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Delicious: Shifters Forever Worlds (Forever After Dark Book 3) by Elle Thorne (14)

Chapter Eighteen

Sean was walking across the foyer that separated his place from Tyler’s when he heard footsteps behind him. He hoped someone wasn’t trying to catch up to him to stop him. He’d had enough of being apart from Eden and was ready to check on her.

Griz was hastily catching up.

Sean pulled up short in the middle of the room. “I don’t need a babysitter.” He didn’t mean to be so gruff, but damn, this had been a hell of a day.

“I’m not trying to push you around. Just hate to see the place go up in flames if Piria gets an inclination that you’re around. Camden said her elemental seems to have a particular dislike for you.”

“Yeah, I think dislike is an understatement.”

“If Piria knows you’re around, she could hurt Eden, without even meaning to.”

“Sounds like you’re talking me out of going.”

“The way I understand it, she can’t tell things from scent. She doesn’t have shifter hearing. In fact, she has nothing that an average human wouldn’t have.”

“Except she can start fires with her mind,” Sean interjected.


“So, what’s your point, Griz?”

“Point is, if you’re going to be there, it’s best to not be heard if she’s still unconscious. We don’t know if Piria is unconscious or if it’s just the panther and Eden.”

“I gotcha.” Sean bristled at the other man’s interference.

“I’m not trying to butt in. I’m on your side. I am.”

“Why? Why are you on my side. Hell, do you even know what my side is?”

Griz frowned. The expression combined with that imposing scar made him look fearsome. “Let’s just say I know what it feels like to love someone and not be able to have them.”

Sean cocked his head and studied the seasoned shifter. Maybe he does know. “I appreciate it.”

“Let’s see what we can’t do for your girl.”

My ought-to-be girl. My ain’t-yet girl.

Sean exhaled his frustrations. “Let’s. You do the talking, if she’s still out. If she’s awake, well, I’ll make myself scarce.”

“And I’ll update you.”

They reached the room just as Doc was coming out with Circe, Mae, and Camden.

“How is she?” Griz asked Doc

“Ciara’s sitting with her while we discuss options.” Doc gave Sean a questioning look. “Let’s talk about this in another room.”

Sean nodded his appreciation that they were including him, and at the same time, doing what was best for Eden.

Doc closed the door behind them. “There’s no reason for her to be unconscious now. The witch confessed they had Tranqed her, but that would have dissipated by now. And the smoke inhalation, I’m thinking she should be out of that as well.”

Sean frowned.

“Then what the hell is going on with her? Why is she still out?” Griz asked.

My thoughts precisely.

Circe grimaced. “I think it has something to do with her elemental. I believe Piria is involved in why they aren’t able to wake up.”

“How—” Sean shook his head. “How the hell is she doing that?”

“If I had to take a guess,” Circe expounded, “I’d say Piria is orchestrating this. She’s keeping them in her world.”

What the hell is she talking about?

Sean did his best to not look at Circe as if she’d lost her marbles.

She gave him an understanding look in return. “I see you don’t know much about elementals.”

“Well, my brother’s woman has one.” That sounds lame. “No. I guess I don’t know much about them at all,” he conceded.

“Okay, a brief summary in Elemental Science 101.” Her smile was tight, but at least, it reached her dark eyes.

The sight of those eyes, that face, her features, and even how some of her expressions reminded him of Eden. Made him miss her.

“So, without going into the whole history of elementals, because I do want to get to work on my plan, elementals are like spirits, some would say. They take up residence in our bodies and minds, but they also have their own world. And we can join them in their world.”

“We who?”

“Well, for example, some elementals have the power to travel into another elemental’s world. And when they do, they take their host with them. So, you see, my elemental, Albani, can take me to Piria’s world. I’d be a separate entity there, as would my elemental and my panther.”

“So, if you went in, you’d be able to see Piria, Eden, and Eden’s panther separately?”

Circe nodded. “And that’s my plan, precisely. I’m going in to find out what is going on with Piria.”

“So, elementals can travel… they can do this thing?” Sean asked.

“No. Only some elementals. But some of us who can do this, can also take others in with them. Depending.”


“Whether they are powerful enough. Whether they want to.” Circe looked at Camden, then continued. “I should have done this long ago. Tried to help her.”

Camden hugged Circe. “No. It’s not your fault. It falls on me, too. And on Eden, as well, I suppose. We’ve all tiptoed around Piria.”

Circe pursed her lips. “Some specialists we are. How’s that saying go? Physician, heal thyself?”

Camden hid a smile behind her fingertips. “True. Okay, let’s go in then. Shall we?”

“You can’t.” Circe’s expression was carved of stone.

“Why not?”

“It’s risky.”

“Wait a minute.” Sean raised a hand. “What kind of risk are we talking about?”

Circe sighed. “People can die in an elemental’s world. It’s no different than being in this world. And shifters are separated from their animal in that world. So, if a shifter or his animal were to die there…” She shuddered.

“What would happen? Would they die here, too?” Sean knew if he were separated from his bear, he’d be a mere human. Unless of course, his bear was killed while they were one, then the human part of him would die as well. He tried to recall the lore, but it wasn’t something that one dwelled on. You just did your damnedest to stay alive.

Circe shrugged.

“Never seen it happen?” Sean was curious, though it felt like a morbid curiosity.


“So, I take it you’re going in?” Camden asked Circe.

Circe gave her younger sister a quizzical glance, as though she were surprised to be asked that question. “I have to.”

“And I cannot go with you… why?”

Circe frowned. “I’m not risking you.”

“I’m going,” Marco announced.

Sean studied their brother. He had barely said a word the whole time, just staying in the background, quiet, his eyes gleaming with a glow in their inky depths that ranged between gold and amber, though for a brief second, Sean would have sworn he saw a flash of indigo.

“No. You’re not.” Circe’s tone was hard and firm.

“Listen—” Marco begin.

“No. I said no.” Circe’s jaw was set in a way that Sean had noticed Eden’s did at times.

Not that he noticed it while Eden was talking to him. No, she didn’t talk to him that much. But he’d noticed it once when he’d walked in on a conversation she was having with Camden.

Sean wished he could go. He wanted to be there, to help Eden. Not to mention, the whole thing sounded interesting as hell.

Circe glared at her siblings. “I’m going in. Alone. I have to talk to Piria.”

“I want to go.” Sean froze. Was that his own voice? It seemed it was; everyone was staring at him. “I do.”

Circe pinned him with her gaze. Now, he saw the difference between this older sister and her younger ones. She was damned near formidable. “You care for my sister.”

Sean straightened his shoulders, rolled his neck. “She’s my fated mate. And before you go off thinking I’m crazy… no. I didn’t believe in that shit. Until I met Eden.”

Camden nodded. She clearly got it.

Circe nodded, too. Then pursed her lips. “I understand. More than you’ll ever know. It hits ya like a Mac truck, doesn’t it?”

Sean couldn’t resist the small smile that crept to his face. “It sure as hell did.”

Circe crossed her arms. “Do you believe she feels the same for you?”

He exhaled with a whoosh. “I don’t know if this makes sense, but I think her eyes tell me one thing, but her lips another. And… crazy as this may sound, I’m pretty sure what she verbalizes is what her elemental wants to hear. What she says with her eyes, is what her heart and panther feel.”

Circe raised her brows.

He wondered what that meant. Did she get it? “But I won’t let Piria kill her to keep us apart. I’ll withdraw.”

“I brought you out here because I want you to go in with me. But I didn’t want Piria to hear me say so.” So maybe she did get it.

He paused. “You think she’s listening right now? Can she hear us?”

“Albani—my elemental—seems to think she might be.”

“So, I’m going in?”

“I think it would be for the best, though I don’t think it will prove an easy emotional expedition for any of us.”