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Secrets Kept by Allie Everhart (10)

Chapter Ten

The next day I get a bunch of texts from Gavin. Some funny. Some sweet. One is a reminder that I left my clothes in his car.

They all make me smile. It's nice that he's thinking of me. Kurt never texted me unless he wanted something. He never texted just to check in or say hi.

That night, Gavin texts me during his class. My professor has so much nose hair I can see it from the back of the room.

I text back. Maybe you should buy him a trimmer. Leave it on his desk.

I might just do that.

Aside from the hairy-nosed professor, how's the class?"


Better get used to it. The semester just started.

I want to see you. Can I stop by after class?

Your class ends at ten.

Is that a yes?

I smile. Okay, but you can't stay long. I told my boss I'd do early morning prep work. I have to be awake for it.

If you need to get to sleep, that's fine. I won't stop by.

I want you to. And besides, I need my clothes back.

Then I'll see you soon.

I get a happy, butterflies-in-the-stomach type of feeling knowing I'll be seeing him in less than an hour. I try not to read too much into that. It's normal to get excited to see someone when a relationship is new and fresh, although I've never been this excited.

He shows up just after ten, wearing jeans and a dark gray t-shirt that fits close to his lean body. He smells amazing and I'm wondering if he spritzed on cologne right before he came here or if he's been wearing that all day. When I opened the door, he gave me that sexy smile and I couldn't help but kiss him before I'd even let him inside.

"Happy to see me?" He laughs as I let him go.

"I guess I am," I say, feeling embarrassed. I did kind of attack him at the door.

"I'm happy to see you too." He gives me a kiss. "I didn't want to wait until tomorrow." He hands me my clothes, which are on a hanger and covered with a clear plastic bag.

"Did you get these dry-cleaned?" I ask as he comes inside.

"Yeah. Picked it up on my way over here. But I still insist on buying you a new outfit. Your clothes probably smell like lake water."

"I'm sure they're fine. Thanks for getting them cleaned." I lay the bag down over the chair in the living room. "Oh, let me get yours." I go to my bedroom and come back with Gavin's shorts and t-shirt, which I put in a grocery bag. "Here." I hand it to him. "Sorry, I didn't have time to wash it, but I can if you want."

"Don't worry about it." He sets it down and brings me into his arms. "How was your day?"

"Busy. I went from one event to another. The last one ran long but I got two hours of overtime."

"You must be tired."

"I'm exhausted."

"Then I won't stay long. I just wanted to give you this." He cups my face and kisses me, a slow, sexy, drawn-out kiss, then he slowly pulls away. "Goodnight, Kate."

That's it? I want more, but I do need to get to bed.

"Goodnight," I tell him.

"Pick you up tomorrow at five?"

"Yeah. I'm still not sure when I'll be done. I'll have to text you and let you know."

"That's fine. Bye." He smiles as he leaves, that subtle dimple popping out of his cheek. It's both sweet and sexy. Maybe that's why I like him so much. He has a sexy side, but also a sweet side, which the guys I've dated in the past didn't have. I've been thinking about it, and decided that up until now, I've dated nothing but jerks. Hot guys who know what they're doing in bed, but jerks when it comes to knowing how to treat a girl.


I wake up the next morning with a text from Gavin, and they continue throughout the day. I send him ones back, but mine aren't nearly as witty as his. He's really funny. I love a guy who makes me laugh.

At five he picks me up and takes me to work at the Kensington mansion.

"Have you ever been here?" I ask, assuming rich people all hang out together. After catering these events, that's what it seems like. I keep seeing the same people at these parties.

"I haven't, but my dad has," Gavin says. "He's been to some parties here."

"Are they friends? Your dad and Pearce Kensington?"

"I wouldn't say friends. More like business acquaintances. My dad's consulted on legal issues for Kensington Chemical."

He stops in front of the mansion and rolls his window down for the valet who's waiting to take his keys. These parties always have valets parking cars.

"Hey, Alex," Gavin says to the guy. He knows the valet? How does he know him? "We need the catering entrance."

The guy chuckles. "Very funny, Gavin, but let's save the jokes for another time. I have cars lining up behind you."

"It's not a joke. I need the catering entrance. Kate's working tonight's event." He leans back so the guy can see me. "I'm dropping her off."

"Oh." He seems surprised. He stands up straight and points to the left. "Just stay on this road and take that little side road that winds around back. The staff entrance is labeled. You'll see it when you get back there."

"Okay, thanks."

As Gavin drives around to the side, I say, "How do you know that guy?"

"He's worked some of the events at my house. He has an engineering degree but couldn't find a job so he's doing this for now. He said the tips alone pay him more than he'd make at an engineering job." He stops next to the side door. "This is it."

I get out of the car.

"Hey!" I hear him say as he rolls his window down.


"No kiss goodbye?"

I hurry around to the driver's side and give him a kiss. "Thanks for dropping me off. I'll see you later."

The staff door opens to a long hallway that leads to the kitchen. Carol is already there, setting our assignment sheets on the counter. She's very organized. She always types out exactly what each person should be doing and at what time. Her organization pays off. We almost never have problems, except for the coffee incident with Victoria Sinclair. She ended up sending a complaint letter to Carol, who then promised to give Victoria half off her next event, as if she needs the discount. The woman is loaded. She can more than afford the full price.

"Kate, I'm glad you're early," Carol says as she races around the kitchen. "Can you put the stuffed mushrooms in the oven? People are arriving sooner than planned so we're going to have to adjust our schedule."

"Does that mean we'll be done sooner?"

"Maybe. Why do you ask?"

"I have a date tonight," I say.

She takes a tray of the already prepped stuffed mushrooms out of the commercial refrigerator. These rich people have larger, better kitchens than most restaurants.

"And who's the lucky young man?" She sets the tray of mushrooms on the counter. "I hope you didn't get back with that bartender."

"No, I'm done with him," I say as I wash my hands. "I'm seeing Gavin Bishop now."

She was on her way to the oven but stops abruptly and turns to me. "I told you to stay away from him."

 "Why?" I ask, annoyed that she's trying to tell me what to do. She rarely shows interest in my personal life and now she's telling me who to date? "You don't even know Gavin."

"I know his parents. They're not your type of people."

"I'm not dating his parents. And what are you trying to say? That I'm not good enough for Gavin? Because his parents are rich?"

"They won't approve of you. Once they find out he's seeing you, they'll put an end to it."

"They can try but he wouldn't listen. He's an adult. He can date whoever he wants."

"Niles and Celeste are not going to allow their son to date a girl who serves dinner to their friends."

"Well, they'll just have to get over it. But I doubt it'll be a problem. Gavin isn't snobby at all so I can't imagine his parents telling him he can't date the help because of what their friends might think."

"Maybe not in the past but now—" She clears her throat.

"Now what?"

"Never mind." She hurries back to the fridge and takes out another tray of mushrooms.

"Just tell me what you were going to say."

She stops and turns to me. "Gavin's father is going to be a senator. And once he's in office, he'll be scrutinized by the press. Niles is someone who likes to impress people. He's very concerned about image and it would look better if his son were dating someone who came from money. I hate to say that but it's true."

"Niles may not even win the election, and if he does and you're right about him having concerns about me, I'll deal with it then."

"If I were you, I'd break it off with Gavin before you get too serious with him. You'll save yourself a lot of heartache and trouble."

I feel like my relationship with Gavin already is getting serious, but I don't tell Carol that.

The other staff arrives and we work furiously to get everything made a half hour earlier than planned, thanks to the guests showing up early.

"Okay, everyone to their stations," Carol says as we line up, holding our trays of appetizers. Ron, who used to be a bartender, is already out there with the guests, serving up drinks. He's in his forties and looks distinguished with salt and pepper hair, dressed in a tux. The rich old ladies love him because he's handsome and flirts with them, but then he's all business-like with the men. He gets a lot of tips at these events. He made so much last year that he bought a boat. He had all of us out on it last summer.

I follow Mia, one of the servers, out to the living room. It's a huge room that connects with the open foyer so it's a good space for parties. This house is bigger than the Bishop mansion but smaller than Victoria Sinclair's. The Sinclair mansion had so many rooms it was more like a hotel, and that's not even her regular house. Her main house is in Virginia.

I make the rounds with my tray. There are probably about fifty people here, all dressed up and sipping cocktails. I weave my way through the crowd, catching bits and pieces of conversation.

"Can you believe what Eliza wore to the gala last Saturday?" an older woman says in a horrified tone.

Moving past her, I hear a gentleman say, "I heard they fired Mathers today. Damn fool couldn't keep his mouth shut."

Continuing along, I hear more tidbits of gossip. The men are even more gossipy than the women. I try not to pay attention but it's hard not to when you're standing there waiting for people to take an appetizer off your tray.

"We need more scallops," Mia whispers as she walks past me with a tray of puff pastries.

I return to the kitchen to get the scallops. As I'm arranging them on the tray, I hear voices on the back patio. The door isn't quite closed. It either got stuck or something's jamming it open.

"Did he see anything?" I hear a deep voice ask.

"He saw the exchange," another voice says, not as deep as the first.

I hear the first man loudly sigh. "Then we'll deal with it. We're not—"

"It's already been dealt with. It was done this afternoon."

"Goddammit," he says with another long sigh. "Why the fuck does this keep happening?"

"He got arrogant. He should've been more careful."

"This man. I assume he has a family?"

"A wife and two kids. Teenagers. And they've already—"

"Kate, hurry up," Carol says, walking past me to the office. "We're out of scallops out there."

"I'm on my way." I take my tray, and as I'm leaving the kitchen, I glance out the side door and see the two men who were talking. It's dark so I can only see their outline. One is very tall with broad shoulders. The other is shorter but also broad.

Back at the party, an elderly woman waves me over. "This way, dear." I bring her the tray and she takes a scallop. "These are simply divine. Where exactly were they caught?"

"Oh, um, I'm not sure but I could ask my boss."

"Please do." She takes a napkin and goes back to her conversation.

I continue making my way through the room.

"I'll take one." I hear a deep voice say. I turn and see Pearce Kensington standing there. Was he the one on the patio? His voice sounds just like one of the men I overheard. And he's big and tall like the outline of the man I saw.

"Help yourself," I say, sounding breathless. He's making me nervous, which is ridiculous. I don't even know what I overheard. It sounded kind of ominous but I'm sure it was nothing.

Maybe it's Pearce making me nervous. He's very well known. I've seen him on the business news when I'm flipping through channels and he's been on several magazine covers.

"Did you have a question?" he asks.

I realize I've been staring at him. He has beautiful eyes. A rich blue color. He looks just like his father, Holton, and his son, Garret. They're all handsome men. Well, Garret is more than handsome. He's hot. I kept a celebrity magazine I had with him on the cover just so I could look at him now and then.

"How's the food?" I blurt out.

"Wonderful." Pearce smiles. "Carol does a stellar job and her staff is always excellent."

I smile back. "Thank you. I'll be sure to tell her."

He takes another scallop. "Are you in college?"

"No. I just do catering." I shouldn't ask, but I'm dying to know and this may be my only chance. "So where's your son living now?"

"In California. He attends a small private college out there." He glances behind me. "Pardon me, but I need to go speak with someone."

"Of course. Go ahead."

Does he really need to talk to someone or does he just not want me asking more questions about Garret? Ever since Garret left Moorhurst, nobody can find him. It's like he disappeared. I wonder if he really is in college or if his dad just said that?

Later, as I'm serving the last of the appetizers, I spot Pearce in the foyer, intensely talking to a man as the guys nods, looking very serious. All of a sudden, Pearce looks up and catches me watching him. I freeze as our eyes lock. His brows draw together, holding my gaze. I quickly look away and turn on my heels and hurry back to the kitchen.

That guy makes me nervous. He's hot, but he makes me nervous.

"What's wrong?" Mia asks as I set my tray down in the kitchen.

"Nothing's wrong. Why do you ask?"

"Your face is all red and you seem jittery."

"I had too much caffeine today. Did Carol say we could start cleaning up?"

"Yeah. I've already started on the plates. Can you work on the wine glasses?"

"Yeah, but first I have to call someone."

I go and find Carol. "Can I use my phone? I need to call my ride. I didn't drive tonight."

"Another flat tire?" she asks as she gets my phone from the drawer.

"No. I'm just going out after this so he's picking me up."

She was about to hand me my phone but holds onto it. "Is this Gavin we're talking about?"

"Yes. Now can I have the phone?"

She sighs. "I wish you'd listen to me. You're only going to get hurt."

"I'll be fine."

I text Gavin, telling him it'll probably be closer to eight-thirty before he can pick me up. The party ran longer than we thought it would. I should've known. These things always go over the allotted time.

"Here." I hand Carol the phone.

"Does your mother know about him?"

"No. I haven't told her yet."

"Have you talked to your father?"

"No. But I will. Soon."

"Maybe it's best if you don't," she says as she puts my phone away.

I give her a questioning look. "You don't think I should talk to him?"

"People don't change, Kate. Personally, I think you're setting yourself up to be disappointed."

"Maybe. But he's my dad. I'm not going to never speak to him again."

"Family or not, sometimes it's best to cut people out of our lives." She walks off and I continue cleaning up.

As I'm putting the wine glasses away, I keep thinking about Carol's comment. Why wouldn't she want me talking to my dad? Did my mom tell her to say that? But my mom is always encouraging me to see my dad. She thinks it's good for me, as long as he's not drunk. So I don't know why Carol said that.

I smile when I see Gavin waiting for me outside the service entrance. He's standing next to his silver Audi, checking his phone.

"Who's the hottie?" Mia asks, coming up behind me.

"Gavin Bishop. We just started dating."

"You're dating HIM? I'm jealous." She stands next to me, just outside the door. We're both staring at him. "He looks familiar. Maybe I've seen him at a bar."

"Probably at the party we catered last Sunday. That was his parents' house. He was home that night."

She turns to me. "He's THAT Bishop? Holy shit, he's loaded."

"His parents are. He's not."

"Trust me, he's loaded. Rich parents always share with their kids. I bet he has a huge trust fund."

"Doesn't matter. I'm not dating him for his money. I'm dating him because he's a nice guy."

She grins as she turns to look at him. "And smokin' hot."

"Yeah, that too." I smile, feeling a flutter in my chest. That light, fluttery feeling you get when you really like someone.

"I've gotta go but have fun with your man." Mia takes off. "See ya later."

Gavin puts his phone down as I approach him. "Hey!" He gives me that smile. God, I love his smile. It makes me happy.


He gives me a kiss. "How was work?"

"It was fine. Sorry it took so long."

"Don't worry about it. Gave me time to study for a quiz I have tomorrow."

"Are you done studying? Because if not I could—"

"I'm done studying. I'm all yours." He opens the door for me. "So how about dinner? Where do you want to eat?"

"I'm not sure but I need to go home and change first. It won't take long."

"Take as long as you want. There's no rush."

We drive back to my apartment.

"So this is it," I tell him as we go inside. "It's not much but it's good enough."

My apartment is a small two-bedroom that hasn't been updated in at least twenty years. Megan and I have tried to make it look good by adding colorful art prints to the plain white walls and covering the ugly metal blinds with curtains, but there's only so much you can do. The place still looks dated.

"It's better than my dorm room," he says. "I need to put something on the walls or do something else to brighten it up. It's so dark and gray in there."

"I could help. I'm an expert at finding cheap artwork online. Not that it has to be cheap, but if you don't want to spend a lot, I can help."

Talking about money is one of the few times when I feel awkward around Gavin. I'm used to being around people who live paycheck to paycheck, like me. I'm guessing Mia's right and Gavin has a trust fund. And if not, I'm sure his parents give him an allowance to help pay for stuff. Likely, a very large allowance.

"That'd be great. I could use the help." His eyes go behind me. "Hey, Megan."

I turn and see her coming into the living room wearing yoga pants and a t-shirt, her hair wet from the shower.

"Hey." She comes over to us. "Going to dinner?"

"Yeah, but I have to change first," I tell her. I turn to Gavin. "I'll be quick."

"So..." I hear Megan say to Gavin as I go down the hall. "How do you like Moorhurst?"

Oh, God. Now she's going to quiz him about Moorhurst. Try to get info from him that will prove her theories are correct. I hope he doesn't think she's crazy. And I hope she doesn't scare him off. He better still be out there when I'm done changing.

Now I'm regretting leaving the two of them out there talking. I love Megan but when she wants to prove one of her theories, she'll stop at nothing.




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