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Player in a Suit (Cockiest Suits Book 3) by Alex Wolf (30)


I’m on the verge of closing a multi-billion-dollar deal for a client. The largest of my career. What the hell was I thinking when I agreed to take on Jaxson’s bratty sister as my new personal assistant? I don’t have time to train her. I don’t need drama she’ll bring with her little prick of a boyfriend. She’s always running to Jax with all her problems.


I bet he did it to pawn her shit off on me. Well played, but I never lose at anything.

As I step out of the elevator, I notice her desk is empty. Late on the first day. Beautiful. I don’t need this shit. I’m not a fucking babysitter. Only two things matter in my world—power and pussy. And I already get pussy whenever I feel like it.

I don’t have time to fetch my own coffee. I don’t have time to answer phone calls and write down appointments and shit.

I walk into my office, oblivious to my surroundings, totally focused on how to fire Claire before she even starts, when my eyes land on a red pair of fuck-me heels attached to tan legs that would wrap perfectly around my waist, if they weren’t attached to

“Claire.” I breathe out her name as I stand there wide-eyed. It takes a lot to shock me, but goddamn.

Gone is her usual messy bun and university sweatshirt. Her dark hair hangs longer than I would’ve thought, cascading over her shoulders in loose waves. Her hazel eyes brighten as her mouth curves into a smile.

“Good morning. I got coffee for you and a water. Went ahead and checked your schedule for today and pulled files for all your meetings. I found your last PA’s notes in my desk and tried to figure out everything I could.”

“Yeah, that’s umm, great.” This is going to be trouble. Now I need to fire her for an entirely different reason. There’s no way I can fuck Jax’s sister, but my cock doesn’t seem to process that information.

She has on makeup but not too much. Red lipstick stains her lips and I can’t help but think how good it would look painting a ring around my cock.

I thought for sure she’d be incompetent, late—fuck off on the internet when I needed shit. Apparently, I was wrong, but I’ll never tell anyone that. I only hired her as a favor. Seemed important to Jax.

There’s an awkward silence for a moment.

She stands there awaiting my orders. I don’t give her any yet. I can see that I make her nervous, and it does something for me. I like it a lot.

Her eyes stay locked on me as I take a sip of my coffee. It’s shit, but I need caffeine.

I won’t crush her on the first morning and tell her it tastes like Chewbacca’s asshole.

Truthfully, I like the ways she looks standing by my desk. I move past her and take my seat. It’d be easy to reach over and run my palm up her leg. As tempting as the thought is, I refrain because I notice Jax strolling past my office. When he looks through the glass and sees us, he pokes his head through the door.

“Off to a good start?”

“Don’t need you checking up on her, Dad.” I give him a shit-eating grin.

He glances around and flips me the bird, then walks off.

Keeping my hands to myself won’t be hard. All I have to do is look at Claire and see the resemblance to Jax. I shudder a little at the thought. But, as I stare up at her, she doesn’t look like him at all. Damn.

I was hoping I could picture him in a wig and make a connection, trick my mind. I blink and return my gaze to the mountain of files awaiting my attention.

Fuck, I didn’t think this through. Jax is going to be all up in my business all the time now too, dropping by, asking how she’s doing.

Since she doesn’t look like Jax, there’s only one other option—be an asshole and work her to death. She’ll either quit or all my work will get done in record time and she’ll hate me so much she wouldn’t fuck me anyway.

Sounds like a plan.

“I have some dry cleaning that needs dropped off. When you’re done with that, I’ll be ready for lunch.” I reach into the top drawer of my desk and hand her the keys to my apartment. “Almost forgot. You need a company phone and laptop. Go see Camillia in HR. She’ll get you set up and do all your paperwork too. Once you know your phone number, I’ll need you to program it along with your personal number into my phone.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Don’t look so nervous. They’re simple jobs. Only an idiot could screw it up.” I flash her a wide grin.

I wave her off and get busy on the stack of files while I wait for reports from the team I have working on a property value.