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Love Divide (Battlefield of Love Book 2) by Cary Hart (4)


Niki hasn’t been her usual sassy self the past couple weeks, and by the looks of her as she walks through the door, nothing has changed. Hair wild, minimal makeup, flats instead of heels. To everyone else, she’s as beautiful as ever, but this look…it’s not her.

At the school she is required to dress down, makeup natural, hair pinned up, and let me tell you, it’s a good thing she is teaching preschoolers because kids fifth grade and up would be hot for teacher.

“Hey, kid,” I call to her, but she is too deep in a texting war for me to register with her.

Walking straight past me, she heads toward the break-room to lock up her personal items.


Looking over to Cindy stocking the shelves, I holler, “You have hostess duties today. Chloe called in. I’ll work the bar with Niki.”

“Gavin, I need the tips,” she pleads.

“No problem. Have mine.” Normally I stick any tips I receive in the split jar, but tonight, I would give her all my tips plus whatever I have in my wallet to have the chance to work with Niki.

Hand on hip, she gives me an “oh really” look. “Seriously Gavin? I highly doubt you can pull in the amount of tips I get in one night.” She waves her hands at her naturally fabulous cleavage.

Unbuttoning a couple buttons and rolling up my sleeves, I mimic her glare. “As you were saying?”

Her mouth drops open. “Fine. I’ll hostess.” She throws the towel down. “But you have the rest of prepping duties.”

“Finish stocking, and I’ll take prep.” I wink. “Thanks, Cindy, for being a team player.”

“Damn you for being so damn nice.” She goes back to stocking the coolers.

One problem down, now off to the next. As I turn the corner on my way to the locker room, I run right into Niki, knocking her on her ass. “Oh shit, kid.” I’m down beside her in an instant, checking for any signs of injury.

“Seriously, dude, you are like running into a brick wall. Work out much?” She holds her hand out for me to grab.

I stand and take her hand. I carefully pull her up and wrap my arm around her waist to steady her, but her next move takes me by surprise. Her arms fly around my waist as she buries her face in my chest.

“Gav, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay, kid. It was just a little run in.” I give her an out to forget and move on.

“No, I’ve been keeping things from you…”

“You aren’t required to tell me everything.” I bring my hand in between us and raise her chin to look at me. “But if you want to, I’ll be here; just say the word.”

“Word,” she whispers.

“Come here.” I pull her back in tight, kissing the top of her head. “I’m working the front with you this evening. Let’s get through this, and afterward, come home with me. Let me take care of you.”

“Netflix and cuddle? Sounds like a plan.” she pinches my side before pulling away.


“Stop complaining and standing around. I hear the boss is a real stickler. You don’t want to get caught goofin’ off.” And for the first time in a couple weeks, her smile is genuine as she rounds the corner. “Hey Gavin?” She peeks her head back around. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but thanks. Thank you for always being there.”

“Kid, I wouldn’t have it any other way.” I return the smile. “Now get to work before the boss catches you.”

Giggling, she salutes. “Yes, sir.”

Even though we’re good, I know whatever was bothering her is still lingering in the background. The only difference now is she’s running toward, not away from, me. This I can handle.


Him. He is all I need to be happy. My best friend, my soulmate, Gavin Shaw is everything to me.

Since the day I walked into Spotlight, seeking a summer job, he made sure I was always taken care of. Then a head bartender, he worked his way up to club manager, making an impression on the owner, Ford Phillips, as well as the rest of the staff. There is no one who dislikes that man.

Kind, smart, funny, and loyal to a fault, Gavin is every girl’s dream. Something I try to not think about. Jealousy doesn’t look good on me.

I’ve thought about crossing that line multiple times. Actually, there was a night that we both had a few too many drinks, but I knew exactly what I was doing. I wanted to kiss him, take things farther to see how he felt against me, his touch searing my skin. But as quickly as it started, I had to go and fuck it up by laughing. Who does that? Me.

He felt too good, but in that moment, I feared the worst. What if I was just another piece of ass? What if it ruined our friendship? Gavin wasn’t only my co-worker; he became my best friend, outside of Aubrey. I needed him. So, I played the “What are we doing? We are so drunk” card and laughed it off as being a mistake.


Gavin would never be a mistake. Mentally, I willed him to tell me I was wrong, but he just got up without saying a word, grabbed my hand and led us to the bedroom. I thought maybe, just maybe, this was going to happen, but instead, he handed me a bottled water that was on his nightstand and threw me a T-shirt and sweats.

We hydrated, changed, and instead of having the wild and crazy sex I had dreamed about, he held me in his arms, and we slept.

Pushing feelings aside, I accepted our relationship for what it is. Friendship.

“Hey kid? You expecting someone?” Gavin comes up behind me, whispering in my ear.

“Seriously, you have to stop doing that.” I turn, ready to smack him. Gavin takes a step back, avoiding the contact.

“The suit over there is watching you.” He nods toward the end of the bar. “You expecting him?”

Following his gaze, I see that it’s him, Aiden. He had sent me a text saying he was back in town. I ignored it.

“I’ll handle it.”

Everything about Aiden is calculated. He is here for a reason, and the sooner I find out why, the quicker he can be on his way out. Grabbing a glass and a bottle of scotch, I head for the end of the bar, toward the only other man who has knocked me off my feet.

Setting the glass down, I fill it with two fingers of the scotch, set the bottle down and go for it. “Why are you here?”

Not breaking eye contact, he says, “Have you thought about my proposition?”

“Seriously? If that is why you came in here, you are wasting your time.” I begin to walk away.

“Fifty thousand.”

“What did you say?” I stop in my tracks back to Aiden, eyes on Gavin.

“Fifty thousand for the summer.”

Closing my eyes, shutting myself off from the world, from Gavin, I turn around to find out his motive.

“Fifty thousand for the summer? To work for you?” I’m now directly in front of him. “What is this? Some kind of indecent proposal?”

“No, it’s a job offer. One where I pay you for your services.” He leans forward, a hint of scotch on his breath. “As much as I would love to show you all the ways I could service you, I never mix business and pleasure. This job offer is exactly that, a job offer.” He picks up his glass and downs the rest of his scotch.

“What’s the catch then? Why the fifty thousand dollars?” I begin to fidget, wiping the counters, bouncing from foot to foot.

“No catch. Niki, you will be working for me around the clock. If I need something, you get it. You will pick up my dry cleaning, fetch my coffee, send out press releases, and accompany me to events. You will be tied to me twenty-four seven.”

“Well, when you put it like that, I’m thinking fifty thousand may not be enough.” I let out an awkward laugh.

“It’s around thirty an hour.” His eyes challenge me.

“I don’t know. I’ll have to think about it. That is a lot of money to say no to.”

“No can do. Stewart will pick you up at five a.m. You will need to pack just casual clothes for the next three weeks.”

“Three weeks? And why only casual, I thought you said—”

“I will provide your wardrobe,” he interrupts.

“I don’t know…”

“This offer only lasts another hour, Niki.” He throws a hundred on the counter. “You have my number.” Aiden gets up and talks to the patrons as he makes his way to the door. He looks back at me before he pushes through to the night.


Fifty thousand dollar could definitely help me. This past week, my sister called and said she fell down the stairs, breaking her foot, and needed surgery. She has no insurance and just took the remainder of her savings to pay for online college courses she has secretly been taking.

Her boyfriend thought going back to school for interior design was an idiotic choice. His words, not mine. She asked to borrow a few thousand to pay on the hospital bill so he wouldn’t notice. Honestly, I wish she would leave him. Nothing good will ever come from that relationship.

So, with that on top of my own school loans and then my car needing a new alternator, the fifty thousand is looking pretty good. The only thing stopping me…Gavin. If I took the job, I would have to quit Spotlight, which puts them in a bind.

Is that the only reason?

“Niki?” Gavin is beside me. “You okay?”

“I need to make a call.”

“Fine, make it quick. The crowd is starting to come in.” His smile is weak. I know he knows something is wrong, but I can’t. Not now.

I run to the back, grab my cell from my locker and call Kara, a new hire at the school this past year, fresh out of college. If I recall correctly, she mentioned she used to bartend to put herself through school.

“Hello?” Kara yawns.

“Kara, it’s Niki Sanders. I know you are probably wondering why I’m calling, but I have a proposition for you, and I need you to say yes. So what do you say?” I blurt out.

“Well, I’m not opposed, but how about you tell me a little about it?” She laughs at my craziness.

I spend the next few minutes filling her in, and Kara quickly agrees, thanking me for giving her the opportunity.

Looking at my watch, I feel the pressure of the time running down. Now what? I need to pack and get things in order at the apartment. I’ll work until almost close and try to get someone to come in to cover me the rest of the night.

I have no choice but to text Chloe. She called in, but if she isn’t really sick, she can come in, and Cindy can help Gavin with the bar and closing.

I hate to do it, but it’s my last option.

Me: Hey, it’s Niki, I need a huge favor from you.

Chloe: I’m sick *cough cough* *snot nose emoji*

Me: Like as in really sick or sick as in something better came up?

Chloe: Who’s asking?

Me: I am. I need to leave in a few hours and we are already short-handed. Gavin is working behind the bar.

Chloe: Oh really? Gavin is working the bar?

I know what she’s getting at. That girl has it bad. If it isn’t Gavin, she is falling all over then it’s Jake. In this moment, I hate what I’m about to do. A total dick move.

Me: Maybe if you come in and save the day when I leave, Gavin may think about training you behind the bar. Where all the tips are.

Chloe: You think?

Me: Don’t you think it’s worth a try? And seriously. Gavin and Jake both are here tonight.

Chloe: *dreamy eyes*

I’m a dick. Unicorn piss can’t even glitter this shit up. I’m a dick.

Me: IKR?!?! *winky face* *kissy face*

I’m being so sweet, it’s actually hurting my teeth. Again…dick. That’s me.

Chloe: Give me a couple hours and I’ll come strolling in. Just one favor.

Me: Anything.

Chloe: Don’t let on that I’m coming in.

Shit! I kinda said that, didn’t I? Why did I even give her the idea? Gavin is going to hate me.

Me: Fine. Be here by ten.

Chloe: Coolio. See you soon.

“Niki, you better get out there. Jake and Gavin are running the bar. The place is starting to get packed.” Cindy comes running by, grabbing a tub of silverware.

“I’m coming,” I holler back.

Quickly, I unlock my phone and type out a quick text, one I didn’t want to send.

Or did I?

Me: I accept the offer.

Powering down to save battery, I slide it in my back pocket and head to face Gavin.

“Where in the hell have you been?” Jake’s voice is sharp and demanding.

“I’m sorry Jake; I had to take care of something,” I reply. I take my place beside Gavin and start taking orders.

An hour passes, and the crowd starts to die down as everyone makes their way down to the dance floor to see who is on the list for Open Mic Night, giving us a moment to catch our breath and for me to get Gavin to talk to me.

“I’m sorry Gavin. I didn’t mean to leave you stranded like that.” I lean my back on the counter while he changes a keg.

“Cut the shit. Everything was fine ’til the suit came in. Just tell me what’s going on because this…the way you reacted is not you.” His eyes refuse to meet mine.

In a moment like this, I should do the right thing. Explain the situation. Tell him the offer, tell him about my sister and my stack of bills that keep piling up, but in typical Niki fashion, I push away. I know I do it; I just don’t know how to stop it.

“What in the hell is that supposed to mean, Shaw? What exactly isn’t me since you know me so well?” I slam the towel down.

“Not here, Niki. Tonight. We will talk tonight.”

Crap. I was supposed to go over there and tell him everything that has been going on.

“I can’t come over. Something’s come up.” My voice cracks.

“What?” Gavin rises, finally looking at me for the first time in an hour.

“Aiden, the suit, came in and offered me a job for the summer, and it’s too good to pass up.” I try to gauge his reaction, but his face is void of emotion. “Gav, tonight is my last night for the summer.”

“Okay…let me get this straight. You have a summer job that pays you two thousand a week with tips and you want to quit for some summer internship?”

“Not exactly. Gav, I’ll be making fifty thousand for the summer.”

“Are you fucking serious?” Gavin spins around, hands in his hair. “He wants to sleep with you, Niki. He is basically paying you to sleep with him. I thought you were fucking smarter than this.” He’s in front of me, arms caging me in. “This isn’t ‘Pretty Woman,’ kid. You aren’t Julia Roberts, and Richard Gere isn’t going to ride in on a white limo. You are getting played, sweetheart.”

Oh no he didn’t.

“First, I’m not your sweetheart, and second, I’m fully aware this isn’t a fairytale, Gav. So stop being a douche, and listen to me.” I push his arms away, breaking free from this pull he has on me.

“Actually, I can’t stand the sight of you right now. If you are going to leave us high and dry for the summer, just leave now. We will figure it out without you.”

“Gavin, you can’t be serious,” I plead.

I’m sorry.

“I’m dead serious.”

Our eyes are in a stand-off, and if looks could kill, I would already be dead.

“If that’s the way you want it.” I walk past him, nudging his arm with my shoulder.

I head to the break-room and grab my things, fighting back the tears.

Don’t you dare cry.

Heading back out front, I ignore the eyes that are on me.

“Thanks for nothing.” Gavin hollers after me.

I have nothing. If I turn around, I may say things I’ll regret. So instead, I throw my bag over my should and flip him the bird before I walk out, passing Chloe as she walks in hollering, “Guess who made a miraculous recovery!”

Walking into the night, I head toward my car, but it’s not there.

Fuck me. It’s in the shop getting fixed. Pulling out my phone, I bring it to life and call for an Uber.

I did this. I pushed away and betrayed the one person who could make this all better. The only person I have ever needed.

I’m sorry Gavin.




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