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Wrath's Patience (Seven Deadly Sins Book 3) by R.A. Pollard (31)









Layla let out a deep sigh. She laid her head against him and closed her eyes. It was not like she had ever intended to hide this problem with her gift, it was more an issue of preferring to keep quiet. Running her hand over his fur, her mind wandered to Lexi. She hoped wherever Lexi was she was okay. Only her sister really knew about the “episodes,” so telling another person was hard. Yet if she was going to spend the rest of her life with this man, he needed to know everything, the good and the bad.

“The animals refer to me as the Seer of Beasts. But some, like the pegasus and Ilianna, they call me by another name, Seer of Nature. I don’t really understand what it means. Sometimes I can feel a pulse of energy under the ground, and when I lose control I seem to tap into it. Like today, they were hurting you, and it just happened.” She averted her gaze, her silence filling the cave. Tan knew she was holding something back.

What happened, Layla?

“I’m the reason my mother died.” Her hand gripped the fur at the scruff of his neck tightly as she spoke. He knew that statement to be absolute crap, but clearly this was something she had been dealing with for a long time. He lifted his head and laid it upon her lap.

Tell me.

“The night Annabelle was born, I went into labor at the house, not in the hospital like we’d planned. Mom knew that if I didn’t get painkillers during the birth I might lose control. Annabelle came too early, when Mom was still in town. Ira said she ran out of the store the moment the blizzard hit. She knew what was happening, she always knew. She should have just stayed in town. If she hadn’t been trying to make it home to me then she wouldn’t…” Layla paused. She hated thinking about what happened to her mother that night. But it was mixed emotions, because it was also the night she was given the greatest gift of her life. Looking over at the sleeping Annabelle she smiled sadly.

“There was a landslide that took out the road. Mother was caught in it. It took them until spring to find the car. Lexi blamed me for so long. I blamed myself, still do. I caused the blizzard in my pain of delivering Annabelle. I couldn’t control this thing inside that reaches for that river of energy that flows through the earth.” She reached out and stroked over the blond locks of her child’s hair, letting out a sigh.

“I almost lost them both that night. Lexi helped deliver her, but she came out blue, and so cold, lifeless. I have never been so scared in all my life. Lexi breathed for her, but one minute she was telling me my child was stillborn, and the next Annabelle’s lungs filled with air and she screamed the house down. I had never been so happy to hear a child scream in my entire life. It wasn’t until the next morning when the sheriff came and told us about the landslide that we knew Mom was dead. That’s when I named my child after her grandmother; it fit.”

Then it seems to me your mother sent her soul to give life to your child. You didn’t bring about your mother’s death, Layla, the rocks did that. But she chose to give life to your child. She sounds like a wonderful woman. She reminds me of someone—same strength, same heart.

“Your mother?” Her question brought his head up and he tilted his head to the side. His mother? Did he have a mother?

I don’t think I have one, not in the literal sense of the word. He lifted his head suddenly and turned to look back at the sleeping Annabelle who snored softly against his long back. Best remove her, I feel the change coming on.

Layla reached out and gently lifted Annabelle from him. She carried her over to her sleeping bag and watched the large hellhound stand and trot off into the depths of the cave. The sound of low muted growls and cracking of joints sounded overly loud within the confines of the cavern. She winced, wishing he did not have to go through such pain during the change event. The growls gradually turned into human gasps, and eventually low panting and a very male groan.

“Tan, are you okay?”

“Yes, changing back hurts worse than becoming the hound.” His voice was coarse, and it was clear he was exhausted.

Reaching into her pack she grabbed a bottle of water and a blanket, then walked to where he had vanished behind a rock. He knelt on the floor panting, sweat covering his intricately tattooed back. He lifted his head and his eyes flared brightly. He watched her every move, breathing in deeply.

“You smell amazing.” He leaned forward, burying his nose against her neck with a low growl. One hand going into her hair, he tilted her head back, scenting up her throat.

Clearly he was not that exhausted, and neither was she given the heat her body emitted just from his touch. How could she forget that his beast was always close to the surface right after his change? God, she couldn’t help but respond to him. Her mouth went dry the second he pulled her against his sweat-soaked chest and bit along her neck—effectively turning her body to putty in his hands. Gasping softly as he bit down on her throat she pulled her lip between her teeth to stop from crying out. Damn him, Annabelle was less than ten feet away.

His hands were already making short work of the zipper to her jacket, moving down to the zipper of her snow pants next. At least he held enough control not to tear into them, she thought, as his hot hands slid under her thermal shirt, eliciting a silent gasp of air from her. Okay, she had to do something or she was going to be ravaged by a Wolfman on the cave floor like some caveman’s prize. Her brain barely remembered the hot spring Ilianna mentioned. That would work if she could get her mind to function properly.

“Will you behave, Wolfman? This is highly unfair.” Unfortunately, she could not put much effort into her order. Her body was turning to slick heat, and he damn well knew it.

“Let me consider that. No.” The low growled no just below her ear sent a pulse of need sharply through her.

“Not here, okay, stop with the biting. That is not playing by… oh god…” He sank his teeth in the juncture of her neck and shoulder, his hands doing something to her lower back that was sending her brain into answer machine mode. Shaking off the erotic stupor, she sank her fingers into his hair and pulled his head back. That earned her a growl that made her heart race. The look he gave her nearly made her give in—no damn it, be strong!

“Okay, enough. Not here, not with Annabelle sleeping so close. Come with me, I know a place. Then you can ravage me to your heart’s content.” For a second it looked like he would fight her on this, then his hands moved from her back.

“Fair warning, Layla. I am going to mark you tonight.” His hand lifted, encircling her throat, his thumb rubbing tenderly against her pounding pulse. “Right here. I will mark you for all to see that you are mine.”

Her whole body nearly came apart. Should she be so excited about this prospect? She didn’t know the full implications of his words, but they were powerful, and she wanted it. She needed him to mark her.

“Yes, I want that. Come, Wolfman. Mark me as yours.” He didn’t need to be asked twice if the low rumble in his chest indicated anything.

Getting to her feet, which in itself was a miracle because her knees felt like Jell-O, she backed up a step and threw the blanket at him. Last thing she needed was Annabelle getting an eyeful of fully aroused demon and asking way too many questions about the birds and the bees.

She gestured him to follow her with a finger, her eyes trailing down the expanse of his muscled chest, following the lines of the tattoos that vanished below the edge of the blanket. Looking back up at him through hooded eyes she slowly divested herself of the various layers of winter clothes. They would just be a hindrance between them when it came to getting in this “healing” spring Ilianna had spoken of. A thought occurred to her—should she mention the hot spring was supposed to possess healing properties? Best not, just in case it didn’t work. She didn’t want to get his hopes up that he might recover his memories.

The deeper they ventured into the cave the hotter it became, until her remaining clothing was sticking to her skin. No wonder there was no need to worry about the winter’s chill within its walls. There was a scent to the air that was almost herbal. Somewhere deep inside this place, plants grew, even in the dim light. The fragrance was almost sweet, thickening the air, enhanced by the humidity created by deep volcanic activity under the mountain.

Echoing sounds of trickling water filled the cavern, the dim light reflecting off a pristine steaming pool that seemed to stretch into the darkness of the cave. The edges were smooth from years of chemical erosion; even the very rocks of the pool seemed to glitter under the mirrored surface. The energy was charged in this place; she could feel it dancing over her skin like an electric current, heightening her senses to every sound and movement around her.

Layla started to think maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. The magic here was old magic, powerful and ancient. But her thoughts were scattered to the heady air as his hands slid around her from behind. His lips lowered to her ear, teeth grazing over the lobe and making her eyes roll back in abandon. Strong hands roamed around to her softly rounded stomach, pulling her back against his aroused body with a groan. He rocked the thick length of his cock against her ass, only the thermal skin-tight shorts she wore separating them.

The air was so thick it was almost hard to breathe it in. Layla could feel every bead of sweat as it rolled down her body, sending shivers rushing over her skin. Who needed foreplay when you had a six-foot demon molding himself to your back?

“Don’t. Move.” The low command had her body clenching hard. She whimpered softly, looking back at him as he slipped his hands into her shorts and down her legs, removing the offending garment from her body.

He squeezed and massaged the muscles of her thighs before moving around to her front. There was a flash of white teeth as he leaned in and nipped at her hip, licking and biting over her stomach, pausing over her stretch-marks.

Layla had a sudden burst of unease. Her hands moved to her tummy to cover the marks. Closing her eyes, she turned her head away. Damn it, she was being stupid. It was not like he had not seen them before. But last time he had not stopped to look at them. What kind of man actually stopped to look at pregnancy marks?

“Layla, move your hands.” Turning her head back she glared at him. His eyes flickered in the dim light created by the cave. Reluctantly she dropped her hands to her sides, making fists. Stupid man, didn’t he understand all women were… wait, was he nuzzling her belly? And growling?

“One day, I will see you carrying my son. You are already the most beautiful thing on this earth, but then you will outshine the stars.” His words made her want to sob in stupid girly happiness. He turned his head, dipping his tongue into her navel. That sent a shock straight to her clit, making her rock unsteadily on her feet. She reached for his arms to keep from falling; the smile that spread on his lips was purely sinful and full of even darker promises. His tongue came out and he parted her legs with his hands, his eyes capturing hers and holding her in his thrall as he travelled lower. “Until that day, my love. Practice. Makes. Perfect.”

His tongue speared through her sensitive lips, causing her to cry out. The echo reverberated through the cave, shock making her body convulse and her knees shake. His appreciative growl sent vibrations rushing through her while his hands kneaded her ass, pulling her to his hungry mouth—determined to devour his prize.

Using his arms as an anchor, she parted her legs more for him, tilting her head back as his hot breath tickled the inside of her thighs. He used the flat of his tongue against the sensitive bundle of nerves, advancing and retreating in slow actions that had her rocking her hips in uncontrollable desire. She couldn’t stop her breaths rushing from her as that insane glorious build began in her lower spine.

“Tan, please. I’m going to fall!” Her legs were shaking the whole time. She rocked her hips to his seeking tongue, her body caught in the desire to feel that which only he could give her.

“I will always catch you. Let go, Layla.” His chest rumbling and he delved back in, using his fingers to part her lips and expose her to his insatiable appetite.

There was no gentleness this time; his lips circled her clit and he sucked, pulling a gasp from her throat. One hand went to his hair, holding onto him as the only damn solid thing in the cave while her world shattered apart in an explosion of pleasure that bordered on pain. She could not even cry out. Her whole body was flooded with mind-numbing bliss.

She felt the rush of pulsing release coursing through her veins and robbing her of rational thought, the chamber echoing with her cries of ecstasy. The demon easily held her weight as he delved his tongue between her lips, his satisfied growl vibrating through her. His long sweeping strokes teased her swollen clit until she whimpered in submission. She was so sensitive even the rasp of his tongue was almost too painful, yet she craved more.

Layla was remotely aware of her heart threatening to rip from her chest, then she felt weightless. Her limbs were a dead weight, saturated with the after effects of that orgasm. The hot water from the spring rushed over her body, soft tingles sinking into her skin and bringing a moan from her throat. A very satisfied male chuckle reached her ears as she floated in the water, strong hands running over her breasts and teasing her peaked nipples until she whimpered.

“Basking in afterglow here, you know.” Yeah, she didn’t sound convincing at all.

“I can see that, maybe I can help?” He had that evil devil-may-care tone again. She opened her mouth to tell him she was just fine when his hand dipped between her legs. His fingers slid deep into her slick body, pressing up against that sweet spot and causing her breath to catch on a cry and her back to arch.

Layla reached out, grabbing for him while he moved his fingers deeply in and out of her core. She gasped when his mouth covered an erect nipple and he bit down, sending a spark of exquisite pain right to her clit. Whimpering in need, all she could do was curl her toes and tighten the one hand that gripped his arm. His tongue swept over her aching pebbled peak and he moved his mouth to her ear.

“You’re so ready for me.” How did his voice send her into even hotter overdrive? He removed his fingers and she felt instantly bereft of his touch. Yet his hands continued moving, skimming over her stomach to her hips. He pulled her toward him so she straddled him.

She settled over him, feeling the thick length of his cock settling between her swollen lips. Just the feel of him had her body throbbing. Moaning softly, she was unable to stop herself from rocking against him, causing those sapphire flames to spark to life on his skin. His low groans made her core tighten at the sound, invoking desperate need within her. Sinking her fingers into his hair, she felt him gripping her hips tight enough to leave bruises. Their mouths only an inch apart, he growled as he kneaded her ass.

“Enough teasing, Layla. I’m going to fuck you now.” His crude words sent her heart racing. She licked her lips, purposefully brushing her tongue over his lips. She watched his pupils dilate into thin snake-like lines as his hand moved between them. He made a point of keeping his gaze locked on hers as he slid his fingers between her slick folds and curled them into her body, pushing up against that soft spot just inside, ripping a gasp from her. “If you prefer, I can take my time.” He withdrew his fingers slowly, then eased them back into her core.

She whimpered, her nails scratching red welts along his shoulders. His low hiss told her he was as desperate as she was to fall into ravaging passion. But the bastard was torturing her on purpose, even when his whole body was shaking with the effort of holding back, and his erection throbbed against her. He wanted her to beg, and gods help her, she knew she would beg.

“No! No, please!” She desperately tried to rock her hips to his fingers but the asshole just withdrew them, preventing her from getting any friction. Layla felt like she was about to die. Sitting on the edge of that precipice of bliss, her mind felt like it was breaking apart, her body hovering close to heaven.

His words were rushed as he spoke, “Good, ‘cause I couldn’t fuckin’ take that another second.” He crushed his mouth to hers, claiming her in a devastating kiss that made her head spin. Layla felt herself being lifted by his immense strength. Then the head of his swollen cock parted her folds and he pulled her down onto his length, thrusting up and bumping hard into the head of her womb, ripping a cry from her.

He started a hard rhythm, his hands gripping her hips, holding her for his onslaught. His mouth devoured hers. It was like he couldn’t get deep enough or drive hard enough. Layla gripped his hair, meeting him thrust for thrust. They were lost in the maelstrom of sensation building around them, and she held onto him—her rock, her mate. He had become the solid ground she could build her family around, and he, too, could settle himself, ground himself with her.

The water splashed around them as they met in hard, frenzied thrusts. Tongues meeting and retreating, mingled with low growls and whimpered moans. This was no sweet lovemaking, this was pure craving. Layla felt Tan pick her up and turn her laying her back. The cool smooth rock hard against her back, her breasts exposed to the cool air of the cave, causing her nipples to pebble and ache for his mouth. Then he was thrusting again, deeper this time, the change in position allowing him to drive into her, his hands on her hips pulling her back against him to meet each surge.

Layla reached back, trying to hold onto something, anything, as he drove into her, her breasts swaying with each powerful thrust. Arching against the cool stone, her cries echoed off the chamber walls. She could swear her blood felt like it was on fire, and for a moment she thought the cave had come alive with light.

Everything was glowing, even her. Her skin shimmered with a million tiny diamonds. She wanted to think more on it, but her mind was sent flying, the sharp build starting in her toes and running up her legs to her core. It surged up her spine, and her mind was flooded with iridescent light. Tan did not stop his thrusts, the blue flame throwing off light against the cavern walls.

His large body leaned over her, those flickering flames like flicking tongues lavishing her skin. Then she felt his lips on her throat as he drove his body hard into hers and her release broke around her. She vaguely heard his voice growl her name before his teeth sunk into her throat. She had expected pain, not the sudden flood of pleasure that rushed through her, sending another wave of orgasm right on the heels of her dimming first release.

Layla felt like a veil had been lifted from her eyes. The cavern shrank away, her body became nothing, and she felt herself floating. Her body was infused with energy from her demon; she could feel the sexual energy rushing through her veins. It heightened her connection with the earth, with the rocks, and that flowing river of sparkling energy that flowed through the world.

Looking down at herself, she should have been shocked to discover she was nothing but light. But it felt natural. She lifted her hand and watched the play of colors as the flow of energy danced under her transparent skin. Every step she took, where her feet connected with the earth, she felt her inner source reaching for that river of flowing light under the earth.

She had always been afraid of it, terrified of what would happen if she immersed herself in that prismatic glow. Yet in this moment there was no fear, only acceptance. So she reached for it, allowing her inner energy to search for that shimmering river. It came as naturally to her as breathing.

From the soles of her feet, tendrils like roots of a tree reached for the glittering light. The second those two energies met she felt like she had been struck by lightning. Energy rushed up through the link between them, surging through her body and exploding out of her form like the rays of the sun. Part of her wanted to pull away. It was too much, far too much for her to take. Then a voice, familiar, kind and filled with love, reached her.

Easy, Layla-Lu. You are doing just fine. From the river walked a figure bathed in light. The glow began to fade, revealing the figure of a woman with straw yellow hair and dark blue eyes. She smiled, clasping her hands before her.

“Mother?” Layla could not believe it, even after all the years her own daughter had talked of seeing her Grammy Annie in her dreams. Before her stood her own mother. Her smile was the same, her eyes, her hair. Layla sobbed, covering her mouth, the flow of energy from the Source diminishing as her knees gave way and she sank to the floor.

Yes, sweet, it’s me. She walked toward her and knelt, brushing a hand over her Layla’s hair. Look at you, all grown up. Oh Layla, I’m so sorry I left you and Lexi.

Layla looked up into the eyes of her mother, eyes she had missed so much. The eyes that had smiled when she baked cookies, eyes that had scolded when Lexi punched Norman Bradly in the nose for stealing a kiss from her in sixth grade. The eyes that had wept when Layla came home in agonized tears the day Richard the Bastard had told her to ‘deal with it’ and turned his back on his pregnant girlfriend.

Layla sobbed and threw her arms around the softly glowing woman. She cried like a child with a scraped knee, like a teenager who had lost her first love. Like a young woman who had been left a single mother, like the new mother who had just lost her own mom on a dark winter’s night. Her mother held her the whole time, just like a mother is supposed to do when her daughter is crying and needs to be held—for as long as she needs it.

It’s okay, Layla-Lu. Everything will be okay. You have your demon now. And I must say, darling, I very much approve.

“Mother!” Layla pulled back with a laughed sob and rubbed the tears from her eyes. With a smile, she looked a little sheepish. “He is seriously hot, isn’t he?” Layla felt like she was twenty again, curled up with her mother on a blanket outside in the sun talking about men.

Layla-Lu. You need to stop blaming yourself for what happened to me. It is not your fault. Understand? Her mother stroked down her cheek, lifting her face. Baby, you have grown so much since that night. You have raised a wonderful daughter who will grow into a beautiful, powerful woman. And now, you hold in your hands the future of our world; you and your sister will help fight this battle together. But first, you need to fix your demon.

“Fix him? His memories? Ilianna, she said this place could help him.” Layla looked around, suddenly realizing Tan was not with her. Wherever she was, she was “outside” her body. God, she hoped she had not passed out during the best sex of her life—he would never let her live it down.

Through you, as the conduit for the Source. You can help him. You are the Seer of Nature. Accept who you are, my daughter. Layla looked to her mother quickly. Her form had started to fade.

“Mother? Don’t go, not yet. Please.” It had not been long enough, she needed more time. There was so much she wanted to tell her. So many things she wanted to ask, and not ask, she just wanted time.

The spirit smiled gently, leaning in and pressing a kiss to her forehead. Layla-Lu, I’m always here, in a warm breeze across your cheek, in Belle’s smile, in your sister’s glare and love of coffee in the morning. I’m in you every morning you make French toast, every time you close your eyes when the first snowflakes fall, just so you can catch them on your eyelashes.

Layla closed her eyes, silent tears rolling down her cheeks. “I love you, Mother.”

A breath of wind caressed her cheek. I love you too, Layla-Lu. Tell your sister Mamma loves her Lexi-Bear, and to go easy on that poor demon of hers. He really isn’t as bad as he seems. The voice of her mother faded into the trickling sound of water.

Layla wanted to think more about her mother and how wonderful it had been to see her. But clearly this out-of-body experience was at an end. Suddenly, she felt the pleasure turn back on like a light switch. Her body flooded with all the sensations she had been feeling before. Unable to keep sitting up she fell back, gasping.

“Oh God!” She still couldn’t see Tan, but she could damn well feel him. It was the most surreal experience of her life to feel his body hot and heavy pressing into hers, his breath upon her neck, and his teeth marking her. She could feel him hard as steel inside her, each thrust drawing out her orgasm that took back control of her mind and body.

Layla felt the surge of power rushing through her. She knew instantly what it was—this was the Source. She could feel her connection to it, flowing through her. She knew what it was for; it was for him. Placing her hands upon his chest, she opened herself to the flowing river and let it use her as the conduit. Trusting her mother to be right about this, she sent the energy surging into her demon.




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