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Stephan by Hazel Gower (16)

Chapter Sixteen




Stephan had booked flights for us to the Gold Coast for a week after our disaster in Newcastle and I was hoping for better in Labrador the Gold Coast. Derick was coming with us to the Gold Coast and I was happy. Stephan and Derick were close and I knew neither wanted to live far from each other.

I’d never been on a plane before and was super nervous. Derick wasn’t making it any better.

“Sis, planes are safe, well unless you get a crazy on it who wants to kill everyone, but what are the chances of that?”

“Oh my God, I’m going to die, my luck sucks.” I turned and walked toward an airport exit.

Derick laughed and followed. “This flight is only a couple of hours. If we crash Stephan would look out for you. He’d even put the oxygen mask on you first, though you’re supposed to do yourself first. They always show you—”

Stephan whacked his brother behind the head. “Shut it, idiot.” He turned to me pulling me close. “Don’t listen to him, little bit, he’s just being an arse.”

I still wasn’t convinced and planted my feet into the airport carpet. They called first class again for our flight and I frantically looked around.

Stephan sighed and almost picked me up to drag me to the gate. “I’m not driving over twelve hours, so get out your ticket now, Jade.”

At the use of my name I knew Stephan meant business. Groaning, I shuffled my feet and gave my tickets to the flight attendant. She scanned it, and glancing behind me I saw Brand, Royce, David, Owen, Rex, and the two new guys, but I couldn’t remember their names.

I walked through the checkpoint with Stephan and Derick following behind me. Our seats were at the front and a lot bigger and spacious than I thought. Glancing behind me I groaned and for once was grateful to Stephan for his money. The seats behind were smaller and I stood and looked further back to see in the very back they were crammed in like sardines.

I sat back in my seat and grabbed Stephan’s hand. “Thank you.”

Stephan brought our joined hands up and kissed mine. “For what?”

“This. Everything. I appreciate what you do for me. I want you to know. So thank you. I’m super glad right now I’m not sitting back there with all the other sardines crammed in the plane.”

I debated for a moment if I should tell him I love him, but I didn’t want him to think I loved him for his money. I didn’t. As much as I would hate it I’d still love him if we were stuck back with all the squished people flying.

Stephan leaned over and kissed me helping do my seatbelt. “I love you too.”

I hadn’t said those words but if Stephan thought that’s what I said I’d let him.

The flight attendant came and stood at the front of the plane and explained the safety plans. I watched terrified, scared to miss anything. I barely felt the plane moving I was so focused on the pretty blonde.

When the flight attendant was done the pilot came over the intercom. I clenched Stephan’s hand tight as the plane picked up speed while my other hand had a death grip on the chair arm. The whole plane seemed to shake as it lifted off the ground and I thought for a moment that I was going to die.

“I love you,” I croaked out before I sank my face into Stephan’s shoulder. I did something I hadn’t done in many years, if ever, I prayed. “Dear God, let me live. Please let me live. Please, God.” My ears popped and closed my eyes.

Stephan’s hand came and rubbed my back soothing me. “I know you do.”

Hey, the wanker. He didn’t. I’d never told him. Lifting my head I glared at him. “Really? I’m scared to death and blurt out I love you and you came back with that?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “You didn’t tell me anything I didn’t know.”

I let his hand go and leaned back in my own chair. “I haven’t told you before and I know it was a shitty time to say it but how do you know?”

He shrugged again, which totally pissed me off. “If you didn’t love me you’d never have come back to me. You’d never put up with me, you would have run.”

I opened my mouth but he put his hand up.

“You’ve been through a lot in your life, Jade. I knew as soon as you turned eighteen if you didn’t love me you would have gone back to your old neighborhood and friends and left me. I’m sure your friends or Jess’s mother would have happily taken you in. You stuck around though.”

I sat there gawking at him. How had he figured it out before me? As he spoke, everything he said clicked into place.

“You could have gotten a restraining order on me from day one. You know how to do them, you have three others on friends of your mother. Even when you had one on me you didn’t change schools or go back to your old school and friends, which would have been a lot easier. You wouldn’t have acted so hurt with everything that happened if you didn’t love me. You even love my family. That’s why you were so hesitant to forgive my mum and brother.”

“How?” Everything he said was true and I hadn’t even noticed.

“It took me time to figure it out and my family helped me. My mum was so hurt you wouldn’t go out or do things with her, but when I asked her she told me she understood. It would be hard for you because you put your trust in us and we let you down like everyone else important in your life. You loved us but were scared we’d break you again. Brand told me I had broken you. When he explained it, I saw what I’d done. You were coming out of your shell and we broke you because we gave you things you thought you’d never have.”

I could feel the tears running down my cheeks as I stared, stunned, at Stephan. Everything he said was true. It made me wonder. “Why do you love me? I haven’t done anything special for you to fall for me.”

“How the hell could you say that? You have given me so much. I have learned so much.” He raised his hand, stroking my cheek, brushing away my tears. “Before you I didn’t know what love was. You’ve shown me. Jade, you love people unconditionally, even people who don’t deserve your love, like your grandfather and mother. You cleaned your grandpa’s house and cooked his meals. I bet you even did his washing.”

I had. I did everything I could to show him I wasn’t useless and I could help him. I’d done the same for my mother. She never cooked, cleaned, or washed anything, I did it all. I had wondered once if she thought fairies came in and cleaned after her parties and so on.

“My mum loved me in her own way. My Grandpa was so used to being alone.”

“No. Jade, don’t you see that even now you’re finding the good in them where there was none to begin with. You’re giving them a second chance. Neither deserved all the chances you gave them. You taught me I take the love of my family for granted—my commitments to friend also. You do it in slight ways though so we almost don’t notice. Like, going to rugby practice knowing I would follow you. You didn’t once get cranky when I’d been with my friends, you’ve even said I should go out with them. You let my mum take over and treat you like her own personal doll. I know she bought you things you’d never worn before and wouldn’t have if she hadn’t gotten it for you. Then there is me. You have accommodated me with everything. Like now. We are on the way to a university I want to go to. You’d follow me anywhere. I know you didn’t like Newcastle, but you knew I wouldn’t either. You could go anywhere you wanted, but you’re here right now with me.”

Stephan leaned in and kissed me. I let him. I was in a daze. How did he know all these things? I hadn’t even figured out most of them. I opened my mouth and tangled my tongue with his. Closing my eyes I let my passion for Stephan overtake everything. My brain felt like it was going a million miles an hour, it had just been blown up.

Stephan eased from me and I stared in front of me into space thinking over everything he’d told me. I still didn’t feel like I’d given him any reason to love me, I had no money and no family. All I could give him was my heart and showing him how much I loved him.

The flight attendant came and gave us food and offered us drinks. I took the wines. I needed them. I got a book out and pretended to read. Every now and then I would look at Stephan, but mostly I stared blankly at the book and thought everything through.

I was surprised when the pilot came over the intercom to tell us we were landing and the time on the Gold Coast. I had decided some things though. I was going to make sure Stephan knew I loved him. I was going to tell his family too.




The plane landed and I was getting worried about Jade, even Derick was staying quiet cos he could see something was up. Even as we got off the plane Jade seemed to be in her own world. Crap, maybe I should have kept my mouth shut. I was shocked though, she’d finally said she loved me out loud. I came back with a smart comment and then felt guilty. When she’d asked I told her. I thought it might help to keep her mind off the flight, but it worked too well.

We waited at the carousel with a trolley for our luggage. Jade’s pink luggage came around first and as I went for it she grabbed it, struggling with the heavy cases my mother had helped her pack. Taking them from her I shook my head and placed them on the trolley. “Why did you get them? Derick and I are right here.”

“I can pick up suitcases. I wanted to help.” She nibbled on her bottom lip and I honed in on the nervous reaction.

Nodding to my brother I knew he’d get I was telling him to watch for our luggage. I gathered Jade against me. “Thanks for your help, little bit. Derick and I can take it from here.” I leaned down brushing my lips over hers. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

My heart soared when she said the words back for the first time. I couldn’t wait until we could get to the hotel and I could hold her.

Derick grabbed our suitcases.

“Thanks, bro.”

“It’s cool. Let’s go. I ordered hired cars and the guy said he’d meet us at the very end of the left side. So come on.”

I followed Derick as he pushed the trolley my fingers threaded with Jade’s. At the end of the airport a guy stood looking uncomfortable with Brand and the rest of security.

“Hi,” Derick said. “I see you’ve met our security team.”

“Yes, Mr. Silverman. I have the cars you ordered.” The guy turned and we followed him. We left the airport and walked to a private car park at the side. Four cars sat out front of the car hire, a black Porsche, which Derick ordered, a BMW SUV with all the bells and whistles, and two Land Cruisers for the security team. We were given forms to sign and then the keys were handed over. Owen went with Derick, and Brand took the keys from me.

“Sit in the back with your princess. I’ll drive today.”

I didn’t argue with Brand. I got in the back seat and we both did our seat belts while the security put our luggage away.

“It’s more humid here,” Jade said.

“Yeah, Queensland is hotter. Will that bother you?” I didn’t want Jade uncomfortable. If she didn’t like it here I’d look at Sydney University. At least if we went there we wouldn’t be far from my parents and other family.

“No. You know I’m cold all the time.”

She was. When I walked around in shorts she wore jeans.

Brand got into the driver’s side and started the car. He drove out of the airport and knew exactly where to go. I’d been to the Gold Coast many times, but Jade hadn’t, she’d never left the state. So instead of watching out the window I watched Jade.

Excitement radiated off her, and the more she saw the bigger her excitement got. Her eyes became bright pools and her lips turned up into a huge smile. “It’s so pretty isn’t it?”

“Yeah it is.” The view I had right now was stunning. I knew the Gold Coast was a winner. I’d get in contact with a realtor as soon as I got the chance.

She shot me a frown. “You’re not looking out of your window, you’re looking at me.”

“I’ve seen the Gold Coast before. I’ve been here a lot.”

“Is it all like this?”

“Pretty much. It’s a high tourist place so it’s kept clean, fresh, and tidy.”

“I’m loving what I’m seeing so far.”

“That’s good. Brand, take the scenic drive.”

“I’ll go up South Port and around Labrador.”

We drove around for a good two hours. The more we saw the more I could see the excitement shine through Jade. She pointed out everything she liked and her smile got bigger and bigger. There were lots of parks and boulevards where restaurants looked either out to the sea or over a bit to the lake. The scenery was pretty. I pointed out Sea World and we even drove onto the highway past the other three theme parks.

By the time we pulled into the Meriton Service Apartments Southport, Jade was bouncing in her seat.

“What I’ve just seen of the city I love. This place has everything. Now I’m so eager to see the Uni to see if everything else is perfect.”

We had a winner. I knew if she loved the city she’d feel the same for the university. Brand parked out front, letting Jade and I get out. David and Royce stood at the entrance and held the door as we went in. I went up to reception and got our keys. Derick would have already booked us in. I knew we’d hired out the whole top floor, two suites, one for Derick, Jade, and me, the other for our security.

Royce followed us onto the elevator. “We took the three bedroom and you’re in the two. We knew Jade would be with you.” He winked.

It was true, I never slept without Jade. I couldn’t. Not anymore. When reached the top floor, Royce guided us to the left and I scanned the key on the door, opening it. We walked down a small hall leading to a lounge room with a terrace overlooking the ocean. There was a kitchen to the right along with a closed door.

“Derick took that room,” Royce said. “He’s in there now laying down. He’s going out tonight to meet up with your cousins, Richard and Zeck. They’re up.” I nodded to Royce and he left. “See ya. Yell or call if need us.”

“You should join Derick and go see your cousins.” Jade smiled up at me. “I’m just going to relax tonight. Sit on the balcony and study, then read and enjoy the view.”

“Come with us. You’re invited.”

“I’m sure, but you go have fun. I’m going to have a relaxing night here.” She went to our bedroom door and opened it squealing with joy when she saw it. “It has the view too. And look at this huge bed.” Jade got on the bed and I laughed when she jumped up and down, my laugh turned into a groan when I noticed her tits bouncing. I climbed up and tried to catch her but she evaded me.

“Aha, no way, buddy. I know if you get a hold of me you won’t go anywhere. Go out and have fun with your brother and cousins.”

Jade was totally right but my dick didn't agree with her and was aching to get inside her. She stopped and I hooked my arms around her pulling her under me. “What if I want to spend my night with you?” I rubbed my hard cock against her.

Jade grinned at me and wrapped her arms, careful of her cast, around my neck. “We have a whole week to spend doing that. Go have fun. I’ll be here when you get back.”

Capturing her lips with mine, I took a taste of what I wanted. She tasted so good and I almost told her, fuck my brother and cousins I’ll stay with you, but I knew she was right. I’d have fun out with my family and we hadn’t been out together in a while.

Moaning, I rolled off her. Richard and Zeck would know what realtor I should put Brand in contact with. The drill went he looked at the properties and yay or nayed them. Then I got to see what he okayed and chose from those.

“Fine. I’ll go. I’m spending the rest of the week with you though.”

“That’s fine. I look forward to it.”

“Want to come join me in the shower?” I wiggled my eyebrows and she laughed.

“Go shower.” She got off the bed and went to her bag pulling out her eReader, then went to the balcony and sat on a sofa. Pulling my phone from my pocket I called Zeck to tell him I’d be joining them tonight.




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