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Lace and Paint (True Colors Book 1) by Ally Sky (21)

The car screeches to a halt as Ben slams on the brakes at the side street next to our house. He really did drive fast. I get out of the car, he locks it, and we walk hastily to the house. I try to keep up with Ben’s pace, but with his long legs and my high heels, it’s almost impossible. I’m just glad the house is close, so I don’t have to lag behind him.

Ben opens the door, and I try to catch my breath from the brisk pace. “Where is he?” Ben asks Danny, who’s standing in the kitchen opening a bottle of beer.

“On the patio with John.” He points toward the French doors and Ben rushes outside, leaving me to deal with any questions, which might pop up.

“Hi, did you just arrive now?” Danny asks and frowns.

“Yes, I met Ben outside and he said something about some guy…” I quickly change the subject, looking seriously at Danny. My heart is still pounding.

“Yeah, Ronnie. It’s a long story. Did you sleep at Tom’s?”

I breathe a sigh of relief. A piece of cake, just like I thought. No need for concern.

“Yes. What’s the story with this Ronnie?” I ask curiously.

“His father beat him up. John is trying to convince him to go and get checked out, but the boy is stubborn.”

“How old is he?”


He really is a boy.

“Open a bottle for me as well.” I glance at his cold beer. “With all that’s going on in this house, I think I’m going to need it.”

Danny takes a cold beer out of the fridge for me and opens it up. Maybe I should ask Ben if he also wants one—but I don’t want to disturb them. Okay, I’ll just take a peek outside.

Ugh, I’m dying for a cigarette. I haven’t had one today. Why have they taken over the patio?

I go to the door and peek outside, meaning to offer Ben a beer, but the swollen face of the young man sitting on the sofa scares me.

Oh God, he really got a beating.

Ben and John are sitting on the large sofa and Ronnie is sitting in my usual place on the loveseat, smoking a cigarette. To my surprise, everyone is calm, not that I knew what to expect. Ronnie sees the look of fright on my face and tries to smile, under his bleeding brow.

“You should see the other guy,” he tries to joke about it.

“I thought of offering someone my beer, but on second thought, I’ll keep it for myself,” I joke, trying to smile back at him. Someone should really take a look at his face.

“Ronnie, this is Talia, Danny’s little sister.” John inhales on his cigarette and I can see he’s had a tough morning. His face is lacking its usual calm. I don’t think I’ve ever seen John look so worried.

“Do you want a beer?” I look at Ben.

“Yes, but I’ll get it myself, thanks.” He gives me an inquiring look, and I think he wants to make sure we managed to pull off our dramatic entrance.

I smile at him reassuringly and his face relaxes. He got the hint. Everything’s okay. There’s nothing to be concerned about, at least not because of Danny. I’m not so sure the same can be said about the guy on the sofa.

Ben stands up and John follows, it seems they want to talk inside, which suits me fine because I would love to go outside and smoke.

I make room for them to pass and, as Ben walks by, the smell of his aftershave reminds me of last night, as well as a few wicked memories from this morning. I sit on the large sofa, pull out a cigarette from one of the packets thrown on the table, and light it. I take another look at Ronnie’s bleeding face.

“Is it that bad?” He tries to smile, although it looks a painful effort.

“Ah, it’ll pass.” I try to smile and not look so appalled.

It’s really awful.

“It’s not that bad. They’re just making a big deal out of it.” He nods toward the kitchen.

“What do they want?”

“For me to go to the hospital.”

“And spend Sunday at the emergency room? Cool.” I laugh.

“Yeah, I don’t really feel like it.”

“No.” I roll my eyes. “It’s better to suffer at home, even if it takes longer.”

Is he out of his mind? He has to see a doctor.

“It’ll pass on its own.” He shrugs.

“Sure. You’ll just have an ugly scar, but I’m sure the girls will love it. It’s a pity, though, with your face.”

“What do you mean?” He isn’t quite following.

“Nothing. You know, nowadays doctors put it together in two seconds, and you can’t see a thing afterwards. But, never mind, facial scars are cool.” I shrug nonchalantly and puff on my cigarette.

Ben said he’s a brilliant guy!.Where’s his head? Why doesn’t he go to the hospital already and let my man go so that he can spend time with me in his bed!

“It’s not so bad. I won’t have a scar.” He tries to convince himself, and I realize I’ve pressed the right button.

“Have you looked at yourself in the mirror?” I ask casually.


“Well…maybe you should. You’re going to have one hell of a scar.” I shake my head and roll my eyes again.

“Do you think?” He looks at me with concern and I nod. Good. Let him worry a little as well. Everyone here is worried about him.

“Nah. I don’t want to bother Ben and John with a trip to hospital,” he mumbles, but I can see he’s becoming agitated. I understand he feels bad about bothering them.

“They’re going to sit here anyway until you agree. Believe me, you’ll only be saving them time.” I inhale on my cigarette, pretending I’m not invested in his decision as I lean back on the sofa.

He lights up another cigarette and I smile slightly.

“Believe me, I know how stubborn those two can be. They can be such pains in the ass.”


“Yeah, and anyway, the sooner you go, the smaller the scar you’ll have. Really. A friend of mine had her chin cut open and, to this day, she’s sorry she waited.”


“Yeah, she has a really ugly scar. But you’re a guy. I’m sure it doesn’t matter to you.” I shrug again.

Come on, go already… While the day is still salvageable! “Maybe I should go. You know, so that Ben and John will be happy.”

Thank God! What twenty-one-year-old guy wants an ugly scar on his face?

John comes out again and lights another cigarette. I look at Ronnie expectantly. Ugh, he’s as stubborn as they said he was.

“Maybe it’s not such a bad idea, seeing a doctor,” he finally mumbles and John looks at him in surprise.

What were those two wasting their time on? It was really easy convincing him.

“Really? You want to go to the A&E?”

“I think so. It’s probably nothing. But maybe once the doctor confirms it, you’ll chill.”

John turns to me, but I don’t give anything away. I just shrug again. At this rate, I’ll be demanding a serious shoulder massage from my man this evening.

“Let’s go.” John signals to Ronnie to follow him. They put out their cigarettes and go inside. I lie back and hear the front door opening and closing. I understand my man has left. Danny looks out from the house.

“Everything okay?” He smiles at me, but looks concerned.

“Of course, why wouldn’t it be?” I smile back at him.

“Okay. I’m going to Tesco. Do you need anything?”

“No, but if you wait fifteen minutes, I’ll come with you.”

“Great, I’m going to change clothes,” he says and disappears into the house. I get up and follow him.

* * *

My thoughts are somewhere between the emergency room and a birthday party for a pair of two-year-olds. I can imagine the balloons hanging high above the green lawn, two cakes, a pile of presents, and a green-eyed man rolling on the grass, having fun with his niece and nephew. If that witch hadn’t done what she had, it could’ve been his child rolling around with him—his child and hers.

Danny and I fill up the cart with groceries for the upcoming week.

“So what’s happening with Tom?” Danny puts a six-pack of beer in the cart and pushes it down the aisle.

“Not much,” I answer, trying not to give too much detail.

“Why haven’t you brought him to meet us yet?” He continues pushing the cart and we stop in front of the large shelf of bread.

“I don’t know. It just hasn’t worked out. You know, he works until late and I’m not sure we’re at that stage already.”

“That stage?”

“Yes, you know, supper with my older and overprotective brother. I don’t want you to scare him off.”

“Yeah, I guess I really can be scary.”


“How’s it going at work?” He’s interested, and I realize it’s been a while since we’ve had time to just sit and talk. I’ve been busy in the basement or sneaking off to Ben’s house, and he’s been busy at work, barely making it home in time for supper.

“I think it’s going well,” I reply. Obviously I don’t tell him I have precise, inside information about what my boss thinks of me.

“I’m glad. It seems as if your life is heading in the right direction.” He’s pleased, and I’m not sure whether he’s right or wrong.

The truth is, I’m not getting enough sleep and I’m probably drinking too much, but in spite of that, my life is in some kind of a routine.

But I also know my demons are stirring behind the scenes, and that the complicated situation with Ben isn’t helping much. I know myself well enough to know I’m on the edge. One slight movement could throw me up or down, and I have no way of knowing what it’ll be.

“I’m glad Ronnie agreed to go the hospital.” I change the subject. Danny doesn’t need to know what’s going on inside my head.

“Yes, it was a rough morning.” He exhales in relief. I can just imagine.

“So, what, he just came knocking on your door?” I ask in an attempt to understand the sequence of events.

“Yes, he got us out of bed at nine,” he replies.

I also woke up at nine, although not where he thinks I did.

“Okay, I think we’re done here. Let’s go home and find out how many people I’m cooking supper for tonight.” I grin, not sure if Ben will be joining us. A slight feeling of disappointment creeps in because my day with him was interrupted. I would much rather eat supper with Ben on his comfortable sofa, watch a movie on television with him, and then fall asleep in his bed.

Okay, I have to calm down. I’m starting to think like a sweet, little housewife. And he’s not into that, other than the part about the bed. So no ideas about romantic suppers at his house or my heart really will shatter into pieces.

We pay, pack the groceries, and walk home.

Danny’s phone rings just as we enter the house. He answers as I start filling up the fridge and cupboards.

“It’s for you. Ben needs help with something.” He’s holding out his phone and my heart skips a beat. Ben needs help with something? And he told Danny? I’m confused.

“Hello?” I answer formally.

“Hi, did I surprise you with my phone call?” I can picture him smiling on the other side, but my face stays impassive in front of Danny, who’s looking at me curiously.


“Is Danny still next to you?”


“Listen, we’re still here and I need help. Do you think you could pop over to Hamleys to buy the twins birthday presents? They close at six, and I don’t think I’m going to make it.”

Wow, birthday presents for the twins? What do I know about two-year-olds?

“Do you have any idea what?” I’m looking at Danny, who’s still looking at me.

“No, but I’m sure you’ll find something,” he laughs.

“Okay, I’ll go there now,” I reply.

“You’re a savior. I’ll see what time I finish here and then we’ll see whether I’ll come to you, or you may have to bring the presents to me.” I can literally hear him smiling.

I actually like the second idea—a great excuse to go to his.

“Okay, talk to you later,” I answer formally and end the call, giving the phone back to Danny.

“What does he want from you? Something work-related?”

“No, it seems that his brother’s twins have a birthday. He needs help with the presents.” I pretend to be busy sorting out the fridge.

“Oh, good thing he asked you and not me.”

“Yeah,” I mumble.

I finish sorting out all the groceries, grab my purse, and take the tube to Regent Street.

At the entrance to Hamleys, I ask myself how I am supposed to know what to look for. There are five floors filled with every imaginable toy and game.

I begin wandering around the huge shop and imagine being a child and walking around here for hours. But I’m not a child anymore, just a twenty-six-year-old woman, with no kids of her own, who has no idea what two-year-olds like. Eventually, I see what I’m looking for: a big sand-and-water activity table that can be put in the backyard. It’s written here that it’s suitable for two-year-olds but it’s huge. How will I be able to get it out of here?

I take out my mobile and send Ben a message.


Where are you?

I’m thinking about a solution, when Ben gets back to me.

“Hello,” I answer formally. I need to be cautious, he may not be alone.

“Hi. What’s happening?”

“Everything is fine. Where are you?”

“We’ve just finished now. It took so long. John will tell you about it at home. Where are you?”

“Hamleys. Do you have the car?”

“It’s in the hospital parking lot.”

“Can you come over here and pick me up? The present you bought for the twins is big,” I say with a laugh.

“Really?” He laughs back.

“Yes, it’s very cool. You’ll be their favorite uncle in the whole world.” I’m pleased with myself.

“Okay, I’ll fetch you from the shop. Can you wait outside in twenty minutes?”

“Yes. I’m going to go now and spend your money.”

“Okay, twenty minutes.” He hangs up and I realize he never asked me how much the present costs. I hope I’m not going to get into trouble with him. It costs one hundred and ten pounds.

Twenty minutes later, I’m standing in front of the store as the silver Porsche pulls up and Ben jumps out. He’s momentarily speechless when he sees me standing there with the monstrous box between my legs.

“Wow! What did I buy them?” he jokes.

“A sand-and-water table for the backyard.” I smile widely, pleased with my choice.

“That’s pretty cool.” He loads the box into the car and I get into the passenger seat. Ben climbs into the car and turns to me.

“Where are John and Ronnie?” I ask.

“In John’s car.” He smiles at me.

How stupid of me. Of course, there’s only room for two in Ben’s car.

“It’s just you and me, kiddo.” He teases me, and I grin broadly. I have the pleasure of spending a few more minutes alone with him.

“Just you and me.” I’m ecstatic. Ben leans over to me, catching me off guard, and presses his lips to mine. I feel his tongue in my mouth and his hands in my curls.

After a moment, he pulls away, a silly grin on his face.

“Are you ready for the show, Miss Blum?”

“Absolutely, Mr. Storm.”

Ben accelerates and slips into the traffic with ease.

* * *

When we enter the house, Ronnie is sitting on the sofa. He has a big bandage on his nose. John and Danny are sitting next to the black, marble island.

“How was the outing?” I ask John.

“Long. The guy broke his nose,” John smiles tiredly. He seems glad the day is over.

“Can I pamper you with supper?” I ask.

I’m in a good mood. I just bought a present for Ben’s niece and nephew and I kissed him in the car.

“Do you feel like cooking?” John asks hesitantly.

How can I not cook for him after such a long day?

“Yeah, I’m happy to. We’ll throw something on the grill and have a few beers.” I think that’s the best way to end the evening, plus it’s an offer Ben won’t want to refuse.

“Excellent, I’m knackered,” he agrees and I turn to Ben, who’s talking to Ronnie in the living room.

“Are you staying for supper?”

“Of course, why not? After a day like today, beer and meat sound great,” he answers formally, but I’m content. I’m willing to continue with this charade all evening if it means him being here.

We spend the evening on the patio. I try not to steal looks at my man, not to stare at his soft hair, which I love caressing so much at night, and not to get lost in his eyes.

Several schemes are running around my head as I try to think of a way to sneak out to his house again tonight.

At nine thirty, the men go their separate ways. Ronnie says goodbye to me with a painful smile and Ben leaves with a cold and formal goodbye, which makes me want to laugh.

John and Danny retreat to their bedroom and I lie on my bed, after having washed all the plates in the kitchen. I send a message to Ben.


When are you leaving tomorrow?


Early in the morning. I have a few things to do at home before the party.


Can I see you tonight?


Not tonight, beautiful. It’s been a long day

By the way, how much did the present cost me?

My heart clenches in disappointment. Once again, he’s told me not to come. It really was a long day, and I totally understand him. He probably wants to shower and go to bed early, and it’s obvious to both of us what’ll happen if I go there. I just wanted to see him so much. I send a message back.


110. You’re a very generous uncle.

I wake up in bed and look at the clock. It’s four in the morning. I’m wide awake. Why am I waking up so early? I know myself and I know I won’t be able to get back to sleep. I go down to the basement, put the music on low, and get addicted to the feelings. I paint like I haven’t painted for ages—I paint love.




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