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Chase by Chantal Fernando (15)

Chapter Fifteen

I’m sitting at the table with Chase, getting several looks from women. The looks range from jealous and bitter, to smug. It’s the smug ones I despise, because they look as if they have already had a piece of Chase, and it’s making me jealous as hell. I get introduced to all of Chase’s associates; one man named Eric was eyeing me too obviously, causing Chase to hiss “That’s not where her fucking eyes are Eric.”

Eric went bright red and excused himself, only causing Chase to mutter, “Probably excusing himself to go to the bathroom now, sick fuck.”

When it hit me what he meant, I blushed like crazy. “Not everyone sees me as you do, Chase.” I retort.

Chase just looked at me like I was insane. The dinner was delicious, and I loved watching Chase eat. He saw me watching him and purposely licked his lips. I stifled a groan. I was shocked when I saw a familiar face. My cousin’s boyfriend, Colton. I stand up when Colton comes over to greet me, wrapping me in a warm hug. I can feel Chase bristle at another man having his hands on me.

“Where’s Sasha?” I looked around for my cousin.

“She’s not here, we uhh, kind of on a break right now,” he says a little sheepishly.

“Oh.” I reply. I had no idea; I thought those two were solid. I made a mental note to give her a call to see how she was holding up.

“Chase, this is Colton. Colton, this is Chase.” They shake hands.

“I’m her man.” Chase states smugly.

They seem to be staring each other down, though I have no idea why. This man was considered family to me. I slowly elbow Chase, who looks down at me and frowns.

“Nice to see you Colton, Chase and I are going to dance.”

Colton gives me a smile. “You too Layla. You look stunning.” Chase pulls me to the dance floor before I can say thank you.


“He was staring at you! Your breasts, your hips...” He hisses in my ear, so no one could hear.

I sigh. “I seriously doubt that. He’s with my cousin.”

“Not anymore apparently.”

I roll my eyes at him. “Semantics. We have considered each other family for two years.”

“Well ‘family’ is currently staring at your ass.” He growls, his voice getting aggressive.

“Well then I guess we are even, because I’ve had to put up with stares from various women all night. The worst stares are the smug, knowing ones. Because their eyes are telling me they have already had you!” Now I’m getting angry.

Chase is silent. I can see him glancing around.

“Who’s fucking giving you looks? I’ll fire their asses.”

I sigh. I see one woman who’s been staring at me all night. I gesture to her inconspicuously. Chase looks at her then grimaces. He looks at me sheepishly. “Okay maybe her, but it was a long time ago. Like a couple of years.”

I practically growl. “Doesn’t your company have a no fraternizing policy?”

Chase grins, “We do. But it’s more frowned upon than anything.” His grin drops and his face turns worried. “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable Layla. Do you want to leave?”

“No,” I reply quickly, “but you can also deal with Colton checking out my ass for the entire night.” I sway my hips seductively.

Chase glances behind me and growls. “Bastards eyes are fucking glued to your ass.”

“Karma,” I snicker.

His lips twitch, then he spins me so I’m facing the other way.


The next day I decide to do some cleaning. I crank my iPod dock to full volume, and start with the kitchen. After the kitchen is sparkling, I remember Sasha so I give her a quick text.

L: Saw Colton last night. Forget to tell me something?

S: Oh yeah I dumped his ass.

L: You okay?

S: Yes! I’m already seeing someone new ;)

L: We need to catch up soon!

S: Yes we do, I’ll call you. Mwah xx

I giggle. My cousin is a firecracker.

Since I’m home alone, I start dancing to One Direction- Kiss, you while I vacuum and mop all the floors. I do a little grinding move, step back and land on someone. I scream and turn around, grabbing the mop as a weapon. I see all three brothers staring there, laughing. I walk to my dock and turn the music off.

“Give a woman a little warning around here!” I growl, embarrassed.

Chase’s eyes are soft of mine. “We were enjoying the show babe.” His dimple is out in all its glory.

Kade lifts up his phone. “I’ve got it recorded if you want to see. My favorite part is you using the mop as a microphone.” He erupts in laughter again.

I groan. “You show anyone that Kade, and I swear! I will be the biggest cock block the next time your lady friends come over!”

That causes James to crack up laughing again. These men! Chase kisses me and gives me a curious look.

“Why are you cleaning? You know we have someone come in once a week or so.”

I frown. “What is she, a fairy? I’ve never seen anyone here before.”

This causes all three of them to chuckle, although why I have no idea.

“She comes on Monday mornings. I think you have classes then.”

I do indeed have classes then. I guess that makes sense. Chase pulls me mop away from me and pulls me into his arms.

“So, I didn’t know you were a One Direction fan,” he says, voice on the verge of laughter.

“I am not a One Direction fan!” I say defensively.

“Then how come you have heaps of their songs on your iPod?” Kade barks out merrily as he snoops through my IPod! Argh!

“I plead the fifth!” I say adamantly. They all laugh.

“You can dance like that all you want though.” Chase mumbles through a crooked grin.

“Hopefully to better music next time,” James adds.

I bury my face in Chase’s chest and sigh.


I get home from my doctor’s appointment; I’m finally on birth control. That’s one less worry for me, and in a week from now we can stop using condoms. Chase was going away to Sydney on business tomorrow. He had avoided it as long as possible, but now he had an important meeting he couldn’t miss. I was going to visit my parents for the weekend, coming back on Sunday. Chase was only going for a night, coming back on Friday. It sucked but it was what it was, I’m sure we could survive a few days apart. I was cooking some lunch when James walked in, coming over to me and kissing me on the head. Both guys treated me like their little sister, it was adorable. He started snooping around the kitchen.

“James, taste this.” I hand out the spoon to him, and he takes a taste.

He groans, “It’s good.”

“It will be ready in about five minutes.”

“Love you living here.” He grins.

I scoff. “Are you sure? I’m pretty sure you guys are limiting your sexual exploits because of me.” I was just guessing, but James’ blush answered my question.

“I’m going away this weekend. You guys can do as you please. Just wipe down all the counters after please.”

James laughs, “I’ll remember that. But seriously, we don’t mind. I think Kade is on his best behavior these days anyway.” He says, his mouth twisting. Huh. “We respect you and Chase will hunt us down if we make you feel uncomfortable. But I still do have girls over; I’m not turning into a saint for you.”

“I don’t mind really. Carry on as you did before I got here. It’s your house. Here, the food is ready.”

“Thanks, Layla. It smells amazing.”

“You know, Chase won’t accept my rent money, so it’s in my room, accumulating. Can I give it to you?” James choked on the piece of chicken he was eating.

“Yeah, about that. Chase said you don’t need to pay anything. We don’t need the money, we just wanted a roommate for when we go away, which can be often during the holidays, and the house is just left empty.”

I was pissed.

“I can’t just live here for free!”

“Hey take it up with your man, princess.”

I was many things, but a kept woman was not one of them. We have only been dating for like, a little while! He better understand that I need to pay my own way. I text him.

L: The rent money is literally just sitting in my room. Can you take it please? My drawer won’t even close anymore.

C: Baby..

L: Don’t you baby me..

C: Babe you buy food and cook for us. That’s more than enough. I want to take care of you. I’d give you a credit card for all the shopping if I thought you would fucking take it.

L: Don’t even think about it.

C: Compromise Layla.

L: We haven’t been dating that long Chase..

A few minutes before a reply.

C: On my way home.

I run into his room to wait for him.

I’m lying in Chase’s bed wearing nothing but a red bra and matching panties when he storms in. He smiles sexily, and rubs his hands over the sexy stubble growing on his cheeks.

“You’re going to let me pay for myself, aren’t you Chase?” I ask him, running my hands slowly over my body. His gaze follows my hands.

“I have never seen anything so sexy in my life,” he rumbles. Well, I have never felt so sexy in my life.

I undo the back of my bra strap and continue, “Say yes Chase,” I say in a sultry tone.

“Huh, what?” he mumbles stupidly.

I grin. “You are going to let me pay for something in this house, I feel weird otherwise.”

“Umm. Fine baby, fuck. Don’t tease, take it off. Now,” he commands.

I pull my bra off then I sit up and grab him by his tie and pull him down onto the bed. I slowly strip him, pushing his hand away when he tries to help. When he is naked, he is on me in a second.

He tears my panties off me in his impatience, and enters me in one thrust.