the bright idea to go with Tiberius. It’s not like I’ve missed the flirty looks between them. My friend was obviously thinking with his dick. Something that’s been known to get him in trouble more than once.

Carved snugly into a nook of the mountain side, a ruin sits broodingly above us. The rock looks smooth from this distance. It’s situated in such a way the main bulk of the building is deep inside. Perfect for protection against outside attack. A place you can dig right in and wait out the enemy. Whoever designed it must have had that strategy in mind.

Reining my horse in, I draw it to a stop.

“There’s a blood trail over there.” Pointing, I direct everyone’s attention to the splatter of red bright against the pristine white of the snow. There’s no other sign apart from tracks that they came this way.

“Where are the bodies?” Snatch dismounts.

“Good question.” Crooking a finger, I summon a rider closer.

He doesn’t have to be told twice. Sliding off the back of his mount, he helps me off my own. Leaving him to take the reins, I join Snatch. The path is stark. Scarlet is spread thickly. Whatever was attacked lost more than a few pints of blood.

“This doesn’t smell right. Why cover your tracks with the horses and the corpses, but leave this to be found?”

Tracing it with my gaze, I see how it leads up to the ruins, laying ominously silent above.

A trap. It has to be.

One fashioned to make it look like an animal is using the place as a hunting ground. The more I stare the more certain I am another kind of predator is lurking. A streak of grey catches the corner of my eye. The next second the horses rear up with terrified shrieks behind us. Restless, confused cries go up as the men try to steady them.

A menacing snarl comes from my left. Grabbing the handle of the gun still cosy in the holster hanging over my shoulder, I draw it as I move.

A muscular huge body covered in a thick smooth grey fur, the wolf growls low in its throat. Hazel eyes regard us from its great head. Movements fluid without any effort, it circles us. It’s not afraid as it should be. Hackles risen in defence, it bears razor sharp teeth.

“Kill it.”

The eager shout comes from the demon whose balls had the pleasure of meeting my knee. I don’t know his name. Not bothered to learn it as he won’t last long and why should I waste the time?

“No, wait. I know this beast.”

From the size, he’s not a regular wolf. Lowering my weapon, I slip it away. With a growing suspicion, I unzip a pouch on my leather bag, curling my fingers around the chunky objects inside.

“We must avenge our fallen leader.”

This bastard is really pushy and it’s starting to grate on my nerves. Maybe I didn’t hit him hard enough.

Swivelling to confront him, I keep my expression blank. “Fact one, we don’t know if they’re dead. All we have is blood and tracks in the snow. Fact two, if you even think about touching that wolf I’ll have no problem cutting off your balls this time. Are we clear?”

The colour leaches from his features, thighs clenching uncomfortably on the leather of his saddle. “Perfectly.”

“Good. Snatch, stay here.”

I hope I’m not about to regret this. Little red riding hood I am not.

“Cade? It’s Mavi. You remember me, don’t you?”

Keeping my voice soft, I slowly edge closer to the beast. I’m not dumb enough not to know he could easily tear me apart. If I’m wrong about this, I’m dead. Yet every gut feel is telling me I’m right.

Lips curling back, he hunkers his body lower to the ground. I can see the calculation. Odds are he sees me as an easy meal.

“I thought we were friends.” I croon.

Gingerly, I offer the rat jerky Snatch gave me at the beginning of the ride, hoping it will entice him. Slipping a knife free of its sheath with my other hand, I hold it in readiness if things go to shit.

“I don’t want to kill you, but I will if I have to.”

Creeping nearer on large paws, he sizes me up with a feral stare. Standing my ground, I pray there’s a spark of humanity still left somewhere inside. Something that hasn’t been swallowed by his animal side.

A black nose sniffs close to my palm. Inching its face forwards, it takes the offering with a gentle nip of his teeth. Releasing the breath I didn’t realise I was holding, the tension drains from my shoulders.

Scoffing down the treat, the werewolf swallows the rest of the chunks. Looks like we are still friends. Pushing his weight into my leg, a rough wet tongue licks my hand in thanks. Caressing his muzzle, I flex my fingers in his soft pelt.

“Atta boy.”

Planting his rear down in the snow, he watches me patiently. There’s no sign he’s going to transform.

“You have the power to control beasts!” The warrior who’s holding the reins of my ride speaks in awe.

“He’s a shifter, but for some reason he seems to be stuck in his wolf form.”

Dismounting, Mr. Pushy strides towards us, his footsteps crunching in the snow. “You still believe he’s not responsible for attacking our kin?”

I hear the low warning growl. Hand still resting in the fur of Cade’s neck, I reassure him with gentle strokes.

“Cade was hired by Lucifer to stop someone from opening the seals of Hell. I don’t think it’s a coincidence he’s here.”

I’m more than happy to let the werewolf rip this fucker’s throat out if he keeps questioning me. One less nuisance.

Snatch shuffles closer, plucking nervously at the arm of his sweatshirt. “What now?” He peers at me from behind his messy hair and big brown eyes.

“Now we go up there.” Raising an arm, I point above to the ruin. “That’s where we’ll find Leo and Tiberius or what’s left of them.”

“That sounds so morbid.”

I’m not going to sugar coat it for him. He’s been on the team long enough to know every gruesome detail of a monster attack. “Chances are they’re already dead.”

Unsheathing a sword from its scabbard hanging on his saddle, Mr. Pushy swishes it in the air a few times. “Then we avenge them and give them an honourable burial.”

Leaving two of the men to guard the horses, we make our way up the incline in sombre silence. I huff and puff more than I would like. I’m so out of shape it’s bloody embarrassing. Snatch’s supportive arm gets me to the top. With three clips of ammo left I know I’m going to have to use it sparingly. I’ll have to use them to my advantage and find the perfect kill shot.

Cade trots at our side. Silent, deadly, the wolf is constantly on alert. He travels the path so well it’s clear he’s journeyed up here more than once. Does it have to do with why he’s unable to transform? It seems like a good explanation.

The stench of death blows in on the chilly wind. Pausing for a moment, I scan back down the route we’ve traversed to the waiting horses. We’re in the Devil’s domain and he hasn’t shown. That knowledge makes me more uneasy than anything else. Is this another one of his twisted wicked games? I very much doubt he doesn’t know we’re here.

Reaching our objective, we fan out around the doorway. Beyond, the gaping murky silence awaits us.

Without a backwards glance, Cade pads ahead, melting into the gloom.

Fingers curl around the handle of my gun, I tug it from the holster on my shoulder. Attention focused, I trail after him. I sense rather than hear the men moving at my back. All of them trained hunters they know how to move without giving away their presence.

Small holes carved in the roof provide some light. Frozen stalactites hang from the ceiling. Although the snow hasn’t breached within, the place is far colder than the temperature outside. It’s like a fucking icebox.

Moving silently and slowly, we creep down the passage and into the first room. The source of the smell is waiting for us. Carcasses litter the floor. Patches are stained dark with old blood. From the gnaw marks on the white gleaming bones something has been feasting down here for quite a while. There’s a mix of humanoid and animal corpses. Whatever we’re dealing with it doesn’t care what its meal is.

“Snatch, you picking anything up?”

“We need to get closer to whatever it is,” he whispers in reply.

Stepping over the remains, we pick our way across to the next doorway.

It opens into a larger chamber. Broken shards of mirrors around the space catch thin beams of light making the area less dark. Discovering a low wall just inside, I motion for the others to shadow me. Crouching down behind it, we have the cover we need to keep us from being spotted by any occupants. Quickly, quietly, the others obey.

Carefully peering over the top, I scan the area. I spy a cage at the back of the chamber. A flash of bright pink. Beaten up, dirty, Leo is peering through the bars. Behind him, I recognise Tiberius and a few of his men. The rest of their numbers are missing. Why hasn’t Leo used his telekinesis?

It’s quiet. Too quiet and it has every one of my instincts jangling on alert.

Make-shift beds have been fashioned along the other end. Studying the rest of the layout, I see something move. The creature tilts its head to sniff at the air. Unfolding itself from its sitting position, it stretches its tall frame and elongated limbs. It’s tightly drawn flesh appears thin over his skeletal features. Black almond shape eyes gleam in the semi light focusing on the prisoners.

Another ripple breaks the dark and I see an added form. More of the same creature rise to assemble with their companion. There has to be at least ten of them.

Snatch swears under his breath. “It’s a wendigo nest.” Flattening himself back behind the wall, he pinches his eyes shut in fear.

That explains why Leo and Tiberius are still breathing. They like their victims alive while they eat them. Fresh meat is what they crave. A monster once human driven to cannibalism, they become possessed by a hunger that grows more intense. A species of monster Leo is also phobic over. No wonder he hasn’t tried to escape.

“They must have rooted in when it became colder. They’re known to keep to remote, harsh places, and cold temperatures.”

“You’ve faced these things before?” Mr. Pushy queries with a quirk of his brow.

“A couple of times.” I confirm. “They hunt in packs. Whatever you do don’t let them slash you with their claws. If they do, you’ll be infected.”

“What do you mean?”

“Their hunger will take a hold of you. Once that happens there’s no cure. You’ll become one of them. The best thing we can do is kill you, so you don’t turn on the rest of us, so I repeat, do not get scratched.”

Unease ripples through the group. I know my words haven’t gone over well, but they need to hear the truth. If anyone gets infected I won’t hesitate in putting them down.

Inching closer to my side, another male checks over his blade. “How do we get rid of them?”

“Fire. We burn them out.” I reply absently, still not able to shake the feeling there’s more at work here. Wendigos hunt in packs, but they don’t have the kind of intelligence I’ve glimpsed in this set up. It doesn’t make sense. There’s a shade of something evil at work.

I see no sign of Cade. Wherever he’s hiding his furry arse is out of trouble.

Movements sure and quick, the demons liberate handmade torches from their backpacks. They’re sturdy thick sticks with rope fastened to one end of the shafts. The ends have been dipped in wax, now hardened. Crude, but effective, and just what we need.

“Something’s happening.”

Snatch’s harsh whisper sends a chill down my spine. Have they scented us? Twisting around to gauge the scene, I find one of the creatures stalking on skinny hairless legs towards the metal cage. The occupants inside clamber away from the door, their terror apparent. I know what’s coming next. Seen it a few times before. It’s never pretty.

To my relief Leo knows to stay away from the exit. Clutching Tiberius’s arm, he guides the handsome demon Chieftain a safe distance clear. One of the other males is not so lucky. Lock clinking ominously in the strained silence, the wendigo reaches a bony arm within so quickly its prey can’t escape. Some of the others try to save him, but it’s already too late.

The colour in his cheeks drains away, eyes huge as he’s dragged out. Breathing hard and erratic, he searches for a way out. They fall on him like a pack of rabid dogs. His screams and shrieks are spine-chilling as they rip his flesh from his body. The slap of lips and chewing is loud as they feast. It’s a messy, grisly way to go. A bullet in the head would have been quicker.

“Now, while they are distracted.”

Mr. Pushy doesn’t bother waiting for my agreement. Gesturing to the other warriors, they begin a sneak attack. The cocky bastard thinks this will be a piece of cake. Shaking my head, I roll my eyes. Why do they never listen?

With a battle cry, he charges, the others just behind him. Heads jerking up, the wendigos bare blood-stained teeth. Claws extending, they show no fear. Bouncing up, they attack, flowing as one rather than running.

Mr. Pushy goes down fast under the weight of two wendigo bodies. Fighting back, he manages to heave them off him. Blood pours from the gash in his arm. The sight of claw marks is unmistakable.

His gaze snaps to mine. Fear flickers through them as I raise my gun. He tries to dodge, running for the way out, but I don’t let him get that far. My bullet explodes through the back of his skull. I don’t bother waiting to see his corpse hit the ground.

“Don’t let them touch you or you’re as good as dead. Got it?” I shout, reminding the others not to be as arrogant. Making my move, I keep to the side, edging around the room. They’re hacking and slashing with swords. Only a few of them have remembered to light up their torches.

“Mavi, what the fuck are you doing here?” Leo calls out angrily. “I know you’re insane, but I didn’t think it was this insane.”

“A thank you, Mavi, for coming to save my sorry arse might make me free you a whole lot quicker.” I snap back.

“Look out, wraith!”

His warning throws me off.

White fog whirls up from the dirty ground. With conscious intent the apparition takes form, ghastly transparent. Rags hang off its emaciated figure. Flesh withered away, it bares the ghostly innards tangled in decay. It has no eyes or nose. The only orifice it possesses is a gaping mouth, with rows of sharp pointed teeth.

So, this is the cocksucker who’s been directing the wendigo. With no substance of its own, it’s using them as its arms and legs.

An intangible claw hand reaches out for me. “I’ll rip your soul from your meat sack of a shell.”

Clucking my tongue, I tip my head to the side. “I hate to break this to you, but my soul belongs to the Devil so there’s no way you’ll be getting your filthy clutches on it.”

With a leering grin, it motions at my swollen stomach. “Then I’ll take the other one.”

Oh, the motherfucker did not just threaten my child? If it wasn’t dead already I’d put a bullet through its stinking heart.

Eyes blazing, I take a step closer. The tune that’s always playing in the back of my head cranks up the volume. Today it’s a fast beat, catchy. With it comes a swell of power vibrating through me with the rhythm of the wordless song.

Across the chamber I can hear the screams of some of the unlucky bastards being torn apart. It’s a bloodbath.

“Light them up and burn the fuckers to the ground.”

Clicking lighters, the men left of me obey my command.

“Nooo!” The wraith’s screech almost burst my eardrums leaving my head spinning.

The wendigos writhe at the sound. Before I can blink, they’re coming at me on twisted limbs. Firing into the horde, I pick off a few at a time, but they keep coming. Snarling jaws snapping, a grey wolf dives between us. Cade. He’s in full alpha protection mode. Thrusting their flaming torches from side to side, the warriors step beside him, driving the creatures back.

One spark is all that’s needed to catch a hold of their cursed flesh. Flames lick along their bodies decimating, destroying. The sickening smell makes my eyes water. Howling, shrieking, the wraith spins above our heads in a shimmering mist. Atmosphere changing, the creature’s demure shifts. No longer cowering, the wendigos attack, no longer fearing the flames.

Gunshots ring out as I discharge my weapon until the chamber is empty. Swearing under my breath, I shuffle backwards until smooth cold rock meets my back. My ammo is out. No more bullets left.

The wraith laughs in glee. Rubbing its bony hands together, it’s salivating at the thought of sucking our souls dry.


Dark rage swallows me whole. Crimson floods my vision, covering everything I see in red. Energy ignites inside me. Pulsing through the layers of my skin its brilliance is blinding. I’ll set the world on fire. Burning brighter than the sun.

Eyes locked on the spirit, I scream in fury, directing everything I have straight at it. Light explodes out so bright and warm I have to pinch my eyes closed or risk being permanently blinded. Its laugh turns to cries of agony. Panting, shaking, crumpling against the wall, the power continues to stream out until I’m left cold, dazed, and empty. Sounds rings in and out of my ears. Voices distorted.

“Puddin’, are you ok? You just detonated light like some kind of round shiny disco ball!”

Heart pounding crazily behind my ribcage, I nod at Leo’s question. Pain tightens with the force of a steel band across my stomach. Hand pressed to the top, I stand rigidly, riding it out.

“Fine.” I assure him the second I trust my voice not to betray me. “Why were you sitting in there like an overfed chicken?”

Cracking an eye open, I find Snatch swinging open the cage door, freeing the prisoners. There’s nothing of the apparition left bar some glittering particles in the air from whatever it is I unleashed from within. Beyond, the wendigos are being put to death quickly and efficiently.

“You having angelic powers is handy.” Leo replies. “The wraith made sure anyone who caused trouble was eaten first. I was trying to bid my time before making a move. Plus, you know I’m phobic about wendigos.”

“You froze up, didn’t you?” I tease, lips twitching through my suffering. “Had performance issues.”

Spluttering, Leo’s cheeks turn cherry red and Tiberius raises his eyebrows in disbelief.

“I’ll have you know I’ve never had problems like that in my life.”

Only a handful of Tiberius’ men have survived. Sombre, grim faced, he surveys the damage.

As the males file out two at a time I spot a short blonde female. Pretty, dressed up in leather, I can tell she’s the type who would fit right in with my team. A killer recognizes their own. Whoever she is we’re in the same line of business of that I’m sure.

Cade whines in his throat, treading closer to the female.

“Keep away from me, you filthy dog,” she hisses through her teeth.

Pressing his belly lower on the ground, the wolf’s body twists as bones reshape. Thick grey hair receding to reveal smooth tattooed skin. Tribal knots inked deep into the werewolf’s flesh. Sweat glistening in a sheen over his powerful muscles he sits breathing heavily from the transformation.

Raising his head, amber eyes glance around through a mane of shaggy brown hair.

“Mavi?” He blinks in confusion, voice gruff. “I thought you were dead?”

“And not be around to save your arse?”

With a frown, he searches around. “Where’s Jinx?”

As contractions compress lower in my abdomen I release a guttural grunt. “Who?”

Cade finds his target. The blonde. Gaze’s fixed, they stare at each other, the tension between them is palpable. Wrinkling her nose and with a defiant toss of her hair the woman stalks for the exit.

“Jinx! Don’t think you can walk away from me. This will never be over!” He hollers after her, irritation written over his face.

She doesn’t bother to look back. Head held high, she’s out the door before he can rise.

“Who’s she?”

“The demon who was hired to open the seals. She’s also my mate,” he tells me, getting to his feet.

Like most shifters I know he’s comfortable with his nudity.

“Fate really screwed you with that one.” I tell him, enjoying my eyeful of muscled flesh.

It’s hard to forget what they felt like under my exploring hands and tongue. Screwing him that one time was one of the best nights I’ve had. Well, apart from all the sex with Lucifer.

Running a hand through his hair, he releases a long sigh. “Tell me about it. She hates my guts and has been sabotaging my efforts to close them properly.”

Finally, the pain passes. Straightening up, I’m pleased when my legs don’t fold beneath me.

“Is that the reason you went completely feral?”

“I couldn’t get her out. All my instincts were telling me to get to her, but I knew the wendigo would rip me apart. So I stayed in my pelt. Watched. Prepared to kill and die if they touched her. I lost myself to the wilderness here. You turning up was the jolt I needed to remember who I was.”

“What are you going to do about it?”

“Finish what I started. Get Hell back as it should be and pursue her until I can change her mind.” Cade’s attention drops to my pregnant belly. “I see you didn’t take my warning about not fucking with the Devil very seriously.”

Raising a middle finger, I flip him off. “Blow me.”

Throwing his head back, he laughs. “I hope the king of Hell knows what he’s let himself in for. See you around, Mavi.”

Shifting before my eyes, he’s once more the big grey wolf. Nudging my thigh with his huge furry head, his snout nuzzles my palm before he lopes off.

I watch him until he disappears through the door. A blur of purpose on the hunt. It was good to see Cade. I’m glad he’s still alive. He’s going to have his hands full with his female. A smirk creeps up my lips. She won’t make it easy for him, that’s for sure.

“We owe you a debt of gratitude.”

Tiberius. Looking a lot humbler than when we last talked, the demon Chieftain moves to my side.

“Next time, don’t brush me off when I say I want to help. It will make the experience a lot less painful for you, got it?” Voice rough, I smooth fingers over the spot I can feel little feet bouncing around inside. She’s more active than she has been. Maybe all the excitement has set her off and caused the unwelcome contraction.

“I will not underestimate you again, Mavi StClair. You are more than capable of holding your own.”

With one long, distasteful, sweeping look he takes in the carnage of the charred wendigo bodies and his massacred men before striding from the chamber with the rest of his party in tow. The second they’re gone Leo and Snatch crowd me.

“Puddin’, is the baby coming?” Leo asks, expression pale and drawn.

“No, I think I just over did it.” I hate admitting it. “I had a contraction of some sort.”

Wrapping a supportive arm around my waist, he curves me into his side. “Let’s get you back to camp so you can rest there and have some more vermin meat you like so much.”

Letting myself slowly lean into his body, I accept the strength of his support. “Good, because she seems to be using my bladder as a punching bag.”

Snatch laughs. “You’re a little arse kicker just like your mummy.” He tells my bump, giving it a light rub.

Emotions well up. I need to start thinking about the future. Names. Where to give birth. What the hell I’m going to do because I’m sure as shit not going to be able to carry on working the way I do. Not with an infant to bring up. My life is going to change in a big way, sooner than I realise, and this is my wake-up call. I’ve never seen myself living in a house with a white picket fence. One of those perky mothers who Pinterest everything.

Gulping in fresh icy air as we step out into the overcast light, I let if fill my lungs and push down the squirming knot of uncertainties.

“What the fuck is that?”

The shock in Leo’s voice snaps my attention further down the winding path. Standing on knotted haunches, the beast is huge and grotesque. Tattered remnants of black cloth flutter around it’s thick muscled hips. Twisted horns protrude from its mane of shaggy black hair. Grey, mottled, leather-like wings spread wide, both are tipped with razor sharp barbs. With its back to me I can’t see it’s face.

Tiberius and his warriors are cowering in fear. Heads down, faces ashen, they don’t try to defend themselves from the onslaught.

Reaching for my gun, it only takes a second to remember I’m out of ammo. Fuck.


Understanding my silent order, he throws out his hand, summoning an axe left forgotten in the snow. It doesn’t obey. Trying repeatedly, it takes a fourth attempt to move it. Wondering what the fuck is going on with him, I catch it with ease. Tossing the weapon, the blade cleanly cleaves into the creature’s spine.

It’s answering bellow is a chilling sound. Almost in slow motion it’s mighty head swivels in our direction. Red eyes sear through me right to the marrow. Power pulses off the creature in sinister waves. I’d recognize it anywhere. Lucifer.

The Master of Hell tosses the soldiers closest to him away as if they were mere stones.

Raziel descends from the sky in a beat of velvety black wings wearing a grim expression. Landing expertly, he removes the axe from his boss’s back, blood barely trickling from the wound.

“You dare to keep my executioner hostage? I will wipe you and your kin from this realm permanently. There will be no record, no speck of dust left to mark that you ever existed!” Long skinny tongue flicking out, Lucifer turns to loom over our protectors.

Every taut line in his monstrous form screams death. I know what he intends to do. My feet are moving before I realise it. Grasping a male in one huge paw, he lets him dangle above the ground, his victim’s eyes bulge as he fights to breathe.

“Leave them alone!” Digging fingernails into the flesh of his corded forearm, I attempt to loosen his grip.

Anger darkens the Devil’s beastly face. Abandoning his prey, he turns aggressively on me instead. A clawed hand encircles my throat. It tightens until the pressure bruises. Primal terror scrambles my thoughts, sending my breathing into erratic pants. I’d say a prayer, but I don’t think God is listening anymore.

Running the tip of his nose up the length of my exposed neck, he breathes me in. “I can smell your fear and aggression.”

“They haven’t done anything to warrant your wrath. In fact, they helped stop a wendigo nest from spreading and you can be sure as shit you don’t need one here. We’re also their guests, nothing more than that.”

The flick of his long snake-like tongue caresses up over the curve of my jaw, making me flinch.

“Look at me, Mavi.”

Instead of obeying, I keep them fixed on his bare chest. I’m too tangled up in dread to comply.

Leaning in, he rubs his cheek sensually against my own. “Am I so frightening to look at?” His whispered breath is warm against the shell of my ear.

I won’t lie. He’ll know if I do.

“Yes.” I answer honestly, my voice cracking under the weight of his will. It’s so tiny I’m surprised he can hear it.

Not all pretty faces hide the virtuous. Monsters can be just as beautiful as angels. I’m finally seeing the other side to him that’s been hidden beneath all along, yet even now it petrifies me on a level I don’t fully understand, or want to.

“Why shouldn’t I slaughter them all where they stand? Stain the ground with their blood and be done with them, hmm?”

“Because they are loyal to you. There would be no sense in killing them.” Finding some courage, I tilt back to meet his red burning eyes. “And it’s not part of your game. You didn’t predict this move, did you? You didn’t foresee this outcome in this fucked up game of chess we’re still playing. That’s why you’re so angry. Why you attacked.”

A slow smirk plays across his lips. The same one which makes me want to either kiss or kill him depending on my mood.

“You inspire so much violence, but here you are asking for mercy. There is always a game to be played, darling, you just don’t know the rules, and it makes it much more interesting this way, don’t you think?”

His mouth slams down on mine. The beat of my heart pounds in my ears as he drinks my emotions straight from the kiss. It sends sweet fire coursing through my veins. Sears me with a need to fuck him no matter where we are.

“Please, don’t hurt them. They’ve been through enough.” It’s a shaky whisper against the savagery of his assault. A plea.

Before my eyes, the hideous visage crumbles into fine dust, blowing away on the wintry breeze. His horns vanish as quickly as the leathery wings fold against his back. The handsome face I know so well stares back at me, cruel lips quirked with whatever emotion he’s experiencing.

“What will you give in exchange for their lives?”

“What do you want?”

“You know what I want.”

I do. This is fun to him. He’s enjoying watching me squirm. It’s a deal he somehow knows I won’t refuse. I let Caesar die, but I won’t let his brother join him. The Devil wants everything and I know he plans to take it. He’s changing the rules of the game or maybe he’s not. They were never laid out for me in the first place when we started this lethally seductive dance.

“My heart. Is that literally or figuratively?” I can’t help asking with apprehension. Demons are known for eating that organ of their victims, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the Master of them all also enjoys them as a treat.

Stepping back, he offers me his hand. “Does it matter?”

“What if I kill Markaz for you?” Gingerly, I take it, feeling his strength and warmth enclosing mine.

“That’s already part of our arrangement to get back your soul.”

“I’ll continue having sex with you.”

Amusement sliding over his face, he chuckles. “Do you really think that you can prevent that from happening?”

He has a point. So far, I haven’t been able to resist his sensual charisma. It would be like trying to breathe without air.

“You don’t get it permanently and I better still be breathing by the time I win it back.” I agree, knowing this is only going to lead to more trouble of epic proportions.

“Very well. Our deal is struck.”

Imposing and regal, he stalks towards the kneeling warriors, black robes billowing around his feet, keeping me anchored to his side.

“Tiberius, forgive the misunderstanding. As a reward for finding Mavi and her companions I will grant you a boon of your choice whenever you decide to collect it.”

Raising his head, but refraining from making direct eye contact, the demon Chieftain shifts nervously under the weight of the Devil’s attention.

“Thank you, my King, that is very generous of you.”

Even I know it’s rare for him to give out favours for free. From the buzz around us so do all the demons.

Escorting me through the snow indicates our time here is over. Glancing over my shoulder I give Tiberius and his band a wave goodbye. Raziel herds Leo and Snatch together, shooing them after us.

“You’re lucky to have bumped into Tiberius, the rest of the demons who live on this plane are cannibals and slave traders. You were supposed to remain in Gabriel’s keeping.” Lucifer’s words are clipped and angry. “I have a warlord and your brother to hunt. I have no time for this.”

He’s angry. It’s vibrating out of every pore.

That’s why I’ve barely seen him. The Devil has been occupied with preventing Markaz gaining power.

“You need to stop hunting my brother, and no one asked you to come find us.” I keep my tone light, but determined.

Whatever Nathan is now I must be the one to deal with him. He’s lost. Confused. With time, I’m sure I can help him with whatever changes he’s going through. He also tried to behead the Devil something I doubt will be forgiven by the male at my side.

“We need to confine him before he hurts himself and others.”

“Let me find him and talk to him…” The bones in my hand crack as the grip he has on it tightens, forcing a pained cry from my lips.

“You are forbidden to go near him.”

Prizing my fingers free from his cruel grasp, I flex them, making sure nothing is broken.

“If you think you can stop me from seeing him, think again. He’s my family.”

Leo and Snatch watch awkwardly, wisely staying silent. Raziel smirks, arms folded over his wide chest.

“Do you think everything stopped with your absence?” Lucifer’s tone is an unpleasant sneer. “He’s fully in possession of his demonic abilities, unlike you, who have yet to fully embrace them. It makes him a valuable asset.”

His words hurt. They pierce my heart, needle sharp, which he’s already pried open like an oyster shell even though he doesn’t know it. Tears blind me. Fucking pregnancy hormones making me weepy. This is just a collision course for more pain.

“So what you’re saying is I’m good enough to screw, but you’ve decided my brother is now the better option as a weapon you can manipulate and use?” I snap, rounding on him furiously.

“Do you really wish to have this conversation now?”

“Why not? Didn’t I die preventing a blade to your dark twisted heart? Where’s your gratitude for that? And while we’re at it, what about this? Did you set out to get me pregnant?” I fume, gesturing to my stomach.

Immediately his expression softens. “It pleases me seeing you this way.” Hand caressing over my swollen bump, he draws me close, into the protection of his side. “You belong to me, Mavi, to do with as I choose. Did you forget?”

Shoving him away, I back up until I hit something solid. “Like fuck I am. The bargain you had with Gabriel is null and void.”

“But the deal we struck to save your new friends still stands and there is no way you will wriggle out of that one.”

Large hands gently close over my shoulders. Without even looking I know it’s Raziel.

“I know you two are eager to hate fuck each other, but can you at least wait until we’re somewhere less open for attack?” The Nephilim grumbles.

Warmth rushes over my skin, bathing me in a golden light so bright it momentarily blinds me. White spots dance before my eyes. I blink, disorientated. Vision clearing, I see we’re standing in the Devil’s throne room.

Three scantily-clad whores kneeling by his chair raise elegant heads in unison, hands pausing in their task of brushing out the length of their long silky hair. The smiles of welcome sour the second they see me. Their gazes latch onto my pregnant state. They recognize me, and I them.

The mutual hate between me and his fuck toys is evident. Inching up to draw my gun, they’re saved from a bullet to the head when Lucifer issues a harsh command in demonish. Leaping up at their masters bidding, bare breasts bounce as they scurry from the hall.

Lips pressed together in a long, thin, white line, I flash him a look of pure hate. I’ve never wanted to throat punch someone so bad. Of course he kept them around. Who’s going to suck his cock with Hell in a state of eternal winter? He’s probably been fucking them the last eight months while I was dead.

It’s hard to admit there’s been a void in my life the whole time we’ve been apart, one filled only when I’m in his presence. It’s like walking on the edge of a cliff knowing at any second I could slip, plummeting to the sharp rocks below. Obviously, what I feel doesn’t go both ways. Why couldn’t I have steered clear of him the first time we met?


I barely have a chance to turn before I find myself in a bear hug.


The Devil’s teenage oracle. His adopted daughter. Young, pretty her long black hair is tied back in a pony-tail. Taller than the last time I’d seen her, I can see she’s blooming into the young woman she’s destined to be.

“Hey Cass, it’s good to see you too.” I tell her as she squeezes my rounded middle with considerable strength.

“I knew…what was coming, but I couldn’t tell you.” Tears shimmer in her big blue eyes. “My predictions are almost always accurate. I’m so sorry. I need to explain. It’s all jumbled in my head.”

Raziel is beside us so quickly it makes me jump. “Now is not the time, kid. Why don’t we get Snatch and Leo settled in their rooms? You haven’t seen them for a couple of weeks and it will give you all a chance to catch up.”

Untangling her arms, he tugs her away as if she were a bothersome child.

“Raz, please…”

“Mavi and I need to speak first.” Lucifer cuts in, his voice booming and final.

Expression crumpling, Cassandra looks forlorn. Whatever it is she’s desperate to say it’s important to her. Hoping to fuck it isn’t some freaky prediction that I’m going to regret later I give her a reassuring smile.

“I’ll talk to you later,” I promise.

Wiping the dampness from her eyes, she gives a small nod.

Shepherding her towards the main doors, Raziel gestures for my friends to follow.

“Come on. Lets order some pizza. These two look like they need it.”

“And alcohol,” Leo pipes up.

“A change of clothes would be good,” Snatch adds as they vanish into the hallways.

Lucifer comes towards me slowly, as if he thinks I feel threatened by his approach.

“You, my darling, need reminding that you are mine.”




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