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Shattered: (McIntyre Security Bodyguard Series - Book 4) by April Wilson (29)

Someone from the hospital staff comes to my room to take me to the X-ray department. Shane comes with me and waits out in the hallway outside the lab.

Once I’m situated on the X-ray bed, the technician asks me the expected question, “Is there any chance you could be pregnant?”

I feel a tiny thrill at hearing the question, and I can’t help smiling. “Actually, yes, I am pregnant.”

She smiles warmly. “Congratulations! How far along are you?”

“I have no idea,” I say. “I just found out this afternoon. I haven’t been to see an obstetrician yet.”

She lays a heavy lead apron across my abdomen and chest. Then she steps behind the divider wall and presses some buttons, snapping pictures of my poor wrist bones. Then she rearranges my arm and takes a few more. When we’re done, a hospital staff member wheels me back to my room, and Shane helps me back into bed.

“When can I go home?” I ask, feeling tired and sore. “I want my own bed.”

“I hope I can take you home once we find out about your arm,” he says.

I’m glad Sam will be coming to stay at our place while he recuperates. It will let me keep a close eye on him and try to pay back just a small bit of the debt I owe him. I can never fully repay him for what he did for me. For us. For our child. My God, if I’d been hit, our baby might have died. It’s a frightening thought.

Shane squeezes my good hand. “We also need to get you to the doctor to find out how far along you are.” He releases me and presses his hand to my belly. “You’re not showing yet, so you can’t be too far along.”

I still can’t wrap my mind around the concept of having a baby. Of becoming a mother – me! Frankly, it’s overwhelming. And what am I going to do about work?

“Hey,” Shane says, sifting his fingers through my hair. “What’s wrong?”

“What am I going to do about work when the baby comes?”

He smiles. “Don’t worry about that, sweetheart. We’ll have plenty of time to figure that out before the baby comes.”

* * *

A knock on my door signals the arrival of more visitors. Jamie and Sophie come into my room.

Jamie approaches my bed and leans down to kiss my cheek. Sophie does the same.

“Beth, you gave me a heart attack,” Jamie says. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

“Jake and Liam are here, too,” Sophie says. “They’re out in the waiting room. We didn’t want to overwhelm you with too many McIntyres all at once. Mom and Dad send you their love and said to tell you they’re so grateful you weren’t hurt worse.”

“There are also a bunch of people from the bookstore in the waiting room,” Jamie says. “And Molly’s here. She’s the one who called me.”

“She was with me when it happened,” I tell him. “I ran into her at Clancy’s and invited her to join us for lunch. We were walking to the restaurant when it happened.”

Sophie motions toward the brace on my arm. “Is it broken?”

“We’re waiting to find out,” Shane says. “Once we get her arm taken care of, I can take her home.”

After we chat for a while, Jamie and Sophie leave, and Jake and Liam take their places. After that, there’s a steady stream of visitors in and out of my room, including Gabrielle, Gina, Erin, and Mack.

Shane’s attorney, Troy Spencer, stops by and has a private conversation with Shane out in the hallway.

A hospital staff member stops by with my dinner tray, and I’m surprised to find it’s gotten so late. Even though I don’t feel like it, I force myself to eat my grilled chicken breast, mashed potatoes, green beans, and orange Jell-O. Now that they know I’m pregnant, I’m sure both Shane and Cooper will be adamant that I eat more.

After talking to Troy, Shane returns to my room in a dark mood.

* * *

The report comes back that my wrist is sprained, not fractured. Thank goodness! I’ll have to wear the brace until the pain and swelling are gone. That’s a relief. I wasn’t looking forward to getting married with a cast on my arm.

Once I’m okayed to leave, Shane and I head to Sam’s room to check on him one more time. He’s been moved out of intensive care and placed in a private room.

Shane knocks lightly on the door, and Cooper comes to open it.

“He’s sleeping,” Cooper whispers, opening the door for us.

We come into the room, which is dark. All the lights are off except for a night light beside the bed. Sam’s still connected to a couple of machines.

“How’s he doing?” I ask Cooper.

“Better. The disorientation has mostly worn off, and he’s thinking more clearly again. He’s in a lot of pain still, and his broken leg is giving him fits.”

Cooper notices that I’m dressed in my own clothes. “Are you guys heading home?”

Shane nods. “Beth’s exhausted. I want to get her home where she’ll be more comfortable.”

Cooper eyes me speculatively. “Anything you want to share?”

I smile, feeling downright bashful. “The test came back positive. I’m pregnant.”

Cooper smiles and nods. “I suspected as much.”

“How did you know? It took me completely by surprise.”

“You haven’t been feeling well in the mornings, and it was difficult trying to get you to eat breakfast. I was starting to wonder if it was morning sickness.”

I wrap my arms around my adopted dad’s waist. “You’re going to be a grandfather.”

His eyes widen in surprise as he hugs me back. “A grandfather. I guess I am. Wow, a grandfather.” He glances back at the young man sleeping on the bed and sighs. “I’m too old for Sam.”

“Don’t be silly,” I tell him, nudging him in the ribs with my elbow. “Shane’s older than I am.”

Cooper scoffs. “Ten years, sure. He’s not twice your age. I’m robbing the cradle here.”

I frown at the self-condemnation in Cooper’s voice. “Love doesn’t care about age differences. As long as you’re both consenting adults, how you feel about each other is no one’s business but your own.”

Cooper chuckles and rubs my back. “Listen to you. Mama Bear’s coming out already.”

“How is he?” Shane asks.

“He’s stable. They’re keeping an eye on some bleeding in his brain. He’s being monitored closely.”

There are some wires attached to Sam, a blood pressure cuff as well. His hair has been shaved partially, and his head is bandaged.

“At least they didn’t have to shave his ponytail,” I say. “He’d have hated for them to cut all his hair off.”

Cooper laughs. “That’s putting it mildly.”

Sam cries out in his sleep, and Cooper goes to check on him. “I’m staying here with him,” he tells us. “Once he’s released, I’ll have him transported to the penthouse.”

Shane squeezes Cooper’s shoulder. “Anything he needs, he’ll get. Tell him he’s got nothing to worry about. I owe him everything.”

Cooper nods. “You’ll need to replace him temporarily, until he’s fit to come back to work.”

Shane nods and looks at me for confirmation. “I was thinking of having Miguel stand in for Sam.”

Miguel Rodriquez was my first McIntyre Security bodyguard – even before I knew I had a bodyguard. “That would be wonderful,” I say. “If he’s available.”

“Don’t worry, I can pull some strings,” Shane says. “Besides, I know he’d love to see you again.”