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Delicious: Shifters Forever Worlds (Forever After Dark Book 3) by Elle Thorne (10)

Chapter Twelve

Sean had given the keys to Griz. He was the one who knew what was going on, after all. Sean’s questions had remained unanswered and he hadn’t pushed for responses. He was sure in a short time, he’d have the answers he needed anyway.

Ten minutes down the road, Griz pulled over and nosed the SUV into a gravel clearing. A black Escalade with equally dark windows idled. Even with his superb shifter vision, Sean couldn’t tell who was in the car.

The driver’s door opened, Mae climbed out. He’d thought he recognized her vehicle. The passenger door swung open, and from the vehicle emerged a tall, lithe, white-haired woman—wait, no, not white hair, it was blond, but so blond that it was almost white. Her skin was a dusky shade, and her eyes were so light blue they blended with the whites of her eyes.

She was in a long dress. He could see it under the car door. She had an aura about her. He couldn’t peg what she was, but this woman was no ordinary human, she was supernatural, but he had no idea what type.

He’d no sooner processed her appearance and that thought, when each of the back doors opened, and two men exited. A stark opposite to the woman, they had dark skin the color of dark chestnut, and light-colored eyes with golden amber flecks.

Sean was no expert, but he recognized the men were also supernatural. The power that emanated from them was tangible. Tall, with wide chests, muscular arms, strong jawlines.

Striking, with skin dark and gleaming. Eyes that glowed. High cheekbones, regal bearing. Closely cropped ebony hair crowned heads.

And identical.

Sean glanced at Griz, then indicated the unfamiliar trio. “You know them?”

“The woman is my cousin. Ciara.”

“She’s—” Sean scratched the stubble on his jawline. There was nothing emanating from her to indicate that she was one of his kind. “She’s not a shifter.”

Griz nodded. “She doesn’t have a shifter animal within her, that’s true. She’s descended from a shifter, but she identifies with Intuitives.”

Sean’s jaw dropped. “No shit.” He’d heard of Intuitives. Who hadn’t? But he’d never met one. The Intuitives were a private, closed-off society. “Who are the dudes? They aren’t shifters, either.”


“Twin wizards.” Sean stated the obvious, then shook his head at himself.

Griz gave him a half-smile of indulgence, as if he almost knew what he was thinking. “Twin wizards are a rarity. Last time anyone heard of such was during the medieval ages.”

They all closed their doors and started walking toward Sean’s SUV.

Sean indicated the foursome with a nod. “Guess there’s a reason they are all here?”

Griz nodded. “We should talk to them. It’ll be clear shortly.”

Sean, Griz, Cross, Judge exited the vehicle and joined them halfway.

Mae’s face was fraught with worry. “No sign of her?”

Her question made the pit in Sean’s stomach exponentially larger.

“No.” Griz’s tone was matter of fact, but his eyes were equally concerned as Mae’s.

Mae indicated the woman, then nodded to Sean. “This is Ciara. Ciara, Sean.” Then she glanced at the two wizards. “Cedric, Jenner, meet Sean.”

Once the pleasantries were exchanged, they got down to business. At least, Sean did. He jumped right in with, “What’s the deal? It’s clear that this matter is more complicated than I knew.” He paused. “Does Camden know?”

Mae shook her head. “No. We thought it best we try to take care of it before we gave her cause to be even more worried.” She blew out a deep breath, then continued. “It’s a bit of luck that Cedric and Jenner were in the valley, really.”

Sean glanced at the wizards. They nodded solemnly.

One of them said, “We’ll take care of them—once they are located. They’ll have to be brought in. This sort of action on their part is simply not acceptable. The Circle insists they are dealt with.”

The other one added, “Severely.”

Sean was confused. “Because they are attacking elementals?”

“Because the elementals they’re targeting are a powerful group in Europe, and their retaliation could instigate a war of proportions we haven’t seen in ages. The Circle is adamant that this not happen.”

“Understandable. So, what does this have to do with Eden missing?”

“Maybe nothing,” Mae said.

“But we don’t want to take any chances,” Griz finished for her.

“Exactly,” Mae agreed. “I know Camden was going to call Circe about Eden and her issues, but I decided Circe should know about the recent developments. She and Marco are on their way.”

A cold sensation traveled throughout Sean. He knew that feeling. It was dread. The severity of the situation, the direness of it struck home. This was probably more than just a case of Eden spending the night away or getting lost. “So, it sounds like we better find Eden. Now.”

“Agreed.” Griz put a hand on Sean’s shoulder. “And word has it you’re one of the best scent trackers in the area.”

Sean did a double take. “How would you know that?”

Cross’s smile was grim. “Griz has his sources.”