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Player in a Suit (Cockiest Suits Book 3) by Alex Wolf (29)

Kristen shook her head and did everything she could to hold it together.

“Are you okay? You look like you’ve been crying.”

“I’m fine.” Kristen stripped down and put on some pajamas and crawled into bed.

“Did he hurt you? I’ll cut his dick off. What’d Jordan do?”

Kristen’s eyes widened, and then she pulled the covers up over her. “Not Jordan.”

“What?” Stefani looked up at the ceiling, pondering the situation. “Wiseman?”

“I don’t really want to talk about it.”

Stefani nodded. “Okay. Well, if you need anything—” She went back to her cereal, but kept glancing over at Kristen, as if she were checking on her.

At least she had one good friend.

Her head started to pound, and waves of nausea washed over her with each breath she took. Maybe she’d drank more than she thought. The light creeping between the curtains was almost blinding.

“What happened with Jordan?”

“He ended up hooking up with some other chick.” She put her hand to her head as she spoke, hoping her story sounded as believable to Stef as it did in her mind.

Stef got dressed and stared at Kristen. “Okay, well I’m gonna head to class.”

“Have a good day,” Kristen mumbled. The sound of the door closing rang in her ears, and she shook her head. It was going to be a long fucking day, but she had to make it to class. Her grades were still suffering, and she couldn’t afford a day of doing nothing. Rolling over, she grabbed her phone, suddenly realizing she hadn’t yet looked at it.

Her heart sank.

She thought he’d at least call or text and say he was sorry. Say something.

Fuck him!

She didn’t know what she was hoping for.

There was a text from Jordan, asking her where she’d gone, then there was another that asked if she’d made it home, then there was another that was rather flippant, telling her she was free to go off and do her own thing if she was going to ignore him. Kristen rolled her eyes. He’d been the one who’d ignored her first, grinding with that other girl at the bar while she was trying to get a drink of water.

If he was a true gentleman, he should’ve been taking care of her, making sure she was comfortable. He should’ve been the one getting the water for her, and she wouldn’t have been yanked out of the bar by Professor Tease.

Fuck, and she had his class today too.


“Fuck!” Kristen shouted as she sprang upright in bed. There was a quiz today.

She should’ve been studying for it last night instead of going out. She’d worked on it with the professor, but she’d been so busy staring at him and flirting. She could pass it. She’d been paying attention in class. She knew most of the material.

But she didn’t know how she’d ever be able to concentrate with him in the room, knowing she’d sucked him off in an alley and then came on his bed right in front of his face. How would she ever be able to take it?

And what if she passed? Would it be on her own merits? Or would it be out of pity? She already didn’t know if she was good enough for him. Now she wouldn’t even know if she was good enough to be a journalist. There was no way he could be objective grading her assignments.

She tried to clear her thoughts and just figure out a plan. There was nothing that could be done. He didn’t want her, and she had to accept that. And she had to go take the quiz, so that’s what she would do.

Kristen scrambled through the room, doing her best to keep from vomiting in the bathroom as she hurriedly jumped into a pair of jeans and pulled on her shoes.

Then she had a brilliant idea. Maybe she wasn’t done punishing that asshole. Not yet, anyway.

She took off her clothes and found a nice little skirt outfit to wear. She didn’t bother with panties or a bra.

Who needs them?

She snickered at herself in the reflection.

Kristen kept her head down through campus as she hurried to class, certain that her eyes were bloodshot.

When she reached the classroom, she ducked inside, heading right for the front. Her eyes locked onto her professor as she chose the seat right in front of him.

Grant looked up from his work, and his eyes quickly darted right back down to the papers in front of him.

Kristen set her things down and pulled out her notebook. She sat down in the chair, leaned back a little, and spread her legs wide right where it would be the only thing he’d see the entire lecture.

* * *

“Don’t forget there’s a test next week. You’re dismissed.”

The students poured out of their tables and made their way to the exit.

Grant refused to look at Kristen the entire class period, though it’d been exceedingly difficult, just like her. He couldn’t help but want to punish her. It wasn’t like he could go to the dean and have her removed from his class. What would he say?

Hey, there’s a girl in my class flashing her pussy left and right. Oh yeah, she sucked my cock too, but could you be sure and punish her?

He had other types of punishment in mind he’d rather enjoy implementing, but it would only make the situation worse.

She sat there, refusing to move. His eyes finally shifted over to her face.

“Miss Monroe, did you hear me? Class is dismissed.” He gestured toward the door with a head nod.

She didn’t move. Didn’t budge an inch. Just sat there with an amused smile on her face. He could practically feel his blood pressure rising. His collar grew tight against his neck, nearly strangling him, but he refused to adjust his tie. She wouldn’t get the satisfaction of knowing how much she affected him anymore.

Grant needed her gone, though. All his inhibitions seem to go poof and vanish any time she was in the room. Now it was even worse. There was something about the thrill of being caught that amplified his need a thousand times higher. If she only knew how close he’d come to fucking her in bed this morning. He’d almost grabbed her the second her hand had slid down into her panties. The sounds she made as she came in front of him played back through his mind. Everything, including the scent she’d left on his face, that he could still smell because he’d refused to rinse it off.

She stared back at him in defiance, but her demeanor had changed since this morning. He knew she’d be pissed, and he expected her to feel like that for a while. But now she looked calm and collected, devious even—like she wanted to make his life a living hell.

He glanced down at his papers. There was no way he could give in to his want. Grant knew that. Every cell in his brain screamed it at him. At the same time, every inch of his cock told him to fuck this attitude right out of her. His brain won the battle, for the moment.

He shuffled a few things around and paid no attention to her. If he ignored her, maybe she would lose interest. It was a pipe dream, but it might buy him some time to think.

After about thirty seconds, which seemed to last hours, she gathered her things together and stood.

Thank God.

She walked up to his desk. His eyes remained locked on the papers in front of him, but he was definitely aware of every single movement she made. His heart kicked into overdrive, and nerves fired straight down into his cock the closer she came to him. Breathing became nearly impossible when she was a few feet away.

She set her quiz down on top of the papers he was still fiddling with.

“My quiz.”


She lingered.

Shit. Say something.

“You’re welcome, sir.”

Still lingering.

“Is there anything else?”

“We both know the answer to that.”

“You need to leave, Miss Monroe. I have to be going.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

He glanced up at her. She shook her head back and forth, slowly and with purpose. She bit her lip, and he thought his dick might burst out of his zipper. Every muscle in his body tightened.

He stared at her, hard. “Time to go.”

“I know you want me. You’re not fooling anyone.”

“If I wanted you, you’d already be bent over this fucking desk.”

Her thighs clenched, and she bit down even harder on her lip. She turned and made a show of bending over at the table, swaying her ass back and forth while she set her things down.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

She said nothing.

He gulped right as she turned around. Kristen walked around his desk, back to where he was standing. Blood rushed into his face, and he could feel the tension in the room saturating his body, coursing through his limbs.

He couldn’t do what he wanted to do. He had to keep his shit together.

She kneeled in front of him, on her knees, and opened her mouth again.

Fuck, what was she doing to him?

He glared. She knew exactly what she was doing, and he had to get out of there. His brain screamed at him to pack up his shit and go, but he couldn’t. He glanced to the door. It was closed.

“You can fuck my mouth again, sir.” She held out her tongue. “You can have anything, you, want.” She added emphasis to each syllable.

He took a step so he was right in front of her. She eyed his rock-hard dick through his slacks and licked her lips.

It was all wrong, and yet so right. He’d already gone too far with her. If he was going to go down for something, he might as well get everything he could before it happened.

He leaned over so they were face-to-face and gripped the back of her hair.

“Oh my God.” Her eyes fluttered closed, and she let out a gasp.

He hovered around toward her ear. “I’m going to punish you for doing this. Do you understand, Miss Monroe?”

She nodded.

He pulled his chair over to him and sat down in front of her while she remained on her knees. Grant hauled her up by the shoulders and tossed her over his knee. She squealed in anticipation and quickly covered her mouth at the sudden sound she’d made.

“When little sluts behave like little sluts, their poor behavior needs to be corrected.” His voice was calm and collected. “Do you understand?”

“What the fuck are you doing?” She squirmed against his hold, but they both knew it was all an act.

He loved the way she made him work for it. He dug his fingers into her ribs, hard enough to leave bruises, and held her still. Her legs flailed while his palm slid down her back and over her ass. He massaged her cheek in his hand, and his cock jammed into her stomach.

She shook and tried to turn, but there was no way she was going anywhere.

“You’re only going to make things worse for yourself.”

“Fuck you.” She growled the words at him, with a shit-eating grin plastered to her face. “You’re not my dad. I’m a grown woman. You can’t spank me like I’m a child.”

“The fuck I can’t. Sit still.” He yanked her skirt up over her ass and gripped her by the hair.

Her eyes rolled back into her head as his knuckles dug into her scalp.


“Count them.”


He pulled on her hair to angle her face to his. “I can sit here and turn this ass pink all fucking day.”

“You’re never going to get away with this.”

Jesus. Her words got him going in ways she’d probably never realize.

He faked a laugh at her. “We’ll see about that. Won’t we?”


A light moan parted her lips, and at the end of it she muttered, “One.”

“That’s a good girl.”

He massaged her firm ass in his hand and imagined ramming his hips into it as he fucked her so hard she couldn’t walk the next day.

She mumbled something, half of it gibberish.

“Did you say something?”

“I said I can feel your hard cock on my stomach, you pervert.”


His hand left her hair and gripped her face, forcing her mouth into a wide O. “Don’t act like you don’t love every second of that dick.”

“Ugh. Can you just get this over with?”

“You forgot to count. Let’s start over.”

She shook her head, begging. “No, no, wait. I take it back.”

“No exceptions, Miss Monroe. Count.”

“You’re such an asshole.”

He gripped her ass once more and slid a finger between her cheeks, teasing the edge of the tight rim of her ass.

Her whole body tightened under his hold.

“That belongs to me as well.” He leaned down in her ear. “Have you ever been fucked in your ass, Miss Monroe?”

“Oh my God.”

He got her to break character, and his body came even more alive than it’d been before. “Have you?”

“N-no.” She shook her head back and forth.

“We’ll have to remedy that, if you don’t shut up and count.”

“Shit.” The word lingered from her lips.

His hand slid down to her pussy, and he ran his fingers through her slick folds. “Already wet

The door at the back of the class squeaked.

“What the fu—” Grant yanked Kristen’s skirt down and stood her up.

They both straightened their clothes as fast as possible, and Kristen ran over to the table.

“Professor? Anyone here?” The voice echoed through the room, even though the door hadn’t fully opened.

Grant glanced that direction, and he wheeled his chair a few feet back to his desk.

“Yeah, come in.” He willed his cock to go back to normal.

Kristen finger-combed her hair, and then her hands fell to her sides. She switched her demeanor to an obviously fake but pleasant smile.

“Do you need something?” His heart raced.

Bailey Ferguson walked into the classroom. “Just forgot my tablet. Can I grab it?”


Bailey pranced in, practically bouncing. She looked over at Kristen. “Hey, how’s it going?”


Kristen wasn’t rude, but Grant could hear the slight irritation in her voice.

Bailey stared back and forth at them for a second.


She grabbed her tablet and stared at Kristen. “Aren’t you in my next class? It starts in a few minutes.”

Grant prayed Kristen would stay composed. She was unpredictable sometimes.

“Yeah, I was just asking Professor Wiseman for some tips on the upcoming test. I’m majoring in journalism, not college algebra.” Kristen used a tone that wasn’t what Grant would call friendly.

He had to keep this thing looking organic, like he’d actually been helping Kristen with her work. “As I was saying, remember when it’s appropriate to use colons and semi colons, and the oxford comma is welcome here. You’ll be just fine.” He looked back down at the papers on his desk.

Baily shook her head and walked out of the room, leaving Kristen and him alone.

“You should get to your next class.”



Kristen grabbed her stuff, huffed, and turned to walk out the door.

“Talk to you soon, sir.” Kristen flashed him a flirtatious grin.

“Study hard.”

I’ll just sit here, hard. Jesus.

What the fuck was he doing? This was getting way out of control. He couldn’t bring himself to look up at her as she walked out the room.

Her footsteps echoed down the long hall outside the door until they disappeared.

Grant fell back in his chair and stared down at his cock.

I hate you.

* * *

“What were you doing with Professor Wiseman after class?” Stefani asked the question the second Kristen walked in the door.

Kristen looked up at her in surprise. It was unusual for Stefani to be home this early, and even after recent events, it was still unusual for Stefani to question her about the things she’d done that day.

Normally, they would ask how their classes went, then they’d move on as though the other didn’t exist, outside of the normal social conventions.

“Asking him for advice on homework.” Kristen did her best to keep a neutral face. If there was one thing she’d learned in life, it was that she didn’t have to share everything, even if she did break down that one time and spill how she felt to Stef.

“Bailey Ferguson told everyone she walked in on you two. It looked like you threw your clothes back on and his desk was a pile of messy papers.”

“She doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” Kristen scoffed.

“If I heard about it, you know she’s told a lot more people. Just letting you know.” Stefani’s voice was flat, and there was something about it that sent a chill racing up Kristen’s spine.

Kristen knew Bailey was a gossip hound, and they didn’t really get along. It was no surprise she’d told anyone and everyone who’d listen.

“She’s hardly a reliable source. She spreads rumors faster than an STD. You don’t really think I’d do something so royally stupid as to fuck a teacher during class, right?” Maybe if she made the situation sound insane, Stefani would brush it off. Of course, there was little she could do to redeem herself in this situation. Stefani probably knew the truth already. And to Kristen, it wasn’t lying, because she hadn’t fucked him, yet.

Stefani completely ignored Kristen’s attempt and saw right through the bullshit. “You realize this could cost you your scholarship? Maybe worse? I thought you were smarter than this.” Stefani shook her head.

Kristen’s face heated up. Who was Stefani to judge her? Or insult her intelligence? “You have crushes on married professors. You’re one to talk.”

“I don’t act on it.” Stefani winced, like Kristen’s words had cut her.

She felt a little bad, but Stefani should’ve just dropped it. It wasn’t her business anyway. Why was she always trying to act like her mother? “I can do what I want, with whoever I want. It’s my business.” She couldn’t help but feel a little bad for upsetting Stefani. The girl was sweet and trying to look out for her. But, fuck, she was an adult. “But I didn’t fuck him. I promise.”

Stefani glanced over at her. “Well, good. And I didn’t say you were stupid. I said you were acting stupid. What do you think will happen if the school finds out? What good can possibly come from this? Not to mention he broke your heart the other night, and today you’re in there with him all alone. Perception is reality. It only matters what it looks like.”

A pang of guilt hit Kristen in the stomach. She knew Stefani meant well, but she also knew it was her life and happiness at stake.

So what if it went against the school policy? He was hot and so was she, and they made each other feel good. She’d never felt this way in her life. And the way he spanked her and ordered her around, made threats. The way he came in and saved her at the bar—God, the man was a magnet, practically yanking her into his arms.

She knew there was risk involved, but everything in life was a risk. There wasn’t any proof, after all, and if Stefani knew what was at stake, surely Professor Wiseman did too. He obviously thought she was worth the risk.

“I know you’re telling me this because you care, but I’m an adult, same as you. He’s an adult too. I don’t give a flying fuck what Bailey says. It’s not her life, and she needs to get one for herself.” Kristen threw her books on the bed and grabbed the pot of cold coffee sitting on the fridge. She’d skipped coffee that morning, and her head still pounded from the night before.

Ahh, caffeine.

“Seriously? This is Bailey Ferguson. She’s a journalism major too. This is like a story to her. She’ll do anything she can to expose the two of you.” Stefani’s hand went to her forehead and pushed back her overgrown bangs. They fell right back into place over her eyes.

Kristen couldn’t help but think how much better she’d look with a haircut, but that was beside the point. Stefani was right, as much as she hated to admit it to herself.

“God, she’s such a bitch.”

“That doesn’t change anything.”

Kristen sighed and looked away. “Fuck, this complicates things.”

“So, something did happen.” Stefani stared at her.

Kristen winced. She hadn’t meant to betray herself, and she’d practically admitted something had happened. Stefani refused to let anything go. She might as well admit it. She wasn’t sure she trusted Stefani with the information. But what choice did she have?

She told Stefani everything while Stefani’s mouth turned up into a satisfied smile, as if she’d already known she’d get the story out of her. Surely Stef knew what it was like to be in love with someone who wasn’t the best option.

“You’re not thinking clearly. Something like this could end up in the news.”

Kristen stood there, thinking about Professor Wiseman, and Stef’s words turned into rambling gibberish. All she could think about was his hands on her, spanking her, tossing her around. He practically owned her at this point. She’d do anything to be with him, and that included ignoring sound logic.

“It’s not that big of a deal. It’s not newsworthy. Bailey’s just being a bitch.”

Stefani shot her a look, and Kristen’s smile faded. Why was she was being punished? It wasn’t fair. Why did Stef care so much?

“This is what I mean. You could end up on the actual news. These stories are always on the news.” Stefani’s tone was short, as if she were trying to shake some sense into her.

Kristen’s thoughts bounced between being angry with Stef to not caring about any of the consequences she could face. She wanted Stef to quit scolding her and be on her side.

She reached out and put a hand on each of Stef’s shoulders. “I know you’re doing this because you care about me. You’re an amazing friend. But I can’t help how I feel. I wouldn’t tell you all this unless I trusted you. Why can’t you just be on my side?”

Stefani relaxed a bit, and she looked away at the wall and shook her head.

Kristen thought changing the subject might be the best idea. “How was class for you?”

Stefani’s head turned back to her, as if she knew what she was doing, and she smiled. “Same as always.” She paused for a second. “Not nearly as exciting as your day. For what it’s worth, I told Bailey I didn’t believe her. And that’s what I’ll tell anyone no matter what. And I told her she needed to get a life and stop spreading rumors about people. That it’s dangerous.”

Kristen smiled, and her face warmed. Anxiety still ran through her body, but somehow, Stefani’s words lightened it a little.

She fell back onto the bed, allowing herself to sink into the pillows and blankets. Her hangover still lingered, but the worst was past.

“Thank you.”

Stefani stared, grinning. “I knew something was going on though. You were acting weird, and I knew it wasn’t because of Jordan. I mean, you’d never get all dressed up for Jordan like that. And I knew he’d do something to screw it up.”

Kristen propped herself up on her elbows. “I didn’t know how to tell you.” She sighed and noticed a flash of sympathy on Stefani’s face.

Stef turned back to her homework.

“Probably would’ve done the same thing. He’s hot.” She put a lot of emphasis on her last word.

Kristen’s fingers tightened on the sheets. She knew Stef was just being honest, but the thought of anyone else even looking at her professor caused her blood to run hot. What was he doing to her? She had to hold it together. She needed Stef on her side.


“Just be careful.” Stefani’s head didn’t come up from her book.

“I will.”

Pulling out her phone, she smiled to herself as she flipped through her contacts, trying to find Professor Wiseman’s number. She didn’t have anything important to tell him but wanted to let him know he was on her mind. He was always on her mind. If she texted him every time he was, she’d spend her day blowing up his phone. She hadn’t spoken to him since that morning, though, and she wanted to see how he was doing.

A little smiley face couldn’t hurt.

* * *

They hadn’t had time to discuss how this was going to work. Did they even need to? He was doing the same thing he’d done with Mercedes. Grant didn’t feel the need to talk about some kind of relationship because there wasn’t one.

He didn’t want to think about it more than he had to. She knew her life was just as much at stake as his.

What the fuck was he doing with this girl? He’d let his guard down twice, and she’d barreled right over his reservations. She was half his age, and even though she was hotter than anyone he’d ever seen, he couldn’t justify his actions.

And what the fuck did her smiley face text mean?

That was it, just a smiley.

Somehow, just seeing it, and knowing her finger had typed it and hit send—his cock was hard in an instant. He loosened his tie and poured a glass of whiskey. Then he sat down in his leather armchair, leaned back, and sighed.

Fuck, what a day.

He stared down at his lap, where he’d bent Kristen over him. He could still feel her tight ass in his palm. Soft and pale, a slight shade of pink in the outline of his hand. He remembered the way she’d tensed when he teased a finger around her puckered asshole.

She got what she deserved, coming in his goddamn bed without permission like some kind of animal. He wanted nothing more than to tame her, own her.

A sound came from the front door, and there wasn’t a knock. It slowly eased open.

What the fuck? Am I being robbed?

“Hey! What the fuck?”

He started to get up from his chair, his heart thumping in his chest. But he saw it—one leg, and then the next. He knew that skirt anywhere.

Jesus, this was bad. She was just walking into his house now. Why did he ever bring her there? It’s not like she wouldn’t have found it anyway, though.

She was certifiably insane, and if he were being truthful with himself, he fucking loved every ounce of her crazy.

“Go home, Miss Monroe.” He said it before she’d even made her way through the door.

She came in and walked straight toward him, not speaking, just shaking her head.

“I’ll call the police.”

She pulled her tank top over her head, revealing a perky set of tits with light pink nipples. He leaned back farther in his chair and sipped his whiskey as if her presence meant nothing to him.

“I’ll call the dean.” Her words were calm and pointed, like her hard nipples that bounced straight toward him.

He shook his head slowly, and she stopped. His eyes darted down to the floor and then back up to her.

The corners of her mouth curled up into a grin, and she got down onto her knees. “Better, professor?”

He took another sip of his whiskey and swirled the rocks in his glass. She crawled toward him, slowly across the carpet of his living room. His eyes stayed locked on hers the entire time. The little bitch was just begging to be taught a lesson.

He could see the curves of her ass behind her, where her skirt had already ridden up her hips. No panties. Her soft breasts lightly clapped together each time she moved.

She finally got to his feet, and she kissed each one of his shoes. He didn’t move an inch. Just sipped his whiskey, though it was a struggle to even breathe, and his palms began to sweat on the rocks glass.

Her hand slid up his leg toward his cock. He shook his head at her.

“May I touch your cock, sir?”

He made a show of setting his whiskey glass on the table next to him, then unzipped his pants and watched her eyes as he reached in for it. He finally pulled it out and fisted it in front of her face.

Her eyes widened, and she licked her lips. She began to move, and he shook his head at her once more.

He looked down at her, beneath him, where she should be. “What do you think I should do with this cock?”

“Fuck me with it.”

“Have you been a good girl?”

She nodded at him.

He rose in front of her. “Don’t fucking touch it until I say.”

“Yes, sir.”

What the hell was he doing? He should be sending her out of the fucking house. Not making her beg for his dick.

“Go to my bedroom, and get on all fours in the middle of the bed. Completely naked. Pussy in the air for me to inspect.”

She rose to her feet and hurried toward his bedroom.

He watched her ass swaying in her skirt all the way down the hallway.


He was already in trouble. Huge trouble. He’d shoved his cock down her throat in an alley and spanked her ass red in his classroom. If something happened, shit would already hit the fan. Why shouldn’t he at least get to fuck her for his troubles?

He put his cock away for the moment and stalked back to the bedroom. Sure enough, she was completely naked, on all fours, in the middle of his bed. Her back was arched, and her pussy was in the air, like an offering.

Grant walked slowly toward her. Her ass wiggled side to side, like a dog wagging its tail in anticipation.

He stripped off his shirt and took down his pants so he was in nothing but boxer briefs. His cock jutted out against the fabric, harder than he’d ever been in his life.

He crawled up behind her, and she didn’t move an inch. He wasn’t even sure if she was breathing.

“What do we have here, Miss Monroe?” He leaned over, his mouth inches from her pussy, and exhaled warm breath over it.

He watched the goosebumps pebble across her ass and up the back of her arms. All he had to do was breathe on her and he could make her shiver.

“My pussy, sir. As requested.”

He lifted himself up and sat on his knees behind her, taking in every square inch of her body. His hand hovered millimeters from her pussy, and he could feel the heat radiating from it. He lightly grazed her slit with one finger and she shuddered at his touch.

Teasing her was almost as good as fucking her would be.

“What makes you think I should shove my cock into this?” He gripped her pussy, plunging his thumb inside, and massaged her clit hard with his fingers.

Her eyes closed, and she gulped, trying to remain still for him.

“Please, I want it,” she whispered on a moan.

He pulled his hand from her and quickly smacked her on the ass.


The sound echoed off the walls.

He leaned down near her ear while he gripped her ass in the palm of his hand. “Beg for it.”

He reached beneath her and grabbed one of her breasts, then tweaked her nipple. He rolled it back and forth between his thumb and index finger.

“P-please, Jesus. Please fuck me, professor.”

“Is that what you really want?”

“God, yes, please.”

He shoved two fingers deep inside her, and she gasped. “Making sure it’s hot and wet before I stretch this cunt with my cock. Understand?”

She nodded and bit down on her lip. He smacked her ass again, simply because he could, and because he wanted to watch his pink handprint bounce against him in a few moments.

He gripped her by the hair, pulled his boxer briefs down, and yanked her head back, then lined up his cock with her entrance. He teased the head of his thick prick around her pussy and groaned.

“I can’t wait to watch this cock disappear in this little pussy.” He inched inside her, all the while staring down at it. “Fucking hell, that’s nice.”

He pulled back out, then eased it in again, just to watch it over and over.

“Stop teasing me. Fuck.”

He slapped his cock up against her clit and rubbed it back and forth. “You’re like a little bitch in heat, aren’t you? Can’t get this cock soon enough.”

“God, you’re so filthy.”

His hand tightened in her hair, and he yanked her head up to his mouth. “You’ll know filthy when I fuck you so hard you feel it next week.”

He smashed her head down into one of his pillows and rammed to the hilt.

She sucked in a huge gulp of air, and then belted out a moan. “Holy fuck.”

Euphoria flooded his body. He couldn’t remember ever having such a rush come over his senses, and his whole body tingled. A warmth washed over him, like opium or heroin. He’d just tapped into his drug of choice, and now he only wanted more and more.

He gripped her by both her hips and started a punishing pace. She was so petite, and her slick cunt clenched around him with each thrust.

“Oh my God, Grant. You feel so good. Right there. Fuck.”

He leaned over her back and clamped a hand over her mouth. “You talk too much when you should be sitting there getting fucked like a good little whore.”

She bit down on one of his fingers, hard enough to draw a fleck of blood. Grant loved the pain. He loved every second of what he was doing, this little game they played. She was his, to do whatever he wanted with, and my God, would she do anything.

It was insane, her showing up at his house, unannounced. Crawling to him on the floor. Who was this woman, and where had she been all his life?

He was dangerously close to blowing his load already, but he couldn’t stop. They were freight trains heading right at one another. He reached underneath them and stroked her clit with his fingers.

“Want to come on my dick, you little slut?”

She nodded, furiously.

“Yeah, you do. Tell me you love this cock in your pussy.”

“I love it. Fuck.” She paused and tried to catch her breath.

With each word, he shoved into her harder, trying to fuck any thoughts right out of her mind.

“I love your cock in my pussy.”

He sped up everything—the pace, how hard he was pounding into her, his fingers on her clit.

“Whose pussy is this?”

“Fuck.” She drew out the syllable.

He dug his fingers into her hip with his free hand, hard enough to remind her she hadn’t answered his question.

“It’s your p-p-pussy.”

Smacking sounds of wet colliding thighs and hips rang out through the room, and he’d begun fucking her so hard that her words vibrated like she was being shaken.

“Goddamn right it is. Now come on my cock.”

She clamped down on him immediately, and he rode out wave after wave of her orgasm, buried as deep inside of her as he could push. Her hands shot out to her sides, and the sheets bunched up in her fingers as she clawed at them.

He crashed his chest down into her lower back, completely flattening her on the bed. He kept his cock buried balls deep and her legs pressed together. It was so fucking snug and tight he thought he might pass out.

Grant started to fuck her harder than he’d ever fucked anyone in his life. His whole mind went blank, and all he could hear were moans and screams that sounded in a tunnel a mile away. He was so focused on how tight and wet her hot cunt was wrapped around his cock the whole world faded.

Every ounce of tension in his body funneled down through his balls and rose up his shaft. Fuzzy stars danced in his vision, and he thought he might pass out he was so overwhelmed.

His cock finally kicked, and he released. Every neuron fired through his lower back and ripped up his spine, and hot waves of come jetted into the depths of Kristen’s pussy.

He grabbed her by the shoulders, forcing himself farther into her, as deep as he could go, until the pressure was unbearable. Multiple waves rolled through his body as he groaned and shuddered on top of her.

After a few moments, the haziness cleared in his brain, and the world focused in front of his eyes. He’d been like a caveman, nothing more than an animal. Primal instincts had taken over.

Beads of sweat rolled down his cheeks, and both of their bodies were coated in a fine, shimmering sheen of perspiration.

“Holy shit.” He leaned back and slipped out of her pussy.

For a moment, he could only sit there and stare at her body. He watched his hot load trickle out of her and down the inside of her thigh.

He couldn’t help but smile and feel a great satisfaction. He’d marked what was his.

* * *

What’d been a few fun encounters had turned into three times a week. Every time they ran into each other they fucked. No matter where they were. She was impossible to resist. He loved how willing she was to submit to him, and he loved her defiance. At times it was in his car, sometimes at his house. After they’d nearly been caught, he knew school wasn’t safe, but he couldn’t help it. It was the rush. It did something for him.

In addition to the mind-blowing sex, Grant was on his phone with Kristen all the time. They texted constantly. Whenever she wasn’t in class and he was free, they were messaging back and forth, asking how the other one was doing and whether they were having a good day. He smiled constantly. For the first time in years, Grant felt he had a genuine connection to someone and like she truly cared about him.

He’d make her submit in the bedroom, but he couldn’t help but feel he was the one without power. Grant had submitted to her on a personal level. What he was doing was wrong, but he couldn’t help himself. She owned him as much as he owned her.

It didn’t change the fact that he felt like a monster at night. And every time he found himself alone in his bed, he thought of every reason possible why he should end the whole thing.

His feelings would be strong, his resolution firm—until he saw her again.

There was a loud knock on his door. He jumped from his chair and walked over. Kristen hadn’t texted him to say she was coming over, and he rarely had any other visitors, with the exception of Hank a while back.

It was her. “What are you doing here? Why didn’t you text first?”

She stood below the threshold, a long coat covering her body. She walked into the house with a wry smile and grabbed the front of her jacket. When she opened it up, she wore nothing but lacy lingerie.

“I know it’s cliché, but I’ve always wanted to do it.” She made a huge show of batting her eyelashes at him. “What do you think, professor?”

He shook his head slowly, staring down at her body and the lace hugging her curves.

“Fucking perfect.” He yanked her against his instantly hard cock.

She gripped him in her palm, and he groaned. “I need this inside me. Now.”

His lips smashed into hers, and his tongue licked and sucked, claiming anything it wanted. He slid his hand down the front of her flat, toned stomach to her panties.

She moaned as he lifted one of her legs, wrapping it around him and pulling her close. His hand gripped her ass, and his fingers dug in.

“Take me to your bedroom, sir.”


He smacked her on the ass, and her eyes rolled back, then darted back to his.

Within seconds, he had her bent over his bed while he stood behind her. He shoved her up onto the bed and climbed up. They were both on their knees, his hands on her hips.

He yanked her panties down over her ass, like a child ripping open a Christmas present. His finger roamed down to the top of her stockings, and he slipped a finger in. He pulled on the elastic and let it pop her on the thigh.

She let out a moan of approval.

He rose up, leaned back, and stared at her perfect ass. “Sit still, and keep your ass where I can see it.”

He stood from the bed and walked over to a drawer.

Kristen’s hand slid up beneath her stomach, and her fingers swirled around her clit. “Hurry, I need you.”

“Keep your hand off my pussy.”

“What if I don’t? Will you punish me?” She slipped two fingers in and pushed herself back and forth on them.

“I warned you.” He snagged two pairs of handcuffs from the drawer and walked over with them hidden behind his back. Her eyes were closed when he got to her, and he stood with his cock a few inches from her face.

“Enjoying yourself?”

Her eyes popped open when she realized he was next to her, and she lunged out with her mouth open.

Fuck, this woman!

Anytime his cock was near, she tried to devour it.

He gripped her forcefully by the arm, halting her inches from his dick. She stared, and then her tongue came out and licked his head. He quickly shoved her away but still kept his grip on her arm. His hand slid to her wrist, and he set a pair of the cuffs in front of her face, then slapped the other onto her.

“Holy fuck.” She gasped.

He quickly cuffed her to the post on the bed. “Should’ve behaved.”

Her other hand quickly went to her pussy, and she stared at him in defiance.

He shook his head at her. “My little troublemaker.” He gripped her by the cheeks and forced her mouth into the O he loved to fuck so much.

“I’m pretending my fingers are your cock.” Her words came out jumbled as he gripped her mouth harder.

“How’s that working out for you?”

She shook her head. “They don’t even come close.”

He leaned down next to her ear. “They never will.”

Grant yanked her other hand away from her pussy and pinned it hard against the bed. He cuffed her to the other post, until she was bent over, ass in the air, just the way he liked her.

Her head was cocked back, watching him as he walked away.

“Keep that cunt in the air where I can see it.”

She arched her back, completely naked other than the stockings that clung to her thighs. He paused for a moment and stared at her shaved, pink pussy and her tight ass that sat right above.

He reached into the drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube.

Kristen’s eyes widened. “What’s that?”

Grant stalked back over toward the bed with a devilish smirk plastered to his face. “You’ve been naughty. Arriving at my house unannounced. Tempting me.” He climbed up behind her where she couldn’t see him. “With this tight little ass and hot cunt.” He dropped the bottle of lube behind her on the bed and ran his hand over her rear and down to her pussy. He massaged her gently, her wetness already coating his hand.

He slid two fingers around her clit, and her whole body relaxed. Her ass pushed back against his palm, practically begging for him to feel it.

He slid two fingers inside, back and forth, and she squeezed around them.

She was already close, just the way he liked her. He slipped them out and ran them all along her puckered asshole. He’d yet to play with her ass and felt today was the perfect day to do it.

Her legs tightened, and her back went stiff. He’d gotten close to it in the past, and she’d yet to be able to relax.

Using her wetness, he smeared it around the rim of her asshole, applying just enough pressure for her to think he might shove his fingers into her at any moment.

He knew it wouldn’t work. He’d never shove two fingers into her ass dry. It’d be far too painful, and he didn’t want to ruin the experience for her. But this was psychological. She had to worry he might do it.

“Wh-what are you doing?” She tensed up even more.

“What do you think I’m doing? Smearing your pussy all over your asshole so I can lick it out.”

“Holy fu—” Her words ended on a gasp.

He leaned back and spread her wide with his hands. “Fuck me, will you look at that right there?” He removed his pants, his cock harder than it’d ever been at the sight of Kristen’s asshole shimmering in the light from the window.

He fisted his cock and moved up as though he might fuck her from behind. The head teased beneath her, coating itself in her pussy. He thrust back and forth across her slick folds, lubing his cock more and more as she moaned against the headboard.

She was so wet it dripped down her inner thighs, all the way to her stockings. He grabbed each leg, shoved them together around his cock, and fucked between her thighs and her hot cunt. Then he spread her ass once more and slid his cock up between her ass cheeks.

“Oh my God, you are a dirty boy.” The cuffs clanged against the bed posts, as if she’d tried to yank her hands back to him.

“A fine meal requires preparation.”

He lowered himself down to her ass and could already smell her essence everywhere. He dipped his tongue lightly and teased the tip of it around the ridges.

Her legs shuddered, and the headboard shook against the wall when she jolted at the possible intrusion. Her ass shifted forward, away from his face.

His jaw tensed, and his strong hands gripped around her thighs. “Don’t fucking move again.” A smile curled up on his lips, and he repeated what he’d just done. Her legs stiffened against his fingertips once more, but not as much this time.

She was adjusting to the feeling of his tongue against her ass, and it wouldn’t be long now before he was able to take what he wanted.

A few minutes later, she was moaning out her pleasure as his tongue plunged against her tight hole, and his fingers fucked her tight cunt right underneath.

“I’m. So. Fucking. Close.”

“Not yet.”

She gasped her frustration.

He leaned back and grabbed the bottle of lube, then squeezed a generous amount to coat his thumb, all the while he kept his index and middle finger deep inside.

“Do you want to come on my fingers?”

Her body shook as if she were nodding furiously, and he loved how much he owned every inch of it.

His fingers plowed into her, and she bucked her hips back up against him. He teased his thumb around the rim, then gently pressed it into her ass.

“Holy. Fuck.”

He pressed his thumb in farther, until it was fully submerged. She continued to shove her ass back onto his fingers, even with his thumb now drilling into her too.


Her back arched, and both of her holes squeezed around his fingers.

“Oh my God. Grant—” She seized up and convulsed.

Her thighs shuddered, and her whole body trembled. The rattling sounds of the cuffs on the wood spread through the room, and the whole bed shook.

“Oh, fuck me, that looks nice right there.” He shoved his fingers in even harder, applying as much pressure as possible as she rode out her orgasm on his hand.

A few moments later, she relaxed. Her chest collapsed into the bed, and her cheek pressed against the mattress while she panted, completely spent.

He slid two fingers out of her pussy but left his thumb inside of her. Then he squeezed the bottle of lube onto his fingers and replaced his thumb with them.

“Oh my God, that feels amazing.”

“Just stay relaxed.”

“Not a fucking problem.” She lay there underneath him, completely in bliss, as he lubed the depths of her ass and stretched her farther.

He moved up to position himself and shoved his cock into her pussy. Her back arched as he fucked into her, and her hands tightened around the headboard.

Grant’s head angled up to the ceiling, and he groaned, the way he always did when he was inside of Kristen. Euphoria ripped through his veins, and he focused on every sensation of how she felt—how hot and wet she was for him, the tiny sensations when she’d clench and squeeze. When he was inside of her, he never wanted to be anywhere else.

But today was different. He stared down and watched his cock piston in and out of her, while his fingers probed her ass.

His cock was definitely slick from her cunt. He wasn’t taking any chances, though. He grabbed the bottle of lube and squeezed it onto him as he pushed in and out of her.

Finally, he removed his fingers and slipped his cock out. He immediately pressed the head right up against her ass.

“Oh my God.”

He leaned over the top of her, so that he was right next to her ear, and his cock was ready to enter her ass at a simple thrust of his hips.

He gripped her by the hair. “See what you do to me?” He inched the head into her.

She moaned and tensed, gasping for breath.

He loved nothing more than watching the expressions on her face when he fucked her. He loved knowing that he owned her. And he would very much enjoy filling up her ass when he came inside of it. Marking her as his in a place no other man had ever been.

“Whose ass is this?”

She was so out of it she couldn’t even fight back against him. “Yours. Fuck, it’s yours.”

He pulled his cock back and slapped it up against her pussy then let it glide over her for some extra lubrication. “And whose pussy is this?”

“God, it’s yours. Please fuck me. I need it now, sir.”

He smiled against her ear, then he put a hand on the side of her head and shoved her down into the bed.

He pushed his cock into her ass slowly, groaning in the process at how fucking tight it was. He didn’t know how long he’d be able to last inside of her.

Once halfway in, he leaned back and smacked her ass, just to feel her tighten around him. It was even better than he’d imagined. He started to worry he wouldn’t even be able to pull out of her later, unless she was able to relax.

He pushed in farther, going slow, allowing her to become acclimated to his size. “You fucking love this, don’t you?”

“God, yes.”

“Getting your ass fucked by the professor. Little slutty school girl. Is that what you are?”

“Mmhmm.” She moaned.

Once fully inside of her, he gripped the front of her hips and pulled her even harder onto him. “Fuck me, that’s heaven.”

He stared down and saw a smile on her curled lips. She’d let him do anything he wanted, and he loved her for that. She felt her entire reason for existing was to do nothing but please him. He smacked her on the ass once more, the crack ringing off the walls.

He could sit there all day and do it, just to feel her clench and relax around him. His balls had already tightened, and he knew it was only a matter of time before he came undone inside of her.

She stared back at him, and he inched out of her slowly, until he was about halfway. He stared at her, their eyes locking, and then he looked down and spit right onto his cock.

“Fuck.” She buried her face in the covers.

“Might want to bite down for this.” He used his fingers to smear the spit around his cock and her ass. Then he sped up, little by little, until he was full-on fucking her ass as hard as he could.

The headboard beat against the walls, and the whole world seemed to shake while he slammed in and out of her. The wet smacking sounds of flesh on flesh echoed through the room, and she moaned his name until he couldn’t take it any longer.

His orgasm radiated from his balls, to the base of his spine, and then shot up his back. Fuzzy stars danced in his vision, and then his cock twitched, and he unloaded inside of her. Wave after wave jolted through him as he grunted and rutted like a wild animal, blowing as hard as he could.

“Holy. Fuck. Kristen.”

He collapsed onto her back, flattening them both, but managed to hold himself up on his hands so that he wouldn’t crush her. His cock slipped out of her ass, and he kissed along her cheeks and neck, then brushed a few sweaty strands of hair from her face.

He uncuffed her from the bed, and they both lay there for a quick moment, catching their breath. She nuzzled up into the crook of his neck, like a cat seeking attention. He traced a finger across the curve of her shoulder, wondering why this whole situation had to be so damn complicated.

Just then he heard something he hadn’t expected. Another knock at the door.

Both of their eyes bolted open.

“What the hell?” Grant scrambled from the bed. “Get dressed.”

Kristen nodded and began throwing her clothes back on.

Grant put his pants on and yanked a shirt back over his head as he walked toward the front door. He stared through the peephole and breathed a sigh of relief.

Hank Burton walked in. “How’s it going?”

“What’s up?”

“Oh, hi.”

Grant turned around after shutting the door, and Hank stared toward the hallway.

Kristen was there in her trench coat.

Grant held a hand out for her, and she walked over toward him. She dashed past Hank. “Hi.” Her cheeks were bright pink, and she hurried toward the freedom of outside.

“See you around,” she said to Grant on her way out.

“Talk to you soon.” Grant’s eyes closed for a brief second and then opened again. He spun around to face his friend.

“Who was that?” Hank’s eyebrows waggled at him.

“Just a friend. She stopped by for a few minutes, but I was busy grading papers.” He gestured toward the table. There was a pile of reports and files strewn everywhere.

Hank looked at the table then back out the window.

“Looked pretty young.”

“No idea how old she is. Never asked.”

Hank shook his head. “Escorts are a bad idea.”

Grant’s hands balled into fists at his side. He might call her a whore in the bedroom, but it was another thing to have it said as if it were true.

“She’s not a whore. She goes to the college and asked for help with her homework.”

“So you had her come to your house?” Hank’s eyebrows raised.


There wasn’t really any way out of this one. “There wasn’t a time that worked for either of us.”

Hank’s shoulders were bouncing up and down, like he might go into a fit of laughter at any moment.

“What the fuck are you doing here, anyway? Doesn’t anyone know how to use a goddamn phone these days?”

“So, she was the student you talked about last time. I see you decided to have a little fun.”

“What are you doing here?”

“Just stopping by. Figured I’d see what you were up to.”

Hank wouldn’t stop grinning at Grant. It seemed he enjoyed having him on edge.

“It just kind of happened.”

“You mean like you slipped and fell? And she was naked, and you landed just

“You know what I mean, asshole.” Grant tried not to snicker. He knew how ridiculous the whole thing sounded.

Hank gave him a look that told Grant he could see right through his little story.

“So—decided to go for it, did ya?” Hank smirked as he talked.

Grant shrugged. “It wasn’t easy.”

“I don’t doubt that it was.”

Grant stared out the window. “It’s bad. I know.”

“Probably not as bad as you’re making it out in your mind.”

“I’m an idiot.”

“You like her, though.” Hank’s eyes locked onto Grant’s. “I can tell.”

“It’s true. I like her a lot.”

“So, keep it under wraps until she’s out of your class.” He walked over and rested a hand on Grant’s shoulder.

Grant’s eyes darted to the hand and back to the window. He took in a deep breath.

“You’re not the first man who’s gone after a younger woman. I hate to burst your bubble.

Grant stood there, still unsure.

“Let’s go get a beer. Get some shit off your chest.”

Grant nodded.


By the time they’d finished their second round of beers, Grant had told Hank everything, from the night he went to the bar, to being interrupted in the classroom, and the way they’d been seeing each other ever since.

Hank sat on his barstool in silence, staring straight ahead, nodding occasionally. When Grant finished the story, they both sat there for a while before Hank shook his head.

He finally spoke. “Well, this Bailey girl seems the only obstacle. Well, and if you piss off Kristen. That could have implications too.” He took a sip of his beer. “Thinking about it all now, I’d advise you to keep things casual until the class is over, if she’ll go for it. Seems like there might be suspicion going around already.”

Grant planted his elbows on the bar and dropped his face into his hands. “That’s the problem. I don’t know if I can. I change into someone else every time she’s in the room. It’s intense.”

“Does she make you happy?”

Grant snapped up and stared at his friend. It seemed like such a cliché question, but it really was life wrapped up in a nutshell. “Yeah, she does.”

“Well, there you fucking go.” Hank nodded. “Just be smart about it, and be happy. Shit always works out.”

“Easier said than done.”

“That’s the truth.”

They tapped their bottles together.

Grant knew what he needed to do, though. He needed to break it off with her until the semester came to an end. He had to let her go for a little while. She wouldn’t like the idea. Not at all.

He knew her, though. Even if he pissed her off, she wouldn’t talk to anyone. She cared about him too much, and he cared about her too much to rob her of the college experience. She hadn’t even had a chance to date any college guys. Go to sporting events, parties. He was stealing it all from her.

I’m being selfish.

Throughout the course of their fling, he’d tried to convince himself it was what he needed to do. He’d ignored the feeling in his chest that told him to let her go, and he’d kept going, knowing he shouldn’t. As painful as it was, he had to let her go.

He sighed and turned to Hank. “I don’t know what to tell her. We’ve never really talked about what we were doing, we’ve just been doing it. I guess I should go meet up with her?”

Hank took a long time to respond. It seemed like Hank always thought through the entire equation, looking objectively at the situation, before answering. It was something Grant had always admired about him.

“I don’t know. I would think it’s something you should do in person.” Hank set the empty beer bottle down and glanced at his phone.

“That’s the problem. I don’t know if I can control myself with her in the room. It’s embarrassing to admit.” Grant stared up at the ceiling. “Fuck.”

“Do what you gotta do, man. If you really care about her, you will.”

Grant glanced over to Hank’s phone as well. “Got time for another round if you do.”

Hank held up two fingers. “Bartender.”

* * *

“Think it’s too much?” Kristen twirled around in front of the mirror while Stef watched from the bed.

She wore a sequined mini skirt with a fitted black tank top. Her black boots reached over her knees, exposing a stretch of thighs up to the hem of her skirt.

“You look great. But is it a good idea? Dating is a big step. I mean, you’ve been fucking, but sex is sex. Dinner is more than sex, and it’s very—public.”

“Maybe it’s just dinner. Maybe it’s more. Who knows? Anyway, have a good day in class.”

Excitement rushed through Kristen. She realized she hadn’t been this enthusiastic or had this kind of bounce in her step in a long time.

Stefani waved as she stepped through the door. As soon as she was gone, Kristen looked herself over in the mirror once more. She couldn’t help but smile.

Just then her stomach curdled, and she ran in the bathroom and hurled her breakfast.

That’s weird.

After a few minutes, the nausea passed. She didn’t feel like she had a fever, but she had drunk quite a bit last night. She stopped in front of the mirror once more, looking herself up and down one final time.

She slipped out of her clothes and into some jeans for class.

Happiness soon returned at the fact Grant had called her and asked her to dinner. He was finally committing to her outside of the bedroom. She could already imagine herself on his arm as they strode into a nice restaurant.

She shook her head to snap out of her daydream so she could actually function. She needed to suffer through the routine of the day—but, once that was over, it was dinner with Grant, and she was determined to look stunning for him.

Another wave of nausea rolled through her, but this time she put her hand on her stomach and took a deep breath. It quickly passed.

What the fuck?

She was on the pill. There was no way she was pregnant. It had to be something she’d eaten, or a mild hangover, or she was getting sick. She didn’t know what was going on. But she didn’t have the time to stress about it now.

There were a lot of bugs going around campus. She’d probably caught one.


“This is perfect.” Kristen sat down after Grant took her jacket from her shoulders, and then he pulled out the chair for her.

He draped the jacket over the back of her chair and then walked around and took a seat across from her.

It was a five-star restaurant and gorgeous. Candles sat on the table between them, and fine white linens hung from all the tables. It was a complete surprise. And they had the best seats in the place. Kristen’s heart thudded on her ribs as she glanced over the menu, trying to decide what she would have.

Nobody had ever taken her to a place like this.

There had to be a reason for it. This was the kind of place a man would take a woman if he was in a long-term, serious relationship.

Oh my God.

Was he going to ask her to be his girlfriend? She hadn’t even thought of being that serious with him, though things had heated up a lot the past month. Was he going to ask her to marry him?

Her heart kicked into overdrive. Grant seemed like a cautious man, but he came alive around her. He was spontaneous as could be. Was this really happening? Butterflies swarmed her entire body, and her hand trembled on the crystal stemware when she picked up a glass of water to take a sip. Her whole body felt warm and tingly. Maybe the water would cool her down a little.

Marriage had never really crossed her mind before right then. They were both the center of the other’s universe. How could he be doing anything other than taking them to the next level?

Once they’d placed their orders, Kristen turned her attention to Grant with a flirty smile.

“What’ve you been doing? I didn’t hear from you last night.” Kristen didn’t want to complain, but it was true. She’d expected him to have her come over, and he hadn’t. He was a grown man, though. His friend had stopped by, so she assumed they’d been hanging out.

Grant was allowed to have friends.

As long as they aren’t women.

The sex had been off the charts with them, though. He’d pretty much fucked her any way she thought was possible, and her toes had curled, and she had came for him every single time.

She took in a deep breath and just breathed him in. Any time he was around, she was in heaven. What she thought was just a crush at the beginning of the school year had turned into much more than she’d ever hoped for.

She loved him.

She hadn’t told him that because she didn’t want to scare him off, and because it seemed too soon to say the words. But now, him bringing her to this restaurant, showing her off publicly—she knew he was the same.

He loves me.

“Same as always. Midterms coming up. I have a lot of work to do.” Grant seemed to avoid eye contact.

Aww, he’s nervous.

She thought it was cute that he was having trouble getting his words out. It had to be something huge he’d planned. Her mind was reeling a thousand different directions. How did this man drive her so crazy? She lived and breathed for him.

He fidgeted with things. Grant never fidgeted. He was always so calm and in control of every situation. It was one of the things that drew her to him.

“Am I going to pass?” She flashed him a flirty smile. She wanted to reach out and touch his hand, but his face was nearly pale.

He looked up, but instead of flirting back like usual, he just stared like he was looking a thousand yards past her. “Time will tell. I’m sure if you’ve studied hard, you’ll do fine.”

She canted her head slightly to the side, and the waiter interrupted the awkward moment with their food.

He thanked the waiter who set plates in front of each of them.

“I was just kidding.”

He glanced up. “Right, sorry.” He shook his head.

She wanted to ask him what was wrong, but she didn’t want to press. It had to be nerves. It wasn’t every day you asked the person you loved to commit to you, possibly for the rest of your life.

Suddenly, the nausea she’d felt earlier that morning crept up in a hurry. “Excuse me.” She ran to the bathroom and hurled in the expensive restroom.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

She pulled herself together in the mirror, ate a mint, and walked back to the table.

God, he’s going to want to kiss me after he asks me to be his, or to marry him. Fuck, it’s going to ruin everything.

She cursed her body for trying to sabotage her perfect night. Grant stood when she walked back and guided her back into her seat.

“You all right?”

She smiled and nodded. Finally, he was back. She liked caring, attentive Grant. And maybe later on, she would get her professor in the bedroom. The man who knew exactly what she loved and didn’t mind tying her up and fucking her to the point she couldn’t see straight.

“Think I have the bug that’s going around.” She gave him a weak smile. “I’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, being sick during mid-terms wouldn’t be fun. Hope it passes soon.”

She didn’t want to talk about her stupid stomach. Kristen wanted Grant to get on with the conversation he wanted to have. But she didn’t want to rush him. He’d probably planned it all out in his head, how it’d go. That didn’t mean she couldn’t try and guide the conversation slowly that way. “What are we going to do when school is out in a few months? Gonna miss me?”

Grant grinned slightly, but still avoided eye contact.

“My parents expect me to come home. But I could stay in California.” Kristen stared at Grant, looking for some kind of reaction. She got nothing. “Still a little while to think about it, I guess.”

“We have to stop seeing each other.”

The words slammed into her chest like they’d been fired through a shotgun. At the same time, it was like a cold shard of ice stabbed into her heart. She wasn’t sure she’d heard him right. He still wouldn’t look at her. She wanted to say so many things, but all of them caught in her throat. All she could do was stare.

As the words resonated, it felt like the walls of the place were closing in, and gravity was pulling her harder to the ground. Her chest constricted, and her tongue became thick in her mouth.

“What’d you say?” She managed to keep her words calm and collected.

“Look, this has been a lot of fun, but we both know it’s the right thing to do. We can’t be together.”

This was all a disaster. It couldn’t be happening. What was worse was he wasn’t being cold and mean. His voice actually sounded tender and loving. She knew he felt something for her. He was weak for her. And now he wanted to end it all.

Her chest heaved up and down as she fought for composure. Was it a panic attack? The last thing she wanted was to cause a scene in one of the most expensive restaurants in town.

What made it even worse was she’d gotten all worked up for nothing. She’d allowed her thoughts to take her into the clouds with thoughts of a proposal, and it made the crash that much more intense. “Y-you brought me here to break up with me?”

She felt tears form in her eyes, and she blinked them away. Kristen didn’t cry in front of anyone.

Grant craned his head around the restaurant, scanning for anyone who might be watching them.

“I brought you here because I thought you at least deserved this. I knew you wouldn’t take the news well. I didn’t want to take the easy way out with you.”

She didn’t know what to say. Even when he was breaking up with her, he was trying to be sweet.

She grabbed her napkin from her lap and tossed it in the middle of the table while she stood.

Grant rose at the same time and reached out for her elbow, but she yanked it away.

“Don’t touch me.” She whisper-screamed out of respect for the others in the restaurant, but people were already looking in their direction. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife.

She saw two men glaring at Grant.

“Let me take you home.”

The bridge of her nose tingled, and she didn’t know if she could hold back the tears. She couldn’t remember ever feeling something like this. Like he had her shoulders pinned down and was punching her relentlessly in the stomach.

She nodded at him. A nod that said get me the fuck out of here, now.

Grant draped her jacket over her shoulders and hurried her out as quickly as he could.

Humiliation, rejection, and a million other emotions slammed into her repeatedly as they walked toward the car.

He opened the door for her, and she stepped in, still managing to hold in the tears as he drove her home in silence.

Grant looked over like he might say something a couple of times but then would just stare back at the road.

She didn’t want to talk about anything. She didn’t want to speak at all. Her stomach roiled anytime she even glanced in his direction.

When Grant dropped her off, he attempted to lean in and give her a kiss on the side of her head, but Kristen held her hand up. “Don’t fucking touch me.”

Truth be told, she thought she’d handled the news quite well, considering she wanted to flip the table over and throw her drink in his face. He’d broken her heart—completely crushed her. She opened the door and stepped out, pausing briefly as he stopped her.

“I’m sorry.”

She closed the door in silence. Didn’t even slam it. She walked up to her room and slipped into her bed.

She clutched her pillow to her chest and finally let her emotions take over. A tear slid down her cheek and onto the bed.

He’d broken her.

* * *

Grant had to admit, he knew it was going to be difficult breaking things off with Kristen, but he’d expected a completely different outcome. Once he dropped her off, he went home and drank more than he could remember. He finished off his bottle of whiskey and tried everything he could to forget the events of the evening.

The way she’d looked at him continued to haunt him through the night. It was impossible to get any kind of rest. He wanted to call her, text her, see if she was all right, but he had to let it run its course over the weekend. It was going to be the longest two days of his life.

He knew it would’ve been better to wait until the end of the semester to break her heart, but he had no choice. The longer he dragged on what they were doing, the more difficult it would make things when they finally did break it off at the end of the year. He couldn’t send her home to her family completely shattered.

Maybe this way the damage wouldn’t be permanent, and she could salvage some of her freshman year. She could heal faster this way.

And so could he.

He fought the urge to check on her. It would only make the situation worse. Not being able to talk to her was torture. Even though he’d broken her heart, he’d done the right thing. The nice restaurant. She deserved that much, at least.

He knew Kristen adored him. She would do anything he asked. She had to be devastated.


Maybe the restaurant wasn’t the best thing to do. She’d probably gotten excited, thinking he was taking things to the next level.

Why would she think that, though? What did she think would happen? That he would openly say, “Look at us! Please fire me immediately,” as he gave administration the finger?

Did she think they were going to move on in their relationship—get married even? She wasn’t stupid. She had to know that wasn’t a possibility. Surely, she wasn’t that delusional.

He’d warred with his brain over the decision. If he was honest with himself, he knew he’d thought about it too—contemplated a relationship with her. It was all about sex in the beginning, but now there was another part of the equation. There was another section of his brain that’d fantasized at times about a scenario where they could be more.

Finally, he managed to close his eyes and forget about her long enough to fall asleep.


When he woke the next morning, he quickly reached for his phone to see if there was anything from Kristen. He knew it was stupid to think there might be, but he could hope. What would she say to him? That he was right? That she wasn’t angry with him for doing what was best, and they could be friends?

It was Saturday, and he’d slept in much later than normal. He blamed it on the whiskey. It had to be true the way his head throbbed. He felt groggy as he grabbed his phone, and he swore under his breath when he saw it was dead.


He grabbed his charger and plugged it in before stepping into the shower. He wished there was a way he could erase this whole nightmare.

By the time Grant got out of the shower, he was much better. He needed to think about his next move. Normally, he fucked Kristen senseless all day on Saturdays, and his brain wouldn’t let him forget.

He missed her already. They always knew they didn’t have to hide the things they did off campus, but they always planned a way to make it look as though they’d run in to each other on accident—something that could happen to anyone at any time. It was almost like role-playing, and he would miss that. He’d miss the way she’d stare at him, and her eyes would widen in surprise when she laid eyes on him.

He couldn’t stop thinking about everything.

But today was different. Today, when he looked at his phone, he wasn’t going to have a text from her. He would return to his life of nothing and no one. A life spent pondering how things would end up for him.

His stomach continued to tie itself in a knot. He shook his head and poured himself some coffee. He wanted to believe he loved Kristen more than anything, but he told himself he just loved the company. The situation. He loved the way she made him feel. He loved being wanted by a younger woman who was attractive. He loved the things she did for him.

Under the right circumstances, would he go running toward her, or would he pull away? The phone on the table chimed and pulled Grant out of his thoughts. He’d forgotten he’d left it there to charge. It lit up again. One after the other, almost back-to-back. Rapid-fire text messages.

“What the fuck?”

He walked over to the phone.

Jesus, she finally went off her rocker. Let it go.

He expected there to be a text begging him to reconsider or apologizing for whatever she did that made him break up with her.

He yanked the phone up to his face, his irritation growing stronger each time.

Nothing prepared him for the first message he saw, though.

“I’m pregnant, asshole.”

His back hammered into the wall with a loud thud, and he slid all the way down to the floor.

He stared out at his feet as a wave of emotions rushed through him, all of them at the same time. How could she be pregnant? She was on birth control. He knew it wasn’t a hundred percent effective, but it was pretty damn close. How could this happen to him, again?

His hands balled into fists, and his face reddened. Was this some ploy, some stupid game, to send him crawling back to her? After all, it would take a while before she started to show.

Was she capable of lying about something like this?

He didn’t want to think about the real answer, but it was an absolute yes. She was crazy. It was something he’d loved about her, but at the moment, was something he also hated. She’d gone to the restaurant probably thinking he was going to drop onto a knee and propose to her. Put a ring in the dessert. All that stupid shit had probably gone through her mind, and now he was paying for it.

He hadn’t told her about his past. If she’d known, he didn’t think she’d be capable of something like this. She’d know how it would hurt him. He had to consider her ignorance on the matter. But it still didn’t make it a less shitty thing to do.

Maybe she was pregnant, and it wasn’t his. He didn’t think that she’d fucked anyone else, but when you’re in the middle of a crisis, your brain goes to the worst possible places. Anything can be imagined. Was this some kind of trick to get child support out of him? The entire time, had she been setting out to trap him? Maybe the real father was a deadbeat, and she wanted to find someone with a job and something to lose to hold hostage.

Text after text came through, begging him to call her. He hesitated. It really could be his child, in fact it was highly likely.

He thought about the trouble he would be in from the school, news stations. They’d be all over this.

Even after thinking about all of that, there was a part of him that came alive in side. The thought of being a dad. Spending the rest of his life with Kristen, starting a family with her. In a perfect utopia, where people didn’t judge, he could easily imagine that life.

He didn’t want to stir up more issues between them, but if she was pregnant and he was the father, he had to do what was right. He had to step up and be there for her. At the same time, they had to sweep this news under the rug until school was out, or it would end him professionally.

Rumors about them having sex were one thing, but there was no way he could hide the fact that he’d gotten her pregnant.

His breathing became labored as he tapped the screen on his phone, and it felt like the world was suffocating him.


“What do you mean you’re pregnant?” The words came out harsher than intended.

“Don’t be an asshole.” She sniffled as if she’d spent the morning in tears.

“Listen. If you’re playing some kind of game to

“Oh, fuck you! You know me better than that.”

Grant cringed and held the phone away from his ear. His head still throbbed from the gallon of whiskey the night before.

“Well, you’ve done some pretty crazy shit. How am I supposed to know?”

“This is real. I wouldn’t make up something like this. How could you even think that? You’re a real piece of shit.”

Grant thought back to her running to the bathroom at the restaurant.


He ducked down when he spoke and covered the receiver, as if there were someone in the room watching. “I thought you were on the fucking pill?”

“I was.” Her words came through gritted teeth.

“Then how the fuck did this happen?”

“Jesus. The pill isn’t a hundred percent. And you put your dick in my pussy and came inside of it. And here we are, genius. You’re a college professor. Surely you know how reproduction works.”

His jaw set, and he squeezed the phone in his fingers. “What do you want me to do?”

“I don’t want anything from you. I just thought you should know you have a child growing inside of me before you toss me in the gutter like a piece of trash.”

Her words stung, and for a brief moment, the letter he received from Mercedes flashed through his brain. He sighed.

“If it’s true. I want to do what’s right.”

We don’t need anything from you. This was a courtesy call. You won’t hear from us again.”

Grant cringed at her words.

“Kristen, look

The line went dead in the middle of his sentence.

* * *

It’d been nearly a week since she’d told him about the baby, and she still couldn’t believe his response. She didn’t know what to do. How could she be responsible for another human being when she could barely get her own shit together?

Kristen took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. She’d have to. That’s the way it was.

Her hands moved down to her stomach. There was no way she would give her baby up.

“It’s just me and you, kid. We’ll figure this out.”

It was funny, but she hadn’t said anything out loud about Grant in the last week. He was a fucking asshole and hadn’t even come by to check on her or tried to call her again. But she wouldn’t talk bad about her baby’s father. Not now. Not ever.

They didn’t need him. She would figure it out. At the same time, it felt like her world was falling apart, but the baby gave her hope she could do better, be better.

Failing her baby wasn’t an option. It hadn’t asked to be brought into the world.

She hadn’t tricked Grant, no matter what kind of bullshit he’d conjured up in his mind. She’d taken her pill, had checkups. She took all the precautions, other than him coming inside of her, of course. But it’d felt so right in the moment.

She’d thought about what would happen plenty of times, if she did happen to get pregnant by him. This was the last way she’d envisioned things going.

It was always a passing thought, though—dismissed as impossible due to his age and her being on birth control.

In her own little fantasies, she’d thought about different romantic ways to give him the news. Maybe at a nice restaurant, like the one he’d taken her to, or with a card in the place where they’d made their little miracle.

Each time she pictured the scene, it was full of happiness and love. He’d lift her up and twirl her around, kiss her, and promise to be the best dad in the world.

Sure, she thought he’d be shocked, and maybe a little concerned. He’d ask questions and what not.

But she never dreamed he’d react the way he did. Never would she have thought he would blow her off for a week or accuse her of lying and trying to manipulate him.

The man she’d fallen in love with had completely changed. Or maybe he hadn’t. Maybe he was showing his true colors and really was a self-centered asshole who only thought of himself.

He hadn’t acted like his usual self as he’d driven her back the night of their date, either. Something was going on with him. Was there something else?

The old Grant never would have accused her of making up a pregnancy.

Various thoughts ran through Kristen’s mind, and she wondered how much of it was panic and how much was her seeing the situation more clearly.

Was he seeing someone else? Did he have multiple girls like her on his arm? Booty calls? Was it another girl in the class? Did he find out something that scared him away from her? Was it Bailey?

That bitch.

Maybe she’d gone to him and made threats or scared him away, just to be a dick. She wouldn’t put it past her.

Perhaps there was something that she’d done that threw him for a loop, but instead of talking to her about it, he decided to break it off completely.

The pregnancy was making her an emotional basket case. She’d never felt so many emotions rip through her body at once. One minute she’d be fine and the next want to tear someone’s head off. She’d forget things she’d just done or where she’d just put her phone. She’d already spent most of the morning crying, something she never did. The tears started up again and streamed down her cheeks.

She shoved her hand against her mouth, stifling a sob. It was the best she could do just to sit up in bed, let alone try to eat anything. It was three in the afternoon, and she hadn’t moved in hours.

Stefani walked in the room. “You all right?” It looked like it took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the dim light, but once they did, she saw Kristen still lying in bed looking miserable. “You sick?”

“I need to leave.”

Stefani stared and then set her purse down and flicked on a light.

Kristen’s hands shot over her face.

“Are you crying? What happened?” Stefani ran over to the desk and grabbed the chair, then pulled it up to Kristen’s bed.

“We broke up.” She didn’t mean to be so dramatic, but she couldn’t stop. She’d thought about an abortion a few times, but there was no way she could ever go through with that. She couldn’t bring herself to get rid of a life she’d created. The baby was still half her, even if it was half of the man who’d broken her heart.

“I’m so sorry.” Stefani always knew what to say, and how to comfort her, but at the same time, Kristen saw there was almost a flicker of relief in her face. She knew Stefani never approved, but she hadn’t said anything more about it after their conversation a month ago.

“I loved him s-s-so much.” Kristen sobbed.

Stefani shook her head, trying to cheer her up. “He’s the last thing you need in your life right now. It’ll get better. I promise. Just focus on school and getting your life together. You don’t need some professor to make you happy.”

“You don’t understand.”

Stefani sighed. It was going to be difficult getting through the breakup but even harder without the support of her roommate. She wanted someone to tell her it was okay and that he’d come running back, however stupid that was. She just wanted some assurance everything would work out.

“I’m pregnant.” Her words came out mumbled.

Stefani gasped, then quickly schooled her features.

More silence.

Finally, she nodded. “Are you sure?”

“Look at the test.”

Stefani walked to the bathroom, and then came back in the room. “Did you tell him?”

“I texted him last week. And he called right back.” Kristen waited for Stefani to say something, but she said nothing. She looked up, and Stefani was looking out the window, her eyes darting back and forth like she was lost in thought. She didn’t ask what Grant had said. Didn’t ask what Kristen was going to do. She just stood there.

“You must think I’m an idiot. Look at me.”

Stefani still just stood there, staring. Finally, she spoke again. “I hate him.”

Stef didn’t look back at her, but for some odd reason, Kristen felt the need to defend Grant.

“It wasn’t his fault. I should’ve been more careful. I should’ve known better.” Kristen put her hands over her eyes, closing out the world.

Stefani sighed once more.

She thought Stef was going to call her an idiot. Tell her how stupid she was. Scold her for only blaming herself.

“Have you eaten anything?”

Kristen didn’t answer. She didn’t uncover her eyes.

She heard the sound of the fridge suctioning open and a lid popped off a container.

“I made macaroni and cheese last night. It’s not the greatest, but you should eat something. The baby needs nutrients.”

Kristen said nothing. She heard the sound of pasta being scraped into a bowl and buttons on the microwave. Stefani might not have the right words to say, but she was doing her best.

When the microwave chimed, Kristen sat up in bed, her heart heavy and her eyes red. Stefani was still silent and handed her the bowl on a napkin with a fork. She sat down, and Kristen stabbed the macaroni.

Stef put a hand on her forearm. “I’m gonna miss you.”

Kristen didn’t say anything. She couldn’t. She hadn’t realized how close she’d grown to Stefani over the past few months, and now that her decision was made, she knew she’d have to say goodbye. Tears rolled down her cheeks again. She sat the pasta down and jumped out of bed.

The two girls embraced, and Kristen broke down and didn’t want to let go of her.

* * *

Grant sighed and stared at the wall of his classroom. The students were all taking a test with their heads down. It’d been two weeks since he’d broken up with Kristen, and he hadn’t heard another word.

She’d made it clear she wanted nothing to do with him, and his class felt strangely empty without her.

His entire life felt empty without her.

He knew it’d be best to give her some time, and now that he’d thought about it more, he couldn’t expect her to be back in class so soon. In a way, he was relieved she hadn’t been there. He wouldn’t be able to look at her.

And the whole time knowing she carried his baby.

He couldn’t get her pregnancy out of his mind. He felt horrible about what he’d said to her on the phone, and he wished there was a way he could take it back.

It was ridiculous to accuse her of something like that, but he’d been so caught up in the moment. He needed to wait for her to calm down some more and then step up and handle things once they’d both processed everything for a while.

If she was going to keep this baby, then he owed it to her to take care of the kid, even if it was from a distance.

Even that thought crushed him. How could he expect her to bear the burden alone? Money could only do so much. He would want to be in the child’s life. She’d probably want nothing to do with him. In fact, she’d been pretty clear on the matter. But he had rights. He wanted to know his child, and love his child, even if its mother didn’t.

He’d always thought he’d make a good dad.

Was she going to drop out of school? It would be a long shot for her to finish college as a single mother with no support, let alone be able to go after her dreams.

He was a selfish monster who’d put his needs above hers.

He didn’t have to do what he did. He could have told himself no, should’ve kept her at arm’s length.

He should’ve poured himself another drink at home instead of yanking her out of that bar. It would have been far better than causing her to hate him and drop of out of school.

Had it all been horrible, though? It hadn’t all been bad. They’d had so many good times, and he’d been happier than he’d been in a long time. Grant knew he loved her, he just hadn’t had the courage to admit it to himself. At first, it was just raging hormones, but he’d settled in and gotten to know her. He never wanted to be with anyone else after that.

He lifted his phone from the desk, debating on whether it would be a good idea to call her after class. He didn’t know what she would say, or if she’d even answer. He just wanted to hear her voice.

A light knock at the door jolted him from his thoughts, and he looked up, along with the rest of the class. It was Kristen’s roommate, Stefani. The students’ heads all shifted back down to their quizzes.

“Can I help you?”

He fought the urge to run over to her and beg her for information. Stefani walked down to his desk. She had a file in her hand and held it out to him.

“What am I looking at?”

“Can you sign these?” She stared around the room and kept her voice at a whisper.

Grant took the file, and opened it, scanning the contents.

“This is a drop form? What do you need me to sign it for? You’re not in my class.”

“It’s not for me.” She leaned over. “Kristen’s leaving school. She sent me for obvious reasons.” Stefani crossed her arms and stared daggers at him.

Fuck, she knows.

Something about Stefani’s presence, and her stare, turned his veins to ice.

He tried to keep his voice down, even though he could see Bailey Ferguson leaning in trying to listen. “How’s she doing?”

“She said not to discuss anything with you.”

Grant wondered if that was true or if she was just protecting her friend. Part of him was hurt, another part hoped that it was the latter.

“When is she leaving?” He scribbled his name across the paperwork.

“I told you already. She said not to discuss anything.” Stefani rolled her eyes.

It was clear he wasn’t going to get any information out of her, no matter how hard he tried.

He just wanted the girl out of his class as quickly as possible. But, after she got the papers back, she didn’t leave. She walked up and then stood in the doorway, stone cold and silent, watching him with the same icy expression as when she walked into the room.

She had every right to be angry in defense of her friend, but at the same time, he couldn’t help but get pissed about the way she glared. She just stood there, shaking her head in disgust.

He already felt horrible. He didn’t need some nineteen-year-old student judging him.

She didn’t understand his position. She didn’t know where he was coming from. She’d only heard half the story. All she knew was what Kristen had told her, and he was sure it wasn’t sympathetic to him at all. She didn’t know the big picture.

The thoughts ran through his mind as he sat there and graded papers.

“Thanks.” She finally headed out the door.

“Have a nice day.” He knew it was childish and immature, but he was going to get the last word. This was his fucking classroom, after all, and he might’ve made mistakes, but he wasn’t going to have a student give him shit in his own room.

Stefani, it seemed, wasn’t afraid to be disrespectful to anyone.

Her middle finger shot up as she left, right as the class all turned to see what was going on. Apparently, she didn’t give a fuck if any of them were staring at her or not.

Part of his brain told him this shit was all a dream. It had to be a nightmare. None of this was really happening.

Everything had changed now. Signing the papers felt so—final. Like he was signing his life away. Now, knowing that Kristen was going to leave for home or another school, he would be all alone, wondering what would’ve happened to her for the rest of his life.

Pure, agonizing pain crushed him.

He buried his face in his palms right on his desk. The students all stared, but he didn’t give a fuck who saw him or what they thought. He didn’t need any of them. He was about to lose her. He needed her.

He knew what he had to do. He was going to stop her. She couldn’t leave. He didn’t care what it took. He didn’t even care if it meant he was going to have to move wherever she went. All that mattered to him was that he had her.

He was going to beg to get her back.

* * *

“Are you going?” Kristen still couldn’t pry her hands away from her stomach since she’d found out about the baby, and she hadn’t even come close to showing yet.

Stefani grabbed her keys and the list off the table. She was going to the grocery store to get snacks and treats, and when she got back, both girls planned on spending the night watching movies and talking. It was Kristen’s last night on campus.

“I think we wrote down everything. If not, I’ll come back and make two trips.”

She turned and walked out the door, and Kristen’s heart sank. The dorm seemed so empty without Stefani in it now. Part of her was sad that she was going to leave it behind.

Not even three minutes had passed, and there was a knock at the door.

“Stef?” Kristen opened the door.

She jumped back when Stef was just inches away. Stefani stood in front of her, breathless and with her hair blown back, like she’d sprinted up the stairs.

Kristen stared. “What the fuck, dude?”

“Forgot my keys. Didn’t you get my text?”

“What?” Kristen grabbed her phone. “Oh, sorry, it was on silent.”

Stefani rolled her eyes, and they both laughed.

“God, you scared the shit out of me. I’ll turn it on in case you need to ask me something at the store.”

“I’ll hurry.” Stefani shook her head and grabbed her sunglasses. She turned and left.

A few minutes later there was another knock at the door.

I’m going to kill this bitch.

“What the fuck, Stef?” She said the words right as she opened the door. Fear shot through her like a bolt of lightning, and nothing but pure anger followed. “What the fuck do you want?”

Grant stood in front of her. “I need to talk to you.” He tried to come through the door, but Kristen shook her head.

“No. You need to go.”

She tried to close the door, but he blocked it with his shoe. She grunted in frustration.

He pushed the door open wider with his palm. He didn’t fight against her, but he didn’t let her close it in his face either.

“I need to talk to you.”

“No.” She shook her head. “I don’t want to talk to you.” Kristen tried to close the door again, but it wouldn’t budge. “Go away, or I’ll scream.”

His jaw tensed. “Would you stop acting like a child and making a scene? Jesus.”

She folded her arms over her chest. “I’m acting like the child? You know what? Just get the fuck out. I have nothing to say to you.”

Why couldn’t he seem to understand her words? The man was a fucking professor, for God’s sake.

“Okay, Kristen. You want to play your little games. Fine. We’ll see what happens when we go to court and I win custody of my baby.”

Her whole body froze, every muscle frigid. Pure horror coursed through her body. “Fuck you. That will never happen.”

“Really? I’m a professor with a career. A responsible adult. You’re a college dropout. What do you think will happen?”

Her stomach twisted, and tears threatened the corner of her eyes once more. He was probably right? Surely, he wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t take her baby away from her.

His gaze dropped to the floor, as if he felt bad for what he’d just said. “I don’t want to do that, but you’re leaving me no choice by acting like an immature brat. I came over to apologize and try to work something out.”

“You should’ve done that a long time ago.”

“Really?” He nodded the most sarcastic nod she’d ever seen, and then scrubbed a hand through his hair. “Fuck, you’re so impossible sometimes.”

Something inside of her still found happiness, knowing how frustrated she could make him. For a brief moment, they were back to their old selves.

“Just let me in for five fucking minutes. I look like an idiot out here.”

She pushed the door aside and glared at him.

He stepped into the room.

“You have three.”

He whipped around once he was in the middle of the room. “Don’t make demands, Kristen. It won’t end up well for you.” He pointed at her face.

She threw her arms up in frustration, then quickly moved her hands back to her baby as if to protect it. “Why now? All of a sudden I’m leaving, and you’re here.”

The door closed. It was just the two of them in the room. She didn’t trust herself with him. It was the reason she’d wanted him to stay in the hall. The reason she’d sent a text to tell him. He’d say the right things, or do the right things, then he’d walk out on her again. Fuck that.

“You should’ve thought about all of that before you just tossed me aside.”

“I didn’t know you were pregnant.”


“So!” He took a step toward her. “How’d you think I would react? What did you think would happen?”

She turned and looked out the window. “I don’t know. Not the way you did, obviously.”

“Really?” He threw his hand up and sighed in frustration. He ground his jaw. “You didn’t have this news dropped on you with someone being confrontational. You got to sit around and make a decision, whether you should call me, text me, or come over. You had an opportunity to think it through first. Not have it blasted in your face, and then be grilled with life choices and ultimatums.”

She could kind of see his point. She’d seen the test and then sat around, wondering what to do. She was pretty freaked out at first. It didn’t matter, though. She would’ve never let him go for weeks alone in that state.

“What about the last two weeks? You couldn’t let me know this shit somehow? You just left me here, hating you.”

“It’s all I’ve thought about. But you dropped a bomb and told me you didn’t want to hear from me. Then sent people who flipped me off in the middle of my classroom after I signed their goddamn papers that meant you were leaving.”

Kristen tried not to grin. Stefani hadn’t told her she’d flipped him off.

“So, what do you want? Why are you here?”

“I want to say I’m sorry. And I want to do the right thing. And I don’t regret our relationship, or whatever it was we’ve been doing. But you’re making it pretty difficult to do.”

Kristen looked away. Tears formed in her eyes, and she didn’t want to cry in front of him.

“I know I hurt you, and I’m sorry we weren’t more careful. And you feel you have to bear most of the burden. I’m sorry for that. I’ll do whatever you need me to do. If you need money, it’s yours. The only thing I ask is that I get to be a part of my child’s life.”

Her jaw was set, and her mind was in a million places. She didn’t like being placed on the spot like this, but she’d be a huge hypocrite if she got pissed at him for it, because she’d done the same thing to him. All she could do was stare at the same icy blues that once heated her up the moment they’d walk into the room.

“Most of all, I’d like to give a relationship a try. I love you.”

What the fuck just happened?

He still stood there, yammering like an idiot while her heart came alive, and all the colors around her turned vibrant. It was the only thing she’d ever wanted to hear him say, and he’d fucked it all up, over and over.

“I want to marry you someday. I know that it all seems sudden, but fuck what the school has to say, and I don’t give a fuck what society says anymore. I’ve never been happier than I was with you the last few months. You make me so fucking happy.”

Kristen stood there, speechless.

She’d expected him to apologize and leave, but she’d never thought he’d want to commit to her—and eventually marry her.

She opened her mouth to reply, but words wouldn’t come out. “I-I"

He stepped toward her and grabbed her hands. He lowered himself to his knees in front of her. It’d always been her crawling to him in the past, but the roles had reversed. He was elevating her on a pedestal. Like he was worshipping her.

She’d always been the one who begged, but now it was him begging for her.

It had to be humiliating, and he didn’t care. He looked like he’d go to the ends of the earth for her.

“We can go wherever or stay here. I can resign my teaching position. Whatever I need to do.”

The emotions were almost too much to handle. She’d gone from upset, to angry, to happier than she’d ever been in her life. It was going to be a challenge, and there was no way her parents would ever approve of him. But the thought of walking down the aisle to him, and him cradling their baby in his arms—it caused her heart to flutter.

He was willing to sacrifice everything for her. If she wanted to go, he would go. If she wanted to stay, he would stay. No more sneaking around, no more guessing, no more hiding. They could finally be together, and it would all be okay.

She shook her head, and tears streamed down her cheeks. Grant’s face paled. She said the only words that came to her mind. The only words she could think to say in the moment.

“I love you, too.”

He jumped to his feet. They stood for a moment, nothing but silence between them.

Grant suddenly rushed forward and wrapped her in his arms. It was the first kiss between them that wasn’t going to lead to sex. It was the first kiss of their new relationship. He twirled her around in the middle of the room, and it was like the whole world spun around the two of them, existed only with them in it.

She wasn’t sure how long they kissed for. Her head was somewhere up in the clouds. But finally, they released, and Kristen took a step back.

“Stefani’s going to be back soon. She might murder you if she catches you in here.”

They both laughed, and he headed for the door smiling harder than she’d ever seen. He was glowing—glowing—for her and their baby. He kept his eyes on her each step into the hallway, looking at her with a spark in his eyes she’d never seen before.

“You won’t have to worry about that much longer. You’re moving in with me.”

Kristen’s heart jumped into her throat. He lived in such a nice place, she couldn’t imagine what it’d be like calling it her own home. Rushing forward, their lips collided again, and they shared another passionate kiss in the hallway where anyone could see.

Kristen finally pulled back. “You better get out of here, sir.”

He smiled. “Got the sir part right.” He smacked her on the ass and yanked her closer to him. “Fuck, I’ve missed you.”

He dropped a kiss on her forehead and hurried from the room.

Kristen shook her head and spun in the middle of her dorm, clutching her stomach, wondering how long it would take to pack her things. She could still spend time with Stefani, but it was going to be nice not living in the cramped space anymore.

Stefani returned shortly after with groceries in hand, and when she saw Kristen, she gave her a strange look. “Uhh, what’s happening here?”

Kristen smiled, biting her tongue. She wanted to tell her friend everything, but she knew it was a bad time. She’d enjoy her secret for tonight and worry about the rest in the morning. All that mattered was she was finally happy, filled with pure joy. The rest of the world could wait for the news.

“Nothing. Let’s watch a movie.”

Stefani smiled and shook her head, grabbing the chips and heading for the futon. Kristen, on the other hand, grabbed her phone and quickly flipped to her message thread with Grant.

“I love you.” She typed it and quickly hit send.

It wasn’t thirty seconds later when her phone lit up, and she grabbed it.

His name flashed across the screen, and for the first time in forever, her heart skipped a beat.

“I love you too, baby

Kristen tossed her phone back on the bed and turned her attention to the movie.


Everything was going to be okay.

I hope you enjoyed your bonus book Professor’s Pet.

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