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The Magus (A Chronicle of Rebirth Book 1) by J. M. Fletcher, J.P. Fletcher (9)

Agnar and Celeste were having their morning meal in the royal solar as they often did. The morning air was cooler than the last few days since the summer months were winding down. The royal solar displayed furnishings and finery more lavish than the ones in the eastern part of the palace which was held by the Magus Ru’ark. Many of the vases and artworks were from hundreds of years ago, having survived through generations of the Kings and Queens of Danthamore. The edge of the reddish brown wood table gleamed as the morning sunlight shone through the window. Finely woven tapestries lined the walls depicting scenes from times of the past.

Agnar, with brown shoulder length hair peppered with gray, sat dressed in his royal dark blue riding attire for his morning horse ride. It was something he liked to do after taking the morning meal. Celeste, wore an extravagant pale blue silk gown with sapphires adorning her neck and a matching gold crown also trimmed in sapphires with her chestnut brown hair pinned up underneath. The two were almost finished eating when the Captain of the Royal Guard, Orson, requested an audience with them.

Orson was an older man, well into his late-middle life years with short white hair. His polished plate armor and black and gold cloak signified his position as the Captain of the Royal Guard. He bowed respectfully, “Your Majesties, A moment of your time if I may?”

“Orson,” Agnar swallowed down the last of what was in his cup. “What brings you to our morning meal?”

Orson cleared his throat, “I’m not here for any good news unfortunately. I’m sure my King and Queen that it hasn’t escaped your eye that the City guards have positioned themselves in the eastern part of the palace where the Magus is. It’s my belief Elian, the Captain of the City Watch, is in service to the Magus.”

Agnar was already aware. “I’ve seen that they have taken up residence, yes.”

“Then, I am sure you have also heard of the whipping of one of the city guards for taking an interest in the Magus’ consort?” Orson folded his hands behind his back.

“His consort is it?” Celeste licked her lips with an obvious distaste in her mouth. “Only the King has the authority to call for public punishment. Agnar, you’ve always given over far too much with the Magus, hence why this is happening.”

Orson agreed with his Queen, however, it was not his place to say that to the King. “The Magus is a threat, as the Captain of the Royal Guard I advise for you to allow us to remove the City guard.” He had taken the threat as a serious one when the city guard dismissed the royal soldiers from the entire eastern section of the palace. Recent events such as the flogging only intensified his concern about the Magus.

Celeste was quick with her sharp tongue. “I agree with Orson, why don’t you find your spine just once, and do something about him?”

“I’m sure you do agree with him Celeste!” Agnar slapped his hand down on the table aggravated. “But, neither of you were there, at the battle.”

Celeste gave a long, exasperated, drawn out sigh while rolling her eyes. “This tale again…”

Agnar did not care what Celeste thought, it was for Orson’s benefit this time. “Orson, you were here doing your duty to protect the Queen,” He tried to get Orson to see his reasoning. “The Magus stopped the war cold in its tracks. The black fog covering the field was made of an unnatural darkness.” He took a calmer tone. “The radiant sun created by the God of All was unable to plunge its way through. Anything that the smoky fog touched such as an arrow, blade, or even a horse at full charge, stood still in midair while the Magus walked unscathed.”

“What are we supposed to do then Agnar, nothing?” She had listened for years to this, and she was unwilling to tolerate the excuse anymore.

Agnar became angry. “Celeste! I’ll not have this out of you, it was me that day in the field with the Magus not you.” His head was aching. “We rule at his mercy, lest you forget that! He holds the other kingdoms at bay, not us.”

Orson standing respectfully listened to the King until he was finished. “Your Grace, there is more I’m afraid. The Magus is a greater danger than you think, there is already a disgusting disheveled group of apostates, who falsely worship him as equal to not only the King, but to God.”

“Ugh,” groaned Celeste, “Worship him how?”

Orson unfolded his arms. “They have sex like animals in heat, hang themselves from hooks, and that’s in addition to whipping and cutting themselves. Their leader Esau has been seen keeping people chained like beasts and beating them while preaching that the Magus is a God.”

Celeste’s face crunched up showing her clear revulsion. “They’re in the city?”

Agnar watched as the servants carried away the trays from the Solar. “They need to be kept out of the city, we can’t have them disrupting the trade that goes through here.”

“Yes, my King they have been made to leave, but they have made a camp outside of the city,” Orson still had another concern to voice. “The High Priest Declan will not let these apostates go unanswered.”

Agnar did not see the point in doing anything about it if he did not have to. “Declan won’t, which means the problem will solve itself.”

“Who’s making sure they stay out of the city?” asked Celeste.

“The City Guard my Queen, the same ones now in league with the Magus,” seethed Orson.

“You’ll have to have a few of the royal guards stationed near the gates to keep the apostate vermin out.” Celeste turned her anger on Agnar. “I find it appalling that you sit here and do nothing when we have to send Royal Guards to do the City Guard’s job.”

Agnar rubbed his forehead. “I’m tired of this, Celeste.” He stood up from his chair to leave the Solar.

Celeste was glad when Agnar left and the door behind him closed. “Orson, we need to take immediate action with the Magus Ru’ark,”

“I agree my Queen,” Orson was grateful the Queen perceived the Magus as a real threat.

Her brows furowed together in a frown. “He’s moving in the City Guard to remove Agnar and me.”

“What do you want done my Queen?” He admired Celeste’s bravery in wanting to stop the Magus, unlike his King.

Celeste thought it was time to find out if the Magus was hiding something. “The next time he is away, I’ll go into his chambers, I have a Master key to each room in the palace.”

Orson found merit in her idea. “I can make sure the city guards will be removed before you go through.”

Celeste smiled. “That would be excellent, if he is secreting anything away, we’ll find our answers there I think.”

“Agreed,” He let out a sigh of relief. At least there was finally a plan in place to go after the Magus.

“Is there anything else, then, Orson?” She drank down her wine and stood up ready to leave the solar.

Orson’s eyes narrowed in seriousness with the creases of fine lines which showed his age. “No My Queen, I will make the necessary arrangements as we talked about regarding the Magus Ru’ark.”

Celeste pressed her lips together. “Good.”

Orson opened the door for Celeste as the two departed the solar.