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Coti's Unclaimed Mate (Iron Wolves MC Book 9) by Elle Boon (14)

Chapter Fourteen


NeNe and Coti sat down on the couch across from Kellen, the alpha scared the bejesus out of her. Both Kellen and Xan took the huge recliners, each of them were big and took up a lot of space. Her mate, which she was getting used to calling him, was every bit as big if not a little bigger.

“Can I get either of you a drink?” Laikyn asked.

Kellen groaned. “Baby, do you think this is a social gathering?”

Laikyn slapped Kellen on the arm. “Don’t be rude. Drink?” she asked again.

NeNe licked her lips. “I’ll take a water, please.”

Coti shook his head. “Nothing for me, thank you.”

“Did you drink from the vein already, vamp boy?” Xan asked with no outward anger.

She felt her bear still inside her. Something else stirred, making her pause as she looked at the other man. “You’ll watch your tone and not speak to him as if he’s beneath you, feel me?” Her voice didn’t sound like her own, yet she didn’t regret her words.

Xan, the sexy as fuck man blinked, focusing his blue stare on her. “Well I’ll be a goddamned motherfucker, look at that.” He pointed his finger at NeNe.

A growl swelled up from her chest. “I said, do you hear me?”

“No, you said feel me, which I am not risking any of my body parts to do. However, I understand and will adhere to your wishes,” he said with a laugh. “Why are we always getting more alphas than betas?” He turned to look at Kellen.

Kellen tipped his head back, looking up at the ceiling. “I don’t fucking know, brother, I honestly think I pissed off a Goddess or something.” He sat up, pinning NeNe with what she knew was his alpha stare. “You got control of all your shit?”

She didn’t take offense at his wordage. “I have control for the most part. Obviously, I could’ve killed that asshole earlier, but I didn’t. Now, I haven’t been tested in extreme situations like someone trying to harm me or mine. Ps. Coti’s mine,” she warned.

Kellen tossed his head back and laughed, then his hand went out, stopping Laikyn as she walked past him. “Of that we are on the same page. She’s me and mine. Feel me?” he echoed her words.

NeNe looked at where his thumb rubbed up and down his mate’s wrist, saw little goosebumps pop up on her flesh and could smell Laikyn’s arousal in the air. “Oh god, can everyone smell me when I want him?” she asked, turning to look at Coti.

Her mate covered his mouth with one hand trying to hide his smile. “Armina, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Hell, we males can’t hide our obvious need for you females either.” He pointed out.

She so was not going to look to see if Kellen had a VDL.

“What the hell is a VDL?” Coti asked.

Heat crept over her, making her hyperaware everyone in the room was looking at her. “I’ll tell you later,” she whispered.

Coti picked her up, placing her in his lap. “Now,” he said.

She put her forehead against his. “Visible dick line.”

Xan’s laugh had her groaning while Kellen sputtered. She was sure he said he was going to remember her words, which didn’t comfort her.

“I can’t wait to tell the other ladies about this. Here’s your drink,” Laikyn said, passing a bottle of water to NeNe.

“Just for the record, I didn’t look to see.” She took the cold bottle, rubbing it against her hot cheeks.

Laikyn patted her arm. “Rest assured, he totally has VDL all the time.”

“Laikyn, get your ass over here and cover my visible dick, now.” The big alpha roared, making his mate hurry over to him. Her husky laugh dispelled any thought she was scared.

“Watch it brother, you’ll be getting led around by your cock in no time.” Kellen shifted Laikyn to his thigh. “Now, I want to know the truth. Why don’t you start from the beginning,” he ordered.

She sucked in a breath, feeling as if something was pressing in on her.

“Stop it,” Coti pushed out between clenched teeth, his hand ran up and down her back soothing her.

NeNe found it harder to breath while Kellen stared at Coti. Her hand went to her chest, gasping. “What’s going on?”

“Take a deep breath and look at me,” Coti instructed.

She looked away from Kellen, the suffocating presence receded, replaced by waves of love and reassurance. “You only need to do this when you feel another trying to force his will upon you. She’s trying to show you,” he murmured aloud.

Inside herself, she followed where he led, seeing the strength within that was reinforced by not only her bear but something else. “Oh my god, I’m,” she stopped and stared at Coti, watching him nod.

“Yes, you are. I’ll explain to Kellen and see where we go from here.” He kissed her quickly, taking away any objection.

Taking a deep breath, he placed NeNe next to him. “My mother’s family were hybrids, but different from the Cordells in the fact they were Gypsy wolves. Most wolves turn the same color as the hair on their heads, except a gypsy wolf. I, along with the rest of my clan, are all white when we shift. Had you never wondered about that?”

Kellen shrugged. “Honestly? It never crossed my mind. In our wolven form, you were a tough fighter, trustworthy, or at least I thought you were, member of the pack, and someone I relied on to protect others. You were part of the enforcers before I took over from my father but weren’t part of the old way of thinking, which was why I asked you to become one of my enforcers.”

Coti could hear the thread of anger in his alpha’s tone. He couldn’t erase what was, yet he wanted to explain. Staring the other man in the eye, he told him of his childhood, explained about his being kicked out. “You see, my mother hadn’t fully mated with him, so he didn’t receive her vampire strength like many mates. Back then, he claimed her because he said she was his mate. She knew he lied, but he was her one and only. Being a Gypsy wolf and a vampire, my mother and her clan, that’s what they were called, settled in with the pack. She’d hoped that him being her Hearts Love, he’d eventually feel the same. She had me, who only made things worse as I got older and bigger than the man of the house. I was a threat he had to get rid of.” Coti shrugged. Those years had been hell except he’d had his mother and her clan.

“What about her clan? Why did they allow you to be kicked out?” Kellen’s wolf was on the surface, his nails lengthening.

He took a deep breath. “The clan was diminished to only my mother, her mother, and my aunt. My father’s pack was a lot larger. My aunt had mated fully with a young shifter, but my father threatened them. Plus, my mother had my sister and brother, both were more wolf, not other like me. I knew if I left they’d all be happier, safer. I thought it would be no time before I’d find my mate and be able to come back. That’s what my family told me anyway.”

Kellen snorted. “Yeah, that’s a crock of shit. Where are they now?”

“I’ve no clue,” Coti answered. He truly hadn’t cared after the first hundred years.

“Now, this is the question I need answered honestly.” Kellen sat forward, his hands dangling between his knees. “Why did you hide your other side from us all these years?”

“After being kicked out of my family for being different, I roamed for years, decades, until I finally went to the Cordells for answers. The elder Cordell turned me away as well. Not Damikan, but his father. Being different has gotten me nothing but shunned. Finding a clan isn’t something I ever searched for, but this pack called to me. I hadn’t been searching so much as called here. When I landed outside of town all those years ago, your father was the first person I ran into. He looked me up and down, said ‘wolf’ in his deep baritone, then said ‘well, come on then.’ I followed him like a lost puppy and never left.”

Kellen chuckled. “Sounds just like the old bastard. Man of few words is my dad. I’d say if you were a danger, you’d have already fucked some shit up. Although, now that you’ve mated, you’ll be a little more on edge. You still want to be a part of the pack?”

Coti nodded. “Absolutely, but only if NeNe is.”

Kellen stood, motioning Xan to stand. “NeNe, you ready to pledge to the Iron Wolves?”

NeNe licked her lips, nodding. “You’re not gonna piss on me or ask me to like take a blood oath, are you?”

He groaned. “Armina, where do you get these ideas?”

She elbowed him. “It’s in all the books.”

“Hey, at least she’s not asking about fucking Bambi then killing it like some people.” Xan looked at Kellen who shook his head.

“I don’t think I want to know what you’re talking about.” NeNe bit her lip.

Kellen growled, pinning Xan with a stare before turning to NeNe. “I don’t know what books you read, but if there’s pissing on one another, you need different reading material. Not that I’m judging if you’re into golden showers or any other kinky shit.” He grunted from Laikyn’s punch to his arm. “Come here, you two.”

“Err, no golden showers for me.” NeNe shook her head as she spoke, looking at Coti who nodded in agreement.

Coti stood, tugging her to stand with him. He hated the way her legs shook. His fierce little warrior mate was scared at what she didn’t know. They walked toward Kellen, their hands clasped together.

“Coti, you’ve been an Iron Wolf for years. I plan to have you around for a lot longer. More than likely you’ll be here long after I’m gone. Do you vouch for your mate NeNe?” Kellen’s deep voice rumbled, his alpha powers melding with the man.

“I do, alpha,” Coti answered.

“NeNe, you’re a shifter amongst shifters. Most here are wolves, but to us it doesn’t matter what form you take or if you don’t shift at all. Do you agree to protect pack no matter if they be human or other?” She squeezed Coti’s hand, then nodded.

“I need you to speak, female.” Kellen’s tone was deafening as it boomed out.

“Yes, alpha.” She blinked, feeling the heaviness trying to push her down.

“If you agree to become part of the pack, we connect mentally. Open up to me, NeNe. Giving me access proves you trust that I won’t take advantage of that power.”

Coti gave her fingers a reassuring squeeze, wanting to give her comfort, knowing she had to do this on her own.

His mate blinked, then he felt a wall come down between them, keeping him from her. Xan held up his hand, giving a slight shake of his head that kept Coti where he was.

NeNe allowed Kellen into her mind. His presence wasn’t like Coti’s, yet she didn’t feel as if he was invading so much as just there.

Thank you for your trust. I’ll leave you now, but this is the link to me should you have need. I know this is all new to you, but all pack members can reach out to me at anytime here. You might want to mentally knock first in case I’m busy.” His laughter made her smile.

Will you be politely knocking as well if you need to speak to us?”

Hell yes. Trust me, after accidentally interrupting that sick bastard Xan, I’ll knock before interrupting anyone’s mind.”

NeNe blinked then nodded. “So, do I bow, kneel, and kiss your ring, or what?”

Kellen patted her on the head. “You’ll fit right in here, NeNe girl. Alright, let’s have a round of drinks, shall we?”

“If you mean be another disrespectful female who will forever be a pain in our collective asses, then bottoms up, brother.” Xan agreed, holding his glass up with a smile.

“His mate must really like him,” NeNe muttered.

“Nah, I give good head.” Xan winked.

Kellen groaned. “What did I tell you about TMI, fucker?”

Coti wrapped one arm around her, grounding them both. Through her link with him and now Kellen, she felt like she was one of them. Even Xan and his dirty mouth, she knew he’d die to protect those he cared about. Her mate accepted a bottle of beer from Laikyn, then he lifted his bottle, holding it in the air. “Iron Wolves,” he said.

In those two words, she felt accepted. Kellen swallowed his drink whole, sighing like he needed the hard bite of the liquor.

Xan sat his glass down, the empty glass clinking on the hard table. “Damn fine liquor, alpha.”

Laikyn shook her head. “It’s not even noon yet.”

NeNe looked at Coti and his half empty bottle. “It’s five o’clock somewhere, right?”

Coti grinned and leaned down to kiss her. “Damn straight it is. Besides, we’re wolves. Takes a lot more than a drink or two to get us drunk.”

She was pretty sure Laikyn mumbled something about a truckload, but Kellen had covered her mouth with his. Seeing how Kellen and the rest of the pack didn’t shy away from touching their mates, whenever and however they pleased, made her feel a little better knowing they’d been aware of her response to Coti. She still had a slight bit of embarrassment knowing everyone would’ve smelled how much she’d lusted after him, but that couldn’t be changed.

“I need to find my Breezy, too much sex going on in here,” Xan announced.

Coti coughed, settling NeNe in front of him.

“You trying to hide your VDL?” Xan asked, quirking his right brow.

“Why don’t all of you go out to the club and leave me and Laikyn alone so I can take care of my lady’s needs.” Kellen looked up from where he held his mate, his blue eyes brighter than she’d ever seen.

“NeNe and I have some things to take care of,” Coti began only to stop when the door to the club burst open without warning.

“I just got a call from one of my feline friends. We’ve got trouble.” Turo stood in the doorway, his eyes landing on Coti and NeNe. “Shit’s about to go down, boys and girls. Let’s get the females to safety and meet it away from here.”

Kellen nodded, already moving toward the door with Laikyn next to him. “I’m getting my mate and kids together. Rowan and Lyric are with them now. Have you...” he stopped at Turo’s grunt. “Of course you have. Alright, let’s go.”

NeNe pulled on Coti’s hand. “They’re coming for me,” she stated.

“What do you mean?” Kellen asked, turning back to pin her with a hard glare.

She took a deep breath, linking with him and their alpha. His pride swelled at her show of trust and lack of fear. “Look at my memories. When he turned me, he wanted me. Not one of the other women, but me. I don’t know why, but he was fixated on me when I started there.”

Through her memories, Coti could see the other man’s constant attempts to engage NeNe in any sort of interaction. What his mate didn’t see, when she looked at him, was the way his eyes hardened, the entire thing flickering to the solid black of his grizzly.

Kellen flicked his gaze to him, nodded and turned. “NeNe stays with us. If he comes, it’ll be her he’s searching for.”

“Meaning anyone within range of me is in danger. Maybe I should run?”

Coti growled, his wolf and beast denying the thought of their mate leaving their side. “You’ll stay with me.”

“I’m going to the lower level to meet Lyric and the kids. You go do alpha shit,” Laikyn said.

“Wyck, you and Lou go with her, make sure she’s safe,” he ordered.

The bar was filled with a dozen Iron Wolves, all ready to do whatever Kellen ordered them. Coti felt the need to warn them exactly what they were up against. “We aren’t facing a pack of just wolves. I know Mac’s a bear, and I fought a lion. I scented wolves, so fuck if I know what else might be in that menagerie of a pack out there. They don’t follow the same rules we do where pack is sacred. I fought a shifter who was beaten down, yet he was a beast I would hate to tangle with if he’d been free. If they have others like him, not on a leash, we could potentially be in for a bloody battle.”

Arynn and his mate moved forward. The man had recently found his true mate and was the father to two preteen girls. “We ain’t just a bunch of wolves either, Coti. My Sheila’s a fierce dragon. Hell, little Joz is too, damned if that’s not still freaking Turo out,” Arynn laughed.

Turo flipped Arynn the bird while the tiny Asian woman named Joz stepped around his hulking frame. “Hi, NeNe, we need to have a girls’ night and catch up. So much to talk about, starting with you being a bear, me being a dragon. Do you know the possibilities of that happening are less than...” Turo covered her mouth with his hand, then grunted before picking her up and kissing her silent.

“Seriously, she knows the numbers and will give us the rundown, later. For now, we need to head out. Ace said the fuckers were moving around, gathering up their strongest to take back their queen. I’m thinking that’s you.” Turo nodded at NeNe

His wolf rumbled while his beast pushed forward. “Over my dead body.”

Stillness filled the air.

“Aw sheot, he’s a vamp and a wolf. That’s fucking awesome,” Bodhi whooped. “Let’s go kick some ass and call it done so I can get home. I was in the middle...” he stopped at Kellen’s warning growl.

“Motherfucker, do not finish that sentence or so help me my baby sister will be packing ice between your legs.” Kellen pointed his finger toward Bodhi.

Coti laughed at the big blond man who mimed zipping his lips while his eyes shined with mirth. “You realize we all sound like a bunch of damn idiots joking before we go out to cause bloodshed, right?”

Turo swung a gun over each shoulder before passing another to his mate. “Your point?” he asked.

“Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.”

“Same page, same book. Let’s go. No misting for you and your vampiness. We go in as pack. What you do when we get there, or how you get it done, is up to you, but nobody’s going rogue.” Kellen slapped him on the shoulder, leading the way toward the door.

“I love this pack,” Joz whispered.

“That’s because you’re my crazy little female. You best not get hurt, you hear me?”

Coti didn’t turn to see what Turo and his mate were doing. If he had a choice, he’d wrap NeNe up in bubble wrap and stow her away from what was to come. One look at her stubborn face and any thoughts of shielding her left him.

“Such a fast learner.” She pecked his cheek, then hurried forward and out the door.

Fuck, he was pussy whipped. Twenty-four hours properly mated, and he was wrapped around her like a boa constrictor would his prey.

When we get back to your place, I’ll wrap something else around you.” NeNe said through their link, showing him an image of her lips wrapped around his dick.

He needed to get her to understand it was their place, and now, he was the one sporting a VDL, thanks to her.




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