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Stephan by Hazel Gower (8)

Chapter Eight




Cassie stayed the night and we’d talked until the early hours of the morning. The only other person I’d spoken to like I had with Cassie was my best friend in the city, Jess. Her house had been a safe haven for me from my mother and her friends.

I was surprised when we woke up and Stephan wasn’t hovering over me. He may let me sleep in my own room but he was in it almost as much as me. Stephan had no boundaries. I showered and got dressed. Cassie took a shower while I dressed. Together we went downstairs and to the kitchen.

It was so quiet without Stephan and Derick. Stephan had come in while his mum, Cassie, and me had been watching a girly movie in the theater room. He came over and pulled me to the side. I stepped away from him and stared up at him.

“I’m going out tonight. You don’t need me do you?”

I couldn’t help the grin that spread over my face. Peace and quiet. I’d have one night off from his overbearing ways. I wondered if jumping up and down squealing with joy would be rude, especially in front of his mother. I bit my lip and took a minute to compose myself. “Sure. No, I don’t need you. Yes. Go out and have fun. I’ll be fine here. Don’t worry about me.”

By his glare I knew I hadn’t fooled him. “Fine. If you’re going to be like that I’ll see you tomorrow.” He looked over at his mum. “Can you drop Jade and Cassie into Sydney at the apartment? We are going to the movies and dinner. Any time after lunch would be good.”

“Sure, if the girls want to go.”

I didn’t want to go to the movies in Sydney or out for dinner. I debated arguing for a moment, but thought better of it when I looked at Stephan. He looked sad. I’d never seen him look like that. Guilt assaulted me and my heart sank. I shouldn’t be such a bitch to him. Going to him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on him. He stilled and my heartbeat followed. Had I pushed him too far? If my legs didn’t hurt still I’d go up on my tiptoes and kiss him.

“I want to go.” I gazed up at him and smiled. “It sounds good. I haven’t been to the movies in ages.”

Stephan’s arms came around me and I sighed. I loved when he hugged me. For a moment there I thought he wouldn’t do it. I needed to show him I liked him.

So now Cassie and I sat eating brunch in the kitchen waiting for Evelin to wake up and take us Sydney. I had a great girls’ night, and as much as I loved the silence and Stephan not hovering, I missed him.




I felt like shit. Beer, shots of tequila and whisky don’t go together. I may have drank a little harder each time one of the guys called me pussy whipped or a accused me of my balls being in a jar, but I outdrank all of them and was still standing when they passed out so I was proud of that.

Groaning, I cracked an eye open to see I was in the apartment lounge room. Opening my other eye I looked around to see bodies everywhere. I sat up only to freak when arms fell from my naked chest. “Fuck. Shit.”

Searching the room for Derick, I winced at all the naked women. I racked my brain to remember what happened and prayed I hadn’t fucked up. The woman who’d been hugging me sat up, her bare breasts out for all to see.

“You’re awake.” She stood only wearing a red G-string. “Let’s go have some fun.”

I backed away. Shit I needed to know what happened last night. I glanced at my watch and I felt my whole body turn cold. It was eleven thirty. I ignored the chick in front of me and went sifting through naked bodies. “Derick! Derick, wake your arse up now. I need everyone out like an hour ago. Derick.”

A loud moan in the bedroom direction had me following the noise. Derick had made it to a bed but he was far from alone. I needed help and was freaking out about what I woke to. I leaned over the naked woman and shook my brother. “Wake the fuck up now. We have, if we are lucky, an hour to get everyone out, showered, and ready for Mum, Jade, and Cassie.”

Derick groaned and pushed my hands off him. “You do it. You invited them back.”

Feeling sick to my stomach, I dug deep into my pockets, I needed answers and I needed them now. I hoped Brand and his team knew what happened.

“Hey, kid. How you feeling?”

“You tell me. Who was on me and Derick last night?”

Brand chuckled. “Unfortunately not me. I’m driving your mother, Cassie, and your girl to you now.”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck. How far are you away?”

“About half an hour.”

“Mother fucker. I need you to stall. I need to know who was on me and Derick last night.”

“I’ll try the first. And David, Royce, and Owen. Heard you had a good tim—” I hung up. I had no time for chitchat.

I went back out to the lounge room and yelled, “Up, everyone up. Get your shit and get out.”

There was no way I’d call Royce, he was all morals and would make me feel worse than I already felt. Owen was my best bet. I dialed and waited. I heard ringing and followed it to see a sleeping Owen against the window. Shaking the big guy, he shot up ready for action. “Sleeping on the job?”

“Kid. David took over. You insisted I join. Boy can you put your liquor away.”

I crossed my arms over my chest and rolled my eyes. I didn’t have time for this shit. “You’re back on duty now. I need everyone out. Brand told me mum, my girl, and Cassie are on the way.”

“Shit, kid, you’re in deep.”

I flinched. He didn’t mean I cheated on Jade, did he? I wouldn’t cheat on her would I? “Owen, did I…did I, you know, with someone?”

The wanker smirked and stretched. So much for employer and employee respect. “Did you what, Stephan?”

Crap. My heart sank and I looked around needing to focus on something else. “I’ll ask later. We don’t have time for this. We need them out now.”

“What’s up, Stephan?” I turned to see Brad in boxers scratching his head.

Panic was setting in. If Jade saw this, I knew any progress I made with her would vanish. “Hey, Brad. I need them all out. I told the girls to meet me at lunchtime. I just found out they’re half an hour away.”

“I’ll help.”


The woman who’d been against me when I awoke came bounding over from the kitchen. “You’re back. Did you find your brother?” She trailed her fingers down my bare chest. I grabbed her hands. “Are you ready to have some fun? Let’s go, bad boy.”

“No. I need you dressed and out of here.”

She pouted and I shook my head at the unattractive gesture. “I can come back later?”

Owen laughed and I shot him a glare. “Aren’t you my bodyguard?”

He shrugged. “You don’t look like you need me now.”

Growling in frustration, I flung the girl back. “No. I don’t want you to come back later. I want you gone now.”

Brad grabbed her. “Linda, he turned you down all night, he’s not gonna change his mind.”

Linda pouted up at Brad. “I’ve played with him before.”

Ha, I played with women, not the other way round. I turned ignoring her and let Brad deal with her. I was glad I’d turned her down even in my drunken state.

“That answer your question, kid? You didn’t cheat on your girl. I can tell you that we stopped you calling Jade about a million times. I believe Scott confiscated your phone for a while when you were going to send her a picture of every woman you turned down.”

I winced and reminded myself to thank Scott, I owed him big time.

“Come on, let’s get everyone out.”


Jade, Cassie, and my mum arrived just as we’d all finished showering. I came out to great them with a towel wrapped around my waist. “Hi. We’re all awake now and not feeling so groggy.”

My mum shook her head, she wasn’t fooled. Cassie was too busy staring at him. Jade surprised me by coming to me and wrapping her arms around my waist. “I hope you had fun. You’ve been cooped up with me for over a week looking after me. I’m glad you got out.” She pressed her lips to my chest and kissed it.

I stared down at her stunned. Had I finally gotten somewhere? Leaning down, I tilted her head up and kissed her. Jade didn’t fight, instead she moved her good arm up to hold me to her and kissed me back. My heart soared and I basked in the feeling she wanted me too.

Easing away, I looked around to see my mum and Cassie out on the balcony with Owen and Brad. My brother had only gotten rid of the women in his bed not long before the girls arrived. Scott and a couple of the other guys had done the same, most of them deciding to go home, too tired to go out today.

“So did you have a good time? I had a great girls’ night.”

Hugging her tight, I kissed her forehead. “I had a great night, but I missed you.”

“Ha, you’re such I liar.” She shook her head against him. “Let’s go outside. I want to see the view.”

Jade for once grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the balcony. I happily followed feeling better than I could ever remember. Jade was giving me chance.




At the movies, Cassie and I were coming back from the bathroom when I saw Stephan being approached by a stunning, tall, blonde lady, she looked to be in her mid to late twenties. She threw herself at him and kissed him. I stopped, shocked at what I was seeing. I felt sick. My stomach clenched and I didn’t think I was breathing.

“Get the fuck off me. What the fuck, Linda?”

The woman I now knew was named Linda pouted up at Stephan but didn’t unwrap her legs from him. “Babe, I missed you. I’m so happy we ran into each other last night.” My heart crumpled and I couldn’t help my gasp.

The woman purred. “I thought you’d call.” She pouted again. “We had fun, babe. No one’s ever ridden me all night.”

I cringed. I couldn’t stand ‘babe’ and the whinny way the woman said it made me shudder.

“Linda, you knew the deal. I told you this morning to leave me alone. You are nothing to me.” Stephan’s voice was sharp as he detangled her legs from his waist.

Linda clung to him. “Babe, we made love all weekend. We are good together.” Linda rubbed herself all over Stephan like she was in heat.

I felt like I was in the twilight zone. I stared numbly at the scene before me. All eyes were on Stephan and Linda. I felt utterly humiliated. What the hell was this woman talking about when she said last night? I needed to get away. I couldn’t watch this any longer. I choked on a sob, and told myself to suck it up.

Looking around, I saw pitying glances. Straightening my spine, I hardened the case around my heart and started backing away.

“You’ve got to be shitting me. Ha, Linda, we don’t have anything. We never made love. I fucked you. I have no feelings for you. I never will. You’re just another one of the many women I sank my dick into to pass the time. I was never going to call you again. I don’t need a clinging bitch like you causing problems like you just have.”

I couldn’t listen to any more. He was so cold. I felt the ice in his voice even as I retreated. Once I was away from the now gathered crowd, I ran. I didn’t look back. I left the cinema and bolted down the street. I had no idea where I was going. I just knew I had to get away from all the pitying glances and the ice coldness of Stephan as he spoke to one of his ex’s.

I ran not caring where I went, just needing to get away. How could Stephan speak to someone he’d slept with like that? I caught the first bus that came to the bus stop. It stopped at the beach and I got off. Wandering around for a while, I needed to clear my head then I sat on the bench overlooking the water. Now that I thought about it, I was glad I had seen this side of Stephan. I had started to let my guard down. I’d started to care for him. But after seeing how he treated a woman he’d been with, I knew I could never turn into one of those women. I didn’t have much, but I did have my dignity and self-respect.

Looking at the evening sun seating over the water I sat happily watching it fade until it got too cold to sit out with the coastal breeze. I rubbed my bare arms and knew I had to get moving as my legs and arms were covered in goosebumps. Reaching into my skirt pocket and glancing at my phone, I saw I had a bunch of missed called and messages. The wanker had called and so had Derick and even Scott. I felt bad for Cassie. She had called every five minutes. I didn’t bother checking any of the other messages bar hers. Cassie was worried. She needed to talk to me. She wanted to know I was okay.

I messaged Cassie that I was fine and was on my way home. I walked to the bus stop and sat waiting for one that went to a train station. This was going to suck. I was going to be living in Stephan’s house. The idiot had made it impossible for me to avoid him.

As I sat waiting, I realized I couldn’t go home. Not only did I not have a home, I didn’t have any family to fall back on. I dug my phone out and cursed when I realized even my phone wasn’t really mine. I hadn’t really used it, well, besides messaging Cassie and the girls. I would use it now. I called Jess.


“Jess. It’s me, Jade.”

“Oh my God, J. How are you? Where are you? What have you been up to?”

Guilt assaulted because I hadn’t spoken to my best friend in a couple of months. “Can I come over now and visit?”

“Sure. You know you’re welcome here any time. Is something wrong?”

“I’m about to get on a bus to the train station. I’ll call you when I’m close.”




I felt sick, we couldn’t find Jade. I turned on the tracker in her phone and saw her heading toward the place she used to live with her mum. I called Brand, he’d swapped with Royce.

“I have her. Do you want me to make myself known or just keep watching?”

“Just keep watching. I’m helping drop the others off at the apartment and then I’ll go get her.”

“Stephan, I think you should wait a while. Get your brother or someone else to pick her up.”

“What. No. I need to talk to her.”

“I know you think you do, but you didn’t see Jade’s face when she came upon you and the woman, or when you told the woman to get lost.”

“I can’t just leave her.”

“You’re not. I’m watching her and if you get Derick to pick her up, maybe he can talk to her.”

“Fucking hell. Fine. Don’t let her out of your sight, Brand. The neighborhood she’s in is one of the worst in Sydney.”

“I can handle it. You need to tell your parents something. I have a feeling she isn’t going to be happy with you for a while.”

“Yep. I’ll sort it out.” I hung up and ran fingers through my hair. My friends where sitting in the food court waiting for me. Taking a deep calming breath, I went to them.

“Did you find her?” Cassie asked.

“I know where she’s going. I’m ar… I’m really sorry about this, guys.”

“It’s my fault.” Scott sighed. “I think Linda might have heard me talk last night about what we were doing today.”

“Scott, what the hell were you doing with that skank?” Cassie screeched.

“I wasn’t with her, Cass. She was all over Stephan no matter how many times he turned her down or told her to go away. She followed Stephan around like a puppy waiting for any scrap he was willing to throw her way. He ignored her all night.”

“He better have,” Cassie glared at me. “You can’t play with Jade, Stephan. She’s in a fragile place with everything that’s happened. She’s lost her mum, not that she was anything special, and has now been beaten and lost her grandfather. Who I think may be worse than her mother. I have no idea how Jade is a sane and well-functioning person with everything she’s been through in her life. I bet my last dollar I don’t even know the half of it.”

I didn’t say anything because I didn’t need to bet, I knew everything Cassie was saying was one hundred percent true.




Jess met me at the train station. “Hey.” Her arms came around me and I sank into the familiar warmth. “What’s up? Is it your grandpa?”

I took a deep breath because I knew as soon as I told Jess everything I’d break down. I was hanging on by a thin thread and right now I needed someone I trusted. “I promise I’ll tell you everything when we get back to your house. Did your mum drive you or did you catch the bus?”

“Mum is waiting in the pickup zone. So we better hurry.”

I followed her to the beat up red Ford and got in the back seat. “Hi, Mrs. Stren.”

“Hello, Jade. It’s good to see you.”

I forced a smile and relaxed back into the tattered seats feeling safe.




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