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Hidden Hyena by Crissy Smith (5)

Chapter Five




Grant Stevenson should not have been working for a federal agency or anywhere near law enforcement. How in the hell did he get the job? The guy had had numerous complaints made against him, but they’d all been dropped.

The complaints, made by shifters, had increased in the past year.

Melissa knew in her gut there was something wrong with Grant. Now she needed to put all the pieces together. Magnus had every reason to be suspicious.

“I brought you a coffee.”

She glanced up at where Logan was leaning over her desk. “What?”

Logan held up a Styrofoam cup. “Coffee?”

“Oh, God, yes!” She reached for the cup.

He pulled it back. “Whatcha working on?”

“I’ll tell you if you give me the coffee,” she retorted.

Logan handed her the coffee.

Melissa took a sip before sighing. “I needed that.”

“Grant Stevenson,” Logan stated. “Tell me what you’ve found.”

She lifted an eyebrow.

“I talked to Trent last night. Then find you in the office before anyone else. I can put two and two together.”

“This guy is something else,” Melissa told him.

“I don’t disagree,” Logan said.

“Did Annabelle say anything about him?” she asked. There had to be more than the guy giving Annabelle the creeps. Melissa wished she was closer to Annabelle to get some answers.

“I haven’t asked her yet,” Logan said. “I wanted to find out what I could on my own first. I don’t want her involved in this investigation.”

Melissa smiled. “Please let me be in the room when you tell her.”

Logan snorted. “I won’t put it in those words. I’m not stupid.”

Melissa nodded as she drank more coffee. “Look at this.” She pushed a paper she’d printed out earlier. It showed all the cases in which Grant’s name had been mentioned. Even though nothing had gone to court, the digital age made record-keeping so much better.

“Shit.” Logan sat on the edge of her desk.

“He doesn’t like shifters,” Melissa said. “I’m trying to go back further to see where this hatred comes from. I’m not getting anywhere, though. There are some closed files that have to do with his family. I think it’s his brother. A judge ordered them sealed, however. Which is weird, because his brother isn’t a minor.”



Logan glanced toward the back, where the holding cells were located. “Have you checked on our prisoner?”

“No.” Melissa shook her head. “James was still here when I arrived. I offered to man the phones so he could take off. He checked on Bono just before he left.”

“I’m going to question him this morning before I have Fabian and Fredrick transfer him to the Coalition custody. He hasn’t said one word, but I’m remaining hopeful.”

“I hope you can get something from him,” Melissa said. “I wonder if it was Stevenson who Magnus followed the other night.”

“I don’t think so,” Logan said. “Magnus would have recognized his scent.”

“Oh, I didn’t think about that,” Melissa admitted. “It’s so cool everything you guys can do.”

Logan chuckled. “It helps, although we’re having trouble getting the courts to recognize our abilities. Saying you knew who the perp was because of his scent is controversial.”

“I bet,” Melissa commented. “Still, it narrows down the suspect list.”

“It does.” Logan rose. “I’d better get to work. You’ll let me know whatever else you find?”

“Of course,” she agreed.

He started to walk away but paused. “I wanted to say thanks.”

She turned her chair around. “For?”

“Looking out for Annabelle. She’ll be the first one to tell you she can take care of herself, and she can, but she doesn’t always think before she acts.”

“Annabelle is great. I don’t want anything to happen to her or anyone else around here. Magnus brought me in to keep everyone safe, and that’s what I’m going to do.”

Logan grinned. “So, anyway, thanks.” He walked away before she could respond.

Feeling better than she had in a couple of days, Melissa turned back to her research.

She ran through Grant’s associates and family. Maybe there was a connection there with a shifter somewhere. Scrolling through the information she found, Melissa started the painstaking task of trying to figure out Grant’s ultimate plan. Melissa was sure Grant was responsible for what was happening in Brookside.

The phone on the desk rang and she picked up the receiver. “Sheriff’s office,” she answered.

“Who’s this?” the male voice on the other end demanded.

Melissa rolled her eyes, but had to remain professional. “This is Deputy Bishop. Can I help you?”

“You’re the new one? The human?”

“Yes, sir, but I’m an experienced officer. Did you need some help?”

The man huffed. “This is Lewis Grainger. Someone has been trespassing on my land. I want the sheriff here.”

“Yes, Mr. Grainger. Can I get your address?”

He growled. “The sheriff knows where it is!”

“I understand, sir. If I could have it for my report, please? I’ll make a report and call Sheriff Magnus. Will that work?”

“Fine. It’s 211 Fairgrounds Road.”

“And have you seen anyone?”

“No, just footprints and the scent of someone I don’t know. I want this investigated. I know there is something fishy going on.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll get someone over there shortly.”

Mr. Grainger hung up on her.

“Great,” Melissa grumbled.

“Problem?” Logan called.

“A resident called and said he’s had trespassers on his property. He didn’t recognize the scent.”

“Where?” Logan asked.

“Two hundred blocks off Fairgrounds Road.”

“Call Magnus and tell him we’ll meet him there. The Graingers’ place is connected to the state park on the other side of town. It may be how the hunters are coming into town,” Logan said.

Melissa jumped to her feet while grabbing her cell phone. She made the call even as she scrambled to gather her belongings and shoved them into her bag. Logan was already striding toward the front door. She had to rush to catch up.

Remembering she’d promised to watch the phones, she stopped at Carl’s desk and hit the Transfer button before punching in her number. The calls would be redirected to her cell phone.

By the time she got outside, Logan was in his truck, motioning her to join him.

She raced over to the passenger side and yanked open the door. She jumped in, but before she could get the door closed, Logan was already backing up.

“Logan!” she called.

“Sorry!” Logan was speeding down the street. “We’ve been all over the stretch connected to the state park, but haven’t been able to locate where the hunters are coming in. This is our best lead so far.”

Melissa could understand why this was so important. If Magnus or Logan recognized the scents, they’d know who was involved. Who couldn’t be trusted. “Just don’t kill us on the way there.”

He slowed down. “Right.”

Logan didn’t have lights or sirens on his truck, but they still made it across town in a matter of minutes. He did take his foot off the gas when they reached the gates leading up a gravel drive. The gates were open and, as they drove forward, she saw an older man standing out front of the two-story ranch style home, holding a shotgun.

“Is that Grainger?” she asked Logan.

“I hope so,” Logan replied. He glanced over at her after stopping in front of the older gentleman. “Or we are going to have bigger problems.”

“Well, let’s talk to him.” She opened the door, but kept her hand by her side where her weapon was in reach.

“Mr. Grainger?” Logan called. He too was standing with his hand on his weapon.

“Who’re you?” Mr. Grainger asked. “Where’s the sheriff?”

“He’s on his way,” Melissa said. “I’m Deputy Bishop. I spoke to you on the phone.”

Mr. Grainger sniffed. “The human.” Then he turned his gaze to Logan. He sniffed again, but this time his eyes narrowed. “Lion?”

“Yes, sir,” Logan replied. He pulled out his badge and ID from his breast pocket. “I’m Agent Logan Coldwell with the Shifter Coalition.”

“Annabelle’s fellow?” Mr. Grainger questioned.

“Yes, sir.”

Mr. Grainger lowered the gun. “That’s fine, then. Come along and I’ll show you the tracks. I don’t have all day.”

Logan glanced over at her and grinned. Melissa rolled her eyes. Sure. She couldn’t be trusted because she was human and Logan being with the Coalition didn’t matter. But because Logan was dating Annabelle, they were now deemed acceptable.

The old man didn’t wait for them. He strode away.

It was a big place. There was a wooden fenced lining the outer edge of the property, but the fence was only about four feet high. Easy enough for someone to jump over.

“Keep up,” Mr. Grainger snapped.

Melissa hurried to catch up. Logan was peering around as she had been.

Once they rounded the house, there were several buildings scattered about. Perfect spots for someone to hide in. Melissa waved her hand to get Logan’s attention.

Logan lifted his head and sniffed. Then looked over and shook his head.

She had to trust Logan knew for a fact that no one else was around. Melissa didn’t feel comfortable, though, so she unsnapped her holster.

Neither shifter appeared nervous.

It must be nice to have such strong senses. Melissa could’ve used that enhanced ability when she’d been with the LAPD. Too bad the other cops hadn’t learned to utilize the skills the shifters could bring.

Mr. Grainger stopped around some stalls covered in hay but without any animals. Logan and Melissa stepped up on either side of the older shifter.

“There.” He pointed.

Melissa tried to see what Mr. Grainger was pointing at. There was nothing there.

“Ah,” Logan said. He crouched down. “At least three people.”

“The tracks weren’t here two nights ago,” Mr. Grainger stated. “I just moved the horses out to the pasture so I can fix up the stalls.”

“Yeah, they’re recent,” Logan agreed.

Melissa stepped closer before leaning down beside Logan. She saw the very faint outline of a boot. Wow, for Mr. Grainger to spot that, he has to have excellent sight even at his age.

“It’s not any of the men who work for me, either,” Mr. Grainger said. “The scent is human.”

Logan turned his head. “And I recognize one of the scents.” He nodded to Melissa.

“Stevenson?” she asked.

“Yep, one of the other scents is familiar, but I can’t place it. Not yet.”

“Does this have to do with the illegal hunting?” Mr. Grainger demanded.

“Sir…” Melissa stood. “Maybe you should—”

“Don’t you try to handle me, little missy. This is my community and I’ll protect it.” Mr. Grainger lifted the shotgun over his head.

She needed to deal with this situation right or the residents were never going to trust her. Logan started to stand, but Melissa waved him off. If she let Logan stick up for her, then she wouldn’t earn Mr. Grainger’s respect.

Melissa turned to the older shifter. “Mr. Grainger, you’re right—this is your community. It’s also mine. I know you’re concerned for your family, friends and neighbors. I share that concern as well. I might be human, but I am here to help. I was only going to suggest you go out front and wait for Magnus. He’ll be here any minute. He’ll want to talk to you to see if you’ve noticed anything else.”

Mr. Grainger nodded. “Of course. I should have thought about that. I’ll go wait for the sheriff.” He took off and Melissa sighed.

“Nicely done,” Logan praised.

“They’re never going to accept me,” she complained.

“Give it time.”

She snorted. “Which is exactly what Magnus says.”

“He knows what he’s talking about. When I arrived, I was an agent who was sticking my nose where it didn’t belong. No one would talk to me. They avoided me whenever I was around even after I started dating Annabelle. Finally, they’ve opened up and somewhat accepted me. But as you could see from earlier, I’m still not truly trusted.”

Okay, he has a point.

“Look at this here.” Logan pointed. “The way these footprints are more noticeable here mean they stayed here for a little bit. Maybe someone, Mr. Grainger or one of his men, was around. We’ll need to ask.”

“I never would have seen these on my own,” she admitted. Now that they’d been pointed out to her, she could see the evidence left behind.

“I could smell their sweat,” Logan told her. “So, I knew to look around. I can also distinguish that the scents are newer compared to the rest of the stalls. It’s not so much as picking them out as knowing that they don’t belong.”

“Okay.” Melissa peered around. “So, three humans come out of the state park and cross Mr. Grainger’s property. Someone is walking around, so they run in here. Wait until the coast is clear before moving on.”

“The question is, where did they go after leaving here?” Logan responded. “We didn’t have any incidents last night.”

“Huh.” If the unknown humans had been in Brookside, there had to have been a reason. “Maybe nothing’s been called in yet?”

“I have Mac checking.” Magnus strolled forward without Mr. Grainger.

“Sheriff,” Melissa greeted. “You have Mac checking for what?” Why did Mac have so much pull in the town? He wasn’t part of the sheriff’s department, and yet everyone, including Magnus, appeared to have no problem involving him in an official investigation.

“We have a communication program for the town. Mac makes a call, that person makes a call, until every resident is accounted for. It helps us keep any eye on what is going on inside the town without stepping on people’s toes. The residents move here for privacy, so the phone link is utilized during threats. Mac will make sure everyone is aware to look out for strangers.”

“Great. Hopefully you won’t get a call on me,” she replied.

Magnus shook his head. “They already know who you are.”

“Magnus, see if you recognize these scents,” Logan called over. “I’m going to take Melissa around to check if there’s any more evidence.”

“Fine.” Magnus strode forward. “I have Fredrick taking Mr. Grainger’s statement. Fabian and Carl are canvassing the south and east sections of the property, so you two take the north and west.”

“Yes, sir,” Melissa agreed. She winked at Magnus when he frowned at her. It wasn’t her fault she’d been trained to say sir all the time. Magnus didn’t like it, but it was a hard habit to break.

“Just get going,” Magnus griped at her.

Logan chuckled while leading the way from the stalls. Melissa followed. The property Mr. Grainger owned was very nice. Well-kept and large. The farther north they walked, the more distinct the smell of horses became.

“The horses would have been startled if it had been shifters sneaking around,” Logan said. “That would have alerted Mr. Grainger and he’d have met the trespassers with his shotgun.”

“He still might,” Melissa commented. “If whoever was here returns.”

“Good point. I’ll keep one of the men close by. Can’t have Mr. Grainger shooting anyone we might need to talk to.”

“We know Stevenson has been here. Isn’t that enough to bring him in for questioning?”

Logan shook his head. “Not yet. They don’t know we found out how they’re getting into the town. I don’t want to blow the first lead we’ve gotten.” He pointed toward a large pasture. “Head in that direction. Look for any signs someone has walked through the grass recently.”

“Where are you going?”

“I want to check out a few of the buildings. Plus the horses will spook if I go near them.”

Oh, yeah, the shifter thing. Maybe being human does have some advantages. “Sure.”

Melissa continued walking along, using her flashlight to help with her vision. She could smell the fresh grass, manure and the heavy odor of animal. She opened a latched gate before making certain it closed behind her. Two dozen horses stood grazing. She’d never been so close to such large animals. Being from the city hadn’t given her a lot of experience with any type of wildlife. Are horses considered wildlife? She didn’t know. Not that it mattered. She kept her distance, not wanting to upset the gentle creatures.

Just when Melissa though she was wasting her time, she spotted a cigarette butt lying on the ground.

It could be from Mr. Grainger or one of the workers, but it was suspicious since she hadn’t noticed any others.

Melissa crouched down where the cigarette butt was lying. There was also the tip of a boot print, probably from when the person stomped out the end. She narrowed her eyes, hoping to see if it was of the same boot as in the stall.

She couldn’t tell.

Pulling out her phone, she took a few pictures before standing. She looked up at the state park tree line several yards away. This could be the path that Stevenson and his cronies had taken. Melissa started forward, trying to remain on the same hidden trail they’d have taken.

As she walked farther from the house, the horses picked up their heads to watch her.

It was sort of eerie, the way those big dark eyes followed her movements.

A smaller brown horse, or colt, ambled over on skinny legs. Melissa stopped as the cute little guy nudged her side. She reached out, laying her hand on the magnificent beast’s side, feeling each breath the little guy took. Wow.

Movement by one of the large trees caught her attention and Melissa realized she was getting off-track. She patted the little colt’s side before trying to push him off. He pushed back harder, and Melissa almost fell over.

“Okay,” she said. “But I have to get back to work. We don’t want the lion to come look for me.”

Melissa marched toward her destination, unsure of what she’d seen from the corner of her eye. Probably some animal that didn’t want to be around the horses.

The colt stayed by her side as she hiked up the hill. This property was so large she was thinking once again that she needed to up her workout routine. She hadn’t done as much walking in the last five years as she’d done in one weekend.

But she felt good.

Melissa glanced over to the colt as he began to dance around. He kicked up his front legs while making some sort of soft sound. Since she didn’t speak horse, natural or shifter, she had no idea what was wrong with him.

Maybe he didn’t want to go so far from his herd?

She stopped walking. “Well, go back.” She motioned with her hand. “Find your mom or dad.” Damn, she hoped this was a natural horse, because if it was a shifter, he’d surely think she was nuts talking to a horse. “Go,” she said, anyway.

The colt pounded a front hoof into the ground in front of her.

Whatever. She turned her back and the colt took off in the opposite direction.

Guess he doesn’t want my company anymore.

Melissa took a step before a boom echoed around her. Fuck, she knew that sound. She looked around to see the horses scattering, making wild cries. Oh, God! Had someone shot a horse? Shit, the colt. She turned and heard a second blast.

Pain bloomed in her arm and she glanced down. Blood.

Melissa froze. She knew the sight of blood. But on her?

“Get down! Melissa! Get down!” Logan screamed.

She blinked at him as he ran toward her. Damn, he’s fast.

“Gun!” he yelled.

Finally, the events taking place snapped together. Melissa let her body go limp and crashed gracelessly to the hard floor. Someone had shot at her. Jesus Christ, I’ve been shot. Melissa covered her head with her uninjured arm, hoping to avoid any more bullets. She was out in the open, though. There wasn’t any cover around. She couldn’t even run for the trees as that was where she suspected the shots were coming from.

There was more yelling around as Logan ran past her. “Stay there. Magnus is right behind me.”

That’s nice. But she shouldn’t be lying down on the job when her boss arrived. Melissa rolled to her injured side so she could pull out her weapon with her right hand. At least she’d been shot in the left.

Her arm was throbbing, but the pain wasn’t as bad as she’d expected.

Of course, she’d never been shot before. Hell, she’d never shot anyone else either. Lying back on her stomach, she rested her right arm on the ground while trying to cover the direction Logan had raced off in. She couldn’t see him any longer, though.

“Melissa!” Magnus dropped down beside her. “Are you okay? Where are you hit?”

Melissa blinked up at him. She was beginning to feel sick to her stomach. “It doesn’t even hurt that bad,” she whispered. Shouldn’t her arm hurt worse? Was she dying, or something? If she died out here, would Trent know how much she regretted what she’d done? Maybe he’d forgive her? He could start his life over and not worry about her showing back up.

“Melissa. I need you to open your eyes,” Magnus ordered.

“Okay.” She complied. Magnus was leaning over her. looking worried. “I think I’m okay.”

“I’m going to take a look. Just remain still.”

“Logan—” She tried to sit up, but Magnus held her down.

“Fabian and Carl went after him. They’ll get the shooter.”

He moved around to her other side and lifted her arm. She cried out.

“Sorry,” he said. “There’s a lot of blood.”

“It’s okay,” she slurred. Her arm was going numb, so that had to be good.

Magnus wiped at her arm, which re-woke the pain.

“Ouch!” She tried to pull away, but Magnus held her wrist.

“I think you were grazed. I need to get a better look at your injury, though,” Magnus told her. “I’m going to wrap your arm.”

He yanked at his uniform shirt, the buttons popping off, then tore off a strip. As he tightened it around her biceps, she grunted.

“Sorry. It has to be tight to stop the bleeding.”

“It’s fine,” she responded.

“Let’s get you up.” Magnus helped her.

Melissa hissed, her hip aching from her fall.

“Are you hurt somewhere else?” Magnus demanded.

“No,” she answered. “I fell.”

“On your feet,” Magnus said. Melissa didn’t even have to move. Magnus picked her up before gently placing her on her feet.

She gripped her injured arm, holding it close to her body.

Magnus ran his hands over her shoulder then down her side. “Just your hip?”

Melissa had to think about the question. Her mind was blurry and she was exhausted. “Yes.”

“Okay, do you want to walk or for me to carry you?”

She scoffed. “You are so not carrying me.”

“I can,” he told her. “I’m strong enough.”

“Colt!” She pushed Magnus out of the way while stumbling back to where the horses had gathered into a tight circle. “Colt!” she called.

“What the hell are you doing?” Magnus growled. “Did you hurt your head?”

“No!” she exclaimed. “The baby horse was with me. Did he get shot?”

“There’s Grainger.” Magnus pointed. “We’ll have him look over his herd.” He walked over and Melissa leaned against him.

“That’s probably a good idea,” she said. “I couldn’t talk to Colt.”

“I’m not sure what you mean, but I think we need to get you to the hospital.” Magnus helped her walk across the pasture. Jeez, how far is the car? Her leg started to get heavy.

“Hold on,” Magnus told her. Then he lifted her into his strong arms.

Melissa laid her head against his wide chest. Magnus’s heart was beating against her ear in a soothing rhythm. “You need to calm down,” she told her boss.

“I’ve never had one of my deputies shot before,” Magnus said. “It pisses me off.”

Melissa giggled. “Me, too.”

Magnus grunted. “Relax. We’ll get you taken care of.”

“Is she all right?” Mr. Grainger had reached them.

“You have to check on Colt,” she told the old shifter. “I think he was trying to warn me someone was in the forest. He started to act funny then ran away. I don’t know where the first shot landed. I didn’t get hit until the second. Colt might be hurt!” She felt bad the little horse might have been injured for merely walking by her.

“I’ll check him out,” Mr. Grainger said. “I can see him over with his mom, so I think he’s okay.”

“You know what she’s talking about?” Magnus demanded.

Mr. Grainger winked at her and she had to grin back. Yeah, he knew. The colt would be okay.






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