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Slick Running (Satan's Devils #3) (Satan's Devils MC) by Manda Mellett (3)

Chapter 2


Four months ago

For the next week life goes on much as normal, my tedious job still as boring as hell. Excited and hopeful, I go to the café the next Saturday, but Jill doesn’t turn up. Disappointed, I wonder whether anything’s happened, but then convince myself it must be a sign they don’t want me and she’s too embarrassed to tell me to my face. And that’s probably a good thing, isn’t it? Am I really cut out for the sort of life she described at the Satan’s Devils’ club?

By the following Tuesday I’ve almost given up on the idea, when there’s a knock at the front door. Flinging it open I’m expecting to find Tilly’s latest layabout boyfriend and am about to give him a piece of my mind for forgetting his key, when I shut my mouth fast. It’s no one for my housemate. Instead, to my astonishment, I see Jill standing there with a Satan’s Devil’s biker waiting behind.

After a wide-eyed nod to my friend I study her companion. My eyes go up, and up, eventually meeting the grinning face of one of the most striking men I’d ever seen in my life. Not classically handsome, and a bald head which I don’t normally like, but with piercing blue eyes which seemed to see right through me. Full lips I just long to kiss. He leans with his hand on the top of the doorframe, his elbow resting on the side.

Rendered completely speechless, I stand with my mouth gaping like a fool.

“Gonna invite us in?” he prompts at last with a smirk.

After swallowing a couple of times I find the right words. “Yeah, come in. Er, it’s not much.” I step aside and look around, seeing the place as it would look to others. Secondhand furniture sourced from the thrift store, and not looking particularly clean. To call my housemate a slob is to give her a compliment, and after months of becoming tired tidying up after her, I’d become that way too. Dirty cups, glasses, empty bottles, and takeaway bags litter the floor. I feel shame at the way I’ve started to live. They pretend not to notice, and without making a fuss clear a space and sit down.

Once seated, the biker makes no attempt to hide his blatant visual inspection, his sharp eyes making me flush. He’s checking me out. Although his intense gaze makes me uncomfortable, I realise it’s all part and parcel of what I’m looking to become, and can probably expect more in the future if I make it through this first test. Hoping I will pass muster because, by Christ, if this is an example of who I’d have to make myself available to, I’ll be all for it. Straightening my back, I ignore my discomfort and let his eyes roam.

In turn I’m giving him a good once-over too, coming to the conclusion I don’t think I’ve ever met a man who made me feel so immediately turned on in my life. As his eyes lazily examine me, my underwear begins to feel damp, my nipples start peaking, and it’s on the tip of my tongue to invite him into my bedroom to give me a trial run. Embarrassed, I look down, then dare glance at him again, and a shiver runs through me as my eyes drop to the apex of his jeans. Hell, Jill hadn’t been lying. He’s hiding one hell of a package under the denim. And it seems to be growing in front of my eyes.

“Like what you see?”

Going red, I turn away fast, hating I’ve been caught. I don’t know where to look, or what to do with my hands.

“The name’s Slick.” He takes pity on me. “Jill, here,” he nods at his companion, “said you’re hankerin’ to join us as a sweet butt. That right?”

He’s certainly direct, and faced with the plain-spoken question I’m suddenly flummoxed. Am I really going to admit I want to be a whore? But as I step back my foot kicks at a bottle, it rolls away and hits the table leg with a thud, reminding me of my current circumstances. Have I any other option? Living like this isn’t what I’d planned. Anything has to be better. And it’s the handsome biker in front of me that helps me decide.

Being so tall, when Slick stands up he looms over me. Reaching out his hands, he wraps his large fingers around my arms. “Look, Ella, isn’t it?” When I nod my confirmation he continues, “I need an honest answer.” His eyes flick to Jill. “Sweet butts live at the club. We provide comfortable and,” he pauses and looks around the room, his face wrinkling in disgust, “clean accommodation. And everything you need. You’ll get money to spend. In return, you’ll do whatever the brothers want from you. You’ll become property of the club. In essence, that means you look after us, and we look after you.” He finishes with a wink, leaving me in no doubt what he means.

Property? I’m not sure I like the sound of that. “What if I don’t like what they want?”

He offers that panty-melting smirk once again. “Oh, I think you’ll find you like it, darlin’. Look, it’s fuckin’ darlin’. You like to fuck?”

I’ve never heard it put so crudely. I gulp, and just about manage to nod my head.

“They’ll expect you to give head. You up for that?”

Christ! He’s being too frank. With a boyfriend I don’t mind, with just anyone I’m not sure. I suppose I’d have to try. I bite my lip, not knowing what to say.

“Hmm. Well, most of us use condoms to be careful.”

I raise my eyebrows. I’d expected I’d have to take charge of birth control. And I probably will, in case. Then it dawns on me why they use condoms. I’ll probably be going from one man to another. Hastily I start to rethink.

He chuckles. “Biker fuckin’, baby. It’s not one sided. You’ll come so many times you won’t know which way is up.”

And my traitorous womb clenches. Just how many times could he make me come? Once has been a bonus in my past.

My face must give my thoughts away. Another close examination, then he seems to come to a decision with a nod. Speaking over his shoulder, he throws out an instruction, “Jill, get lost.”

Obediently my friend gets to her feet, she casts a look at me I can’t quite interpret, picks up her jacket I hadn’t noticed her take off, and steps to the door.


I’m not sure about this turn of events. She’s going to leave me alone with this big burly biker?

She must notice my confusion, but she just shakes her head. “It’s club business, and I can’t be involved.” Her eyes flick toward Slick. “You’ll be fine with him, Ella. He just wants to talk.”

I look in the same direction, only able to see this hunk of a man standing in front of me. And if I want to do more? Who’s going to protect him from me? Shit, woman, get a hold of yourself.

He chuckles and seems to read my mind. “This isn’t a practical, Ella. I won’t be tryin’ you out.” Then his levity disappears and the corners of his mouth turn down. “There’s a conversation we need to have.”

Again, I look at Jill, but she simply shrugs. She looks puzzled as though this isn’t the normal way they go about things, but what would I know? I’ve never previously auditioned getting into someone’s bed before.

And she’s going to leave anyway. His strong hands are still holding me, and I realise I don’t have a choice. The door bangs behind her, and I’m left alone with a man I don’t know.

Slick looks at me carefully, then gives a jerk of his chin. “Ella, I’ll be straight with you. Usually you’d come to a party or two. If the brothers like you, and you’re okay with their demands, then we’d talk about allowin’ you to stay after that. But fuck it, this situation ain’t fuckin’ normal.”

One of his hands moves down and wraps round my fingers. He encourages me over to the couch and sits beside me, his body twisting so he can look me in the face. “You’re a good-lookin’ woman, Ella. Wouldn’t be any hardship havin’ you in the club. You hear me?”

I jerk my head. Is he offering me a job?

“Jill reckons you’re trustworthy. That right?”

Pleased that she’s vouched for me, I tell him I am. Well, I always turn up on time and have never stolen anything.

“Won’t kid you, Ella. You let slip one word of what I’m gonna tell you to anyone else, well, let’s say it would probably end up being the last thing you say.”

Another shiver, this time from nerves, and I try to pull my hand away. I can’t do this. I’ve heard rumours about the club, anyone living in Tucson knows their reputation. They’re not people you’d cross lightly.

“I don’t think I want you to tell me anything more.” What if I inadvertently gave something away, even if I don’t mean to? Reading between the lines, he’s just told me I’d end up dead.

Ignoring my protest, he continues, “We have a problem.” Now he lets go of my hands, and rough fingers push a strand of my long auburn hair over my shoulder. For a second he glides it between his fingers. “We think you might be the person to help us. And in return, you get all the biker cock you could want.”

I can’t say he’s not being forthright and upfront about everything. And there’s a tingle of excitement that I could help them out. Just think how might they reward me! My conversations with Jill come into my head. Oh, I’ll take this man’s cock any way he wants me to. Even in my mouth. There’s just something about him. A rush of arousal influences my response.


“Okay,” he parrots, putting his hand to his head, smoothing over the shaved dome, and is quiet for a while, then, “I said the situation isn’t normal. Thing is Ella, we need someone just like you. We need an attractive woman to go into another club and plant some tiny cameras for us.”

What? I look him straight in the face, trying to ignore that he called me attractive and focus on the more important part. Giving an incredulous laugh, I respond, “You’re asking me to spy for you? I think you’ve got the wrong person, I’m not James Bond.”

He snickers. This conversation might be easier if that sound didn’t go straight to my already very wet nether regions. As he reaches for one of my hands and brings it to his lips, it’s at that moment I decide whatever he wants me to do I’d do it, just for the chance to experience his undivided attention for the night. A niggling doubt at the back of my head reminds me it’s usually men that are led by their dicks, and here I am letting my pussy have far too much influence on the matter.

“Ain’t gonna kid ya. Going into another club? They’ll expect the same as we would.”

His deep voice affects me on some subconscious level, making me dream of being in his bed. And all I have to do to reach this utopia is go to another biker club, and, by the sound of it, break myself in on a different biker’s cock. But isn’t that exactly what I was planning to do anyway? But Slick, now I’ve met him… I don’t want to lose the chance with him.

“If,” I cough to clear my throat, which seems to have seized up, “if I do this, will you…?”

“Will I fuck ya, darlin’?” He gives a low laugh and his eyes rake my body, lingering unashamedly on my tits before coming back to my face. “You can count on that.”

Before I can reconsider it, I blurt out the words, “You would? Even if I’ve been with another biker first?”

A strange look passes over his face before he recovers and laughs loudly. “I think you could say that’s part of the job description, darlin’. No, it wouldn’t matter one fuck to me.”

Again, without thinking the words come out. “I’ll do it.” What? I’m not sure I meant to say that.

But his expression of pleasure means I can’t take it back. “You will?” Sounding surprised, he turns my head to face him. “I can’t tell you how much this would mean to my club.” Then his smile fades. “Ella, I have to be honest with you. You do everything I say, else it could get dangerous. You’ll need to be careful.”

Dangerous? I don’t like the sound of putting myself in danger. But I’m not one to go back once I’ve committed. I just mentally note I’ll listen to his every instruction. “I will.”

“Okay.” He sits forward and clasps his hands between his knees. “This is how it’s going to play out. The club we want you to go to is in Phoenix. We’ll rent a small apartment in your name so it won’t look like you come from out of town. We’ll provide a small junker to get you to and fro.”

So far it sounds brilliant. To get out of here, and to be given a car? Bring it on!

“You’ll have to try and get into one of their parties. You’ll need to look sexy for that.” He glances at me again. “Not that you’ll need to do much.”

I preen at his compliment.

“The cameras are tiny. We want you to plant as many as you can. Shouldn’t be too difficult, especially later on when they’re drunk. Don’t try to be clever, El. Don’t be tempted go into their church.” At my look of confusion never having thought bikers would be a religious lot, he explains, “It’s where they hold club meetin’s.”


It all sounds so simple, until I remember the catch. “I’ll have to, er…”

“Yes, Ella. You’ll have to fuck whoever wants you. But that won’t mean anything, will it? It’s no different to what you’re wantin’ to do for us.”

That was before I met you. I don’t say that out loud. Then I rationalise it. He’s the first biker I’ve spoken to. Maybe my lady parts would start singing for another if they were anything like him. After a moment I nod.

“Ella, darlin’. You get can’t get caught. If it’s too risky, don’t place the cameras.”

“But if I don’t, there’s not much point to going there at all.” I swallow and then put more force in my voice. “I won’t let you down, Slick. I’ll get it done.”

“Don’t take chances. They’ll kill ya without turnin’ a hair.” His stare tries to impress that he’s deadly serious.

Shivering, I stand and walk away from the couch, rethinking my hasty agreement. When I turn around I catch the look on his face. It’s one of hunger, and is directed at me. I felt a twinge as my muscles clamp down. He’s so sexy it shouldn’t be allowed.

“What if they get suspicious?”

“Then get out of there right away. I’ll be stayin’ close, a phone call away. If you need to get out, or the moment you’ve been successful, I’ll swing by and pick you up.”


He gives a quick grin. “Yeah, darlin’. I’ll be there. And I won’t leave you stranded.”

I can only hope the flush on my face doesn’t give away that the assurance of his personal attention pleases me far too much.