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For The Love of My Sexy Geek (The Vault) by A.M. Hargrove (7)

Chapter Eight


To say that Christmas was a letdown would be an understatement. Oliver and I talked a few times, but it didn’t replace him being here. Mom saw it in my eyes as I got in the car. Her words were not to worry that things would shape up for Oliver and me.

When I got home to an empty house, I wanted to feel sorry for myself. I wanted Sheridan to be there, and not in her new situation. But I didn’t call or bother her. She deserved her slice of happiness, and I wasn’t going to spoil it for anything.

Early the next day, I got up and went to work. I was busy catching up from the time away. Our summer ads were due and my boss was impatiently waiting for copy on a bathing suit line. I was slightly behind on it, so I went to work, drumming up some great ideas. When she read what I handed her, her eyes lit up because I incorporated sun safety in the bottom.

“Michelle, this is your best work ever. I think those few days off must’ve freshened up your creativity.”

She walked out, with me telling her I’d send over the files and she could give the graphic artist the go ahead. My head practically slammed the desk afterward. My creativity was in the dumpster and had been since Oliver couldn’t be honest with me. Not to mention all I thought about was his mouth and dick, or how I didn’t trust him. And now she tells me I’m wonderful. What was I supposed to think? Maybe I needed to get my head out of my butt and straighten out my act. The problem was I was in too deep with Oliver. Now that I admitted it, maybe I could do something about it. But what?

Thrumming my fingers on my desk, there wasn’t a solution in sight. Every time I brought up his little issue, he dodged the bullet and twisted me around his finger. What happened to my backbone? I could either accept things as they were or break it off entirely. Was I ready to do that? That was the question that had to be answered.

When I pulled in front of the house after work, his car was already there, waiting on me. He stepped out, holding a big Christmas gift bag.

I offered him a cool hello, but it didn’t deter him one bit. Before I could unlock the front door, the bag was sitting on the porch, and I was in his arms, kissing him back, needing him as though he were the oxygen necessary to sustain life. In some ways, I felt he was. What the hell was wrong with me? What if he didn’t have those same feelings in return?

He rested his forehead against mine. “I missed you, Gumdrop, more than I can say. I know you’re still upset with me that I didn’t go home with you for Christmas. How can I make it up to you?”

Even though the December night was chilly, his warm kisses had heated me up. How could he make it up to me? I didn’t quite know how to answer him. So I only shrugged.

“I missed you too, Oliver. Let’s go inside.”

“Yes, so I can give you your presents.”

“How was your family?”

Was it my imagination or did he just stiffen at my question? This was why I didn’t trust him.

“Everyone was fine. Mom and Dad were their usual odd selves. How about yours?”

“Everyone was great. Dad dreaded Christmas.”

I told him about my little cousins. “They’re loud, obnoxious, and I’m almost certain they’re bullies. The way they treat their younger siblings, it’s hard not to miss it. My aunt and uncle do nothing about it. Dad gets so angry.”

Then he told me that he was bullied in junior high and high school.

“You were?” That shocked me. He’s so attractive. I couldn’t imagine anyone bullying Oliver.

“Michelle, look at me. I mean really take a good hard look. I’m a geek. Geeks get picked on. I was a gamer, a computer nerd. I wasn’t cool, didn’t play sports.”

When he put it like that, I imagined he was picked on.

“But your size. Usually kids bully the smaller ones.”

“You are living under a rock. That is not true. Anyone is fair game, as long as they give the bullies something to latch onto. I did because I was the one in class who actually loved math, the sciences, chemistry, physics.” Then he added the bit about wearing a pocket a protector and I got it.

“I would’ve defended you.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Oh, yeah I would have.” I explained how when Sheridan’s mom died everyone shunned her because they didn’t know what to say, I stuck up for her. She was made an outcast and I wasn’t having anything to do with that. “I totally would’ve stuck up for you. I hate that bullying crap.”

“Wow. I didn’t know that about Sheridan. You really did her a solid by staying her friend.”

“A solid? I did what any friend should do. I did the right thing is all.”

“Michelle, most people are like sheep and follow the herd. You are obviously a leader.”

“I don’t know about that. I only try to stand up for what’s right.”

He brought the Christmas bag over to me and we sat down. “Here. I hope you like everything.”

“Thank you, but you didn’t have to do this.”

“Of course I didn’t. But I wanted to.”

The first item I pulled out was a giant stuffed pink gumdrop. I laughed.

“Just for you. It’s your namesake,” he said.

“Why do you call me that?”

“It’s always been my favorite candy. Soft, sweet and tasty. You remind me of one. They’re the best things ever.”

“Aww, thank you.” I lean over to kiss him. It’s the cutest gumdrop in the world and has a big smile on its face. Next I pull out an oblong box. When I unwrap it, inside I find that little purple butt plug we never used and wrapped around it is a pretty gold bracelet. “Oh, look. The butt plug has jewelry now. Will my butt be all sparkly when I use this?”

He smirked and said, “Yes it will, but from sparks, not from that bracelet. That will be on your wrist. Let me help you put it on.”

It was a simple gold bangle that had light etching on it and a basket weave pattern.

“It’s so pretty. Thank you. I love it.”

“You’re welcome. Keep going.”

There’s more?”

“Of course.”

I was feeling bad because I didn’t get him that much. I dug my hand into the bag and pulled out some sexy thongs. Yeah, very sexy, with lace and ties in the back.

“Oooh. Pretty.”

“Yes. Keep going.”

The next thing I pull out is a box labeled Womanizer Pro W500 Deluxe. “What is this?”

A lopsided grin appeared on his face. “Open it and find out.”

When I did, I laughed. “Santa must’ve been the naughty one this year.”

“He was.”

It was some kind of an air vibrator you held over your clit.

“I did some research and we’re going to use it in conjunction with the butt plug.”

“We are?”

“Well, that’s if you’re willing.” His face was eager with anticipation. The truth was, I was more than curious about the tiny plug. I wasn’t much bigger than my pinky so it didn’t look very intimidating at all. Everything I read about anal seemed positive when it was done right, so why not.

“Just wait. I’ll have you screaming before the night’s over.” It didn’t take much for me to get aroused when I was with Oliver so I was confident he was right.

We eventually made it to my bedroom after I gave him his gifts—which consisted of a picture of the two of us taken at the Halloween party in a frame I had made—and then I bought him a really cool print of a collage of all kinds of computers dating back to the early seventies. It was huge in a modern black frame. He absolutely went crazy over it. His appreciation began with a slow, sensual kiss, which soon escalated into one of passion and lust. That was how we ended up racing up to my bedroom, frantically ripping each other’s clothing off in the process.

He pulled out the Womanizer, which at first made me giggle, but he placed the little cup over one of my nipples and turned the thing on. I nearly ended up on the ceiling.

“Jesus. What’s in there?”

“Air. Suction. Just wait until we test it on your clit.”

Then he dove for my other nipple as I reached for his already stiff cock. It had been longer than I cared to remember that we had been without each other. He was as smooth and hot as ever and I wanted him inside of me. But he had other plans in mind.

He took the new toy off my nipple and moved it to my clit, positioning just right. Well I’ll be damned. It felt like his mouth had formed a suction over it and was going to town. I gave a little jolt as he turned up the intensity. But he wasn’t finished. He put my hand on top of the toy and told me to hold it in place, like I would argue with that. Before he could do much of anything, I was moaning out my first orgasm.

“That was the fastest climax I’ve ever had.” I held the little device up to inspect it. There really wasn’t anything to see.

“You came that fast?” he asked.

“Uh, yeah. It was intense too.”

“Well, get ready for more.”

He lubed up the little plug and slowly inched it inside my puckered hole. By now I was curious and the sensation was different—not anything that I expected. He grabbed my new favorite toy and placed it back over my clit, turned it on, and then moved the plug a little. Now the sensations changed into something entirely different. I was already close to coming and with that back door occupied, in no time at all, I was yelling out his name, exactly like he’d predicted. I felt so full, in a good way, as my blood raced, every nerve ending firing at the same time. This was one orgasmic trip he was taking me on.

“Keep holding that on your clit.”

My breathing was uneven as I watched him roll on a condom and take his hard dick into his hand. My gaze dipped lower to where he slid into my wet and ready pussy, not slow but fast. Now I was stretched, with the plug still inside of me as well. I panted his name as he just sat there, wanting more.

“How do you feel?”

He expected to have a little chat with him now? I could barely breathe, much less talk.


“Is that all?”

“N-no. J-just fuck me. I need you to move.”

A throaty laugh hit my ears, but I didn’t care. All I did care about was feeling him pumping deep within me. The motion of his cock against that butt plug was fucktastic.

And then he began, slow at first, but he must’ve read my mind as I arched my back to meet him. Hooking his arms under my knees, he picked up speed and went all out. Each time he slammed into me all the way, he hit the plug and it sent a series of tremors racing through me. I finally had to let that little toy go because my hands lost their dexterity and I couldn’t hang onto it any longer.

“Ahhh,” I moaned. He swiveled his hips, then ground them against me, putting pressure on the plug and that was it. Another intense climax had me shooting to the moon. I saw stars, maybe even blacked out. It might’ve been from lack of oxygen. I heard him groan and knew somewhere in the back of my mind, that he came too. When he bit down on a nipple, it brought me back to the present and I focused on him again.

“Jeez, you must me trying to kill me or something.”

“Hardly. I’m pleasuring you.”

“I’ll say.”

“You liked it, I assume?”

“I’m pretty sure the neighbors know I liked it.”

“They might.” His tongue tickled my neck and then he reached for the little butt plug. “So this was a win then?”

“Oh, yeah. I didn’t think it would be though.”

“I want to get you one with a little tail and see you walk around in it.”

“What are you talking about?”

Then he explains that they make them with a tail attached. “I think I’ll pass on that.”

“What about wearing this to a party?”

“Not a chance.”

“You can always take it out if you don’t like it.”

“Nope. Not gonna happen. Have you always been into kink like this?”

“Only you. You make me this way. Seeing you aroused makes me so fucking hard.” He nipped at my neck and I shivered.

“So how did you learn about all this stuff?”

“I Googled it. And it’s only one little butt plug. Anal is really popular, you know.”

“I guess I did, but I’ve never done it.”

“I know. Well, I didn’t really know know, but I figured because you would’ve been more …”

“More what?”


“I’m open.”

“Yeah, that’s not what I meant. More knowledgeable.”

“Okay, I’ll go with that.”

“So no chance of you wearing this to the party then?”

“No way! And what party?”

He nudges me. “Friday. Zack and I are throwing our After Christmas Holiday party, remember?”

I slapped my forehead. He mentioned something about that before Christmas, but I forgot about it.

“You invited Sheridan and Beck, didn’t you?” he asked.

“Yeah, I just need to shoot her a text to remind her. But I’m too tired now. And we haven’t eaten dinner.”

“I’ll order a pizza now and we can eat in bed.” He grabbed his phone and placed the order. I was so exhausted I didn’t move until the doorbell rang. When I went to get up, he pointed a finger at me. “You stay put. I’ll be right back.” He tugged on his jeans and ran downstairs to pay the delivery guy.

A little bit later he showed up with the pizza box, two plates, two bottles of beer, and some napkins.

“You’re talented to carry all that. You must’ve waited tables before.”

“Sure did. In college. It was at a pizza place, in fact.”

“That’s why you’re so handy.” And then I realized what I said and laughed. “Maybe working there made you really good in bed too.”

“I hope not. It was a terrible place to work. And their pizza sucked.”

We dove into our dinner and were too hungry to talk for a few. Then I asked him about the party. He said it would be a repeat of the Halloween one.

“You know, the same crowd only no costumes this time.”

“Oh, cool. Just let me know if I can bring anything.”

“Actually, I was going to ask for your help with the appetizers. I’m having some of it catered. Deli trays and things like that. Would you mind too much making some dips?”

“Not at all.” I gave him a few ideas and as he stated, guys would eat anything. He was right about that.

After we ate, I got up to brush my teeth, and when I walked into the bathroom, the butt plug was on the sink.

“Um, Oliver, am I supposed to do something with that butt plug?”

He cracked up. “I already took care of that. I probably shouldn’t have left it sitting there, but I forgot about it.”

“Yeah, good thing I have my own bathroom.”

“Michelle, you don’t have a roommate anymore.”

“Well, true, but you never know. What if my mom showed up or something?”

“Bring it to me and I’ll keep it at my place.”

The whole time I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I couldn’t help but think how much I liked that little thing. I wondered if I was a deviant or something. When I came back out, I asked Oliver and he only laughed at me.

“As long as it feels good …”

Handing him the little thing, I said, “You can take this home, but I’m keeping the Womanizer.”

“Does that mean if you don’t answer the phone when I call, I can assume you have that thing attached to your clit?”

“Most likely.”

“Just don’t let it take the place if my mouth. I like licking your little button.”

Then I laughed. “I can carry this thing in my purse, but your tongue is sort of attached to you.”

“Good point.”

He went to brush his teeth and I examined my new favorite toy. It was pretty stupendous. If I weren’t so tired, I’d use it again. But that would likely cause a chain reaction leading to fucking and I had to get up in a little while. Oliver climbed back in bed and soon he was snoring lightly. I, however, was still awake. I kept staring at that Womanizer so decided to put it to use. In less than two minutes, I orgasmed, curled up behind my guy, and fell asleep. I dreamed about a sexy guy with dark-framed glasses sucking on my clit all night.