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The Dragonlings and the Magic Four-Leaf Clover: A Dragonlings of Valdier Short by S.E. Smith (8)

Chapter Nine

You’s a bad worm. Bad, bad, bad worm! You don’t tries to eats my symbiot,” Morah snapped, thumping the worm on the head with her small star-tipped wand. “Jabir, tells them all to goes home before I has Crash stomp on them!”

Jabir carefully pulled the sand worm free from where it was hanging onto the symbiot’s rabbit tail. He held the worm firmly in his hand and shook his head. Looking up at Morah, he gave her an apologetic smile.

“I don’t know how to speak sand worm. Hopefully, they will know enough to leaves us alone,” he said, placing the sand worm on the ground and watching it quickly disappear beneath the soft granules.

“Bálint, has you and Roam found Leo yets?” Morah asked, turning on her golden saddle.

“We found his tracks. He went that way. I think he is following something else because I don’t see any more places where he was playing with the sand worms,” Bálint stated.

“Is that the same way the clover tells us to go?” Zohar asked, pulling Goldie up beside Morah.

Morah nodded. “Yes, it glows that ways,” she said.

“Can you make it glow toward some food? I’m so hungry,” Jabir said with a sigh, climbing up onto Precious.

“I’m hungry, too,” Alice said, rubbing her belly.

“So am I,” Phoenix added.

Morah bit her lip. “I don’t thinks it takes us to food." She looked at Zohar. “Can you finds us some food?” Morah asked.

* * *

Zohar sighed. He was hungry, too. Looking at the barren landscape ahead of them, he didn’t see anywhere they might find food—unless they were willing to eat sand worms. He eyed the other children who were looking to him for guidance. He frowned when he realized that Leo was not the only one missing.

“Where’s Spring and Hope?” he asked.

Phoenix grinned and pointed at the sand to their left. Zohar turned in his seat. The sounds of giggles ran through the group of children, momentarily distracting them from their hungry bellies. Less than ten feet from the group, Zohar could see the ground moving. A long line of sand worms was popping up into the air before landing with soft thumps back on the warm sand. They frantically began digging in an attempt to avoid being caught by the tiny, emerald green dragon who was following a wave of sand and trying to pounce on the poor worms.

Zohar turned to look at Alice. “She wanted to go with Spring,” Alice replied with a grin.

He turned his attention to Morah when her stomach loudly growled. She gave him a sad look and rubbed her tummy again. Holding the clover close to her chest with her other hand, she released a long, mournful sigh.

“I wishes we had some yummy things to eat,” she said.

Zohar’s eyes widened when the four-leaf clover began to glow more intensely. Morah gasped and cried in delight when the clover began to rise in the air. He watched as it swirled above their heads and blinked in surprise when a large canopy suddenly materialized. Under the canopy’s shade, a long table—laden with assorted food and drinks—appeared with benches on each side.

The roof of the canopy looked just like the clover—green with four heart-shaped leaves. The stem threaded through a hole in the table.

Zohar’s mouth dropped open when he saw all the yummy food. He whipped his head from side to side as the other dragonlings rushed to the table.

“Spring! Hope! Food!” Phoenix cried out.

Hope’s dragon rose up on her hind legs and sniffed the air. Her tail thumped against the sand several times. A second later, Spring’s head poked up out of the sand. She sneezed before her eyes widened in delight upon seeing the canopy and what was beneath its shelter. Wiggling up out of the sand, she and Hope excitedly bounced past Zohar. Shaking his head in wonder, he slid off of Goldie and patted the symbiot.

“I think I’m going to like this adventure after all,” he said with a grin.

Goldie sneezed and followed him to the canopy. None of the children noticed the small, golden sand worm watching them with delight. Shimmering in the sun, the sand worm dissolved into glittering specks of gold which rose up into the air.

Arilla soared across the sands. The symbiots would protect the children while she paid a visit to the Keeper of the Stories. After all, if wishes were to come true, even a Goddess needed a little help sometimes.