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The Magus (A Chronicle of Rebirth Book 1) by J. M. Fletcher, J.P. Fletcher (19)

Elian’s horse joined the crowd going past the city’s guards and under the massive gate back into Danthamore disappearing from Nelina’s view. She turned her attention back to the road and the Apostate’s village. The King’s road which headed southward ran side by side along the city’s high outer wall whose obsidian stone seemed to radiate the heat from the waste. Farther to the left the expanse of the Great Waste stretched as far the eye could see. The road itself acted as a barrier at points being a mere stone’s throw away. She was glad that Danthamore itself was positioned near a rocky part of the Waste, she had heard tales that the dunes and the devils of the sands would grab those venturing to close pulling them to their death in the sand beneath their feet. A shiver shot up her spine thinking about such a death. The dark browns and light tones of the rocky waste were in stark contrast to that of the city’s imposing walls, Obsidian palace, and King’s Tower standing in defiance to the landscape. Lucky for them, the Kings road was wide which allowed her and Adar plenty of space to pass the incoming and outgoing trade wagons going to and from the upper kingdoms. While there were some wagons laden with fine silks from the Ruby Isles, along with brandy distilled from the fields of Flintire, others carried the finest casks of wine from the vineyards in the Kingdom Tibree. Yet, the most abundant good on the road that day was that of the human variety. While watching a ‘chains of slaves’ pass by, she could tell they too beheld the waste with unease.

A thick dark plume of smoke spiraled into the sky ahead of them as they came to where the city’s wall ended. Adar kept a close pace with her horse as Danthamore’s walls were replaced by high cliffs dropping away to the Torbian Sea. Unlike the Kings road to the north of Danthamore which dipped low and close to the shore, the southern winding road kept along the edge of the cliff. It was known to last for many miles of travel before opening up to the shrubs of Eiffest and the Twin Slave Kingdoms.

Nelina was grateful for the brief change of scenery away from the wall and the waste. Glancing out at the Sea, she caught notice of the bleached white sails pushing the different ships out of the harbor. Her memories trickled back to a previous discussion with her friend Claire about the Apostates making their followers burn their personal belongings when they first joined. Judging from the smoke, Nelina surmised they must have gained more people than the few they had seen on the Kings road. A cool gust coming off the sea returned her mind to the path ahead.

The smoke appeared closer to the surrounding village coming into view for Nelina and Adar. The camp itself was nestled about short a full cart length from the Kings road. If it were not for the once a week visits from the city guards the apostate camp would have spread to the road. With the late day sun and their distance from Danthamore, the bustle of the road was replaced by the occasional passerby. An increase of people flocking into the camp had not escaped their notice. Many of the devout people were stripped down to the waist flailing at their own backs with switches and whips to draw forth their blood while praising and worshipping the Magus. She sighed inwardly their odd behavior made little to no sense to her.

Nelina found the camp to be larger than they expected. The center of the camp boasted a large structure consisting of several carts stacked atop of one another. Various parts of it were draped and covered with rotted multi-colored ship sails and supplemented with old linens and discarded clothing. There were at least a hundred dirty tents littering the area ahead with a hodgepodge of colors making up the rest of the strange camp village. As always, the heat emanating from the Waste was inescapable, and even more so at this close of a distance. While the rocky outcropping that the camp was built on was large, it ended in the dreaded sand of the Waste leaving little to no room to expand. Dismounting the large horse, she grabbed its reigns in one hand and stood next to Adar. “The sooner we finish, the faster we can get back to Danthamore.”

Adar gave a light smile with a short nod as he remained in step with Nelina leading the large horse deeper into the disturbed cult village. Several of the Apostate’s followers came up to them, with one woman tugging at Nelina’s cloak. “Have you come to hear the prophet, Esau? He teaches of the Magus, the God born of flesh.”

The woman no older than herself stood a few inches taller than Nelina dressed in the same mismatched clothing as the tents, yet it was fashioned in a provocative way leaving little to the imagination. The men were dressed in no less of a manner, with little more than a thin cloth covering their bits.

One of the tallest men with chestnut hair tried to take the horse’s reins from Nelina.

“Please, leave the animal and become part of the whole and hear Esau speak of the great Magus.” The woman stayed at Nelina’s side opposite of Adar.

Nelina held the reins tight before coming to a dead stop. “I am the Magus’s Consort, not a follower and if your prophet is here I need to speak with him.”

“The Magus’s consort, you are her? We have all heard of you.” The girl could not help but to think how proud Esau would be, he might even take her into his tent. “I’ll take you to him. Don’t worry about your horse, it will be fine, and it will be one with the whole.”

Nelina loosened her grip with a heavy sigh and allowed the man to go off with her horse. Something seemed off, but she could not place her finger on it. The original group that had surrounded them at the entrance had thinned out as the young woman led them deeper into the Apostates camp.

Adar never stepped farther away from Nelina than a shadow could from its source. The camp’s inhabitants were involved in various types of pleasure and pain. Some people wore hoods with others holding them down and striking at them with switches or whips. Small bands of people circled around the spectacles. As they approached the makeshift temple they neared the raging bonfire that was the source of the large plume of smoke. Those pledging their devotion to the Magus were in the process of casting off their possessions in the fire and did not acknowledge Nelina or Adar.

“There is the prophet,” the young woman pointed ahead to the temple made up from old carts which grew uglier with each step closer. It was here, upon a ramshackle stage surrounded by a mass of his faithful, where the prophet Esau sat preaching. He was sitting suspended in the air while being held by several large hooks piercing his flesh with ropes attached to a type of rigging above him.

“The prophet enlightens us” The woman leading them directed them to stop, and her joy could not be hidden at listening to Esau preaching.

Nelina walked up far enough to where she could see the scene unfold. Two women clad in little more than collars were sitting in a position flanking the Apostate prophet. Esau’s long locks of red hair flew around him while the women removed the hooks from his flesh to help him back on his feet. There were thin streams of blood from where the hooks had been which decorated his body.

Motioning with two fingers Esau beckoned the two women to take their place with him again. He looked out over his faithful flock. “We have all heard of the Great Power that the Magus wields calling forth smoke from the very tips of his fingers. Our living God hails from a place of death where we know life cannot exist.” He paced back and forth for as much as the small platform would allow. “The Magus with the mere flick of a wrist can extinguish life.” Smiling over those listening he waved his hand. “Yet, we know that our divine Savior also gives life.”

Nelina’s jaw tensed, at times she herself wondered if Ru’ark had brought her back from actual death or not.

“Who else could do such a thing, but a God?” Esau held out his arms wide. “The holy Magus is not like the false idol that we’ve been taught to believe in who will watch over our fields, bless our unions, or bring us back from sickness.” He lowered his arms, then paused for a brief moment of silence before continuing. “The false one, doesn’t listen to our prayers, how could he? He never existed, he’s an imaginary ideal that we need not cling to any longer.” Using his fingertip, he pressed into the hole where the hook was removed. “We are made in the image of our Magus, it is important to remind ourselves of this.” He slammed his fist into the palm of his other hand. “They who preach to you to believe in the God of All are blasphemous! When you deny God, you close your heart to his grace, and they know of the one true God, the Magus and they choose to proceed in their sinful ways.”

Nelina gave a sideways glance to Adar everything the preaching man said was heresy. She was raised believing in the God of All and that although unseen, he was the very wind, and souls, everyone knew that the soul’s afterlife was the gift of eternal life.

He clasped his hands together in a gentle manner while lowering his voice. “May peace be yours, for the Magus is the also the bringer of peace, when these lands were being torn apart from war, in his glorious entrance with his miracle he brought an end to the cruel war where people suffered the most.” His piercing eyes held the attention of those gathered. “Having once been blind myself, I shared a table in the Grand Temple in Kiffet with other sinners. I gnawed on the false stories and parables of life, and not once did the God of All answer my prayers. No, and like you my children, he never did. For, the God of All, is nothing more than a way for the Clergy to keep their bellies full and their beds soft.”

The wafting smell of roasting meat touched Nelina’s nose, causing her stomach to rumble, she wondered how much longer the rantings of the disturbed preacher would go on.

His voice rose in anger. “They seek to deny and stop us from finding salvation through the one true God the Magus who walks among us. Instead, they would have us bowing and scraping to the God of All, for their own selfish gain. We must break the bonds of illusion by casting off and burning the remnants of our former lives to be born again. To become whole, we, with open willingness will indulge in the pleasures of the flesh as we cleanse our mind and bodies.”

Nelina while astounded and aghast, kept her initial reactions contained.

Esau sat down on the edge of his small stage. With the onset of dusk, the torches were being lit around the camp. The two scantily clad collared women lit their personal lanterns and then each went on either side of the apostate priest to sit.

Folding her arms, Nelina grew impatient and irritable.

His gaze swept over his flock, then settled on Nelina and Adar. “My children, we have guests that have come to hear the words of Magus, perhaps they too will give up the false God and join with us.”

In unison, the crowd chanted. “In the eyes of the Magus we show our strength, glory be to the Magus.”

Intrigued, Esau’s hungry eyes drank in the attractive woman before him wearing dark leather armor which clung to her woman’s curves. The long, sharp, silver sword at her hip did not escape his notice. As for her companion, he found him to be offsetting with his strange stillness and silent demeanor. “Visitors.”

The young woman who had led Nelina and Adar in piped up. “Yes, prophet.” Her face lit up excited. “This is the Magus’s Consort and she’s come to speak with you.” She tried to pull Nelina forward, but Nelina resisted her attempt by snapping her arm away.

Esau beamed ear to ear. “Sweet, sweet, Kara you did well in bringing the Magus’s consort to me. Go find Zaeden and tell him that we have important guests.” Smiling, he focused on Nelina alone. “Greetings slave pet of the Holy Magus,”

“Madame or Consort of the Magus will suffice.” She held her stare firm.

“You carry shame in being called the slave pet of the Magus? I can see it in your eyes.” He grinned. “Was it not the Magus, who called back your soul from the dead and back to the living?”

Her eyes shot downward thinking about it, but she caught herself and looked back up at him determined not give him the upper hand.

Esau smiled at the reaction he had gotten from her, wondering if he had struck a nerve.

“What I carry, is the bloody memory of a man being whipped who thought that I was a mere slave.” It was her turn to smile. “Tread carefully, Prophet.”

“Nelina, that’s your name. I recall hearing it once from one of our faithful awhile back, I’ll use that.” Esau gave a small nod. “Follow me, let us go to a place where we will have better light to talk.”

The two women stood up and helped their prophet don his garment which was a cross between a tunic and robe.

Adar and Nelina walked behind the trio, and watched as the two women fawned over Esau until they all reached a large tent behind the shoddy temple. The women stepping ahead, pulled back the tent flaps for the apostate priest to enter.

“Join me Nelina,” His eyes cut over to Adar after he stepped inside. “You may wait outside.”

She shook her head. “His name is Adar, and he’ll be staying with us, it’s why the Magus sent him with me.” Nelina glanced to Adar then back to Esau.

“Then Adar shall be present if it is the will of the Magus.” Smiling, he extended his arm in an invitation.

Adar noticed from the light escaping the tent that someone else was inside waiting for them.

Nelina stood surprised by the actual amount of space inside, she had thought it would be smaller. The round tent floor was filled with heavy animal skins that would have to had come from the far north. Several hanging lanterns provided adequate light to see with. Positioned in the center was a small table with little more than bread and cuts of fresh cooked meat set out.

Adar paid attention to Zaeden a tall, skinny, dark haired man inside the tent who was now whispering something in Esau’s ear.

Outside of the tent, the two women were replaced by a couple of men keeping guard.

The two collared women scurried around the tent gathering cups and bottles of wine.

Smiling, Esau put his hand on Zaeden’s shoulder with his eyes fixated on Nelina. “No, my friend, if this was either the Crown or a decree from the High Priest, my assassin would never be a woman with striking beauty such as the one here with me.” His eyes cut over to Adar. “You’re not an assassin are you?”

Adar remained calm and unfazed.

Nelina answered for her silent friend. “Adar is the Magus’ protector, he and the Magus share a connection.”

Esau’s gaze fell back to Nelina while he reassured his follower. “You see Zaeden? We are safe, at least for this evening. You may take your men and retire for the night.”

“Let’s sit, we’ll eat together, and you two will be my guests for the evening.” Esau sat down on the animal skins in front of the small table.

“Our thanks, however, my Magus expects me and Adar to return far earlier than the morning.” Nelina sat down.

Adar joined Nelina by standing next to her rather than sitting.

Carrying wooden cups and wine the collared women served Esau and Nelina.

Nelina picked up her cup. “I’m sure your time is precious, therefore, I’ll get to the point of why we’re here. There are goods that the Magus requires to be transported and they need to be brought to one of his associates in order for it to arrive at its final destination.” Nelina brought the cup to her lips and pretended to drink. “The Crown doesn’t search you or your people, that’s why he chose you to do this for him.”

“I will do whatever the living God our Magus commands.” He reached out with a fascination in his brown eyes, to touch her face. “Did it hurt when the Magus gave you your life again?”

Anxiety rushed through her and she had no time to react.

Adar, with his unnatural speed, grabbed Esau’s wrist before his fingers could reach her cheekbone. In one swift gesture Esau’s arm was twisted behind him being used as leverage to hold him.

Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead triggering his anger. “What is this? I sought only to touch the holy miracle myself.”

“My Magus is protective of me, and it’s obvious you trying to touch me doesn’t make him comfortable, otherwise Adar would’nt have had that reaction.” She set down her cup and signaled to Adar to let him go.

Adar released his iron grip and resumed standing close to Nelina.

“I would never hurt you,” he drank down his entire cup of wine. “Tell me what our God commands reborn one.”

Nelina stood up. “Each day, you will send a follower to the docks to meet with a man nicknamed One-eyed Ned to pick up a parcel which is small enough to be hidden in your robes. He’ll also be the one to give you directions on what to do thereafter.”

Esau standing up as well, was glad for the opportunity to gain the Magus’s notice and favor. “We will do all that is required to serve the Magus, for he is the real God that walks the world with us lowly creatures.” Slipping out an eating dagger from his robes, he sliced off the entire upper portion of his right ear. “The Magus must know that he always has my ear, you will give him this.”

“A cloth, prophet,” one of the collared women held it out to him.

Nelina did her best not to wretch at the gruesome act.

Wrapping his ear with care, he handed it to Nelina. “The Magus can expect complete obedience from his true followers.”

Nelina filled with uneasiness, accepted the cloth with the man’s ear in it. “I will tell the Magus of your obedience and devotion to him. For now, Adar and I should be leaving.”

Esau ignored the gaping wound where his ear had been. “You are leaving so soon?”

“The hour grows late, and I was instructed to make haste in returning after meeting my with you.” She tucked the cloth behind one of the leather straps on her armor at the waist.

“I understand, perhaps next time the Magus will accompany you.” Esau motioned to the two men standing outside to pull open the flaps of the tent.

“He may, and I wish you luck in your task preacher.” She hoped Ru’ark would not have to use these people again.

Nelina and Adar made their way into the darkness back in the direction of where she had left the horse. Moving from one patch of fire light to the next, they could hear laughter and primal noises while they back tracked their steps to the entrance. It did not take long before they found the horse’s saddle, reins and other binding near where they had left the horse.

Adar pointed to the large pile of fresh bones.

“No,” Nelina’s voice cracked with sadness. “I can’t believe they killed him, Elian had chosen him more than once for me to ride.” She swallowed back the lump in her throat. “I want to get out of here.”

Nodding to Nelina, he led the way to the entrance and out on to the Kings road.

She let out a sigh dreading the long walk. “I’m glad that it’s over, but it’s going to be tiring journey back.”




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