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The Wicked Vampire: A Last True Vampire Novel (Last True Vampire Series) by Kate Baxter (7)


Gods, he was magnificent. It bothered Sasha more than she wanted to admit that she didn’t know his name, but it didn’t dull his charisma in the ring. A cold finger of fear stroked down her spine as she watched him fight and it only seemed to heighten her excitement. The berserker was the ultimate forbidden fruit. A sworn enemy. Deadly. Dangerous. Violent. Cruel. Unforgiving.

And he belonged to her.

He moved faster than any creature she’d ever seen. Each blow delivered landed with amazing precision. The werewolf wouldn’t last long in the silver cage. Sasha almost felt sorry for him. He’d walked in of his own volition, though. Both males knew the rules and both knew only one would make it out alive. There was no doubt the berserker would be the one left standing. No one could best him.

He was … invincible.

Heat coiled low in Sasha’s belly and spread outward. She shouldn’t want him. Hell, she should have been shaking with fear and running the other direction. But all she wanted was to get closer. To flirt with the flames in hope of getting burned. Gods, how could she possibly be tethered to this male who fought with such wild ferocity?

The berserker toyed with his prey for the benefit of the crowd. It worked the eager onlookers into a frenzy and money changed hands all around Sasha. Anyone who bet against him deserved to lose their money.

“Honey, close your mouth. You’re starting to drool.” Ani reached over and lifted Sasha’s chin with her fingertips.

Sasha didn’t dare drag her eyes from the arena. She didn’t want to miss a second of her mate’s impressive display of strength, stamina, and skill. She wiped at her bottom lip as though there were actually something there to clean up and Ani laughed.

“You do realize how bat-shit crazy this is, right?” Sasha still didn’t bother to look at her friend. “I mean, look at him!”

Oh, she was getting an eyeful. Ani didn’t need to worry about that. Adrenaline coursed through Sasha’s veins, causing her limbs to quake with unspent energy. Anticipation pulled her muscles taut and she squeezed her thighs together to keep them from trembling. She knew she should be disgusted by the violent exhibition. She should turn away. Put her back to him. Walk out the door and never try to find him again. But Sasha stood rooted in place. Her gaze was trained on the berserker. She was captivated. Mesmerized. Nothing, not even the barbarism of this moment could force her attention away.

Thanks to supernatural healing and stamina, these fights could last hours. The werewolf was armed with a dagger and a wicked-looking mace but he’d yet to deliver a single blow to the berserker. The battle dance encouraged the crowd. Loosened pockets. How much money did her mate stand to gain by putting on a good show tonight?

Gods. Her mate. The more she thought about it, the more unbelievable it seemed. She took a step toward the silver cage as though drawn to him like metal to a magnet. His attention wandered from the fight for the barest moment. His gaze met hers. Wild and intense. Sasha let out a quick gust of breath and sucked it in just as quickly as the werewolf capitalized on his distraction and landed a blow to his shoulder with the studded mace.

Sasha flinched as though she’d been hit by the heavy weapon. The berserker let out a grunt but other than that gave no other outward show he’d been harmed. His dark gaze narrowed as he turned his attention back to his opponent and focused once again on the fight. Inky black bled into his eyes and he fought with a ferocity that stalled the breath in Sasha’s chest. He was nothing more than an animal now, operating on base instinct and rage. Unarmed, save the silver cuffs at his wrists, he needed no other weapon to be deadly. He was a weapon. And Sasha stood in awe of him.

He no longer played with the werewolf. Wasn’t interested in prolonging the fight for anyone’s entertainment. The werewolf would die in a matter of moments and a ripple of fear vibrated through Sasha at the realization. Their world was a violent one. Sasha was accustomed to death. But it was of little comfort to her as she watched, wide-eyed, as her mate spun in a blur of motion to snatch the silver dagger from the werewolf’s hand and drive it through his heart.

The berserker turned to look at her. The midnight black retreated from his gaze but did nothing to diminish the intensity of his expression. His chest heaved with labored breath, sweat glistened and ran in rivulets over the hills and valleys of his muscled chest. He jerked his chin toward the rear of the building. Sasha didn’t need words to know he just given her a command, and fool that she was, she obeyed.

She tossed Ani her key fob. She wasn’t about to leave her friend stranded. “I’ll find my own way home.”

Ani didn’t seem to be the least bit surprised. She gave Sasha a disapproving look, her lips pursed. “At least promise to be fucking careful.”


Sasha turned and pushed her way through the crowd as she made her way to the back of the building. Another fight was about to begin, but in the meantime, those who’d made good money were eager to congratulate the berserker on his win. Sasha didn’t wait for him to make his way to her. Instead she rushed toward the back of the building to find a private space, away from prying eyes.

A set of double doors led to a large stockroom. The space was empty now except for a few random cardboard boxes and an old metal desk at the far end of the vast space. She was surrounded on all sides by concrete. The walls, the floor. A large docking bay door had been left open to allow a chilly breeze to circulate through the space. Sasha hugged her arms around her midsection as she looked up to the ceiling at the exposed ducts and wiring. Goose bumps rose on Sasha’s flesh and she suppressed a shiver.

“Back for more, vampire?”

The brogue of his voice resonated through her. The berserker’s left arm wound around her waist. He hauled her against his chest as his right hand reached up to brush her hair away from the nape of her neck. His touch was a brand in comparison to the cold air that surrounded her. His open mouth came to rest where his hand had just been and Sasha’s stomach clenched tight with lust. His teeth grazed her sensitive skin and Sasha let out a quiet whimper. A rush of wet heat spread between her thighs as she reached for his arm at her waist and gripped it tight. He was one-hundred-percent predator, and Sasha thrilled at the prospect of becoming his prey.

“Yes.” The word left her lips on a breathy whisper. He bit down on her neck again, a little harder this time, and she swore if she wasn’t holding on to him her legs would’ve given out beneath her. “Don’t disappoint me this time.”

His low laughter coaxed a fresh round of chills over her flesh. “Don’t worry, pet. I don’t plan to disappoint you.”

* * *

The bathroom where they’d had their first encounter was more accommodating than this fucking stockroom. Ewan didn’t know why it bothered him. It was as good a place as any to fuck. That’s all this was, after all. An emotionless fulfillment of need. Nothing more, nothing less. She was an itch he wanted to scratch. Soon enough, he’d be bored with her and move on. Until then, he planned to enjoy her in any way he damn well pleased.

He brought his mouth to the nape of her neck once again. She tasted like honey fresh from the comb, almost too sweet. His left hand dove beneath her shirt and he jerked down the cup of her bra to fondle one full breast. Sasha gasped at the contact and hardened Ewan’s cock to stone. He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger and she cried out with pleasure, the sound echoing off the stark concrete walls.

For the past couple of days he’d thought of nothing but having her again. His erection throbbed between his legs almost painfully. He needed to be inside her like he needed his next fucking breath. Driven by his own desperation, Ewan spun her and pressed her body up against the nearest wall as he reached for her pants, unbuttoned them, and jerked them along with her underwear down to her ankles. She kicked off her shoes and toed her pants the rest of the way off. The scent of her arousal hit him and Ewan let out a low growl.

“Spread your legs.”

She did as he asked without so much as a pause. She braced her arms against the wall, fingers splayed. Her breath raced and her heart pounded, music to his ears. The scent of her desire bloomed around him and he breathed in deeply of the heady perfume. He reached between her thighs and found her dripping wet. Slick and ready for him. Such a brazenly wanton little creature. He gripped her by the hips and jerked her backward, angling her pert ass toward him. He took an indulgent moment and stroked between her thighs, once again circling the tight knot of nerves at her core before slipping one finger inside. She let out a low moan as he pulled out and let his wet fingertips caress down and back up her inner thigh. Gods, how he wanted to tease her. To play with her until she begged him to take her. But that required time they didn’t have. Drew would come looking for him soon and Ewan would hate to have to beat the shit out of his cousin for the interruption.

Ewan pulled down his workout pants. He’d taken her from behind in the bathroom during their first encounter. This time, he wanted to see her face as he fucked her. See the expressions that went along with those tempting moans and whimpers. He turned her in his arms before cupping her ass and lifting her. For a moment, Ewan stared. Her beauty damn near stole his breath. There was a darkness in her that called to him. Captivated him. Held him rapt. Her full, dark-pink lips parted and he leaned in as the temptation to kiss her overtook him. The tip of one fang became visible and Ewan stopped short. He couldn’t let himself forget what she was. What he was. He could enjoy her. But nothing more.

He drove home in a single thrust. Sasha shuddered and her head fell back as she let out a low, indulgent moan. Her eyelids fluttered. Ewan swore the rapture in her expression was enough to make him come. Gods, she was wet. Warm. Tight. So responsive to every touch. Every thrust. He could fuck her for hours and it still wouldn’t be enough to satisfy him. He could watch her for days and his eyes would still want more.

Her pleasure was exquisite.

Ewan lost himself to the moment as he fucked her. His mind went blank and he was left with nothing more than blind sensation and raw need. He reached up with one hand and gripped the back of Sasha’s neck, forcing her gaze to meet his. Silver rimmed her irises and bled into the darker brown, yet another reminder of what she was. Taboo. Forbidden. Mine. The word resonated in Ewan’s mind with such clarity. As though it had been planted there. Had she done that? Vampires had the power to bend others to their will, but could they do it with a thought? Ewan gritted his teeth as a wave of agitation crested over him. But that suspicion and worry did nothing to stop him.

Ewan brushed his thumb against her jawline as his pace increased. The pad moved to her bottom lip and dipped inside her mouth, dangerously close to one sharp fang. Her tongue lashed out as her lips closed around his thumb and she sucked. Ewan’s gut tightened as he imagined those supple lips wrapped around his shaft, her teeth—her fangs—scraping over his sensitive flesh …

He jerked his thumb from her mouth the second the thought struck. Gregor would rip out his heart and feed it to him if he found out. This was the last time with Sasha. It couldn’t happen again.

“Don’t stop.” Sasha’s silvery gaze met his and her pleading tone vibrated through him. “I want it hard. Deep. I need to come.”

Her heated words banished the thoughts that gave him pause. Ewan buried his face against her fragrant throat as he pounded into her. “I want you to say my name when you come.” The words left his lips unbidden, but what did it matter? He needed that ownership of the moment. For her to know who had pleasured her.

“I don’t know your name, berserker.” The husky timbre of her voice vibrated down his spine and tightened his sack. A few more deep strokes and he’d go off. He refused to come until she did.

“Ewan Brún” He put his mouth close to her ear and pulled her lobe between his teeth before pulling away. “Say it.”

Her moans became tighter, louder, echoing around them. So close. He drove hard into her, harder. Faster. His jaw locked down as he fucked her without mercy. Sasha’s nails dug into his shoulders, breaking the skin, and he relished the bite of pain. “Say my name, Sasha.” It wasn’t a suggestion by any stretch of the imagination. He demanded it of her. “Say it.”

“Oh, gods.” Her body went rigid in his embrace. “I’m coming. Ewan. Gods, Ewan!”

Her pussy squeezed his shaft with powerful contractions that sent him over the edge. She buried her face against his throat and he let out a grunt at the sharp bite of pain where his shoulder met his neck. Heat suffused him, threading through his limbs and veins. Tiny tendrils of pleasure unfurled that intensified his orgasm to the point that his thighs shook and a growl gathered in his chest. His thrusts became disjointed. He pressed his body tight against hers, allowing the wall to help pin her against him. Shuddering breaths shook him as the blinding pleasure began to ebb and clarity blew in to take its place.

Her mouth. At his throat. A sharp sting. Gentle suction.

Gods. She’d bitten him!

Ewan couldn’t think of a more forbidden act. To have allowed it at all invited disaster. Before she could close the punctures he pulled away with a violent jerk. Her fangs tore the tiny holes deeper and blood scented the air as it trickled down his neck to his chest. Sasha’s brow furrowed and the silver drained from her wide-eyed stare. Fear chased across her delicate features and a momentary pang of guilt tugged at Ewan’s chest.

“You have to let me close the punctures. My saliva—”

“You bit me!” Ewan did nothing to temper his seething tone.

Sasha’s legs fell from his hips as he deposited her on the floor. The absence of her warmth sent a chill down Ewan’s spine but he forced the sensation away. Sasha’s brow remained furrowed, but she didn’t cower from his spark of anger. Didn’t shy away or demure. Instead, she bucked her chin and her jaw took on a defiant set as she bent down to shove her legs back into her pants and pulled them up to her waist.

“What in the gods’ names makes you think you have the right to bite me?” As far as Ewan was concerned, fucking the vampire wasn’t an invitation to have her fangs at his throat. In their known history, no berserker had ever allowed a vampire to do such a thing. The consequences would be worse than death if Gregor found out. Ewan didn’t dare contemplate the possibilities.

Sasha’s eyes flashed brilliant silver and her breath heaved in her chest. One pale hand came up to brush her long, dark hair behind her shoulder as she fixed him with her hypnotic gaze. “You’ve tethered me, berserker.” The words spilled from her full lips in an angry rush. “You’re my mate.”

Ewan took a stumbling step back. The words were as unbelievable as they were plausible. He’d never known vampires to take mates outside of their own species. And whereas he had no idea what a tether was, it had to have been the cause of the instant and visceral attraction between them.

“Magic?” He couldn’t manage more than a single angry word. His interaction with the vampire seemed to create layer upon layer of trouble. “You’ve used some sort of enchantment on me?” It wasn’t a question, more of an accusation.

Sasha’s expression transformed into one of angry disbelief. “Enchantment?” The word was spoken with so much force that it pricked at his skin. “You think I’ve put some kind of spell on you?”

“Well, haven’t you?”

Her palm cracked across his cheek. Damn. The vampire packed a punch. Ewan loosened his jaw and gave a violent shake of his head as a wave of anger crested within him. His fists balled at his sides as white-hot rage gathered in his chest. His nostrils flared as he dragged in several deep breaths in an attempt to keep himself calm.

Truth be told, Sasha didn’t appear to have her temper in check any better. “Fuck you.”

Her anger made her appear even more feral. More dangerous. More beautiful. And gods help him, even more irresistible.




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