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Wrath's Patience (Seven Deadly Sins Book 3) by R.A. Pollard (33)









Oh god, what had she done? She had blasted him with that light, so caught up in her own orgasm. She had just followed the urge in her soul and touched him, and then he went all rigid—and not in a good way. Layla paced back and forth beside the pool after pulling his body from the water, amazed that she had managed to do it without much effort. She’d quickly dressed in whatever the hell she could find, a mismatching PJ bottom and top. Then she threw a towel over his body and started pacing, calling his name, crying on and off for the last hour—and now was about time for another crying fit.

She kneeled beside Tan again, and reached for his face. His body was still glowing. Whatever she had done to him, he was still experiencing it. Tears rolled down her cheeks for what had to be the fourth time in the last hour. She was starting to get a headache. The only small mercy was that Annabelle had remained asleep the entire time. Maybe she had a higher power to thank for that one.

“Oh God, please, I’m so sorry, Tan. I shouldn’t have done this. I didn’t know what I was doing. I just… Mother, please. Help me, I don’t know what I’m doing. Did I do something wrong?” She wiped her eyes and sat back. Her mother had said it would be okay, so it would be okay. Take a deep breath. Yeah, like she hadn’t told herself that ten times already since he’d gone into convulsions in the water and turned comatose.

Then she felt his hand move against her leg. She got the distinct feeling being this close to him would be a really bad idea right now. Sliding back quickly proved to be the right instinct as the roar that left him was rage-filled and sent her heartbeat into her throat. God, she had never heard him roar like that. It terrified her. It’s still Tan, it’s still the man you love, she kept reminding herself.

His body exploded, literally, flames rushed from him. These were not like the flames she saw on him when he was aroused or teasing her. The towel covering him went up in flames. Layla moved back quickly, hissing as blisters appeared on her arm and hand. Damn, is this the man he really was? Had she given up the man she loved for someone that sent fear into her heart?

Before her eyes, his skin shifted into a mix of royal blue and sapphire. If she wasn’t mistaken he even grew taller. His face changed, becoming more bestial as she watched him roll to his feet. The flames surging from his back began to form huge leathery wings that burned continuously as if made from the fire themselves. Oh god, he really was a demon. She knew, but she had not really comprehended that he did indeed have a demon form. But there he was, growling and panting, his clawed hands gouging out the stone of the cave floor.

She was frozen to the spot, she didn’t know what to do. Her daughter was asleep in this cave. Did he have control in this form? She trembled as the demon before her grunted and his wings flicked out. He lifted his head as if just realizing he was awake and not in Kansas anymore. His eyes shifted around, stopping on her.

Everything seemed to stop. He looked confused, as if he didn’t know her. He tilted his head to the side, his eyes showing he didn’t understand what was going on.


He looked down at himself—his eyes going wide—and started to pant, as if just realizing what form he was in. Regret shone in those eyes, and Layla felt instantly guilty for feeling this way, but she couldn’t help it. He had just gone insane and turned into a demon before her eyes—not like she saw that shit every day!

He stood. God damn her human weakness. She backed against the wall. He was huge. Almost seven feet tall in this form. He didn’t look at her. Turning quickly, he moved toward the back of the cave. Layla felt like the lowest form of life on the damn earth—the man she loved had just turned his true form. And here she was a fucking coward, a pathetic human letting human fears dictate to her.

Sucking in a deep breath she let the fear of his sudden change in appearance leave her; she would not let that change her mind. He was in there, her man, the man she was going marry—properly, because hot sex in a spring in the mountains with neck biting didn’t count. She was about to speak when a squeal from a little girl filled the cave. And it was not one of fear, not in the least.

“You’re blue, Daddy! I love blue!” Annabelle did not even hesitate. God bless children.

She ran to him with a huge grin on her face and literally threw herself at him. The flames that had been rolling over his skin automatically vanished before he caught her. If the look of sheer terror on his face hadn’t convinced her this was her Tan then nothing would. If he had been terrified of holding Annabelle as a human, he looked damn right petrified of holding her now.

“Bella, I don’t think this is a good idea.” Pain ached in his voice as he spoke very carefully trying to form his words.

Layla walked toward him and she watched his wings tighten to his back as he tried to turn his face away from her. She lifted her hand and ran it down his arm, his muscles tensing under her touch. His skin was soft, almost like velvet. His tattoos stood out against the blue of his flesh, the colors seemed to swirl and marble constantly. Regret and guilt hit her hard. God, why couldn’t the first time he showed this form have been under a controlled situation where she had not been terrified she had killed him?

“Look at me.”

He shook his head. “I don’t want you to see me like this. You’re afraid of me.”

Layla closed her eyes, a tear rolling down her cheek.

“Yes, I was. I thought I’d killed you! Then you woke up and I didn’t know what was happening. Please look at me, Tan.” Annabelle remained silent the whole time. She just stayed in his arms, even though he was holding her awkwardly.

Slowly he turned his head, his eyes meeting hers. She smiled through the tears. She knew those eyes. She had seen them last night when he had been dominating and commanding. He was always the demon, he just didn’t show this form. Reaching up she touched his face, brushing her fingers over the new bone structure. She could still see him in his face but it was stronger, harsher, made for fighting.

“You are going to have to sit down, Tan, you are a lot taller like this.” Layla smiled and he relaxed a little, tightening his hold on Annabelle before slowly sinking to the cave floor and settling the child in his lap.

Annabelle lifted one of his huge hands, her eyes wide, and placed her tiny hand over it. “Your hands are HUGE! Oh! I bet you could make massive snowballs with these! And a monster snowman! Can we?” She looked back at him with huge loving eyes, imploring him as only a child can. Layla had never felt so proud. Annabelle didn’t see a demon—she only saw the man she had picked to be her father.

“Maybe, if you go get dressed. We need to talk for a bit, okay?” Layla hoped her daughter got the hint. Annabelle nodded quickly and jumped out of his lap, running back to their camp.

The silence stretched between them, the demon staring at his hands where Annabelle had touched him. It had never been like this between them, so why now?


“Satanus.” He lifted his eyes to hers. “I remember, not everything. Quite a lot is gone. But I remember the important things.”

“Yes, Ilianna told me. Tanus. That is what your bothers call you.” It felt like he was pulling away from her, and it was like her heart was bring ripped in two.

“Yes, Tanus. I’m not safe, Layla. I’m dangerous—”

“Bullshit.” Yes, I just cursed, you weren’t here, Lexi! You missed it! She watched him blink at her and open his mouth to argue.

“I’m serious—”

“—ly delusional… yes, I know you are.” He glared at her. She raised her eyebrows at him and waited. He even glared the same way, even at seven feet tall with flickering flame wings.

“This is no joking matter, Layla. I have no shields against my Sin—” This time he was interrupted by her stepping over him and straddling his lap. His breath rushed out of him, his eyes wide as she sat down and locked her hands at the back of his neck.

“You have me, you idiot. I know I fucked up…” Look, I did it again, Lexi! “I’m so sorry for how I acted. It wasn’t my best moment. I hope can forgive me for that?”

He kept his clawed hands to his sides in fists. She knew he wanted to hold her and he was too scared to. Lifting her eyes to his, it seemed he was just as terrified as she had been.

“You can hold me. It’s okay.”

He shook his head. “I might hurt you. I won’t risk that. Unlike my brothers, this body was designed for war and battle. Calling it is easy, but making it go away—sometimes it would take days, even when the rage was gone from my blood.”

“Then make them go away.” She said it very simply, and smiled at him. He blinked like she had grown a second head.

“They don’t go away.” He narrowed his eyes at her. Yeah, he was the same stubborn man she fell in love with.

Layla had no idea what she was doing, but it felt right. She wanted him to know she still desired him. But what was more important than him knowing she loved him was him knowing he could be around her and not fear for her. She leaned in and saw his eyes widen, but that didn’t stop her from covering his lips. She ran the tip of her tongue against his lips, his whole body going rigid under her. He still tasted the same, but different somehow, more intense. She pulled back, licking her lips. His eyes watched every sweep of her tongue.

“If you want to touch me you are going to have put the claws away.” Yeah, she knew she was pushing him, but sometimes he needed to be pushed. He was trembling under her, his breathing hard and deep. With a half-smile, Layla gave into her urge to seduce the Sin of Wrath. She had convinced him once before he could let himself go with her, and she would do so again.

Layla kept her eyes locked with his, running her hands down his neck and over his shoulders. She was determined to learn this new body. Within this form was the man who had barged his way into her quiet little life and curled up, making himself at home in her heart. Leaning over him Layla traced the edge of his lips with her tongue, bringing a low rumble from his chest. She let her fingers glide over his chest, and his muscles twitched; clearly his skin was much more sensitive in this form. That knowledge brought all sorts of mischievous to mind that she was going to do to him. He lifted his head to make the kiss harder but she pulled back, shaking her head.

“I told you, if you want to touch. Claws. Away.” She heard the scrape of his claws against the rock. Chuckling lightly, she continued to trail her fingers down his sides. His low agonized groan tightened her body, making her pant against him. Pulling back to gather her wits, Layla grinned. His eyes where burning with craving, that dominating look turning her body to wet heat.

His gaze went down to his hands and his lip twitched. She barely had a second to comprehend before his hand sank into her hair, and he pulled her head down so his mouth could cover hers. His fist tightened, holding her for his assault. He claimed her mouth, kissing her into a trembling, panting, whimpering stupor. Then he pulled back with a satisfied smirk on his lips. Okay, claws gone! Holy baby Jesus, were they gone!

Layla licked her lips, letting out a breath as she blinked. “Wow, maybe I should order you around more.”

“Woman, you could have put yourself in danger. What if I had lost—” She wasn’t going to let him ever finish that sentence. Covering his mouth again, sliding her tongue against his, it took less than a second before his hands slid around her back and he pulled her against him, rumbling into the kiss.

She pulled back slowly, his growl vibrating through her. “Will you sto—” Again she covered his mouth; she was rather enjoying this. He groaned, his hands moving to her ass and pulling her hard against his now rather evident erection. He brought his knees up causing her to fall forward against him. Layla pulled back again with a smile, chuckling against his lips. She ran her fingers over his face. He was still blue skinned but his face was pretty much back to normal. She was going to make a mental note to ask him where on earth his impressive package had been hidden earlier. Because she sure as hell hadn’t seen it when he changed into demon form. Thank god for that—it would have been a rather awkward conversation with her daughter.

Smiling, she nipped at his lips. “See, a few kisses and I have you under my spell.”

“You’re crazy. Do you know that, Layla?” Tanus ran his hands up her back. In his semi-demon form he could smell her in ways he never could as a human. He felt more alive like this, but his control was nonexistent, and he could feel his Sin hovering like a hum just under his flesh. All the barriers he had once possessed were gone, and now knew why. Michael.

It came quickly, a surge of fury so powerful he knew he was about to explode into flames. Just thinking of that Malakhim’s name, and the hatred came alight in his blood. He closed his eyes, gritting his teeth. He couldn’t stop it if he tried—there was nothing to stop it. He tried to scramble together anything to stop the wildfire of savagery that was now rushing through him, but it was impossible.

“Layla, please… Leave. Now.” Tanus would never forgive himself if he harmed her. He would rather die them harm her or Annabelle.

“No, I’m not. I’m never leaving. If you can’t control it, then we channel it into something else.” He growled, about to throw her the hell off him so he could run from this cave, anything to keep her safe. He felt her mouth on his, the fire of rage banking a little. But it still wanted revenge more than kissing. Then her hand was between them. She had taken hold of his cock and his breath rushed out of him, his head nearly exploding from the contact. The shock rushed through his body—the fury didn’t know what to do. It raged, it burned, kill… revenge, female… feels good, Layla. My Layla.

“Tell me about your family.” He could not stop his hips arching into her grip. Gasping, his breathing came out in a low growl.

“Fuck, Layla, I can’t when you’re doing that!”

“Yes, you can. Tell me.” He was panting, his hands tight on her ass, his head rolled back. Gods, she was controlling the Sin with a sharp injection of lust—and fuck him, it was working.

He licked his lips. “I… oh gods… I have six brothers. Fuck…” Panting, he sucked a deep breath. Opening his eyes, he locked his gaze on hers. Damn teasing little vixen was going to get it after this. Her finger rubbed over the swollen head of his cock and he almost died in that second. “Lucifer… Pride. He’s a prissy bastard…”

Flames licked over his flesh and he groaned long and low. She was killing him slowly. Surely this damn woman was going to be the death of him. He watched the smile on her face. She was panting, licking her lips. Her scent was rich and heady, thick with arousal. Damn, she was enjoying this. How had he, a damn cursed Sin demon, been so lucky to have a pure soul like her fall for him? Her hand tightened around him and his hips bucked to her grip.

“Keep going, demon, I’m waiting.”

“Dammit, woman! Ze, okay! There is Ze, Envy! He’s an ass, thinks he is funny! Layla, baby… please.” He couldn’t stop thrusting into her hand. She could have asked him to storm the gates of heaven and he would have done anything for her in that moment.

Layla had started this as a means to calm him down, and it had worked—the fury had been channeled into sexual desire. But now all it was doing was making her body ache. Her core flooded with need, and she was getting very, very uncomfortable. She desperately wanted to ease the throbbing of her clit right now. He was thick, hot, and hard as a rock in her hand. Holding him like this, watching every twitch of his muscles, she felt so wanton. Making him talk through it, she felt like some kind of evil seductress. Part of her was craving this control over him almost as much as he seemed to need her to control him through his rage.

She bit down on her bottom lip, drawing her hand along his length, his low growl sending wet heat flooding into her core. “So, that’s two. You said six.” God, please let Annabelle stay away from this end of the cave. Please, please, please!

He opened his eyes, locking them on her, his hands moving to the juncture of her thighs. The evil glint in those depths told her he was not going to play along for too much longer. Pressing his hand against her he made a low purring sound when he found the material soaked.

“Sure you want me to talk about my brothers?” He groaned. He rubbed his hand in hard circles against her, causing her to press down against him. Layla took a deep breath and smiled. Damn him, she was not giving up her game. Oh god, it didn’t matter how much she wanted to rock against his hand and shatter into a million pieces.

“You said six, Tanus.” She slid her finger over the weeping slit of his cock and he hissed, rubbing his palm again her. Okay, this game might not end with her finding out all his brothers’ names at this rate.

“Very well. Asmodeus, my twin effectively, he is Lust.” His thumb rubbed the material roughly against her clit. Layla was going to lose this game she was playing. She leaned her head against his, their lips an inch apart. “What’s wrong, baby? Giving up?”

“Not a chance.” She could do this. Maybe later she would inform him that he had fully shifted back to human form. All his worries about hurting her, and all it took was distracting him with sex.

“Belor… Gluttony.” He grabbed the material of her PJs and tore through it, exposing her to the cool air. Grabbing her hips, he pulled her down, the swollen head of his cock easily sliding between her wet lips. He positioned himself and drove hard into her slick channel. Layla arched back, gasping as he rolled his hips up into her slowly. “Then, we have Abbadon. He is… bit of a ladies’ man…” Moving so she was leaned over him, she met his slow rolling thrusts. His hand sank into her hair, their mouths meeting in hungry deep kisses. Hips rocking together, Layla lost her grip on her control, and the infuriating demon knew it, too. He started to speed up, thrusting harder against her. Seductress turned willing slave in a matter of moments.

“Come on, Layla, come for me. Let me feel you.” One hand moved from her hip to her inner thighs. His thumb rubbed against her clit. Her body convulsed hard against him. He covered her mouth, swallowing the scream of release with his kiss, holding her to him for his driving thrusts. Her core clamped down around him as pleasure washed over her. She could feel everywhere their skin touched as if feeling through him. Layla had officially lost their little game, but it felt so damn good. Wave after wave of pleasure washed through her. Each time he thrust into her she felt another burst sending fire sparking though her veins.

“Layla!” The flames she loved so much rushed over his skin, enveloping them both as he growled into her mouth, spilling his seed hard and hot, deep inside her body. “Fuck!” Breathing fast, he gripped her hips. Layla panted, resting her head against his chest. Oh god, what a rush.

With a sighed breath of contentment, he absently spoke the last name. “Mammon, Greed. My little brother.” His hands ran along her back. She had actually done it, she had channeled that endless rage from explosive risk to something else. Sex, yes, but it had not taken him over.

“Does this mean I won?” She smiled again his chest and then sat up to look at him.

Chuckling low he let out a contented sigh. He lifted his hand and looked at the human skin with a smile.

“For now, crazy woman. Rematch later.” Layla giggled and that brought a grin to his lips.




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