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Sweet Disaster (The Sweetest Thing Book 4) by Sierra Hill (9)



My mother always told me to go after what I wanted. Said there was nothing stopping me except for myself and fear of failure. She meant it in the context of my learning disability – wanting me to pursue something I’m good at and not give up.

It’s a great life philosophy in theory, and has helped me in my basketball career, but I’m not sure it’s all that helpful in dealing with Kady.

Being with Kady has been great and she’s somehow filled the void I didn’t realize was there.  Cured me of my homesickness. But she’s also confused the hell out of me because I don’t know what I want from her.

As I watch her dance from my spot at the table, my thoughts zig-zag like a pinball between flippers. I’ve heard about these tours in the Bahama’s where people pay to swim with sharks or feed the stingrays. You know, get up-close-and-personal with normally dangerous wildlife that would likely kill you out in the wild. I’ve always thought that was a strange way to spend a vacation, dodging potential death.

But that’s exactly what I think about as I watch Kady writhing suggestively out on the dance floor, with a swarm of men circling around her, as if she’s their prey. She looks gorgeous and carefree, her golden hair shimmering in the spotlights, her hands and body in constant motion. Those men probably believe she’s just a naïve tourist, enjoying a night out on the town.

Little do they know, she’s the shark.

That may be a terrible analogy, but I meant what I said to Luca. Kady is dangerous. If she wanted to, she could tear any of those guys apart limb to limb. And they wouldn’t even know it was happening.

Which is exactly what I’m terrified of. Either that, or I’m afraid I’ll like it too much.

I’ve been watching her dance for the last fifteen minutes, my thoughts jumbled and chaotic. When I returned to the table with more beer, Luca and Kady were already out dancing. They danced with each other at first, but soon split up, joined by other partners.

Two women circled and danced around Luca, grinding up against him suggestively as he smiled lazily at me over the tops of their heads.

Kady had several guys in and out of her space. Right now, she’s with an older guy with a shock of bright yellow, spikey hair, who is lewdly pawing at her. Every time she turns her back to him, he encircles her hips with his beefy hands. She bats them away and then faces him again, pushing an arm out to create the space she wants. Fearless and feisty.

There have been several times I’ve been ready to storm out there and tear his hands off her backside. But each time my help has been unnecessary because she’s expertly diverted his wandering hands, like she’s a pro at dealing with man-handling.

My gaze doesn’t leave her, as if I’m under a spell – hypnotized by the sexy little vixen swaying to the music. I have no clue what song is playing, but watching her enjoy herself and move to the rhythm is a sight to behold. She knows I’m watching her, too. With a playfully seductive smile fanning across her lips, she beckons me to do something.

Her eyes say, “Make a move, buddy. Shit or get off the pot.”

Setting the beer in hand down on the table, I stride toward her with purpose. With the sole intention of making her mine. I’ve concluded that this is going to happen. She’s a force of nature that can’t be denied.

This is me flying my white flag, giving in to the possibility of losing all semblance of the tightly wrapped control I’ve held onto. I can’t fight it any longer. I need to lose myself in her.

Stopping behind the spiked-haired man whose back is to me, I politely tap him on the shoulder.

“Mi scusi,” I say, certain that he’s Italian.

He jumps in surprise, but composes himself when he sees me. It’s a bit ironic. I never dance, yet here I am, cutting in to dance with this girl. The guy eyeballs me, looking ready to go to war over Kady.

I’ve never fought over a girl. This guy is relatively scrawny, so I doubt I’d have any problem taking him down if it came to blows, but I don’t want to fight the guy. I just want to dance slow and close to Kady. To feel her backside bump and grind against me. To feel the friction and heat of her body. To hold her tight.

He gives a wary glance to Kady, who shrugs and smiles eagerly, nodding her head toward me. The man takes his cue and allows me room to slide in, as he bends to kiss her on the cheeks.

“We will meet again, bella,” he croons assuredly over the thumping music, before he heads off to find another dance partner.

Kady wastes no time and wraps her small hands around the back of my neck, as my own fingers snake around her tiny waist. There’s barely an inch between us and the heat and scent of her body envelopes me.

Warmed peaches.


“Took you long enough.”

I laugh and roll my eyes.

“I told you I don’t dance.”

Her grip tightens at my nape, drawing my head forward so that her lips are at my ear.

Her whispered breath is warm and sultry. “And yet here you are. I knew you’d come, but you made me wait.”

“You sure are full of yourself, aren’t you?”

“Only when I know what I want.”

Those seven little words shoot straight to my dick, which grows heavy and solid against my zipper. As if she knows her effect on my body, Kady presses into my frame and moves in time with the beat of the music. The EDM song is familiar, some mashup of a DJ track with a popular pop song, and it’s about losing yourself in someone tonight. That’s exactly what we’re doing.

I’m finally letting go – ready to lose myself in Kady.

Sensation washes over me as I allow my eyes to close, letting the music and Kady’s body heat take over. It’s been so long since I’ve enjoyed this type of sexual build-up.

My imagination has been at creative capacity over this thing with Kady; stirring my blood like nothing else. There’s only one word to describe everything we’ve done and shared the last two days: foreplay. The easy banter we’ve exchanged. The risqué encounters. And now the intense physical connection between us as our bodies move in time with one another. It’s built an unstoppable magnetic force, charging between us.

The song ends too soon and a more upbeat, funky tune begins to play. This one I do know. A remix of Ellie Goulding’s big hit, Lights. People jump and swirl around us, arms flung in the air, strobe lights penetrating through the darkness to provide clips of their dance moves. When the light glides over Kady’s face, it creates a prism of sparkle, illuminating the vivacity of her smile.

My feet have stopped, as do hers, and our eyes connect. Hungry and needy; ready. I’m not going to hesitate this time or waste this moment. I’m ready to throw caution to the wind and make my move, damn the consequences.

Her lips part and the tip of her sweet tongue makes an appearance, licking at her bottom lip. I inhale a deep breath and don’t wait another second.

I grab the nape of her neck, which is sticky from the humid club, and I grasp her tight in my grip. Her smile is replaced with an O as I lean down and take possession of her eager mouth.

I let loose a torrent of lust that’s been pent up for days. I don’t hold back. This kiss isn’t like the one at the armory earlier. That one was an inquiry. A brief, introductory test.

This kiss has illustrated purpose. A drive to finish what had already been started, but left to simmer on the back burner. This one is the light of a match to ignite the blaze.

Even in her high heeled sandals, there’s a severe and mismatched height difference. Kady is small and petite to my giant-sized stature. My hands land underneath her ass to cup her tight cheeks, pulling her up off her feet so they dangle above the floor, as her gasp of surprise leaves her lips.

Peel back the layers and get to the deliciously honeyed interior. Kady’s fingers slide through my hair, gripping the short pieces into her grasp with just enough pain to arouse and punish. 

Our tongues fight for dominance, but I don’t let up. I stake my claim with my lips, my tongue, my hands. Kady is both the rose and the thorn – a beautiful contradiction. 

There’s a song change, which I barely notice, as bodies crowd around us, bumping and butting for space. The heat between our bodies is a raging inferno and I know that the flames won’t easily be extinguished. At least not out here in the presence of strangers.

I pull back to stare down into her face. A shock of freckles dots the tip of her nose and her long eyelashes flutter in question. Or firm realization.

“Let’s get out of here,” I demand. It’s not a request. I’m not asking so she’s not denying.

She nods imperceptibly as she slides out of my hands down to the floor. The friction from the movement rubs against my erection and I bite my lip to control myself.

I grab for her hand to pull her toward the table, but I feel the tug of resistance. Turning to face her, she gives me a sly smirk, one of her bare shoulders lifting in refusal.

“What if I’m not done dancing?”

“Oh, you’re done,” I confirm, gesturing around us. “At least out here.”

She laughs sensually when I wrap my palms around her dainty waist and lift her over my shoulder in a fireman’s hold, striding confidently toward the table we vacated.

Luca is there with two women who are laughing and preening at his flirtatious comments. He looks up at the two us, his eyebrows lifted in amusement.

“You are leaving, si? Arrivederci,” he wraps his arms around the shoulders of the girls, who giggle and begin to kiss at his neck from both sides. Luca winks suggestively. “Sesso sicuro, mio amicos.”

I snicker at his comment. “Grazie, Luca. Ciao.”

Kady lifts her head and gives a wave of goodbye to Luca. “Ciao, Luca.”

I set her down on her feet and we walk out of the dark club and into the even darker evening, filled with dark and dirty possibilities.

When we’re about a block away, Kady stops to ask me a question. “Gavin, what did Luca say to you before we left? I caught the ‘my friends’ part.”

I hesitate a second before translating, but I won’t lie to her. Plus, she’ll think it’s funny, too.

“He told us to be safe.”

Kady squints and scrunches her nose in confusion and I can’t help but smile.

“As in, wrap it up. Safe sex.”

She tips her head back and laughs, her eyes sparkling under the streetlights. “Oh! I’ll have to remember that one.”

We round the corner to my building and just outside the exterior door, I stop and turn toward her.

But before I do, I need to ensure we’re on the same page. Be clear and intentional about what we’re about to do. Where this will go. To carefully draw the lines in the sand so there’s no misunderstanding or hurt feelings.

“Kady,” I begin, cupping her chin with my hands to bring her gaze to mine. I want her to know I mean what I say. “I don’t want you to feel pressured or think that I expect anything from you tonight. We can just chill if you’d rather do that.”

She lets out an exasperated sigh, her palm landing on the hard ridge protruding from inside my shorts. I suck in a groan that’s ready to escape my lungs.

“Gavin, that’s very chivalrous of you. I’d say no if I didn’t want this with you,” she emphasizes with a long stroke of my length. “But I do want you…so much. And I don’t feel pressured one bit. The only pressure I feel is right here.”

“But I do need to confirm something with you,” she says, her tone serious.

“Yeah? What’s that?”

“Do you have a girlfriend back home? Or anywhere, for that matter?”

My first reaction is to laugh, but her question blows me away. That she would possibly believe I was hiding something like that in order to get in her pants makes me wonder what she really thinks of me.

“Why would you think that?”

She shrugs, her lips pursed. “Because, some guys lie.”

“Kady,” I murmur, cupping her cheeks in my hands, staring her in her blue eyes so she sees the truth. “I don’t have a girlfriend. If I did, I wouldn’t be kissing you.”

I watch her face as she digests my words. Relief seems to brighten her concerned expression. 

We continue kissing in front of my apartment door, as I return my hand between her legs, stroking and exploring. My nosy neighbor, Mrs. Minelli, is likely spying on us from her bedroom window and will be down here with a broom if we don’t get inside soon.

I pull back, with some resistance from Kady, who moans and whines. I grin at her shiny, pouty lips.

“Need to get indoors and away from prying eyes.” I shift my eyes and nod my head to the left, pointing out the building next door.

As we enter the foyer, Kady peers back out the door, as if scoping for infiltrators.

She giggles as the door shuts behind her with a smack. Her sweet laughter echoes across the marbled floor.

“You’re right. I think we were made by Old Lady Minelli. She’s just jealous that I’m gonna get some and she isn’t.”

I grab her hand, Kady following closely behind me as we wind our way up the curved staircase. I’m on the top floor, but nothing to get either of us too winded.

But I do lose my breath when we step into my flat and see Kady already shimmying out of her shorts, leaving me with a view of her backside and a tiny thong barely visible between her cheeks.

As she flings them to the floor, I watch with rapt interest, my heart rate accelerating like a race car. Where I plan to touch her.

I move forward, crowding her against the wall until she hits it with her back. My knees hit the hard wood in front of her with a thwamp, and I replace her hands with my own, leaning in to press my face between her breasts. She lets out a startled cry and rests one hand on my head, the other flat against the wall.

My open mouth hovers at her tits and I take the opportunity to flick the tip of one of her nipples that pokes through her gauzy shirt. I suck the tight bud between my teeth, material and all.

My fingers slide on their own volition behind her and squeeze the round curves of her bare ass cheeks. God, that feels so good. This is exactly what I wanted to do this morning when she was bent over the table. They feel as perfect as they look.

I squeeze and plump the firm cheeks, my thumb tracing the lacey material of her G-string. She gives an involuntary jerk when I glide my thumb down the crevice.

“Mm,” she moans, confirming she likes it. Her response prompts me to give her more.

I need to keep things slow at first. My tendency is to rush in, gorge myself until I’m full, and then quickly leave the dinner table, so to speak. With Kady, though, I want to take my time. Taste and savor everything she offers.

I sit back on my heels, lowering my head so that my back is hunched, pressing my lips to the juncture of her legs. Inhaling deeply, I get lost in her tangy feminine scent, the heady arousal spurring my own.

The tip of my tongue darts out and licks a line up the dampened seam of her panties. Fuck, she tastes delicious. Exactly how I imagined. A hint of peach hidden within the fragrance.

My voice is raspy when I speak. “Did you get yourself off after I left today? Or were you just trying to torment me when you slid your naughty hand down your shorts?”

Tipping my head back so I can take in the expression on her face, Kady’s eyes narrow and she bites down on her lip. She smiles coyly.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

God, she’s such a sexy tease. I swipe over the silk of her panties again with my finger, digging hard with the tip for emphasis. To torture her as much as she did me.

“I bet you made yourself come,” I guess aloud. “But I promise you, it’s got nothing on me.” I suck her center through the panties and bite just hard enough for her to wiggle.

“I’m going to tease you until you can’t stand it. Until you beg me to let you come. I’ll make you beg for it, Kady. We’ll consider it payback for earlier.”

My grin is lewd and bold.

She gasps. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Oh, wouldn’t I?” I snicker huskily, pinning her with a daring look.

Just to test the waters, I slide my finger under the edge of her panties and shove my nose, mouth and tongue between her legs.

My whole face is nestled in Kady’s pussy and my mouth salivates with lust. Lust that’s been building in sexual frustration since first setting eyes on Kady. Part of me wants to rip off her clothes and fuck her fast and hard against this wall, like the wild animal she’s turned me into.

That’s what my instinct tells me she expects me to do. There’s no doubt that Kady revels in getting guys to do exactly what she wants them to do.

But not me.

I’m not going to be that guy.

I’m going to show her exactly the type of guy she’s dealing with.