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Dragon's Secret Bride (Silver Talon Mercenaries Book 3) by Sky Winters (13)


"Come now," said Julio, stepping into Adie's bedroom. "No need to look so glum."

Adie turned around on her heels and flashed Julio a cutting glare.

"Fuck you."

Julio raised one of his sculpted, slim eyebrows, a little smile forming on his lips.

"You're about to be the queen of northern California, and all you can say is ‘fuck you'?"

"What the hell do you expect me to say?" she asked. "'Thanks a million'?"

"I don't know," said Julio. "A little gratitude wouldn't be out of the question."

Adie stormed to the window of her bedroom and looked out over the sweep of the property of the mansion just outside of Starwood. Her mind went back to her trip through town yesterday as the Mendozas brought her back into the city. The place had changed, to put it lightly. The biker bear gangs were the foot soldiers of the Mendozas new rule, and stalked the streets, striking terror into any of the other shifters of the town. The city was more like a town conquered by an invading army than the place where she'd grown up.

And Hoxson was nowhere to be found. She placed her hand on her belly, knowing now that a child was growing inside of her. It was all too much for her to take.

Now, on top of everything, Julio had revealed his reason for his interest in Adie – he wanted to make her his bride.

"I don't understand why you want me so badly," she said. " I don't understand why you have to pull me into this insanity."

"Because, from the moment I saw you, I knew I had to have you," said Julio. "And I'm a man who always gets what he wants."

His tone was that of total self-assurance. Adie turned back around and glared at him once again.

"And you think just by forcing me you can make me your wife?"

Julio chuckled.

"I'm not forcing you to do anything," he said. "If you want, you can simply walk out the front door right now. However, as per the new rules of the city, you're expressly forbidden to leave without permission of either myself or my siblings. And once you're back out into the city with no more protection to count on, I assure you that the bears will be more than happy to make you their ‘bride', if you can even call it that. But don't be surprised if they decide to share. There are lots of them, after all, and only one of you."

He flashed Adie a little wink, and her stomach tightened in response. She knew that Hoxson was the only one she could count on, and she prayed for him to show up.

"Now!" said Julio, clasping his hands together. "We're going to do this wedding lickity-split. Once I have a bride, I can start making this region my official kingdom. And then, my dear, the sky's the limit. So, get dressed and meet me down in the ballroom in thirty minutes. This is going to be the fastest wedding of your life. But don't worry – we'll make sure the honeymoon goes nice and slow."

One more wink, and he was gone. Once the door was shut, Adie rushed back to the window and desperately tried to pull it open. But she knew he was right – even if she managed to get out of there and past the bears that guarded the property, she was fair game if she even managed to make it back to the city. The bears had been treating the entire town like their own personal dive bar, and to call it "anarchic" would be charitable.

So, Adie stepped into the walk-in closet and looked over the wedding gown that Lucia had picked out for her. She ran her hand over the soft fabric, thinking about how lovely a dress it was, and how she wished it was Hoxson she was wearing it for, rather than the asshole who'd kidnapped her. She thought about the wedding pact, and how concerns like those seemed to be years past. But all she wanted was Hoxson, and part of her worried she'd never see him again.

"Look at that gorgeous, blushing bride!" called out Julio as Adie stepped into the ballroom.

The room was an elegant space, the biker bear guards who stood near the walls a sharp contrast in their low-rent tuxedos. Julio stood with his brother, Emil, who appeared to be serving as the officiant for the ceremony. Both were in classy formalwear, and their sister, Lucia, sat at the large, coal-black grand piano dressed in a flowing red dress.

"She looks thrilled," said Lucia with a wry tone, a pleased smile on her face that seemed to suggest she was taking pleasure in watching Adie suffer.

"She has to be," said Julio. "No woman can resist the allure of a wedding. Now, come here. And Lucia, start the music already!"

Adie walked across the floor of the ballroom, hot tears forming in her eyes. Lucia began playing the wedding march on the piano, and Julio extended his hand to Adie as she approached.

"You're not going to get away with this," said Adie, anger in her voice.

"What are you talking about?" he asked. "I've taken over Starwood, my siblings and I are the only dragons left in the region, and I've got you right here, just waiting to be wedded to me. From where I'm standing, it appears I've already gotten away with it."

Adie opened her mouth to speak but thought better of it.

"Oh, you're thinking about Hoxson, aren't you?" said Julio, shaking his head. "I regret to inform you that whatever remained of the forces that could've resisted me have made the smart decision and abandoned San Francisco. My little bear army is already moving into the city and rooting out any shifters who won't fall in line. And I'm sure your little mercenary friend is safely back in New York, his concerns about you and the city miles away."

The news hit Adie like a punch to the gut.

"You're lying," she said, the hot sting of tears forming in her eyes.

"Aw, look at her," said Lucia as she played. "She thinks you're just screwing with her."

"I'm afraid not," said Julio. "The city is mine, Starwood is mine, and now you're about to be mine. But look at all of this!"

He made a sweeping gesture toward the ballroom.

"You'll have a life of luxury to enjoy. And all you'll have to do is be a good little fox and give me an heir."

"Never," said Adie.

"Well," said Julio. "We'll just have to see how long a pretty little thing can resist me for."

He reached up and dragged the back of his index finger over Adie's cheek. Adie turned away in disgust, the anger within her reaching a boiling point.

"Let's get on with it," said Julio, waving impatiently to his brother. "She's just going to have to resign herself to her fate. She'll learn in time."

Emil stood in front of the pair, preparing to begin the ceremony.

"Dearly belo-"

But before even two words could pass his lips, a deafening explosion that shook the foundation sounded through the house.

"What the hell?" demanded Julio as his eyes scanned the room. "What was that?"

The frenzied entry of a pair of biker bears into the room provided the answer to his question.

"Boss!" shouted one of them. "We're under attack!"

"Under attack?" asked Julio. "Under attack by whom?"

Now the other biker bear spoke.

"Uh, everyone!"

"What the fuck do you mean ‘everyone'?"

"Just…come out and see!"

By now, the howling of various animals could be heard from outside. Booming blasts sounded, and hellish roars that could only be those of dragons ripped through the air.

"It's him!" shouted Adie.

"You shut your fucking mouth!" shouted Julio. "And stay here. Lucia – make sure she doesn't go anywhere!"

"My pleasure," said Lucia, a sly smile on her lips making it clear she was more than happy to be in control of Adie.

"Come, Emil," shouted Julio as the pair hurried out of the room, followed by the group of biker bear guards.

"Now it is just you and me, darling," said Lucia, as she continued to play smooth, effortless music at the piano. "And I think you and I should have a little fun while the boys take care of things."

"They're not going to take care of shit," said Adie. "That's Hoxson out there – I know it."

"I don't know what little ragtag group of friends he managed to cobble together, if it is indeed him, but I'm sure my brothers will be more than a match."

She stopped playing. Standing up from the piano, Lucia began to shift into her dragon form.

"Now," she said, the pitch of her voice shifting. "I think it's time I let you know which of us two women is going to be in charge around here."

"I think it's time you fuck off," said Adie.

Before Lucia had a chance to finish shifting, Adie changed into her fox form, rushed up to Lucia, and sinking her razor-sharp teeth into the soft skin of her ankles.

"Ah, fuck!" Lucia shouted. "You little bitch!"

Adie didn't stick around to hear what else Lucia had to say. She darted out of the room and through the entry hallway. Shifting back into her human form, she threw open the front doors and was presented with the battle to end all battles.

Bears, dragons, foxes, and wolves, dozens of shifters in total, were gathered on the property in a wild frenzy. Bears barreled across the lawn, dragons tore through the air, wolves scrapped and howled, and tightly-clustered packs of foxes zipped here and there. Gunfire from unshifted guards popped in the air.

Adie's first reaction was to hunker down, to take cover from the chaos. But as she turned her eyes toward the sky, she took notice of the unmistakable shape of several silver dragons.

She knew instantly, Hoxson was among them.

"How did you all let these fuckers invade my home!" shouted Julio as he stomped into the middle of the fray, an expression of pure anger on his features.

If anyone on his side responded, the answer was drowned out by the commotion of the battle.

"Fine, you worthless shits! I'll do this myself!"

With that, he shifted into his red dragon form, flew into the air, and began grappling with a passing silver dragon. Adie watched as nearly a dozen dragons careened through the air, belching fire at one another and at the shifters on the ground. She scanned the battle with frantic eyes, trying to find some way to join in and be useful.

Taking a deep breath, she rushed out into the fight and looked for a target. But before she could make any more moves, she felt the pressure of a hand grabbing her arm from behind.

"What do you think you're doing?" asked Emil, his voice edged with anger.

"Get the fuck off me!" shouted Adie as she struggled against his grip.

But it was no use; he was too strong for her.

"Time to put you back inside where you belong," said Emil. "But I don't think anyone will mind if I rough you up, just a bit."

His eyes began to boil a crimson red and a wicked smile formed on his lips.

Adie squirmed against his grasp, her heart pounding as the battle raged around her. But just before Emil could bring her back into the house, a gunshot cracked through the air, and Emil dropped like a sack of dead weight onto the grass.

Adie looked around for any sign of just who might've saved her, her eyes landing on the slim figure of a red-headed woman in the tree line. The woman flashed her a thumbs-up before dropping her rifle and shifting into her silver dragon form.

"No!" shouted Julio, now fully shifted, his raging eyes on the body of his brother.

Then he turned to Adie.

"You bitch!"

Julio stomped toward Adie, who stood frozen in place for a time before getting her senses back, shifting into her fox form, and running away as fast as possible. Looking up, Adie spotted a red dragon that could've only been Lucia cutting through the air above her. The dragon shot out jets of flames at Adie, who just barely managed to dodge each of them in time.

Before Lucia could draw a bead and finish Adie off, a silver dragon crashed into Lucia and brought the two of them crashing into the ground, a massive thud sounding.

Adie looked around and watched as the silver dragons, the blue dragons at their side, and the rest of the shifters fought off the remainder of the bears. The tide of the battle seemed to be turning, and the Silver Talons all prepared to move in for the kill.

Adie laid eyes on one of the silver dragons, one that seemed to be flying especially close to her as she ran. The dragon looked down at her, and she could sense right away, just by his eyes, that it was Hoxson. But before another moment could be shared, a great red beast slammed into him and brought him to the ground.

The two dragons scrapped and tussled, and Adie watched with horror, praying that Hoxson would be victorious.

"Let's get the fuck out of here!" shouted one of the unshifted bears as he dropped his gun and ran into the woods.

Many of the other bears followed suit, and Julio had just enough time to turn his attention to them and roar out the word "cowards!" before breaking out of Hoxson's grasp and flying toward Adie.

Adie shifted out of her fox form just as Julio grabbed her in his claws. He landed and shifted back to his human form, a wild, desperate look in his eyes. Adie watched as he grabbed a pistol that had been dropped into the commotion and, with wild speed, grabbed Adie by the arm and pressed the gun against her temple.

Adie let out a scream as he pulled her close. The battle was over, and the dragons and their shifter allies formed a half-circle around Julio and Adie. The dragons shifted back to their human forms, and Adie saw that at Hoxson's sides were several rough and tough-looking men and women who she knew had to be the rest of Hoxson's crew. Her heart soared for a brief moment at the fact that Hoxson had come back for her.

But then the reality of the situation dawned.

"It's over, Julio," shouted Hoxson. "Emil's dead, we have Lucia, and your bear army has abandoned you. Give up now and we won't have to kill you."

"I have a better idea," said Julio. "You let me leave with your pregnant bitch, and if any of you take another step closer, I put a bullet in her head."

Several tense moments passed as Julio stepped back, still holding on to Adie. Hoxson held his hand up, a furious look in his eyes.

Then, Adie felt her fear be replaced with anger. She was tired of being a victim, tired of being made to feel helpless. Closing her eyes, she shifted into her fox form, dropping out of Julio's grasp. Instantly, she sank her teeth into his calf, breaking the skin and sending out a howl of pain from Julio's lips.

"Adie, run, now!" shouted Hoxson.

She didn't need to be told twice. Adie sprinted from Julio as fast as she could, putting as much distance between him and her as possible.

"Get back here you b-"

Adie shifted and turned around in just enough time to see that those would be the last words that Julio would ever speak. The dragons in the semi-circle shifted and all let out a roaring jet of flame, each of them engulfing Julio and incinerating him instantly. After a few moments of fire, the dragons ceased their flames, leaving nothing but a flaming body and several streaks of charred grass.

Then, Hoxson shifted back and ran to Adie, taking her into his arms and holding her close.

Tears of joy poured from her eyes. It was finally over.





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