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Eye of the Tiger: Paranormal Dating Agency by ML Guida (11)

Chapter 11

Two weeks later

Seth wiped the sweat off his face. It was less than an hour until the reunion and he was stuck at work. A valuable client needed new brakes and wheels put on his bike, and Seth couldn’t say no. He needed the money. It was the last of what he needed to pay off Miles’ loan. He’d be able to bring the money to the reunion and stuff it down Miles’ greedy throat.

He’d called Cora every night since he last saw her in Frisco, but he was no closer to convincing her to be his mate than when he’d started. He’d no idea what he was doing wrong, but he refused to give up.

She was his.

And he wouldn’t let her slip through his paws this time.

He glanced at his watch. “Come on, Steve. Get here.”

He was supposed to meet Cora at the reunion at six. She had to get there early to help Lara set up.

His phone buzzed.

“Yeah?” Seth tried to keep the annoyance out of his voice.

“Hey, Seth. I’m running late, and won’t be there for another hour.”


He hung up and immediately called Cora.

“Hi,” she said. “Are you on your way?”

“No. I’m still at work.”

“You are?” Her voice cut through him like a knife.

“I have a client who won’t be here for another hour.”

“Can’t you meet him tomorrow?”

“No. After this, I’ll have the money to pay off Miles. I’ll only be an hour late. I promise.”

“Okay, fine. But don’t be any later. Miles and Caterina are already here.”

He paced back and forth. “I know. I know. I get it.”

* * *

One hour turned to two. By the time he pulled into the Arvada Center’s parking lot, he was almost three hours late. He couldn’t have rushed over as a greasy monkey and had run home to change. He tried calling Cora several times, but she didn’t answer. What the hell was going on?

But he knew the answer. Miles. The bastard must have done something.

He trotted up to the front door.

“Where the hell have you been?” Lara met him at the door, threw her hands up in the air, and scowled. Her fingers brushed over her hair that was piled up on her head. Her backless black dress screamed formal, and all he had on was a nice shirt and black jeans.

“I got caught up at work. Why?”

Rock music blared from inside a ballroom. A buffet of picked over food was against one wall. His stomach screamed in protest.

“Because Cora’s a mess. Miles told her that you weren’t coming, because you were embarrassed to be seen with her.”

“What? And she believed him?” Seth’s vision clouded. Blood increased to all extremities and the back of his hair stood straight up. His tiger roared. Miles had pushed him too far by threatening his would-be mate.

Lara stepped back and put her hand on her chest. “Seth, you’re scaring me.”

“You’re not the one who should be scared. Where is she?”

“She’s in the ballroom.”

He pushed past Lara with his fists clenched. He didn’t care if he got arrested. Miles better damn pray he wasn’t the first one he saw.

Red and white balloons framed the door with the year two-thousand eight on them. The room was dark and he had to squint. He didn’t need to see. All he needed to do was smell.

Cora stood next to the bar, swaying unsteadily. Her face was flushed, and her eyes glistened. Her red dress hugged her curvy body and her hair swept over her shoulders. She had a glass of red wine in one hand that she was gulping down as if it were punch.

“Hey, Seth. Another Streak. How are you?” someone called. “Don’t look, Ethel.”

Seth didn’t even turn around. He didn’t recognize the voice and didn’t care. He rushed over to Cora. She was in pain and needed him. That was all that mattered.


She frowned. “You.” Her voice shook with rage and hate. She spilled some of the wine onto her opened shoes.

“Here let me take that.”

“No!” She jerked the glass away and it flew out of her hand. Glass and red liquid splattered onto the floor.

People had stopped talking and were starting to stare.

He put his arm around her shoulder and maneuvered her to sit on the stool.

“Don’t touch me!” She stumbled. “I can’t believe I believed you.” She put her hand on her sweating forehead. “All the things we did… What I let you do.” Her cheeks burned bright red. “I’m an idiot. The biggest fool there is… letting another tiger close to me.”

“What are you talking about, Cora? I called you. I called you every day. I told you I had to work late. I…”

She slapped him across the face hard. “Liar!”

He put his hand on his throbbing cheek. “I’m not lying.”

She put her hand against the wall. “Miles said you didn’t want to be seen with me–the fat girl.”

“He’s a liar. I’d never say that. I love you.”

Her eyebrows furrowed as if she were trying to figure out whether he was telling the truth. She laughed. “Really?” She flicked her hand toward a table where Caterina, Miles, and the rest of the Streaks were watching.

“Caterina showed me the text you sent Miles. Everyone’s been cracking jokes all night. Betting you’d stand me up or leave with another girl.”

“Cora, I never sent a text.”

“Really? I know your number, Seth. There’s no other way she could have gotten that on her phone.”

Shit, this was happening all over again. Just like high school.

He put his hands on her shoulders. “Cora, you have to believe me. I promise I wouldn’t hurt you.”

She knocked his hands away. “Too late.”

Lara ran over to Cora and put her arm around her shoulders. “Come on, Cora. I better get you home.”

Tears streaked down Cora’s face. “Seth, don’t ever call or come see me again.”

Lara led Cora away. People parted allowing them to move.

Miles leaned back on his chair with his hands behind his back. Caterina sat next to him, her face pale and her eyes saucer wide. Some of the Streaks had dumb-ass grins on their faces, while others were staring down at their drinks or avoiding his gaze.

He was done.

Seth headed over toward them. “Miles!”

Miles stopped smiling. “What is it buddy? Lose something?”

Seth snarled. His tiger wanted revenge and this time, Seth didn’t push it back. He tore off his jacket and tossed it onto the floor. He arched his back. His claws extended, his hair lengthened. Muscles and bones twisted and crunched.

People crowded away from the dance floor. The music stopped playing. Seth growled and his hackles bristled. He headed toward Miles, his claws scratching the hardwood floor.

“Fine.” Miles growled. “I’ve been waiting for years to take you down.” He ripped off his shirt. His muscles rippled and flexed.

“Miles, no.” Caterina put her hand on his arm. He shrugged it free.

The other Streaks stood as if to stand by Miles, but Miles held up his hand. “No one interfere.”

Just like high school, the Streaks obediently sat in their chairs.

Seth had no idea why Miles wanted to take him down and didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was Miles had hurt Cora again. This time, he would defend his mate.

Miles transformed into a tiger. They were evenly matched.

Seth didn’t wait for Miles to attack. He lunged first, his claws spread out wide, his ears pressed down to his head. Miles was ready, baring his teeth. He stood on his back legs and swiped one of his paws, tearing into Seth’s cheek. Pain ruptured in Seth’s face, and he sucked in his breath. His adrenaline spiked as he rolled onto his side, his paws in the air.

Miles towered over him, his fangs razor sharp. Spit splattered onto Seth’s forehead. Seth’s heart pounded, sending blood and adrenaline thumping through him. He kicked his leg hard. All the rage he held back surged through him like a lightning storm. He unleashed it on Miles and with everything he had, he kicked hard, smacking Miles in the tibia. A loud crack exploded in the room.

Miles yelped and crumpled onto the floor. He snarled. His leg was twisted in an odd angle.

Seth jumped onto his feet. He walked around Miles who got up on his paws, only to collapse again. He was vulnerable. He set back on his haunches and sprung, ready to rip out Miles’ throat.

Something hit Seth hard in the side and he flew backward. Agony gripped him. He gasped to breathe. A beautiful white tiger blocked his path, twitching its tail. All the Streaks still sat at the table.

The tiger didn’t move, but watched him warily. He suddenly realized the tiger was female––Caterina.

She transformed and stretched her arms wide as if to block a fight-to-the-death match. “No, Seth. I won’t let you kill him.”

Growling, Seth crawled to his feet and shook his head. He leaped to the side of Caterina, but she’d anticipated his move.

She kept pace with him. “I’ll fight you if I have to, Seth. I won’t let you hurt my mate.”

Seth snarled, pulling back his upper lip. His vision turned red and he gulped air to breathe. His throat ran dry. Miles deserved to be ripped apart after what he’d done to his mate, to Seth, and to Cora. Why the hell was Caterina protecting him?

“You don’t understand, Seth. There’s a reason why Miles hated you.”

Miles growled.

Caterina turned around. “He deserves to know.”

Miles’ ears were flat on his head and rage flamed in his yellow eyes.

Caterina knelt next to him and petted his head. “I love you, Miles. What happened to your dad isn’t Seth’s fault.”

Seth shook his head. Miles’ dad? He quickly transformed back into a man. Blood drizzled down his face. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Tears welled in her eyes. “Miles…”

Miles transformed back and gritted his teeth. “No, Caterina.” His leg was bent in a strange angle–definitely broken. “Don’t… tell him.” Sweat poured down his face and he tilted his head back.

Seth ran his hand through his hair. “Tell me what?”

Caterina cupped Miles’s face. “Miles, stop. Do you love me?”

Miles narrowed his eyes and Seth turned his head, not wanting to hear him rip his mate’s heart out. He was such a bastard.

“You know how I feel.”

“Miles.” She dropped her hands. “Say it.”

He bent his head back. “Yes, damn it. You know I love you. You’re my mate.”

She gestured with her arm. “Then tell him. He deserves to know. End this, Miles.” Tears poured down her face. “I can’t take this anymore. It’s tearing us apart.” She put her hand on her forehead. “Please.”

Seth clenched his fist, straining not to beat the truth out of him. “Miles, what is she talking about?”

Miles panted. “Your father… had an affair with… my mother.”

Seth’s skin tingled and his fingers turned numb. He was expecting a financial deal gone bad, but not this. “What?” He lowered his voice.

Caterina put her hand down. “It’s true, Seth. His mother told me herself. His dad couldn’t take it. He tried to commit suicide, but his wife found him. He’s never been the same since.”

“Because of your horny father, I lost mine.”

Gasps and slight murmurs broke out across the room.

“Shut up,” Miles growled.

Seth turned his head, his cheeks burning. He wanted to deny that his father had cheated on his mate. That he was an honorable man. That he loved his family more than anything. But it was his lie.

He hung his head. “I’m sorry.” He was surprised he meant it. He remembered how devoted Miles’ father had been to Miles, how he always came to his football games, how he’d brag about Miles. Something Seth’s father had never done for him.

“Your payment is still due. Tonight.”

Lara ran into the ballroom. “Seth, Seth.” She skidded to stop. “What happened? Oh, my God.” She put her hand over her mouth. “Miles, are you okay?”

Something was wrong. His pounding heart pushed against his ribs. Seth grabbed Lara’s arm. “Lara, what’s going on? Where’s Cora?”

She turned away from Miles. “Seth, I think she’s in trouble. She got into her car and sped off. I tried to take her car keys, but she wouldn’t listen. I saw red lights flashing down the road. I’m afraid of what’s happened. I tried calling her cell phone, but her purse is here.”

Seth bolted out of the ballroom and raced to his bike. He climbed on and tore off. God, Cora was in trouble all because of this damn feud between him and Miles. All because of his old man.

Sure enough, on Wadsworth, there were red and white lights were flashing. His gut tied into double-knots. He gripped the handle bars tighter. Two cop cars were parked and Cora sat in an ambulance while a technician dabbed at her bleeding forehead.

“Shit,” he mumbled under his breath.

Cora’s Pathfinder was smashed in an oak tree. He got off his bike.

A police officer held up his hand. “Whoa, buddy. Stay where you are.”

He pointed. “That’s my girlfriend, Cora Amici. What happened? Is she all right?”

The officer pulled out a notepad. “Who are you?”

“Reese. Seth Reese. We were at our high school reunion and she got drunk.” Because of me. “Is she hurt?”

“Paramedics says she’s got bump on her head and possible concussion. She was lucky, damn lucky, that she didn’t kill herself or hurt someone else. She’s fine, but she was drunk off her ass, nearly ran over a bicyclist, and crashed into a tree.”

“I need to see her.” Seth tried to brush past him, but the officer blocked his path.

“No, you can’t see her. She’s under arrest. I suggest you get her a good lawyer.”

“I need to see her.” He was more forceful and growled.

The officer’s eyes change to yellow. “I’m a shifter too. So back down, tiger. You don’t want to end up in the back of the squad car. You won’t be any help to your girlfriend.” He gestured with his finger. “What happened to your face? Were you in a fight?”

“No. I fell. Can I least find out where you’re taking her?”

“To the Arvada Police Department on Ralston Road.”

There wasn’t anything he could do here. He got on his bike and zoomed over to the department. Screw Miles’ deadline. Seth needed to find out about bail. He wouldn’t let his mate stay one night in jail.