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Lord Rose Reid and the Lost Lady (The Contrary Fairy Tales Book 3) by Em Taylor (4)

Chapter 3


Jason was very aware of Sophia’s presence throughout dinner. And more importantly, of the smirk that lay just beneath the surface of Whitsnow’s benign smile throughout the meal too. Jason had gone to Whitsnow’s room to confront him once he had led the lady up to her room, but either Whitsnow had performed another vanishing trick, or the man had ignored his furious thumps on his door.

Jason had not liked the way Whitsnow had embarrassed Lady Rutherford even if he’d had the right of it. Jason wanted nothing other than to take Lady Rutherford to his bed and sink into her warm body. Perhaps it had just been too long since he had been inside a woman and he needed a little relief.

Or perhaps it is her—a little voice in his head called out. He ignored the little voice. It could go to the Devil. She was just a typical widow of the ton. And a relatively new widow. From the way she reacted to him, it seemed she was not terribly well-versed in the ways of the world. She had not parried with him or flirted. She was definitely not looking for a lover. Perhaps it was too soon after the birth of the babe. He had no idea how long women took to recover from these things.

They had spoken about all the mundane things, the weather, the failure of the crops over the summer, Emily’s wedding, Emily’s impending happy event, Christmas at the Beatties.

“How long do you think until there shall be a thaw?” Jason asked Whitsnow.

Whitsnow shrugged. “The sky is still heavy. It has stopped snowing for now, but I think it may snow overnight. Who knows if the temperature drops.”

“I want to get Lady Rutherford and Lord Rutherford to my estate as soon as possible.”

“Your estate?”

“My father’s.”

“Why would you take them there?” enquired Whitsnow.

“This is far too close to Rutherford land. Benson will find them here.”

“And we can defend them.”

“It is too risky. They are better in the West Ridings of Yorkshire.”

“And your father?”

“He lives in the East Wing with servants doing everything for him. There shall be no difficulties there.”

“And your mother?”

“She will be delighted to see a baby to fuss over.”

“She will think you are marrying Lady Rutherford.”

“She can think what she damn well pleases.”

“And what does Lady Rutherford think of this?”

Lady Rutherford put down her knife and fork and wiped her mouth with her napkin.

“I am not sure. Part of me thinks moving south is a good idea but another part thinks he shall not look for me so close by.”

“You agreed in my bedchamber.”

“I did not agree. I did not say anything, my lord.”

“I thought it was settled.”

“You thought wrong then, my lord. I need to consider the options.”

“This is the best option.”

She stood then and addressed him. “My lord, I shall decide what is best for my son and me. Not you.” She looked at their dinner companion. “Excuse me, Lord Whitsnow. I fear I have lost my appetite. Good evening.”

“Devil take it,” Jason growled.

“Leave it,” Whitsnow warned.

“Why should I? I offer her hospitality and protection and she throws it back in my face.”

“She is a proud woman. She has been ordered around by men her whole life and now she is free to choose her own path. Allow her to choose you.”

“What does that mean?”

“Exactly what I said, Reid. Think of her like a skittish horse. Hold out some oats, but don’t force the issue and she shall eventually come right over to you.”

Jason glowered at his friend.


“No, it will work. Believe me.”

“Says the bachelor.”

“Bachelor by choice, dear man. Bachelor by choice.”

Jason nodded and sipped his wine. She shall eventually come right over to you. It was not bad advice.

“I shall take her up some tea after and apologise.”

“Good plan. Always say sorry even when you do not think you have anything to apologise for. They seem to like that.”

“They do not feel patronised?”

“Not if it is heartfelt enough.”

“Hmm. I shall work out what I am sorry about so that it is at least genuine.”

“Being heavy handed in your dealings with her? Trying to remove her choice from her?”

“Yes, that will do for starters.”

“Remember that she must also be scared, and she does not know us. She is merely hoping that because I am a peer, you are the son of a peer and because she knows my sister, that we are honourable. That is a lot of trust to put in two large men who could very easily harm her and her child in the blink of an eye.”

“I suppose I just assume because it would never cross my mind to harm a woman or child that people know I would not. It doesn’t occur to me that my height, my stature and my very maleness would frighten someone.”

“You can also be rather dour.”

“As can you.”

I blame our masters at Eton. I was a delightful child.”

“As was I.”

They both laughed.

They finished their meal then had their port. When he asked for a tea tray and asked the butler to give it to him, so he could take it to Lady Rutherford, the butler did not raise so much as an eyebrow.

He was very careful as he climbed the stairs and walked to the door of her bedchamber. Once there, he was not sure how to knock on the door and keep the tray steady.

“Lady Rutherford?” He called through the door.


“I brought you some tea.”

“Ask the maid to bring it in then.”

“I, uh, I can’t. I brought it and I cannot open the door.”

A moment or two later, a confused looking Lady Rutherford opened the door. Her eyes widened at the sight of him holding the tea tray.

“Good Lord, you are going to drop it. Give it to me.”

“I… yes, I am.”

She removed it from his hands and carried it inside. He followed and then realised she was only in her chemise.

She turned from laying down the tray and looked at him, then down at her clothing. When she looked back at his face, her cheeks were a delicate shade of pink.

“I did not bring a nightgown. I could only carry a small bag on the horse with Oscar. A nightgown seemed extravagant.”

He licked his lips. He could see her nipples through the thin material and the shadow from the nest of curls at the apex of her thighs. He could feel himself hardening.

“Perhaps I can get you a dressing gown. It will be a little large but it might do. We could have a maid shorten it.”

“That would be very helpful. It will be cold when I have to get up in the night to feed the baby, when all the fires have gone out. I have a shawl, but it is not quite warm enough and does not cover my arms.”

“I shall arrange that immediately and hopefully a maid can make sure it is at the bottom of your bed before the entire household is asleep.”

“It does not matter if it is shortened tonight. I am well acquainted with clothing that trails along the ground. You should have seen the length of my train the day I made my curtsey to the Queen.”

“But you shall have the baby in your arms.”

“He shall be fine.”

“I shall get it now and we can shorten it tomorrow.”

“Thank you, my lord.”

He hurried out of the room and into his own to find one of his dressing gowns. They were all very manly but he picked a woollen one to give her extra warmth. He hoped that she would like the gesture. He took in to her and laid it on the bed.

“I hope it is acceptable.”

“That will do nicely. Thank you,” she said, lifting it and slipping her arms into it. It almost drowned her but once the belt was tied, Jason had a grim sense of satisfaction seeing her in his attire. It was also a little arousing, he realised. There was a certain feeling of having claimed her when he saw her in his dressing gown. Even though she had covered up her beautiful legs and arms and those dark, enticing nipples, he did not mind. Because she was in his clothing. She lifted the collar and sniffed.

“It smells like you.”

“It does?” Was that good or bad?

“Yes, of your cologne and of your… scent.”

“What is my scent?”

“I do not know it jus…. mmm it is nice.”

Damn, the skittish mare was holding out roast pheasant to him. His cock was hard as stone and he could only hope she did not look down at his breeches.

“I should go.”

“Are you not staying for tea?”

“No.” His voice was almost strangled. If he stayed for tea, he would pounce on her and that would not make her feel safe. Damn, his cock was killing him. He needed to be out of here.

“I shall bid you goodnight.”

“Oh, yes. Good night, my lord.”

He wished he could tell her to call him Jason.